How long does lip tattoo last and when do you need to do updates?

It's no secret that beautiful lips attract the attention of the opposite sex. Beautiful, full lips are the calling card of women in seducing their other half. Lipstick or gloss helps them add brightness, but what if you don’t have enough time and desire to put on makeup? Permanent lip makeup is the solution to this dilemma. It will help you to be confident and not worry about your appearance.

When using lipstick, girls are in constant tension, worrying about how it holds up and whether it has run. In restaurants and cafes, you need to consume food and drinks carefully, trying not to smudge the contour. What about kissing your loved one? Most manufacturers of this element of decorative cosmetics, although they talk about durability, in practice, beautiful ladies do not always have the stated wear period. Cosmetology, when creating new services, primarily cares about comfort and minimizing the time to become the best version of yourself. It is tattooing that helps you achieve an ideal appearance after just an hour and a half of the magic of a permanent master. Thanks to the skillful hands of a specialist, you can forget about drawing the perfect contour and filling in lip color.

Permanent makeup on the lips is similar to a tattoo; the pigmented product fills the upper layers of the epidermis and allows you to create a long-lasting “make-up” effect. After some time, some of the dye will leave the body, leaving a more natural shade. Permanent lip makeup cannot be washed off with tonic or micellar water, so you should approach the choice of a professional carefully, thinking through all the details.

What you need to know

Tattooing is makeup that is applied by a master using pigment injected under the skin. They introduce it to different depths, select different techniques and colors.

The pigment is called permanent, which in English means permanent. Therefore, female representatives, when asked how long the result lasts, think that it will remain for life.

The cells of the human body perceive the dye as a foreign body, so they constantly try to push it out. Because of this, the effect cannot last forever without correction. Thus, the body itself influences how long makeup lasts.

Comparison before and after

Immediately after the procedure, it will be simply impossible to evaluate the actual result obtained. The fact is that for some time the mouth will still be slightly swollen, and the shade of the lips is far from true. It will be possible to fully evaluate the result only after a few days.

If you compare the appearance of the lips before and after the procedure, you can immediately see their increased volume, brighter and more expressive color, as well as a clearly defined relief. Many girls note that they immediately appreciated the beneficially changed contour. In order to evaluate the result obtained and compare it with what was before the procedure, it is recommended to take a close-up photograph of the lips. This way you can easily and clearly compare what you had before visiting a specialist and what happened after the procedure.

Types of tattooing

The technique used in permanent makeup directly affects how long it lasts. Since all methods differ in many characteristics, the duration of their preservation and the frequency of corrections vary.


The simplest technique, in which only the outline of the borders occurs. The master does this with a thin line, maintaining natural contours. This permanent makeup is done in order to emphasize the smile and give it clarity.

The cause of the problem of blurred outline may be age-related changes (this happens often, after 40 years), or defects in appearance from birth. The nature of the problem does not affect the tattooing procedure.

The color is chosen to be similar to the natural shade of the lips so that the outline does not stand out or look artificial. With the right approach and execution, the result looks natural.


This method is the opposite of the previous one in terms of painting. In it, the outline is not drawn, but only the inner part is painted over. The method allows you to achieve the effect of freshness, youthfulness of the smile and appearance of the face.

The colors are close to natural, so it is difficult to spoil the work. They work with only one shade to repeat the effect of applying decorative cosmetics: gloss, lipstick, balm, gel.


The technology requires certain skills, otherwise the master will ruin the result. First, the outline is painted over, which is shaded towards the middle. Due to its blurring towards the center, lips cannot be made plump.

You can only use light colors, as the contrast with the main lip color will not look natural.

3D effect

Suitable for those who want to achieve the effect of plump lips. It is chosen by those who were unlucky with their volume from birth and are not ready for plastic surgery.

The technology is done in three procedures, since the dye is applied in several stages, as well as layers. Cosmetologists do this to visually increase volume. Any colors can be used, and several shades can be selected.

If we talk about how long the result lasts, in this case it lasts up to 4 years without correction.


Absolutely any shades are suitable, since this technology repeats the effect of regular lipstick. The entire cavity is painted with one color: the borders, as well as the inside.

How to choose a color?

It's best to use a "light shade" for a subtle, plump effect—as people say about the perfect lipstick, it should be like your lips, but better.

However, this doesn't mean you should go for a subtle shade unless you feel that's what you want to get out of the procedure. Each shade is customizable to suit your lip color and what you want.

