What is Darsonval: darsonvalization of hair and facial skin

In Soviet times, the darsonval device was in almost all physiotherapy rooms, and the darsonvalization procedure was prescribed to patients with a variety of diagnoses. Nowadays, this device is more often used in beauty salons; many people buy it for home use. Meanwhile, not everyone understands the operating principle of darsonval, why it is needed, in what cases it is useless, and when it is indispensable.

What is darsonval

Darsonval is a physiotherapeutic device for influencing the skin and mucous membranes with high-frequency pulsed current. That is, this is one of the methods of electrotherapy.

The device received its name from the name of its creator, the French physiologist Arsene d'Arsonval, who was one of the first to study the therapeutic effect of high-frequency current on the human body.


  • What is darsonval
  • How to carry out darsonvalization
  • Efficiency and safety
  • Contraindications
  • When is it useful?
  • Use in medicine
  • Rules for darsonvalization at home

Nowadays, there are variations of the Darsonval apparatus for physiotherapy and cosmetology.

This device is often used as an additional method of treating dermatological, gynecological, urological, cardiac, dental and surgical diseases.

In beauty salons, this device is used in the treatment of cellulite, varicose veins, problem skin and hair growth disorders.

A modern darsonval is a compact device consisting of a generator, a transformer and electrode attachments of various shapes (elongated, T-shaped, scalloped, mushroom-shaped).

The most popular models on the market:

  • Gezatone BT-101 (a compact device made in France, suitable for home use, has 3 attachments: mushroom-shaped, curved and comb-shaped);
  • Gezatone Healthy Skin (designed for skin and hair treatments, suitable for the treatment of neurological diseases, made in France);
  • Gezatone Family Doctor (French compact device for local darsonvalization);
  • Gezanne (small-sized device, used mainly in beauty salons, intended for the treatment of skin problems (wrinkles, acne), suitable for neurological disorders; France);
  • Corona (a device for local darsonvalization made in Ukraine, suitable for the treatment of respiratory, vascular, neurological, skin diseases, also used to restore hair health);
  • Elad MedTeCo (a compact device made in Russia, used in dentistry, dermatology, cosmetology; in addition to standard attachments, there are nasal, ear, gingival, vaginal and rectal attachments).

Experts' opinion

Darsonval has been used in our country for more than a hundred years. Every physiotherapy room had a device that generated high-frequency currents. Its effect on the human body contributed to the elimination of many diseases.

Gradually, darsonvalization has become a popular salon procedure that helps fight many cosmetic problems, including wrinkles on the face.

However, according to experts, darsonval is not a panacea in the fight against aging skin. The procedure effectively helps eliminate wrinkles, but does not completely eliminate them. In addition, the final result largely depends on the physiological characteristics of the body. Therefore, cosmetologists cannot clearly guarantee how accurately the goal will be achieved, since each case is individual.

How to carry out darsonvalization

Darsonvalization is of two types: local (diathermy) and general (inductotherapy).

In the first case, individual areas of the patient’s body are exposed (contact or non-contact) with a glass electrode. If necessary, it is moved over the skin, hair, oral mucosa or injected into the rectum. During a darsonvalization session, a complex effect occurs of high-frequency current, electromagnetic radiation, ultraviolet radiation (weak influence), ozone, and nitrogen oxides. During the procedure, heat is generated in the tissues. Local exposure to darsonval is used in medicine, beauty salons, and at home.

General darsonvalization is not widely used and is practically not used in medicine. Not least due to the lack of specific equipment. The essence of the procedure is that the patient (sitting or lying down) is placed in the so-called d'Arsonval cage (oscillatory circuit coil). In this case, the impulses affect the entire body simultaneously. The mechanism of action of general darsonvalization has been poorly studied. Nowadays, researchers say that this method of physiotherapy calms the patient, lowers blood pressure, improves metabolism and blood microcirculation, tones the vascular network, and therefore can be useful for grade 1 or 2 hypertension, sleep disorders, neurasthenia, and disruptions in metabolic processes. General darsonvalization is useful for headaches and increases performance.

What does daily facial skin care consist of?

