How to effectively clean pores on your face at home

The ducts of the sebaceous glands are necessary to remove waste products from the skin tissues and the entire body. Sebaceous secretion in moderate quantities is good for the skin, performs a softening and protective function, but if excessively produced, it causes harm: pores become clogged, comedones and inflammatory formations appear.

There are many methods to quickly get rid of clogged pores; treatment is carried out not only in a beauty salon, but also at home.

Why pores become clogged: main reasons

There are three main factors why the pores on the face become clogged and inflamed.

Hormonal changes

The activity of the sebaceous glands is determined by the hormonal state. With the active production of male hormones, sebum synthesis increases. And when female hormones predominate in the body, it is synthesized moderately.

Expert opinion

Elena Apostolyuk


Clogged pores and excessive inflammation during adolescence are a consequence of hormonal fluctuations. Also, the problem of clogged pores on the face is observed during pregnancy and before the onset of menopause.

Poor nutrition

The activity of sebum production increases with the regular inclusion of foods based on fast carbohydrates in the diet. Such food stimulates an increase in insulin in the blood, and the hormone, in turn, affects the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Poor skin care

The main reason that white sebaceous accumulations constantly appear is improper care measures. Proper pore cleansing includes:

  • evening make-up remover, followed by rinsing off the cleanser with water;
  • washing twice a day using foam or gel;
  • exfoliating treatments once or twice a week.

To successfully combat clogged pores on the face, it is important not only to cleanse the skin well, but also to use high-quality decorative cosmetics. Before treating the skin, we get rid of products based on lanolin, natural oils, fats, hydrocarbons, silicones - ingredients that clog the ducts and provoke the appearance of comedones.

Avoid cosmetics that contain fats and oils

Most often, enlarged pores are a sign of Sang Ju Lee, Joon Seok, Se Yeong Jeong, Kui Young Park, Kapsok Li, Seong Jun Seo. Facial Pores: Definition, Causes, and Treatment Options / Dermatologic Surgery for oily skin. That is, one that produces excess sebum. The connection is simple: fat accumulates in the pores and stretches their walls.

Thick nourishing creams that contain petroleum jelly and various oils (coconut, shea, others) increase fat content. Because of this, pores become clogged How to control oily skin / AAD faster. This means they are expanding more actively.

Why do you need to cleanse your pores?

When the sebaceous glands produce secretions in excess, over time the ducts become clogged with fatty mass mixed with dust and mud particles and dead skin cells. The pores become enlarged and inflamed, causing blackheads and pimples to form on the skin.

Cleaning pores at home allows you to:

  • normalize metabolism in epidermal tissues, provide cells with sufficient amounts
  • oxygen and nutrients;
  • release clogged pores;
  • get rid of blackheads and tighten pores;
  • avoid fungal and bacterial skin infections;
  • improve the synthesis of collagen and elastin;
  • strengthen local immunity;
  • improve blood circulation in skin tissues;
  • improve complexion.

To cleanse the pores, you can undergo a course of procedures with a cosmetologist, or you can steam the skin at home, apply a mask that cleanses and narrows the ducts.

Steaming the skin

To understand how to cleanse your face by steaming, you need to imagine the structure of the ducts. Each pore is triangular in shape with its apex pointing downwards. The base of the triangle is the surface of the skin, the apex is the middle epidermal layer.

Steaming helps soften facial skin and remove fat deposits more easily. Without the procedure, it is impossible to deeply cleanse the epidermis: it will be possible to remove the upper part of the sebaceous plugs on the face, and a white fatty mass will remain in the lower part of the duct.

There are several ways to steam your skin and cleanse clogged pores on your face.


While sitting in the steam room, you should thoroughly wipe your face with a washcloth or clean, rough cloth. This procedure not only effectively cleanses the skin, dilates clogged ducts, but also stimulates blood circulation.


You can use just hot water for cleaning and steaming, or you can take a product that enhances the cleansing and toning effect:

  • propolis;
  • mint;
  • any essential oil.

To expand pores at home, pour hot water into a deep container and add the selected product. They bend over the dishes so that the steam comes into their faces, and cover their heads with a large towel. They sit in this position for about 10 minutes.

Pharmacy drugs

To warm up the skin, you can use pharmaceutical white clay or zinc. The medications should be applied to the face following the instructions on the package.

Cosmetic preparations

Products that can be used to cleanse facial pores and warm up the skin at home are sold not only in pharmacies, but also in cosmetics stores. The most effective drugs include:

  1. Avon Warming mask “Volcanoes of Iceland”;
  2. Nivea Pure Effect thermo-gel;
  3. Garnier Clear Skin.
  4. Hot compresses

Applying a compress is the most effective way to remove the top dirty layers of skin, improve blood circulation, and open clogged pores for subsequent cleansing effects.

Make a compress as follows:

  1. Take clean cotton or other natural fabric and immerse it in water heated to a temperature of 40–45°C.
  2. Wring out the fabric thoroughly and apply it to a previously washed face.
  3. The compress is kept on the face for 15 minutes. The procedure is repeated one more time.
  4. After steaming, you can start applying a mask to get rid of sebaceous plugs on your face.