Colors are divided into three main groups: * warm: peach, orange and coral shades; * cold: pink shades; * neutral: beige, brown and terracotta shades. Shades come in light, medium and dark saturation levels.

When choosing a color, several factors should be taken into account: * eye color; * color of the skin; * hair color; * teeth color; * lip size; * age; * time of day and lighting.

The first three characteristics determine your color type.

Factors that affect the durability of tattoos

Many factors influence how long a tattoo lasts:

  1. Depth of pigment introduction. This depends on the chosen method, as well as the ability of the device that the artist uses for tattooing. How many millimeters the pigment is introduced can be controlled if you ask the master about it.
  2. No matter how much we talk about choosing a shade, few girls pay attention to it. Light shades last less than bright, contrasting colors.
  3. How long the tattoo lasts depends on the approach to caring for damaged skin after the procedure. If a woman follows all the cosmetologist’s recommendations, the result will last longer. It is important to use sunscreen when going outside on hot days, or when visiting a solarium.
  4. Age affects how long the effect lasts. In young females, skin regeneration occurs quickly due to active metabolism. Therefore, the results of tattooing fade faster than in women over 35 years of age.
  5. Skin type. If boundaries were drawn in the work, they may lose color earlier if the girl has oily skin. On dry or normal skin, the result lasts longer. Exactly how much depends on other parameters.

Everyone is interested in how long a tattoo lasts, but women think that everything depends on the work of the artist, as well as individual parameters. But 60% of durability depends on the client.

Is it possible to influence the service life of a permanent?

Permanent lip makeup is a procedure that allows the fair half of humanity to feel more beautiful and confident without resorting to radical methods. Many girls, when choosing top cosmetologists, do not even suspect that the permanent specialist does not play a significant role in the duration of wear. A professional helps create a beautiful visual, but how long it will please its owner depends only on the client.

Properly selected and regular care not only helps the skin quickly recover, but also guarantees service to its owner for a long time.

What are the main rules in care?

  1. For the first day after the session, you should avoid drinking hot drinks and food. Exposure to high temperatures can negatively impact healing.
  2. It is necessary to moisturize the permanent three times a day. The specialist will recommend ointments that you should definitely buy.
  3. Protection against bacteria is an important stage of the recovery process. The mouth is a sensitive area that requires additional precautions. You should take an antiherpes drug for three days after the procedure.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to peel off the crusts. They are a natural protection for the injured skin area from bacteria and viruses. Plus, when peeling off the “immature crust,” you can damage the process of pigment acceptance by the dermis, which will lead to its uneven distribution.
  5. Decorative cosmetics in this area should be postponed for five to seven days.
  6. As sad as it is for the other half, you should forget about kisses for a day.

How long does lip tattoo last?

Due to differences in parameters, the answer to how long a tattoo lasts is different for everyone. For some, choosing a simple technique, the effect will last 1.5 years. When choosing complex methods in which the pigment was injected deep under the skin, the shelf life of permanent makeup increases to 5 years.

If you make corrections, you can always maintain the stability of the result. The first correction is carried out after the recovery period – a month later. The client controls subsequent sessions himself. She can prescribe them once a year, or she can wait until the tattoo loses its color completely.

Unsuccessful result

If the makeup is disappointing, and it is important for you to know how long it will take for permanent makeup to come off, they resort to the chemical method. The method is suitable if the paint is not injected deeply. A concentrate is used that is injected under the skin. As a result of the reaction of the solution and the pigment, the latter is removed and comes off along with the crust.

To ensure that the effect of permanent makeup lasts for a long time, you should contact trusted specialists who strictly follow the application technology and use high-quality dyes.
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Is it worth it for those who are afraid of pain?

You won’t be able to do without any discomfort at all. However, the unpleasant sensations are quite tolerable, they can be compared with those that you experience when correcting your eyebrows with tweezers.

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Posted by Academy PMU L&T (@academypmu_lt) Dec 18, 2022 at 5:11 PST

For those who are very afraid of pain, the cosmetologist will suggest using an anesthetic cream, which will make the procedure itself almost painless.


When going to the specialist directly for the procedure, it is worth knowing about the consequences that may arise in the future.

Most often, swelling occurs; it can be either small, almost invisible to others, or quite severe. In addition, an unpleasant crust will definitely appear on the lips, which will come off on its own after a couple of days. Severe itching or burning may also occur.

