How long does eyelid tattoo take to heal and how to care for your eyes after the procedure?

Permanent makeup is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure for introducing a hypoallergenic coloring composition - pigment - into the layers of the skin. The service is provided in beauty salons and is in demand among women. Allows you to adjust the shape, create long-lasting makeup that does not wash off or spread, but decorates for several years. But an unpleasant consequence is swelling after lip tattooing.

What happens when tattooing your eyelids: the need for care

For your information! During tattooing, a needle with a coloring pigment penetrates the surface layer of the skin, violating its integrity and at the same time damaging the walls of blood vessels.
Microscopic hemorrhages occur and, at the same time, the placement of coloring pigment molecules on the damaged areas.

Aseptic inflammation develops , which outwardly looks like swelling and redness .

How to care for lips when crusts appear

On the 3-4th day after permanent tattooing of the lips, crusts begin to form, itching and dry skin are felt. The resulting crusts cannot be picked out or removed mechanically; they must fall off on their own. The uniform distribution of pigment over the entire area of ​​the lips, as well as the durability of the result, depends on this. If you scratch along with the crust, part of the added pigment is removed, then the color in these places will be less saturated, in some cases scars may remain.

In order for the crusts to come off easier and faster, proper care is necessary. To do this you will need:

  • daily application of healing ointment in a thin layer;
  • limit contact with water;
  • carry out constant disinfection;
  • do not lick or bite your lips.

After a few days, with proper care, the scabs will fall off on their own, and you will be able to see the preliminary result of the tattoo.

Stages of recovery after tattooing

Keep in mind! The entire process of restoration of eyelid tissue after tattooing is divided into several stages.

And although the timing of each of them may deviate from the average for different people, in general it looks like this:

  1. Stage of inflammation. When the skin and blood vessels are damaged, inflammation occurs as a protective reaction, characterized by pain, redness of the skin and the development of swelling.
  2. Reproduction stage. This is the third day after the procedure, the inflammation has already subsided and cells begin to divide to replace the damaged areas. And after another day, the lining of the newly formed cellular material occurs.
  3. Epithelization. On the same fourth day, the processes of formation of new layers of tissue begin to take place even more strongly. At the same time, lymph, blood cells and pigment particles emerging from microtrauma caused by a needle form a protective crust. At first it looks like ichor, but the oxidizing blood soon dries out and forms a hard crust.
  4. After about a week, new skin tissues completely replace the dead old ones, and the crust separates from the eyelid. At the same time, inflammation finally disappears. The color during this period may seem incorrect, but this can already be corrected by correction, which must be carried out during tattooing.

You should know! Healing takes place after a month. The pigment is completely distributed and will no longer change color.

The healing process ends here and further correction must be carried out.


Sponges with slight swelling immediately after PM

Above are healed lips. Bottom - immediately after PM lips

What determines the quality of the procedure?

The quality result of the procedure does not depend on the professionalism of the specialist. Post-procedure care after permanent lip makeup is also important. What matters is the client’s skin and the body’s reaction to the procedure.

After completing the restoration process, it is recommended to visit a specialist to examine the result on your lips. Spetsialit will examine the surface of the lips and give further recommendations. An additional procedure 1-2 may be required.

We'll talk about this in the next article.
Why is the pigment residue minimal after permanent lip makeup? Consequences and actions. Is there swelling after permanent lip makeup?

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