Face mask with honey, vaseline and iodine. Recipe for anti-aging cream with iodine (mild whitening effect).

Face mask with honey, iodine and Vaseline. Recipes for making masks

There are several variations of masks with different effects:

  • To get rid of wrinkles, we recommend a face mask made of honey and castor oil, of which you take 1 tablespoon each, adding the same amount of cottage cheese and puree of any fruits in season. The resulting substance is heated in a water bath and applied for 30 minutes, repeating the procedure every 7 days.
  • Under the eyes, use a mixture of 1 tablespoon of mashed potatoes and 1 teaspoon of oil. Exposure time 20 minutes.

A face mask made of castor oil, honey and petroleum jelly is recommended for getting rid of wrinkles

  • Castor oil and calendula taken in a spoonful, mixed with egg whites and a crushed aspirin tablet help in treating acne. This composition is applied to problem areas three times with an interval of 5 minutes, then left for 10 minutes and washed off.
  • Castor oil, iodine and honey in a face mask have a good effect. You need to take a large spoon of honey and oil, a small vaseline, 5 drops of iodine and twice as much aevit. Everything is mixed, spread on the skin, left for 2 hours and washed off.

Many women recommend mixing castor oil, iodine and honey to improve the appearance of their faces.

  • There is another well-known recipe: a spoonful of castor and peach oil with the addition of 2 drops of iodine.
  • Masks made of honey and castor oil in a 1:1 ratio relieve dryness and relieve inflammation. Instead of the first one, you can take Vaseline.

castor oil iodine petroleum jelly face mask

Recipe No. 1 for anti-aging cream with iodine

For the cream we need:

1 tbsp. honey, 1 tsp. Vaseline, 1-2 drops of iodine, 1 tbsp. castor oil (buy at the pharmacy), small glass bowl.

Preparing the cream is very simple: First add 1-2 drops of iodine into a bowl - exactly 1-2 drops, no more! Then add honey, Vaseline and castor oil, mix everything well. By the way, you can store this cream anywhere, but no more than 1 month.

The anti-aging cream must be applied to a cleansed face; before application, it must be stirred (you can stir with your fingers if the container in which you store the cream at home allows it). After applying the cream, you need to keep it on your face for 15 minutes to 2 hours - however long you have. This makes the cream similar to face masks - by the way, it is also an excellent cosmetic product that can be easily and quickly prepared at home.

This rejuvenating cream softens the skin, makes it elastic, removes tightness and flaking. Separately, we can emphasize such properties of the cream as skin whitening: freckles and birthmarks become lighter and less noticeable.

Recipe No. 2 for anti-aging cream with cognac

Everyone who has tried it speaks extremely positively about this recipe: they talk about the amazing rejuvenating effect and how soft and velvety the skin becomes.

Meanwhile, anyone can make such a cream at home:

1 raw yolk, 100 g heavy cream (preferably 33%), 1 tbsp. honey, 1 tsp. lemon juice and 2 dessert spoons of cognac

All these ingredients are available, and it’s easy to store: in the refrigerator in a glass container. So don't put off making this cream!

The recipe is simple: all the components are mixed, and then the cream is applied to a cleansed face with a cotton swab. After an hour, wash off with warm water.

Creams prepared at home perfectly smooth out wrinkles, moisturize and nourish the skin. You just need to prepare such creams and use them regularly - that’s the whole point: if you carry out cosmetic procedures “from time to time,” there will be little benefit.

And finally, a few tips: Be sure to attach a label to the jar of cream, which should indicate the date of manufacture and the version of the recipe that was used.

All homemade cosmetics should be kept tightly sealed. A piece of foil or oiled paper placed on the neck of a capped jar creates a fairly tight package.

First you need to make just a little bit of the cream, try to see if it suits you and if there is any irritation, and only then prepare a larger portion.

Most creams can be applied at night without rinsing off; others need to be removed with a damp cloth, especially when not all of the cream is absorbed.

It is recommended to prepare small portions of drugs and use them while they are fresh.

Recipe No. 3 for anti-aging cream with lemon, cream and honey

For aging skin prone to oiliness, cream with lemons is suitable:

3 lemons 1 tsp. honey 1 tbsp. vegetable oil 2 tbsp cream 1 tbsp cologne 1 tbsp. alcohol infusion of rose petals (rose hips)

Take lemons, peel, chop the peel and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for 8 hours.

Strain the infusion and mix ¼ cup with liquid honey, any unrefined vegetable oil and the same amount of lemon juice.

Add cream, stir, then add cologne and alcohol infusion of rose petals. Beat the mixture with a mixer and place in a glass jar.

By the way, I didn’t have rose petal infusion the first time and the cream still turned out good

Recipe No. 4 anti-aging cream with lemon and glycerin

2 tbsp. lemon juice 1 tsp. glycerin 1 yolk 1 tbsp. vegetable oil 1 tsp. honey camphor alcohol

The following lemon cream is suitable for oilier skin. Mix lemon juice with glycerin.