Daily care for different skin types includes several mandatory procedures:

  • Cleansing. Cleansing products are selected individually based on its type. It is better to give preference to products with a neutral pH without surfactants (alkalies).
  • Exfoliation. Tonics, due to their mild chemical action, dissolve dead cells on the surface of the skin, renew the skin, and restore radiance and freshness to the skin.
  • Hydration. The remedies work in two ways. And, as a rule, modern creams combine both options. The first method is water retention. Glycerin and hyaluronic acid in creams retain water molecules. The second method is to “lock” the water. Oils and silicones create a protective film on the surface of the skin that prevents water from evaporating. Step-by-step daily facial skin care, regardless of its type, necessarily includes the use of creams. The texture of the moisturizer depends on your skin type. The drier the skin, the denser the cream should be. It is also worth considering the advice of a cosmetologist on caring for the skin around the eyes. The skin in this area is thin and requires delicate care.
  • Protection. Taking care of your skin every day involves using products with ultraviolet protection. They are applied before going outside to exposed areas of the body.

Efficiency and safety

It is interesting that the therapeutic effectiveness of darsonval has not been proven, and at one time in the United States, advertising and sales of this kind of equipment were even punished with fines and destruction of goods. Today it is increasingly said that the effectiveness of darsonval depends on the individual characteristics of the body. The nature of the effect on the body can only be determined after a course of physiotherapy. But you should understand that you won’t be able to overcome chronic diseases or instantly improve the condition of your skin and hair with just one course. Physiotherapists and cosmetologists talk about the need for systemic treatment. But, if a person decides to undergo darsonvalization for the first time, he must be warned about possible adverse reactions.

The d'Arsonval device is designed to apply electric current to the human body. It is logical that many people have a question: how safe is such treatment? During darsonvalization, impulses affect the body according to a sinusoidal principle (waves) with a frequency from 110 to 400 kHz. For darsonvalization, a current of fairly high voltage (about 20 kV), but low strength (no more than 100-200 mA) is used. This type of electrotherapy does not cause significant changes in the body. The result of darsonvalization is based on improving the outflow of lymph and venous blood, which in turn “triggers” all the positive effects of the procedure. But, at the same time, many experts admit that any type of current cannot be completely harmless, since it always causes stress in the body and affects the physical and chemical reactions occurring in the human body. Pulsed current is especially dangerous in the presence of neoplasms: darsonval accelerates the growth of malignant tumors and leads to the degeneration of benign ones. If the device is used incorrectly, it can cause burns and aggravate existing diseases.

Possible consequences

Negative consequences after using Darsonval can occur if contraindications to the use of the device are ignored. High frequency current can significantly aggravate existing health problems.

Darsonvalization is fraught with dangerous consequences if benign formations are not diagnosed in time. Under the influence of pulsed current, irreversible processes of transition into malignant tumors can begin in them.

Before the darsonval procedure, you should collect as much information as possible about your own health so as not to cause irreparable harm to it.

Unpleasant consequences are possible if the darsonval operating mode was incorrectly selected or the duration of exposure of the skin to currents was disrupted. For example, if the power is too high, skin pigmentation or burns may occur.

If the rules for preparing the skin are violated, burns may also occur (use of alcohol-containing products, insufficient dryness of the skin).


Despite the fact that debate about the effectiveness of the device continues, most researchers agree with the opinion that darsonval is categorically contraindicated for some people.

Darsonvalization should not be performed by people with epilepsy, benign or malignant neoplasms, thrombophlebitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, cardiac arrhythmia, blood diseases and bleeding. The procedure is prohibited in case of acute mental disorders, fever, purulent processes in the body, hypersensitivity of the skin, poor blood clotting, as well as excessive growth of facial hair. This type of therapy is prohibited for children under 6 years of age, pregnant women, people with a pacemaker, as well as those with individual intolerance to darsonval.

Darsonval massager: benefits and harms, effects of current on the skin

In 5-7 procedures, the darsonvalization device demonstrates its effectiveness on the facial skin. The interaction of electric discharges with insolarization and ionization relieves inflammatory rashes, heals damaged tissue cells, and destroys bacteria and microorganisms that can cause harm. Quickly smoothes the relief, disinfects wounds and scars. By acting on nerve endings, the Darsonval current stimulates collagen synthesis, which rejuvenates the skin and makes it tightened. The impulse mechanism normalizes sweating and the function of the sebaceous glands. Expands capillaries and blood vessels, normalizes blood circulation. Quickly heals microdamages and increases the tone of the dermis.

