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August 01, 2018 Sveta Averyanova It’s hard to imagine raising a baby without frequent walks. Point of view
Acne (acne) is one of the most common skin diseases in the practice of a dermatologist.
Oily shine on the hair, sticky strands, untidy hairstyle, lack of volume and feeling forever
Can smoking cause acne The effect of nicotine on the formation of acne on the surface of the face
Atheroma is harmless, it only affects the appearance, so it can be treated at home
A mole (birthmark) is a pigmented skin growth that can extremely rarely be congenital
Japanese self-massage is a kind of facial fitness. It can help tighten the skin,
Herpes in the intimate area is an unpleasant pathology not only for aesthetic reasons. The disease if
Papillomas arise from the human papillomavirus, and this is an STI. Therefore, from manifestations of HPV it is necessary