Separately, mix raw yolk with unrefined vegetable oil. butter and honey. Then combine everything and beat with a mixer, gradually, drop by drop, adding camphor alcohol - 6-7 drops.

Recipe No. 5 for anti-aging cream with aloe

The composition of this cream is not that complicated and its preparation is quite simple. And the recipe is:

take 200 g pork internal fat 1 tbsp aloe juice 1 tbsp. honey

Stir all ingredients in a water bath, but do not boil. Place the cream in the refrigerator and heat it in a water bath before each use. But I don’t warm it up, because it’s tedious and time-consuming: I just take a little cream in my hand, it will melt a little and then I apply it to the skin.

The effect is truly amazing, in just a week my wrinkles smoothed out.

Recipe No. 6 anti-aging cream with lemon and borax

egg yolk olive (peach) oil – 2 tbsp. lemon juice – 1 tbsp. borax – 1 pinch

The cream prepared according to this recipe refreshes aging skin well. To prepare it, beat the egg yolk with a mixer or thoroughly mash the egg yolk with a fork. Continuing to beat the yolk, add two tablespoons of olive oil (you can replace it with peach seed oil) and one tablespoon of lemon juice.

In a separate bowl, dissolve a pinch of borax, pouring it with a teaspoon of hot water. After this, add the dissolved borax to the previously prepared mixture.

It is best to apply the cream at night, only lightly blotting the skin with a napkin to remove excess mixture from the face. The product should not be washed off until the morning. But if you use this mixture as a mask, keep it on your face for 30-40 minutes.

Recipe No. 7 anti-aging cream with avocado

The recipe for anti-aging cream is very simple:

add 5 drops of almond or olive oil to a small container, 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons mashed avocado

Mix everything. Apply the resulting cream for 5-10 minutes, after the time has elapsed, remove the remaining cream with a cotton swab dipped in water. This cream gives the skin softness and smoothness, smoothes out wrinkles.

Recipe No. 8 anti-aging fruit cream

When preparing the cream, each time choose one type of fruit or berry, alternating them in random order:

common quince, oriental persimmon, red or black currant.

Prepare two tablespoons of well-ground fruit or berry pulp in a mortar. In a water bath, melt and mix 30 g of lard, a teaspoon of olive, soy or corn oil.

Remove the fat mixture from the bath, cool and stir in an egg yolk, a teaspoon of honey, and one ampoule of vitamin A oil solution.

Then, stirring constantly, pour in the fruit pulp little by little and drop by drop a tablespoon of camphor alcohol.

Recipe No. 9 for anti-aging cream “Swan's Down” from Marlene Dietrich

Beat 1 egg white until foamy 1 tbsp. sour cream 20-25% juice of a small lemon 50 g vodka 1 tbsp glycerin with borax

Mix all ingredients well. Yield 300 g

Keep refrigerated. Apply generously to face and body after showering or bathing. Keep for 5-10 minutes. Then rinse with warm water without soap. Use every day. You can do it after a scrub with coffee. And don’t let it bother you if the cream turns out liquid. This cream has an excellent effect on the skin of the face: it brightens, nourishes, softens and has a lifting effect.

Recipe No. 10 for anti-aging ginger root cream

Ginger root cream, prepared at home, has a tonic and partially regenerating effect on the skin, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, smoothes the skin, and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

ginger root – 5-6 cm sesame oil – 2 tsp apricot oil – 2 tsp cocoa butter – 100 ml vitamin E oil solution – 2 tsp

Grind fresh ginger root using a fine grater and squeeze out the juice. Then mix ginger juice with sesame, apricot oil, vitamin E oil solution and cocoa butter.

Pour the resulting mixture into a heat-resistant container and place in an oven preheated to 70 degrees for 10 minutes.

Place the finished ginger root cream in a glass container, cover with a lid and store in a cool, dark place.

The cream is recommended to be used 2 times a week and should be applied to cleansed skin of the face, neck and décolleté.

Homemade ginger oil

Ginger oil has excellent anti-inflammatory properties, invigorates and uplifts, an excellent aphrodisiac, suitable for oily skin, improves blood circulation, smoothes the skin.

To make ginger oil, we need dry ginger root. Place it in a jar and fill it with any oil (olive, sesame or almond), mix and add more oil so that it completely covers the ginger +2 cm, cover the jar with a lid and put it in a dark and warm place for 1 week.

Ginger oil should be stirred several times a day. Then add 1 egg yolk, 2 ml apple juice, 5 ml apricot oil, 5 ml witch hazel, juice of 1/2 lemon. Mix thoroughly until smooth.

Undoubtedly, it happens that a composition of ingredients that you already have on hand, or for which the price is quite inexpensive, is perfect for your skin. Well, what to do if the prepared cream is absolutely not suitable for your skin? It doesn’t matter, sometimes you have to spend a lot of time to choose the most suitable ingredients for your skin, as well as their proportions.

But be that as it may, if you all manage to choose a natural cream for yourself, your facial skin will be very grateful to you.

