Permanent eyebrow makeup: what is it (before and after photos)

Photo: Not everyone has been blessed by nature with luxurious sable eyebrows, which are now in fashion. If you don’t like their shape, thickness or color, but don’t want to constantly waste time on coloring, there is a way out! Previously, permanent eyebrow makeup was not very successful, but now everything has changed. Let's talk about the features of the procedure!

What is permanent makeup

The principle of permanent is reminiscent of a tattoo - the pigment is embedded under the skin. But, unlike a tattoo, the paint remains only in the upper layers. Therefore, the result looks natural and the discomfort is minimal. Unless over time it gradually brightens and correction will be needed. But if one day you want to change something, you won’t have to painfully remove the paint for years.


How long does permanent eyebrow makeup last?

There is no single standard for all cases, because the technique, skin type, paint, care, and the presence of correction all affect. On average, this is 1-2 years, although for some it can be up to 5 years. Dark shades fade more than light ones, the hair technique lasts longer than the powder technique, and on oily skin the pigment fades faster.


Three main technologies

with which eyebrows are corrected:

  • hair method,
  • combined,
  • blending is soft.

The question itself, which will last longer, is not correct. One or another tattooing technology is chosen based on the effect they want to achieve. Then girls are interested in how long eyebrow tattoo lasts? You will find the answers in the article.

Those who want to significantly change the shape of their eyebrows, for example, make them wider, choose the hair method. At the same time, the hairs are carefully drawn and the result is very similar to natural eyebrows. They become thicker and more beautiful. The vast majority of girls like it. Of course, guys sometimes resort to such tattoos. These are either actors, people of creative professions who need to look bright on camera, or teenagers.

The hair method is good and appropriate if your eyebrows are naturally sparse, narrow and not the shape you want. If eyebrows are too light, we do not recommend tattooing in 2016, since bleached ones are in trend. It happens that eyebrows are somewhat asymmetrical. This is true for everyone, but for some it is not very pronounced, while for others it is obvious. Asymmetry can irritate a girl, and she uses the hair method to make them approximately the same.

Thanks to the shading, which is done softly, the eyebrows look more voluminous and fluffy. The lines here are continuous. After everything heals, it will seem that the woman used a correction pencil a little.

What's happening to your eyebrows

With permanent makeup, the needle penetrates only under the surface layers of the skin. The hair follicles lie much deeper, so they will not be damaged in any way. Also, before the procedure, you do not need to shave your eyebrows - on the contrary, they help you build a suitable shape and choose a shade.


What is the effect of “correct” eyebrows

It’s easiest for those ladies who know what they want their eyebrows to be like in shape, size and color. For them, the procedure will be quick – within an hour.

In the case when a client asks to make her eyebrows perfect, the manipulation will take a lot of time, and most of it will be spent on choosing a sketch that matches the parameters of the face.

Ideal eyebrows are considered to be those that distract attention from the shortcomings of one's appearance and emphasize only its advantages. They should make the face as harmonious as possible, reflecting individual femininity and natural zest.

If you yourself don’t know what your eyebrows should be, it’s best to first go to a makeup artist, have them professionally corrected and colored in order to see and adequately evaluate the resulting makeup, which will still have the opportunity to be corrected. In another case, if you hastily select a sketch of the eyebrows you like, there is a possibility of getting a negative result that does not correspond to your idea of ​​the ideal shape.

How to choose eyebrow color

To make the result look as natural as possible, you need to choose a shade that matches your hair color and color type as a whole. For example, blondes are recommended to use light brown tones a couple of shades darker than their native ones. Light-skinned brunettes should choose a chocolate range, and dark-skinned brunettes should use dark brown and black shades.

For owners of light brown and ash-colored hair, gray and gray-brown colors are best suited. For redheads - muted terracotta or chestnut, and for ladies with noble gray hair - gray and brown. Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of pigments that can be combined and mixed, so this is not a problem!


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Ladies and young ladies who have undergone permanent makeup, in their reviews, note the possible “pitfalls” that they encountered: pain during the permanent procedure and in the first days of recovery, the feeling of a wound on the face, which during correction the pain is more pronounced.

There are claims that after a certain time the color of the tattoo turns blue and turns into a banal Zonov tattoo.

All recommendations lead to one thing - choose a competent specialist and the described problems will not occur.

Choosing an eyebrow shape

The shape is always selected individually, taking into account the natural appearance of the eyebrows and the contours of the face as a whole. Conventionally, all options can be divided into four categories - straight, curved, rounded and with a break. They can be low, medium or high according to the location of the arch.