After several massager procedures, the skin will become smooth, elastic, and light. The average voltage for the facial dermis is 7-12 kV. This current strength eliminates acne, wrinkles, fights pigmentation and the consequences of acne.

The optimal frequency parameter of the device should be from 100 to 125 kHz, and the current strength should be 0.02 mA, which is safe for using Darsonval.

When is it useful?

Pulsed exposure to high-frequency current helps improve blood circulation, tissue oxygenation, reduce the sensitivity of pain receptors, and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands. Local darsonvalization activates some biochemical reactions in the body, improves tissue trophism and increases the phagocytic activity of leukocytes (the protective function of white blood cells against viruses, pathogenic bacteria and toxins). The darsonvalization procedure is considered useful for relieving pain, muscle spasms, swelling and inflammation. Hardware treatment is used to increase immunity, improve skin elasticity and hair condition. In cosmetology, darsonval is used to increase muscle tone and accelerate the penetration of cosmetics into the deep layers of the skin and fiber.

Prevention of wrinkles

To prevent skin aging and wrinkle formation, strong exposure is not required. How to use Darsonval for preventive purposes:

  1. Only contact technique is used. The massage attachment fits tightly to the skin, but without pressing. In this case, the current strength will be less than with a non-contact massage.
  2. Darsonvalization is performed by moving along massage lines from the center to the periphery. No lateral movement required.
  3. The course includes fewer procedures - from 10 to 15.
  4. The session time does not exceed 10 minutes.

Use in medicine

In traditional medicine, physiotherapy using the Darsonval device can be used in different cases.

The most common indications for the procedure:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (varicose veins, coronary heart disease, obliterating endarteritis, early stage of Raynaud's disease);
  • disorders of the respiratory system (bronchitis, bronchial asthma, tracheitis);
  • ENT diseases (laryngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, tonsillitis, frontal sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, otitis, hearing impairment, inflammation of the auditory nerve);
  • disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system (insomnia, depression, neuroses, headaches, migraines, osteochondrosis, neuromyositis, neuralgia, radiculitis, inflammation of the nerve plexuses, consequences of spinal cord or brain injury);
  • diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, inflammation of the walls of the rectum, intestinal or gastric dyskinesia);
  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system (myositis, arthritis, polyarthritis, myalgia, periostitis, spondyloarthrosis);
  • gynecological diseases (colpitis, erosion, vulvitis, postpartum ruptures, vaginismus, amenorrhea, endocervicitis, cracked nipples);
  • urological disorders (cystalgia, cystitis, urinary incontinence, prostatitis, erectile dysfunction);
  • dental problems (stomatitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis, pulpitis, glossalgia);
  • problematic skin and hair (ulcers, non-healing wounds, frostbite, burns, scaly lichen, hematomas, eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, furunculosis, pustules, acne, scleroderma, stretch marks, scars, cellulite, wrinkles, porous and oily skin, infiltration, dandruff, seborrhea, baldness).

The principle of operation of the mechanism with procedures

The specificity of darsonvalization does not allow its use in parallel with many procedures. To know exactly what can be used during treatment with Darsonval, you should familiarize yourself with the following list:

  1. Mesoscooter. Used on different days.
  2. Manual and lymphatic drainage facial massage. There is no reliable information. Some cosmetologists do not recommend it, but some always do it before the procedure.
  3. Vacuum massage. Very rare, but combined.
  4. Gas-liquid peeling and the use of chemicals are allowed only 3 days after darsonvalization.
  5. Phonophoresis is combined in the same way as a mesoscooter.

This is what the main specific procedures look like, which are worth remembering during the darsonvalization course.

The use of darsonvalization for mechanical cleansing of the face

Mechanical cleaning is ideally combined and works with Darsonval. This is a fairly rough procedure, after which the skin needs to recover, the Darsonval principle improves blood flow and metabolism, which promotes accelerated damage recovery, scar prevention, irritation relief, as well as easy post-cleaning. Other methods of atraumatic cleaning are presented in this material.

Rules for darsonvalization at home

At home, using Darsonval, you can carry out both contact and non-contact procedures. The recommended course is 10-12 procedures.

