Real reviews from women and cosmetologists about face masks using aspirin

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A face mask with Aspirin is a popular remedy for acne and acne. Easy to prepare, it provides an instant effect. What do cosmetologists think about this method? What are the recommendations for using acetylsalicylic acid? Recipes for preparing masks and scrubs with acetylsalicylic acid, cleansing and rejuvenating effects, subtleties and risks of home procedures in reviews from doctors.

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Aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid is the most popular medicine in the world. The drug has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects, relieves pain. It is prescribed for feverish conditions, rheumatism, pain syndromes.

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The effectiveness demonstrated by face masks made from acetylsalicylic acid tablets is ensured by the following effects.


  • Effect on the site of inflammation. The active substance reduces the activity of the main component of the inflammatory process, hyaluronidase, and limits the production of ATP, which fuels the energy base of inflammation. Additionally, it reduces the permeability of blood vessels and capillaries, resulting in reduced blood flow to the site of inflammation.
  • Reduced pain. Aspirin acts on pain centers, reducing their sensitivity. This achieves its analgesic effect.

Thus, the effectiveness of a face mask with acetylsalicylic acid against acne and inflammatory processes on the skin has been scientifically confirmed.


But its rejuvenating effect belongs to myths that draw analogies with acid peels based on the salicylic component.

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According to reviews, an aspirin face mask is recommended as a quick remedy to reduce the severity of inflammation. It should be used in the following conditions:


  • acne, inflammation on the skin of the face and body;
  • acne;
  • clogged pores.

Moreover, the effect of the cosmetic product will be different in each case.


  • Maximum effect against acne.
    Due to the ability of acetylsalicylic acid to suppress inflammation, the result will be noticeable quickly - within a few hours. At the same time, the agent does not affect the source of the inflammatory process. Thus, if the cause of a rash on the face is an allergic reaction or a bacterial infection of the skin, cleansing the face at home with aspirin will have a temporary, masking effect.
  • High-quality pore cleaning.
    The effect of a mask on the face can be compared to the work of a scrub. It removes the superficial, dead layer of skin, but works not as a rough abrasive, but as a chemical agent. Aspirin facial scrub weakens the bonds between young and old cells, dissolves sebum, including in the pores. Achieves quick results in deep cleansing of the skin.
  • Short term results for acne.
    It makes sense to use an Aspirin facial scrub if you need to get a quick effect before an important meeting, when there is simply no time for salon skin cleansing. The product does not fight comedones, but gets rid of blackheads. This happens through a chemical reaction in which the acid acts on the oxidized dark part of the comedone (that very black dot on the nose or chin) and dissolves it. Immediately after cleaning, a noticeable result is observed - blackheads become less pronounced, and in some places disappear completely. But after some time, two or three days, they appear again. The reason for this is the natural process of oxidation of the skin secretion preserved in the pores, the surface of which again becomes dark.

Aspirin-based home remedies are not a substitute for professional facial cleansing in a salon. But they can serve as an ambulance when you urgently need to get rid of inflammation, pimples, and acne.

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When using acetylsalicylic acid, you should take into account the nuances of its effect on the skin and adjust the composition of care products.


  • Only pure Aspirin.
    It is not allowed to use medications in a protective shell or capsule. The surface layer of the tablets protects the stomach from contact with the irritant, which is acetylsalicylic acid taken orally. But when used on the skin, additional components can lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the main substance.
  • Attention to skin type.
    Cosmetologists advise women with sensitive, dry skin prone to irritation to avoid using homemade masks with Aspirin. In this case, cosmetics will only aggravate existing problems. It is recommended to use them on oily skin, with active sebum production, no more than twice a week. Controlling the frequency of cleaning is important, since the drug can dry out any type of epidermis and disrupt its normal functioning.
  • Composition correction.
    To increase the anti-inflammatory effect and remove blackheads, it is recommended to add lemon juice to the main ingredient. A more gentle composition is a face mask with Aspirin and honey, which also has the ability to relieve redness and inflammation. To further moisturize the skin, natural oils are added to the cleanser: olive, jojoba.
  • Apply only to affected areas.
    According to reviews, a face mask made from honey and Aspirin should not be applied to areas of healthy skin. It is used exclusively on the nasolabial triangle, where the intensity of the sebaceous glands is usually increased and there is a problem with ankle and rashes. The composition may damage the surrounding skin.
  • Time control. Facial cleansing with Aspirin and honey is a short-term procedure. It is not allowed to apply the composition “all night” so as not to cause a chemical burn to the epidermis. The exposure time, depending on the composition, reaches three to fifteen minutes.

Regardless of skin type, after using a honey and aspirin face mask or a pure ingredient, it is necessary to provide it with additional UV protection.

The action is similar to chemical peeling, after which the skin loses its resistance to solar radiation, which is fraught with the development of age spots. Therefore, it is not recommended to use such compositions in spring and summer, and after use, products with ultraviolet filters should be applied to the skin.
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Aspirin care products are easy to prepare and contain a minimum set of additional ingredients. We offer effective recipes and techniques for using the compositions.