Keep in mind that permanent makeup greatly affects your facial expression. For example, eyebrows that are too lowered make the look look heavy, while eyebrows that are too raised make you look eternally surprised. If you wear glasses, be sure to come to the specialist wearing them to take into account the specifics of the frame.


How is the procedure performed?

Initially, the master must clean the eyebrow area with a special antiseptic solution. Then he draws the contour of the future eyebrows, agreed upon with the client, over all the hairs. Next, if necessary, anesthesia is applied in the form of applying a layer of cream containing lidocaine, which begins to act within 10 minutes. The specialist selects the desired diameter of the needle and inserts it into a special working tool - a gun for permanent makeup.

The session begins with working out the extreme lines along the contour, from which strokes go to the middle part of the eyebrow arches and further throughout the entire area. If the client has a medium to high pain threshold, this procedure can be performed without the use of anesthesia. During the work process, the master periodically removes excess coloring pigment and lymph secretion from the surface of the treated skin. At the end of the procedure, the specialist treats the injured skin surface with an antiseptic solution or antibacterial composition, after which the client goes home.

Permanent eyebrow makeup techniques

For a long time now, no one has been making those terrifying graphic threads that the unfortunate owners then correct for years. Let's talk about modern techniques!

Hair technique

The master draws eyebrows literally hair by hair with thin strokes, so that from a distance they cannot be distinguished from real hair. It looks more natural if you use several adjacent colors in the same range and change the direction of the strokes. This is a great way for those whose eyebrows are too faded or sparse.


Powder technique

This is a soft and delicate blend, leaving a slight haze as a result. Eyebrows become more expressive, but not too bright - as for daytime makeup. A sprayer is used to work, and the shades are layered like a gradient. This is the most atraumatic technique, which causes almost no discomfort during the procedure.


Combined technique

To make eyebrows look as impressive as possible, experts combine hair and powder techniques. The process uses several shades for smooth transitions. You can also adjust the density of the outline.



Technically, this is a slightly different procedure, but the essence is the same - to introduce pigment under the skin. The craftsman manually makes small cuts and scratches with thin strokes and fills them with pigment. When the skin is restored, microblading looks very natural.


Advantages and disadvantages of tattooing

How permanent makeup is done, pros and cons.

Positive sides:

  • perfect eyebrows that do not require care every day;
  • saving time;
  • changing the usual contour of the eyebrows.


  • after a permanent procedure, natural hair becomes weaker;
  • in case of errors by the master, the possibility of obtaining a result that is exactly the opposite of what was expected;
  • redness and damage to the skin after tattoo removal;
  • painful permanent procedures, both application and removal.

Does it hurt?

The answer to this question is clear – it hurts. Any type of makeup means repeated puncture of the skin with needles and it cannot be pleasant. But, as a rule, before permanent procedures, the surface of the skin is treated with painkillers such as gels or ointments with anesthetics.

Of all the types of permanent makeup, the least painful is the powder spraying method, since the depth of the punctures is shallow and does not require filling the entire eyebrow area with paint as tightly as possible. It’s true that this coating lasts no more than a year or a year and a half.

Stages of permanent eyebrow makeup

The process may seem scary, but it's actually quite simple. Avoid alcohol, solarium and sunbathing in advance. First, the master cleanses the skin, models the arch and, if desired, applies anesthesia. After marking and choosing a shade, a machine with a small needle introduces pigment.


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Eyebrow care

The specialist will give recommendations, taking into account your skin type and pigment depth. Basically, you shouldn’t wash your face for the first couple of days, and use chlorhexidine and cotton swabs for cleaning. You cannot rub or wipe anything, take a hot bath, go to the sauna or to the beach.

You can apply healing and softening ointments so that the crusts do not dry out too much and go away faster. On hot days, be sure to protect your eyebrows from the sun. You shouldn't put sun block on them, but use glasses and a hat.


Where can I do it?

The tattooing procedure is taught quickly, so there are a lot of masters in this field. Before you decide to correct your eyebrows, you need to carefully choose a specialist. Many people work from home. Others provide this service in specialized salons or clinics. When choosing, pay attention not to the place, but to the experience of the person you trust with your face, look at examples of his work. Popular places in Moscow where most clients go are:

  • DeltaClinic;
  • Good Hands;
  • Mywaytattoo;
  • Style-salon.