Contact procedures at home are most often used to treat cellulite, varicose veins, prevent skin aging, against hair loss, and for a bactericidal effect. The procedure is performed using a glass electrode from which air has been pumped out. The session is accompanied by a so-called silent electrical discharge. If the electrical voltage is increased during the procedure, a spark discharge occurs, which is used for cauterization.

Non-contact treatment with high-frequency pulses is accompanied by a spark discharge and slight tingling of the skin. During the session, the electrode is moved above the skin (distance from 1 to 10 mm). This type of procedure is considered useful for neuralgia, hematomas, poorly healing wounds, and pain syndrome of various etiologies.

Before starting the session, a suitable electrode attachment should be treated with alcohol, dried, and only then turn on the device. Darsonvalization at home is carried out on clean and dry skin or hair. To avoid burns during the procedure, it is prohibited to use cosmetics containing alcohol or acids. Also, substances incompatible with ultraviolet radiation should not be used. Before darsonvalization, it is important to remove all metal-containing jewelry from the body, and during the procedure the patient should not touch other people.

For facial skin

Darsonval against pimples and acne is considered a very useful procedure, but it is not recommended to do it yourself at home. Electrodes are applied to skin that has been previously cleaned of cosmetics and dirt and then dried. If there are inflammations on the face, they are cauterized using a pointed nozzle using a strong current mode. The second stage is treatment of the entire surface of the face (except for inflammation and pustules) using the contact method using a flat nozzle. The duration of one session is from 2 to 10 minutes. The treatment course consists of 10-15 procedures.

If there are a large number of pustules and inflamed areas on the skin, then the procedure is carried out exclusively using a sharp nozzle. Each problem area is treated for no more than 10-15 seconds. After several sessions, when inflammation and suppuration begin to heal, a mushroom-shaped attachment is used to avoid scarring and relapses. With its help, the face is treated using the contact method. To disinfect the skin, massage it with a mushroom-shaped nozzle for 7-10 minutes. The procedure is carried out every other day. The full course consists of 10-15 massages. In beauty salons, before darsonvalization, the face is often treated with special products that do not contain acid or alcohol.

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A mushroom-shaped electrode is also used to combat wrinkles. Sometimes the procedure is carried out by applying cream to the skin. It is important to follow the correct trajectory of the nozzle: from the collarbone to the chin, from the nose to the ears, across the forehead to the hairline. The current strength during the session increases gradually (until a feeling of pleasant warmth). Darsonvalization of the eyelid skin is strictly prohibited. The anti-wrinkle treatment course consists of 20 daily procedures, 5-20 minutes each. During the year you can take 2-4 courses of darsonval.

To lift the skin of the face, you will need the same mushroom-shaped electrode, but in this case they resort to a non-contact method of therapy. The device is held at a distance of about 0.5 cm from the surface of the face. It is interesting that after the first few procedures, skin problems may worsen, but usually after 5-7 sessions, cell regeneration begins, the color and condition of the skin improves.

For cellulite

Darsonvalization helps in the fight against cellulite of various types and stages. But the most noticeable results are obtained by treating the initial stages of the disease. To achieve the effect of hardware treatment, experts advise additionally following a special diet.

High-frequency current pulses irritate nerve receptors and improve blood circulation, which in turn activates metabolism and the breakdown of fat cells in the subcutaneous layers. In addition, darsonvalization tones problem skin and tightens it. It is useful to combine hardware treatment with anti-cellulite agents: under the influence of impulses, the active substances penetrate faster and deeper into the tissue, as a result of which their effect is enhanced.

Basic facial skin care: advice from a cosmetologist

During the day, a lot of impurities accumulate on the surface of the skin, which may not be visible to the naked eye. Foundation, powder, and dust particles settle on the surface of the skin and clog pores. The skin glands secrete oil, which normally moisturizes the skin and regulates pH.

If the lipid balance of the skin is disturbed and skin care is not carried out competently every day, this can cause a number of problems:

  • clogged pores
  • inflammation and acne
  • violation of breathing and skin nutrition
  • decreased elasticity
  • the appearance of wrinkles, etc.

Proper daily skin care consists of several stages. The cosmetologist selects the products taking into account age, skin type, the presence and intensity of defects.

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