How to make beautiful cheekbones on the face of guys and girls

When looking at a person, we do not single out any one part of his face, assessing the totality of features as a whole. But according to statistics, it is the outline of the cheekbones that determines the overall impression of one’s appearance. High, chiseled cheekbones are the most prized, but not everyone can boast of them.

Fortunately, there are many ways to help correct the shape of your cheekbones to make your face more expressive and attractive.

  • 3 The meaning of cheekbones as a sign of beauty and youth
  • 4 How to maintain high cheekbones?
  • 5 Methods of aesthetic correction
  • 6 Conclusion
  • Anatomy and structure of cheekbones

    Before you find out what forms of cheekbones exist and how they can be changed, you need to understand what they are – cheekbones. These are large paired arched bones of the facial part of the skull, which are located approximately at the level of the auricle and form the lower border of the eye sockets.

    The zygomatic bone is connected by special processes to the temporal, frontal, sphenoid bones, as well as the upper jaw. This is the strongest bone in the face. Together with the upper and lower jaws, it forms the basis of the face and determines its shape.

    The visual perception of a person’s appearance largely depends on where the cheekbones are located and what shape they have. Due to the presence of a characteristic convexity on the outer side of the cheekbones, their location on the face determines how it appears - wide and round or narrowed and elongated.

    Stellar examples

    Among the stars there are many examples of appearance with large cheekbones. Highly raised raised cheeks are considered fashionable. No one considers this feature a disadvantage. Many even specifically pump in fillers and undergo plastic surgery to acquire clearly defined contours. Many celebrities have outstanding cheekbones: Angelina Jolie, Demi Moore, Paris Hilton, Alexa Chung, Mena Suvari, Jodie Kidd, Kate Moss.

    Angelina Jolie and Demi Moore

    Paris Hilton and Alexa Chung

    A face with wide cheekbones can hardly be called a defect. Many people strive for this type of appearance. It is necessary to specifically correct an individual characteristic in exceptional cases. Although the correct selection of haircut, styling, and makeup for a holistic harmony of appearance has not been canceled.

    Useful tips for choosing a haircut and hairstyle for other face types:

    • for trapezoidal face;
    • for rectangular;
    • for triangular;
    • for round;
    • for elongated;
    • for oval.

    Shapes of cheekbones depending on face type

    There are several types of cheekbones, differing primarily in shape and location features relative to the skull. There are 5 main types:

    • tall;
    • low;
    • wide;
    • located in the center;
    • small.

    Specialists (such as makeup artists or surgeons) can determine the shape of the cheekbones just by looking at a person. It will be more difficult for a non-professional. One option is to retract your cheeks as much as possible. Then the skin will cover the cheekbones, and their contour will become more pronounced.

    Cheekbones depending on face shape


    When listing what types of cheekbones there are, most will name high ones first. They are considered the ideal of beauty for both women and men. High cheekbones begin at the temples and taper downward, curving near the eye sockets. Regardless of how pronounced this type of cheekbones is, the face will look narrowed at the bottom. Typically, this type of cheekbone is found in people with a long, oval or heart-shaped face.

    Women with this type of cheekbones need to watch their weight. If even a few extra pounds appear, the face will look plump, and a thin face with high cheekbones will look sickly. But you can easily do without contouring and bright cosmetics with such facial features. The face will be expressive even with nude, discreet makeup.

    Those with high cheekbones are credited with such qualities as confidence, determination, and a desire for leadership.


    Low cheekbones are much more common among representatives of the stronger half of humanity, but they are not very uncommon for beautiful ladies. The outlines of low cheekbones in women are softer, rounded, while in men they are more angular and massive. They start from the earlobe and with a smooth bend reach the corner of the mouth. Most often, such cheekbones are found in people with round, square, or triangular faces.

    People with low cheekbones are characterized as calm and persistent people who achieve their goals.


    This type of cheekbones is also called Mongolian, as they are a distinctive feature of people of the Mongoloid race. If you look closely, you will notice that wide cheekbones very often follow the shape of the lower jaw. They are most often found in people with square or round faces. Girls with large cheekbones need to be careful when using contouring products so that the makeup does not look grotesque. This especially applies to those who have a narrow forehead or small chin.

    People with wide, high-cheekbone faces are characterized by such qualities as endurance and determination.