How to reduce pores on your face using cosmetology

If you notice blackheads on your forehead, cheeks, nose or chin, do not rush to squeeze out the contents of clogged pores yourself. Contact a cosmetologist for an effective aesthetic procedure for narrowing pores in the salon, for example, mechanical or hardware cleaning, carboxytherapy or darsonvalization.

Porous skin lends itself well to ultrasonic cleansing - the procedure is safe, painless and effective in the fight against blackheads. In the case of very porous relief and post-acne marks, a seasonal traumatic procedure is performed - laser resurfacing, which quickly and noticeably evens out the surface relief of the skin, but requires subsequent rehabilitation.

Salon procedures do not exclude, but complement corrective multi-stage home care that maintains clean, fresh and healthy-looking skin every day.

Pore-cleansing mask

Cosmetologists advise regularly using masks to clean pores at home. You should try different recipes to decide how to get rid of sebaceous plugs best.


The mask is good because it copes with deep sebaceous plugs on the face. To cleanse pores use:

  • 15 ml slightly warmed milk;
  • 15 g yeast;
  • 10 ml hydrogen peroxide.

How to make the product: dissolve yeast in milk, add peroxide. Apply to facial skin for 15 minutes. The mask has a liquid consistency, so it is better to apply it with a brush or cotton wool. To rinse off, use water or herbal infusion. After the procedure, be sure to apply a nourishing cream, since yeast dries out the skin and causes it to peel.


The mask helps with excessive sebaceous congestion on the face; with regular use, it improves blood circulation and normalizes the functioning of the glands.

To cleanse the pores, take:

  • medium-sized cucumber;
  • corn flour.

Finely grate the cucumber and squeeze out the juice. Corn flour is added to the juice in such an amount that a creamy mass is obtained. The product is applied to the face with massaging movements and kept for 20 minutes. Use warm water to rinse off.

Milk gelatin

A great option for quickly removing sebaceous plugs, suitable for any skin type. To clean the pores on the face take:

  • 25 g gelatin;
  • 20 ml milk;
  • one egg.

How to cleanse facial pores at home: combine milk and gelatin, place in the microwave, set to maximum power. Heat for 10 seconds until the gelatin dissolves. The product is cooled to a slightly warm state, the egg white is added. The mask is applied to the face with a brush, avoiding the area around the eyelids and lips. After 15 minutes, a film forms on the face, which is carefully removed.


To cleanse pores, prepare the following ingredients:

  • one egg;
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice;
  • 3 drops of tea tree oil.

To cleanse your face, beat the egg white until foamy, add lemon juice and essential oil. The mixture is applied to a previously cleansed face and kept for 15 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water.


It is considered the best way to clean pores on the face and remove comedones at home. For preparation take:

  • 2 tablets of activated carbon;
  • milk heated to 40–50°C;
  • 1 teaspoon gelatin.

To cleanse the skin and get rid of clogged pores, the tablets are crushed in a mortar and gelatin and charcoal powder are added to hot milk. Stir the mixture thoroughly until the lumps disappear. If the mixture thickens quickly, you can heat it in the microwave.

The mask is applied to the face using a brush with light rubbing movements and held until a film forms. Remove it carefully.

Effective pore cleaning at home

To effectively clean the pores on your face at home, you need to follow a strict algorithm.


After steaming the contaminated ducts, peeling masks and scrubs are used. You can buy them or prepare them yourself. Scrubbing is carried out 2 times a week if the skin is oily, and once a week if the skin is dry or normal. After the procedure, you need to wash your face with lukewarm water, do not dry yourself, but only blot the surface of your face with a towel.

When choosing store-bought scrubs, you need to focus on your skin type. For dry skin, buy soft, non-irritating formulations that do not contain drying components. For oily and problematic skin, products with harsh abrasives are optimal.

Narrowing pores

At this stage, tonics and other cleansing compounds specifically designed to narrow the ducts are used. Folk remedies that give a similar effect include lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide, and aloe juice.


The last stage of cleaning. Use moisturizer. But not nourishing, since the rich cream contains oils that clog the ducts, which will make your face look worse than before.

Microdermabrasion - a cosmetic procedure

Skin microdermabrasion is very popular because it has its own benefits. It is painless, soft, delicate and can provide the desired result. We can say that microdermabrasion is a mechanical peeling of the skin, but it is quite delicate and pleasant.

With microdermabrasion you can:

  • remove epidermal cells that are dead;
  • stimulate skin regeneration;
  • align, smooth out the dermis;
  • give the skin smoothness and a pleasant shade;
  • smooth out fine wrinkles;
  • reduce hyperpigmentation that appears as a result of age-related changes;
  • stimulate the production of elastin and collagen;
  • give your skin a new boost.

The entire procedure is carried out using a special device; microcrystals of aluminum oxide are applied to the skin through its tip. The effect can be noticed after the first procedure. And if you do a full course (it can consist of 4-6 sessions), then you are guaranteed a rejuvenating effect. It will be internal and external. As a result, the skin will bloom and smell.

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