How eyebrows heal

Swelling, irritation and redness practically disappear within a day, with the exception of those with overly sensitive skin. After another day, the shade becomes darker and brighter. After a couple of days, dry crusts form that cannot be peeled off or touched. They should come off on their own - this takes 5-7 days.

After this, the shade of the makeup will lighten because it will be overgrown with a new stratum corneum of skin. The final result can be assessed after a few weeks. After about 1.5 months, correction is prescribed as necessary.


Post-procedure care

In the first hours and days after the manipulation, it is necessary to properly care for the eyebrow area in order to prevent the occurrence of unpleasant consequences and inflammatory reactions.

Follow these guidelines:

  1. During the first day after the procedure, you should lubricate the eyebrow area with a thick layer of a special cream that contains panthenol or streptocidal ointment.
  2. Three times a day, it is necessary to wash this area with a special soap solution to remove any remaining protruding lymph. Approximately on the third day after the session, crusts may form in the eyebrow area, which are strictly forbidden to be picked off! At the right time, they will disappear on their own and without your participation! If you perform proper care and follow all recommendations, crusts may not appear.
  3. You must constantly moisturize this area of ​​the face and prevent it from drying out and tightening the skin. For the first 3 days after the procedure, it is not recommended to wet the eyebrows with water, and also to apply decorative cosmetics to the face, which can bring bacteria onto damaged skin that can cause a severe inflammatory reaction.

Is eyebrow tattoo correction necessary?

The first correction is carried out after the procedure to correct minor imperfections, correct the shape and final shade. At the same time, the master will evaluate how the healing went. The following corrections are made as the pigment fades, on average once every 1.5 years. They are usually faster, easier and cheaper than the first procedure.


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How to extend the durability of a tattoo

In order for permanent makeup to last as long as possible, you need to properly care for your eyebrows after the procedure. It is worth considering that the dye gradually fades when exposed to sunlight.

In order for a tattoo to delight you with its beauty for a long time, you need to follow simple rules after performing hair micropigmentation:

  • avoid exposure to direct rays of the sun;
  • when visiting a solarium, apply special creams with ultraviolet protection;
  • carefully choose cosmetics for skin care;
  • Avoid the use of peelings and scrubs in the eyebrow area.

Is it possible to remove permanent eyebrow makeup?

If the procedure was unsuccessful or for some other reason you want to get rid of the permanent, there are two ways. It’s a long time to wait until the paint fades naturally and make corrections. A faster option is laser removal, but keep in mind that you will need a series of unpleasant procedures that can also take a year.


Contraindications for eyebrow tattooing

No one is immune from individual sensitivity or intolerance. To determine whether you have allergies or problems with the skin’s perception of pigment, a small test is done.

There are also standard contraindications for any tattoo - acute inflammation, poor blood clotting, malignant tumors, a tendency to form keloids, viruses, fungi, epilepsy. It is not recommended to get tattooed during pregnancy, while breastfeeding or at the beginning of your cycle. We advise you to consult your doctor in advance!


Permanent eyebrow makeup – before and after photos

To help you finally decide whether you want to get your eyebrows done, and to understand what it looks like in real life, we have collected a large selection of before and after photos!




























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Basic techniques

Eyebrow masters call permanent procedures differently. There are only three main types of techniques: hair, microblading and powder. Each of these methods was mentioned earlier. Now let's look at some of them in more detail.

  • Voloskovy. There are two varieties of it: classic (European) and oriental.
  • Microblading.
  • Powder spraying or shooting.

Permanent eyebrow makeup is shading. Eyebrows are not plucked or shaved here. The method is reminiscent of working with a pencil, when you can make them thicker, thicker, longer. After shading, the eyebrows are well adjusted.

Microblading also deserves attention. This type of tattoo has fans and opponents. Regular microblading courses take two days, because from a technical standpoint this method is quite simple and easy. This means for an experienced master, and not for a beginner from the street.

In the photographs, the results of microblading look quite natural, there are also plenty of positive reviews, which is why there are plenty of people who want to do it for themselves.

By the time of correction, the consequences of the tattoo have time to heal and it is not difficult for the artist to repeat the makeup again. However, this technique is not suitable for many Europeans with their thin skin.

In addition, before going for it, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with what awaits women who decide to undergo this procedure. What happens is this: The missing hairs are scratched by the needle on the skin, resulting in a scar at the site. How many hairs, so many scars. But there are no photos on the Internet yet after healing. As well as negative reviews about this method.