    Centrally located

    Cheekbones located in the center are much less common than other types. Most often their owners are women with heart-shaped, oval or round faces. Their distinctive feature is the appearance of clearly visible “apples” on the cheeks when smiling. Girls with this form of cheekbones should not highlight the cheekbone area too actively, since too strongly pronounced cheekbones of this type attract attention, distracting it from the eyes and lips.

    Little ones

    Small cheekbones are most common in women with round faces. This variety is also called Asian. Those with expressionless cheekbones have cheeks that practically do not rise when they smile. In this case, correct makeup with an emphasis on the cheekbone area will help make your face more sculpted and attractive.

    How to recognize a fracture of the zygomatic bone

    A fracture of the zygomatic bone causes severe pain when opening the mouth.
    The cheekbones protrude on the face, so when bumps and falls often occur, a fracture of the zygomatic bone occurs with or without displacement.

    Signs of a fracture:

    • impaired jaw mobility;
    • The jaw begins to hurt very much when opening the mouth;
    • change in the shape of the face, soft tissues begin to swell, swelling rapidly increases;
    • hemorrhage in the lower part of the eyelid, conjunctiva, hematomas on the upper jaw;
    • nosebleeds from the injured cheekbone;
    • headache;
    • blurred vision.

    If a fracture is suspected, a person’s damaged cheekbone should not be adjusted independently. As first aid, you need to treat the wounds, stop the bleeding, apply a sterile bandage, and apply a cold compress. Further assistance should be provided by doctors.

    The meaning of cheekbones as a sign of beauty and youth

    Numerous studies prove that in most cases, women's cheekbones are more rounded and more prominent than those of men. These are fairly average data, because facial anatomy is very diverse, there are many women with inconspicuous cheekbones and men with prominent ones.

    Young face

    Expressive cheekbones in girls are beautiful. Their owners are often credited with ideal facial proportions. There is actually a simple explanation for this. The cheek bone is a support that maintains the soft tissues and skin of the face in a taut state. With age, bone structures become thinner, and the layer of subcutaneous fat decreases. The zygomatic bone also becomes thinner. As a result, the face loses volume, tissues sag, the contour floats, wrinkles, jowls, and a double chin appear.

    So the longer you maintain pronounced cheekbones, the longer your face will remain young and attractive.

    Useful tips

    To apply loose cosmetics, choose brushes with natural bristles; for cream-textured products, choose brushes with synthetic bristles.

    1. When choosing cosmetics, you should not save money. It is better to stock up on expensive but high-quality products and be happy with the results obtained, rather than later be upset by the effect obtained when using a cheap fake.
    2. You need to pay attention to the brushes with which you apply makeup. Brushes made from natural bristles are designed for using cosmetics with crumbly textures. For cosmetics with a creamy texture , it is better to use a brush with synthetic hairs .
    3. To obtain the maximum contour of the cheekbones, the corrector should be applied in short and frequent strokes, which are then thoroughly shaded .
    4. You need to make sure that the brush gets exactly the amount of powder that needs to be applied to the face . Excess powder is very difficult to remove without ruining the previously applied makeup.

    Find out now about eyelash lamination. Advantages, reviews and consequences of lamination.

    How to maintain high cheekbones?

    In order to maintain beautiful cheekbones, women (and sometimes men) use several methods:

    • massage;
    • special exercises;
    • change in diet.

    Massage is perhaps the most pleasant way to get beautiful cheekbones or visually slightly stretch a wide-cheeked face. The procedure helps improve the outflow of lymphatic fluid, blood microcirculation, and prevents the accumulation of fat in the cheekbones and cheeks. As a result, the face becomes more expressive.

    Facial exercises increase muscle tone, activate blood circulation, combat ptosis and fat deposits, and make the contours of the face more pronounced.

    Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are important. Naturally, there are no products that would help change the shape or location of the zygomatic bone. But a balanced, nutritious diet and adherence to a diet will help:

    • firstly, to prevent the appearance of excess weight, which is primarily reflected on the face,
    • secondly, improve the quality of the skin, including making it more elastic and toned.

    Thus, nutrition indirectly affects the condition of the cheekbones.

    If possible, you should remove sweets, smoked foods, fatty meats, salty and fried foods from your diet, and add more fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits, nuts and seeds.