If we talk about more serious consequences, then if this procedure is regularly abused, the lips may become too wrinkled, and their corners will begin to droop sharply.

If we talk about the pleasant “bonuses” of such a procedure, they are as follows: more voluminous, expressive, even lips with a beautiful shade that will delight you for at least two years.

Advantages of the procedure and contraindications

Permanent lip tattooing has gained popularity due to its advantages:

  • convenience - there is no need to use pencil and lipstick every day.
  • cost-effectiveness - despite the seemingly high cost of the procedure, it is justified, since after it there is no need to buy expensive cosmetics.
  • good aesthetic result - lips acquire a rich shade that imitates lipstick, or close to natural color.

The procedure has its own contraindications. Tattooing should not be performed if a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding, has inflammation or pigment spots on the skin of the mouth, or in case of exacerbation of diseases. Contraindications should be clarified at a preliminary consultation with a doctor.

Application Features

Based on the outline sketch, the master makes shallow punctures and fixes the general line. Then local anesthesia is applied using a gel or cream. The working substance is injected under the epidermal layer with a special machine with a sterile disposable needle.

Completion takes from 1 to 3 hours depending on the chosen technique. Immediately after surgery, the lips appear swollen and excessively bright. Over time, the negative effect goes away and the face takes on a natural appearance.

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Permanent eyebrow makeup by shooting

Also called “shadow technique”. The artist uses several colors and then shades them, creating the effect of eyebrow shadows. The result is natural because there is a smooth transition from dark colors, which are located at the tip of the eyebrows, to light ones, located at the base.

It is important that the first days the eyebrows will be light, but later they will darken and acquire the correct shade. After about two months, you will need to make a correction to consolidate the result.

Execution technique

Tattooing should be performed in a salon or specialized office. Applying permanent makeup at home is fraught with hazardous health consequences. The pigment must only be applied by a qualified professional. The scheme of the procedure in all techniques is identical, differing only in certain nuances regarding the introduction of paint and the number of courses. Below is a brief step-by-step description of the pigment application process, which consists of 3 steps:


To prepare for tattooing, you should be careful about exacerbation of herpes. If there is a tendency for the disease to appear on the lips, then a week before the procedure and a certain period after it, it is recommended to use the antiviral drug Acyclovir in tablets. You should not drink alcohol before the procedure.


Before adding paint, you should inquire about the composition and manufacturer of the pigment. It is important that it does not contain harmful components, has a pH level close to that of the skin, is easily administered and does not evaporate.

The session begins with cleansing the skin of cosmetic residues and applying an anesthetic.

Next, the paint is introduced using a machine with a thinning needle. The technique and depth of application depends on the type of makeup. The process may take 2-3 hours. If we are talking about a 3D effect, then there is a step-by-step application that requires several sessions.

For the first 1-2 days, slight swelling will be observed - this is a normal tissue reaction to injury. When the micro-wounds begin to heal, the lips should become crusty, and on the 3-4th day itching will appear - this is a sign of a normal regeneration process. At home, it is recommended to smear the lips with a wound-healing agent with an anti-inflammatory effect. Removing crusts is prohibited to avoid infection and the formation of gaps in the pigmented area.

Who should not do permanent makeup?

The procedure has a number of contraindications. So, permanent makeup cannot be done if you have:

  • inflammatory diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • poor blood clotting;

The procedure is also not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women and people recovering from surgery. The artist may refuse, even if there are moles, warts and wounds in the area where makeup is planned.

Permanent makeup using powder spraying

This technique also helps to get a soft result. It consists of applying many small dots of paint to the skin, which are almost invisible. It looks like the eyebrows are lightly penciled in.


Proper preparation is the key to successful tattooing.

  • Before the procedure, it is recommended to take a prophylactic course of Acyclovir; this is necessary to prevent an exacerbation of herpes.
  • If necessary, a course of vitamins and an immunomodulator can be prescribed, but this issue must be discussed with a doctor.
  • 3 days before the procedure you need to stop taking blood thinners.
  • The day before the appointed day, alcohol, strong tea and coffee should be avoided.

In addition, it is necessary:

  • exclude foods that may cause an allergic reaction;
  • do not sunbathe in a solarium;
  • do not visit the bathhouse or sauna;
  • do piercing in the mouth area;
  • administer drugs with Botox.
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