And finally, a small bonus:

Rejuvenating cream-mask for face based on margarine

For a vitamin rejuvenating face cream mask, prepare an infusion using the zest of two lemons.


2 packs of margarine with 3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable or olive oil, add one egg yolk and 1 teaspoon of bee honey.

Stir and add to the mixture gradually:

lemon juice and 10 drops of vitamin A (oil solution)

Then add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of mayonnaise, and after stirring all the ingredients, add dropwise an infusion of lemon zest and camphor alcohol - 1 tbsp. spoon.

The resulting vitamin cream, when used regularly, produces a quick rejuvenating effect, tightens the skin and tightens pores.

Homemade creams are not addictive. Take your time and prepare these creams. Believe me, the effect is worth the time and patience.

Hair mask with honey. With honey and mustard

The composition of mustard products for dry and oily hair varies somewhat. If they are prone to oiliness, then a mustard-honey mask is suitable, if they are dry - . For preparation, use dry mustard, otherwise useless and even harmful impurities in other types of seasoning will negate the effect of the mask.

Mustard-honey mask with gelatin:

Infuse a tablespoon of gelatin in half a glass of warm water (30 minutes). Then add mustard and natural honey in equal proportions (1 teaspoon each). Leave the mixture distributed over the entire length of the hairs for about an hour.

Mask based on honey, mustard, kefir:

Add 1 tablespoon of seasoning and bee product to a glass of full-fat kefir. After mixing, apply to the roots. Also leave for an hour.

More recipes await you on our website.

Using a mask with aggressive ingredients such as mustard, pepper tincture, and cinnamon can cause a burning sensation. If it is mild, this is normal, when the burning is excessively strong, immediately wash off the mask and choose one that is favorable for you.

Meanwhile, it is the property of these components in combination with honey and other ingredients that can awaken inactive hair follicles. This stimulates hair growth. The noticeable effect will encourage you to use it regularly. And the use of natural natural hair care products will become the norm.

Some tips on how to speed up hair growth at home:

  • take advantage of effective growth activators: Follicapil;
  • hair growth enhancer Nioxin;
  • Exiderm;
  • add hair growth products to your diet;
  • choose the right hair comb.
  • What are the benefits of Vaseline and how does it work?

    Vaseline base is actively used in the cosmetology industry, added to cream formulations, it serves as the basis for the creation of almost all emollients, including those with therapeutic effects.

    Without this product, peeling, laser resurfacing and other effective rejuvenation methods cannot be performed. It not only has a softening effect, but serves as protection against infectious irritants. And its moisture-retaining ability is due to a dense layer that is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the skin.

    In winter, it serves as an excellent remedy against dry skin caused by wind and frost. In former times, this was how babies’ cheeks were saved to prevent frostbite. Today, few people use this method, preferring modern creams.

    Cosmetologists are entirely on the side of Vaseline; its uniqueness and usefulness does not need proof. And in the fight against the first signs of wrinkles on the face, it is simply irreplaceable.

    Reviews of Vaseline against wrinkles

    Natasha “I’ve been using Vaseline for a long time as a base for cosmetics, I have dry skin, so it helps me out a lot.”

    Vika “Hello. I want to write in support of such a simple and familiar remedy as Vaseline. I never thought that this common remedy was so good. I’ve been using it as an anti-wrinkle product for a month, and I’m already seeing results. My husband said that it’s cheap and cheerful, there’s no need to spend money on expensive creams, and not all of them are suitable, it’s already been a sad experience. So I highly recommend trying it as an anti-aging product.”

    Sergey, 36 years old “I don’t know what it’s like about wrinkles, but it’s a real remedy for cracked heels!”

    Margo “I recently switched to Vaseline as an emollient, since creams do not help. It absorbs quickly and applies very well. Skin like a child’s, and most importantly, affordable price.”

    What are the benefits of iodine for the skin?

    This microelement is known for its following beneficial properties:

    • bactericidal, killing pathogenic microbes and bacteria;
    • cleansing the skin surface of dead cells of the stratum corneum;
    • stimulating regeneration processes for renewal and noticeable rejuvenation of the skin surface;
    • eliminating acne, pimples, acne, purulent inflammatory processes;
    • improving blood supply to cells;
    • regulating all metabolic processes;
    • tightening and smoothing effect;
    • normalizing sebum production.


    It is not recommended to use masks with iodine if you have the following diseases:

    • tendency to allergic reactions;
    • pathologies of the thyroid gland;
    • oncological processes in the body;
    • varicose veins;
    • acute and chronic infections of internal organs.

    Such masks can only be used at night, since when iodine interacts with sunlight, pigment spots and serious burns can appear on the skin.

    Iodine helps heal wounds and inflammation on the skin

    Types of iodine for inclusion in masks

    Cosmetologists usually add to masks not iodine solution in alcohol, sold in pharmacies, but products in which its content is as high as possible. These include all types of algae and sea salt.

    A solution of iodine with alcohol, which everyone has at home, can also be used to add no more than 2 drops to the mask formulation, since this product is concentrated and contains alcohol, which can cause dryness of the epidermis and burns.

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