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The benefits and effectiveness of face masks with aspirin

The main merit of aspirin in face masks is that it has an anti-inflammatory and drying effect. Thanks to this, the composition has a positive effect on the condition of the skin:

  • relieves redness and soothes tissues;
  • accelerates blood circulation, which makes the complexion saturated;
  • suppresses the activity of the sebaceous glands, after which the oily sheen goes away;
  • tightens pores;
  • prevents the occurrence of inflamed acne;
  • cleanses the face of bacteria.

The discovery of these properties was the main reason for starting to use aspirin for cosmetic purposes. Initially, the powder of the drug was dissolved in water and applied to inflammation, but the effect turned out to be long-lasting.

Masks with the drug are recommended for use when:

  • excessive secretion of sebum;
  • loss of elasticity;
  • the appearance of small wrinkles and other signs of aging;
  • clogged pores and acne;
  • acne inflammation.

We suggest looking at the features of face masks with aspirin:

After just a few uses of the mask, the process of sebum production is normalized, the pores begin to narrow, and the oily sheen goes away. As a result, the risk of developing inflammation is significantly reduced.

Important! The drug also has contraindications for use, such as: pregnancy, asthma, tanned skin, allergies to mask components, wounds or scratches on the face. It is prohibited to use the composition if there is at least one contraindication, since there is a high risk of a negative reaction to the drug.

Acne scrub with honey

To correct your skin condition, we recommend preparing a facial scrub from honey and aspirin. The combined scrubbing effect will be provided by the combination of acetylsalicylic acid and sea salt.

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  1. Dissolve two Aspirin tablets in a minimal amount of water.
  2. Add half a teaspoon of sea salt and a teaspoon of honey.
  3. Apply to skin with gentle movements, massage, rinse with warm water.
  4. Apply moisturizer to your skin.

This scrub cleanses the skin well, makes it smooth, and removes dead cells. Has an antiseptic effect.

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Cosmetologists' opinion

Specialists in the beauty industry often carry out chemical peeling procedures, which involve the use of a mask made from a cleansing composition. Often the active substance in such mixtures is salicylic acid, from which acetylsalicylic acid, which is part of aspirin, is produced. And although cosmetologists do not make face masks from aspirin, but use ready-made formulations, they leave positive reviews regarding the effect of the drug on the skin. The beneficial properties of aspirin include:

  • the bactericidal effect of salicylic acid and its derivatives, as a result of which inflammation goes away, minor damage heals and acne dries out;
  • exfoliation of old cells;
  • cleansing clogged pores with their subsequent narrowing.

Based on this information, women began to actively use aspirin on their faces at home. In order to protect yourself while using a mask at home, experts recommend:

  • use tablets without unnecessary impurities, that is, so that acetylsalicylic acid forms the basis of the medicine;
  • Before use, be sure to check for allergies;
  • do not keep the mask on your face for more than 10 minutes;
  • The best time to perform the procedure is before bedtime;
  • apply the composition no more than 3 times a week;
  • be sure to use moisturizer after the procedure;
  • To soften the effect of aspirin, you can add vegetable oil.

By following these tips, many women protected themselves from possible skin damage and were satisfied with the result.

Features of using masks with honey and aspirin

Before using masks with honey and medicine, it is important to familiarize yourself with a few simple rules.

Preparatory stage

Preparations for the procedure should begin one day in advance. This will help reduce subsequent skin dryness and will also make the process of removing dead particles much easier.

The day before the procedure, you should check your skin's reaction to allergies. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the crook of your elbow and wait about an hour. If no irritation or redness appears during this time, then this procedure is absolutely harmless to the human body.

Before the procedure itself, you should cleanse your facial skin of makeup and dirt. To do this, you need to use regular cosmetic milk.

Rules for applying and removing the mixture from the face

  • Honey for making masks can be taken in either liquid or thick form. If this component makes the mask too liquid, you can add a little flour.
  • The aspirin should be crushed before being added to the mixture. If the recipe says “aspirin water,” then the tablet must be dissolved in water.
  • During the procedure, a slight tingling sensation may be felt - this is a completely normal reaction of the body to the drug. If a strong burning sensation occurs, the mask should be immediately washed off the face to prevent unwanted consequences.
  • When applying the product, avoid contact with the eyes.
  • Rinse the mixture off your face with warm water. After the procedure, the skin must be lubricated with a nourishing cream.
  • The mixture should be applied in the evening. In the morning, apply sunscreen to your face.

Frequency of the procedure

Typically, the product must be applied to the face for 20 minutes.

It is important to remember that if a person has an oily skin type, then he should not do an aspirin-honey mask more than once a week. The minimum duration of therapy is 10 procedures. Then you need to take a week's break.

Real reviews from women on the use of aspirin masks

Since at home it is difficult to predict the effects of a mask in a particular case, you should take into account the individual characteristics of the skin, as well as third-party experience in using the mask.