    Special exercises will help remove cheekbones at home. Their action is aimed at redistributing subcutaneous fat and tightening sagging cheekbones. They will not be able to reduce the bone, but they can make the face slimmer and more impressive, and add beauty to its lateral parts.


    A daily massage will help narrow your cheekbones, tone your lower muscles and remove your double chin, making your face slimmer.

    1. Open your mouth, exposing your teeth.
    2. Use your fingers to make circular movements in the direction from the cheeks to the temples.
    3. Having reached the temples, fold your lips into a tube and stretch them forward.
    4. Massage in the opposite direction - from the temples to the cheeks.
    5. Repeat 10-12 times.

    Set of exercises

    Another way to help remove cheekbones is intensive training of the facial muscles. They lead to weight loss and visually stretch the oval.

    1. Inhale air by stretching your lips into a tube. Hold for 10-12 seconds.
    2. Tightening all your muscles, sing with tension all the vowels.
    3. Take air into your mouth and hold it inside, creating an air bubble. Roll it from side to side.
    4. Place your palms on your cheekbones, apply pressure, pointing your fingers up towards your ears.
    5. Make movements with your head that resemble diving. Lower your chin to your chest, then lift your head in a circle.

    Exercises with improvised means

    Some devices are used during face-building exercises and help remove cheekbones.

    • Wrap a long scarf around your head. Try to wrap it around. As close to the base of the skull as possible. Leave the ends of the scarf on the forehead side. Having fixed your head, pull the ends of the scarf up without creating sudden movements.
    • The use of roller massagers can tighten the skin and make the appearance more slender; the cheekbone area is also significantly tightened. The lower jaw and adjacent areas need to be treated more intensively.

    Methods of aesthetic correction

    Proper makeup will help to emphasize your cheekbones or, conversely, make them a little less pronounced. The main thing is to correctly place accents, using dark and light shades, creating the desired balance of light and shadow. Matte blush and powder, highlighter, foundation, and bronzer are suitable for visual correction.

    If the result obtained with decorative cosmetics lasts until the first wash, then cosmetic procedures give a longer lasting effect. Both hardware and injection techniques are used to correct cheekbones. Most often, cosmetologists suggest the introduction of fillers.

    The most radical way to change facial features is plastic surgery. Surgical intervention allows, among other things, to adjust the shape and size of the cheekbones, cheeks, and chin. This may include installation of implants, removal of Bisha's lumps, or lifting.

    With hairstyle

    Perhaps the most effective method for hiding wide cheekbones is a haircut or hairstyle made taking into account all the protruding parameters of the face. In general, it is better to give preference to long curls, but for lovers of short haircuts, there are also several tricks that help give a slim appearance and hide its angularity.


    Girls with wide cheekbones are more suited to light, weightless haircuts, and it is better to avoid clear and strict lines in their hairstyles. Hair should fall in soft waves, covering the sides. Therefore, the effect of raggedness and slight negligence is welcome. This principle also dictates the choice in favor of asymmetry, but again not geometric, but blurred. This can be achieved by processing the ends of the strands with thinning scissors.

    It is better to style short haircuts by tucking the ends inward, framing the lower part of the face with them.


    The rejection of straight, strict lines also applies to bangs. The best way to hide cheekbones is to have thin, sparse bangs towards the bottom. Ideal if it has a side parting leading to it. Lush bangs with straight ends and a straight parting that goes with it are not suitable for girls with prominent cheekbones. Sometimes the absence of bangs can work to your advantage and successfully remove massive protrusions on the sides.


    One of the most successful options for camouflaging protruding cheekbones with a hairstyle is high curls. This allows for lengthening of the face and neck as opposed to width. Even better is to let soft wavy curls on the sides. Finally, a bright and eye-catching accessory in the hairstyle will help to distract attention from the lower part of the face - a hairpin with crystals playing in the light, a large flower, a fancifully tied scarf or an interesting headband.

    Tip: the principle of diverting attention from a problem area with the help of a bright accessory applies not only to hairstyles. An unusual brooch on the chest or a necklace can also remove unnecessary emphasis from the problem area.

    There are many ways to avoid plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures that reduce cheekbones. They all allow you to save a lot of money and will not cause any harm to your health.

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