For those who are not ready for such radical techniques as microblading or tattooing, cosmetologists can offer spraying. This method is still new for most salons, and is also performed using a needle. The only difference is that the puncture depth for applying paint is small. However, this method is not suitable for everyone. If there are large areas with sparsely growing hair, then spraying will not help here.

How do they do it?

Execution steps:

  1. The shape and color are chosen.
  2. Next it is worked on with a pencil. Hair is tucked under a headscarf.
  3. Treatment is carried out with antiseptics and anesthetics. All work is carried out wearing medical gloves.
  4. Introduction of pigment. The first stage is tattooing, after half an hour - correction.
  5. Applying anesthetic ointment.

For women with thinning and blond hair, full shading is recommended. For those unsatisfied with the shape of their eyebrows, the hair technique is suitable.

Any type of tattooing should be done only in a salon, where disposable needles with a thickness of 0.7 to 1 mm are used, threaded into a tattoo gun. The procedure begins with the outer contour lines and leads to gradual filling in of the entire eyebrow. After an hour, the eyebrows acquire the planned color and shape. The specialist lubricates the treated areas with an antiseptic and gives recommendations on skin care.

Important! If there are manifestations of allergies, then you should drink anti-allergenic drugs even before the procedure, and on the day of the procedure, do not drink coffee, especially alcohol. This increases bleeding from punctures, and along with blood and ichor, paint will come out, which will nullify all the efforts of the master.

You should also remember well that the drawing is applied only in a sitting position, since in a lying position there is a high probability of obtaining eyebrows of different thicknesses.

When performing hair tattooing, the skin is pierced shallowly, but this is quite enough to release blood and lymph. In this regard, microblading is considered a less traumatic method.

Sometimes there are side effects, manifested by slight swelling, redness and irritation. Failure to comply with sanitary standards can even lead to infection. Quite rare, but there are cases of hematoma. Signs of infection: fever, swelling, wound drainage. To prevent scarring and treatment, use antibiotics and consult a doctor.

How long does it last?

If done correctly, the design can last from one to five years. This depends on the following factors:

  • execution technique;
  • quality of applied pigment paint;

The durability of the hair method is five years when using synthetic dyes, since natural dyes are destroyed faster, especially after various types of peelings.

It is strictly forbidden to use paints used for simple tattoos for tattooing.

Tattooing after microblading will require additional correction after a month or a month and a half, since due to shallow injection it is quickly rejected by the body.

As a rule, in the salon it is possible to apply one layer of spraying at a time, maximum two. For powder coating you need to apply five layers of paint to last for a year

Comparison before and after

A competent tattoo adds beauty and well-grooming to even expressionless eyebrows. They will acquire a permanent appearance after 9–10 days, at which time the pigment will acquire its true tone. The shape will remain the same as the cosmetologist made it, but it can be adjusted.

After applying microblading, the effect can be seen within a minute, but the final result can only be enjoyed after a month to a month and a half.

Powder spraying looks good within a couple of minutes after the tattoo is applied. Eyebrows look alive. But within a month, the color may fade, which is a consequence of the rejection of the foreign substance by the body’s immune system. Therefore, it is better to immediately re-correct while the contour of the originally applied pattern is preserved.

Post-procedure care

Recommendations for skin care after applying makeup are the responsibility of the cosmetologist. He should tell the client about the duration of healing and eyebrow care during this period to get the best result. During the first few days there may be some pain, which can be relieved with painkillers. Eyebrows look unnatural and swelling is possible. Here, wetting every hour with a solution of chlorhexine or treating with Bepanten ointment will help. Usually these phenomena go away within a day, but treatment should be continued and you should refrain from street walks for several days to avoid infection.

After 2 days, the swelling subsides, crusts begin to form on the eyebrows, which are very itchy, but you can’t pick them off or scratch them. You have to treat them with antiseptics and wait, they will fall off on their own. Only the lightened eyebrows will remain. They will take on their final form in a month. At this time, you should not get your eyebrows wet; you should avoid going to the sauna, bathhouse, swimming pool, and even taking a shower.

When shooting, the planned result is obtained already on the fifth or sixth day, the final result will be formed after a month. The main condition after all types of makeup is not to disturb the crusts that appear. Also, the use of cosmetics in any form is prohibited for a month to a month and a half, since it is during this period that the skin absorbs paint.

After the permanent procedure, painful areas are lubricated with products containing panthenol, miramistin, chlorhexidine, simple creams and even oil. After tattooing, the skin needs constant hydration, but not with water, but with the indicated creams. The time allotted for skin restoration is a reason to take a break from using cosmetics, including pencils and shadows.

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