Mostly women leave laudatory reviews of this product, claiming that the mask is suitable for treating problem skin and has a clear rejuvenating effect. However, you can find information that dry and sensitive skin may react poorly to the composition. This is because salicylic acid dries out the skin, which can cause irritation or tissue damage.

The simplest aspirin-based peeling recipe includes only two ingredients: 4 tablets of the drug and water. Crushed aspirin is diluted in water to a thick consistency, and then applied to problem areas. You need to wash off the mask strictly after 10 minutes. If a burning sensation suddenly appears, you should immediately remove the composition from your face. This reaction may mean that your skin is too sensitive.

And also, in their reviews, women willingly recommend a recipe for a mask made from aspirin and honey, which not only cleanses the face, but also nourishes it. In addition, there are many recipes that include additional ingredients such as yogurt, vegetable oils or fruit purees.

Interesting! In order to make a mask with honey, you just need to add an additional ingredient to the base composition.

Anti-inflammatory cream

The drug will help with severe inflammatory processes, the presence of acne, and will exfoliate dead skin. Thanks to the cream, the medicinal composition will penetrate deeper into the affected area and provide an effective effect on the catalysts of inflammation.

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  1. Crush four Aspirin tablets into powder.
  2. Add two to three drops of water and mix with your fingers.
  3. Mix until smooth, adding a few more drops of water if necessary.
  4. Add two tablespoons of rich cream, stir.

Apply to areas of skin requiring correction. After fifteen minutes, rinse off with warm water. The composition can be stored in the refrigerator for two weeks.

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The effectiveness of an aspirin-based home remedy has been tested by many women, 83% of whom respond positively to this face mask. It's hard to resist a simple and effective way to solve the most painful skin problems.

Aspirin powder can be used as a regular peeling, which will significantly save time and money. However, most ladies prefer to get the most out of all the capabilities of the drug. In any case, the result will not disappoint.

What are the benefits of honey in combination with aspirin?

The product is recommended for use in the presence of problems such as:

  • enlarged pores;
  • greasy shine;
  • acne or blackheads.

Masks with aspirin and honey are best used by people who have problematic oily skin.

Cosmetic effects

Aspirin does not completely dissolve in water, so any mask with this component will have a mild peeling effect. After this procedure, the skin rejuvenates and it begins to breathe.

Cosmetologists classify mixtures with aspirin among a number of chemical procedures that are used to care for facial skin. Acetylsalicylic acid is a gentle product that does not harm the face.

Budget-friendly and effective product

Aspirin is a budget product that can be purchased at any pharmacy. Honey can be found in almost every home. Due to the interaction of these components, products based on them have the following effects:

  • cleansing pores;
  • elimination of acne and pimples;
  • removal of edema;
  • getting rid of acne marks;
  • whitening effect;
  • exfoliation;
  • maintaining skin freshness and elasticity;
  • removal of pigment spots;
  • exfoliation of dead cells;
  • smoothing out wrinkles.


Products based on honey and tablets cannot be used if you have:

  • allergic reaction;
  • dilated vessels;
  • fresh cuts and wounds;
  • dryness and flaking;
  • Asthma;
  • Spider veins on the face.

Also, these drugs should be abandoned if the woman is in an interesting position or has recently had hair removal.

Effect of aspirin on the skin

The active ingredient in aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid, a derivative of salicylic acid, the use of which in cosmetology I have already written about.

Aspirin, like salicylic acid, has an effect on the skin when applied externally

  • exfoliating
  • and antibacterial effect,
  • tones,
  • reduces the secretion of sebaceous glands.

Facial products with aspirin are used in the following cases :

  • acne;
  • enlarged pores;
  • black dots;
  • redness on the face.

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How is aspirin used in cosmetology?

Or rather, in “home cosmetology”, because - let's say right away - professionals are dubious about the use of this medicine to eliminate skin problems.

Scrubs and tonics are prepared from crushed aspirin tablets, but the most popular remedy is masks.

Face mask using honey and aspirin

Prepare as follows: a tablespoon of honey is heated in a water bath with a teaspoon of water or oil (jojoba or olive), then 4 crushed aspirin tablets are added to the mixture, the entire composition is heated until the powder is completely dissolved.

If the honey is liquid and the mask is leaking, you can use rice or wheat flour as a thickener.

The mask is applied - do not rub in! - on prepared skin (preferably steamed with chamomile decoction) for 10–20 minutes.

It is recommended to apply it only to problem areas, especially if the skin is dry and sensitive.

The recipe for a mask with aspirin can be changed to suit your taste: instead of butter and honey, sometimes you use

  • yogurt without additives or colorings,
  • or egg white mixed with flour,
  • or cosmetic clay,
  • or kefir (there is evidence that a mask with kefir can be used even with minor manifestations of rosacea),
  • for dry skin, the mixture is prepared with sour cream or cream.

Aspirin and lemon

Another mask with a cleansing and whitening effect: aspirin is mixed with lemon juice (freshly squeezed) to a paste consistency, applied to the face for 20 minutes, and then washed off with a solution of baking soda (a teaspoon per glass of water).

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