How to get rid of stretch marks on your back without surgery

Stretch marks on the back are a fairly common phenomenon that occurs in both adults and adolescents. This is a cosmetic skin defect that is formed due to microscopic tears in the skin. Usually the problem appears in people who have rapidly gained weight or lost weight suddenly. In adolescents, they appear due to intensive growth, which the dermis cannot keep up with. Externally, stretch marks, which are also called striae, look like streaks that give the skin a loose, unaesthetic appearance.

Reasons for appearance

Stretch marks do not cause physical discomfort or pain, so they do not require specific treatment. But they cause psychological discomfort to many, especially boys and girls in adolescence. They do not want to wear a swimsuit on the beach or in the pool, which can gradually lead to the development of self-doubt. Stretch marks appear as a result of loss of skin elasticity, lack of collagen and elastane production.

But there are other reasons for the appearance of stretch marks:

  • Weight change. Unsightly stripes appear on the back and abdomen only during a period of rapid body growth, with which the upper layer of skin simply cannot keep up. They can occur in both men and women. Stretch marks can also be observed after sudden weight loss.
  • Dry skin. This problem affects people who drink a small amount of clean, purified water per day. Normally, an adult needs about 2 liters per day. With a deficiency, unaesthetic skin defects may appear.
  • Poor nutrition. Usually, if your diet consists of only fast food, fatty and fried foods, and beer, this will invariably lead to stretch marks and excess weight.
  • Genetic predisposition. This is not the main factor, but it also should not be excluded. If one of the parents had stretch marks, there is a high probability that the child will also develop them.
  • Problems with the thyroid gland. They usually lead to hormonal imbalance, which affects the functioning of all systems and the general condition of the skin.
  • Taking hormones. Striae often appear after taking corticosteroids. If they are taken for muscle growth, the dosage should be adjusted.

Wherever stretch marks are located, they represent a scar change in the skin and do not pose a health hazard. If they appear unexpectedly, without any prerequisites, then you should consult a doctor to determine the reason why such changes began in the body.

Treatment with folk remedies

To treat red dermographism, especially its mild form, you do not need to use specific techniques. It will be enough to use traditional medicine products, in this case they can provide significant help. Below are recommendations from healers for combating dermographic urticaria.

Morning tea and coffee for patients with urticarial dermographism should be replaced with a decoction of the series. The herb is brewed like regular tea. You can drink the decoction throughout the day, and not just in the morning. In addition to the series, teas brewed with black currant and garden raspberry leaves, rose hips, mint and yarrow are suitable for such patients.

Fresh celery juice will help get rid of the symptoms of dermographic urticaria. You can prepare it using a juicer, or simply grate the root on a fine grater and squeeze through cheesecloth. To achieve maximum effect, you should drink at least 1/3 glass of this juice per day. You can also make vegetable cocktails by adding carrot, cucumber or beet juice to celery.

Stretch marks on the back in teenagers

Stretch marks on the back of adolescents can form during puberty, due to serious restructuring of the entire body. Growth and weight fluctuations lead to micro-tears. But there are also striae that appear as a result of the following:

  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Serious dietary errors or obesity.
  • Pathological processes of the skin.
  • Endocrine disorders.
  • A sharp decrease in immunity.
  • Excessive physical activity.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Vertebral displacement.
  • Hidden pathologies of internal organs.

If parents notice other symptoms in a child besides stretch marks, then you should immediately consult a doctor. This may be high blood pressure, accompanied by heavy nosebleeds, or increased hair growth. Conventional cosmetic procedures will be ineffective here, since the cause must be sought internally.

Stretch marks can appear not only on the back, but also on the stomach

Diagnostic methods

If stretch marks appear, you should check with an endocrinologist to rule out diabetes.
If you notice red or blue stripes on your son/daughter’s back, stomach or buttocks, parents should insist on seeing a doctor. This is important because the earlier treatment is started, the easier it is to get rid of stretch marks. First, the teenager needs to visit the office of a therapist or general practitioner. In the future, he will be referred to specialists with a narrow profile:

  • dermatologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • orthopedist;
  • immunologist.

The appearance of stretch marks can be caused by serious endocrine diseases: diabetes mellitus, Ishchenko-Cushing's disease, expressed in hyperfunction of the adrenal glands. Marfan syndrome, the symptomatic picture of which also includes striae, is caused by a gene mutation and is hereditary. This disease leads to damage to the connective tissue with the involvement of the musculoskeletal system in the pathological process.

A full examination is carried out, including checking the functions of the cardiovascular, endocrine, musculoskeletal systems, as well as general and biochemical analysis of blood and urine.

If the cause of stretch marks is an illness of any of the internal organs, the underlying disease should be treated first.


Getting rid of stretch marks on the back is quite problematic, regardless of whether they are new or old. Although today there are many ways to combat them. Some are aimed at evening out colors, reducing their depth, and reducing visibility. It is necessary to approach solving the problem comprehensively, using all available methods in order to determine the most effective ones.

Cosmetology procedures

It is almost impossible to remove stretch marks from the back without using hardware techniques. Therefore, when they appear on the skin, first of all they turn to a dermatologist and cosmetologist. They will advise which methods will be the most optimal for restoring the aesthetic appearance of the skin. The following techniques work well to remove stretch marks:

How to get rid of a hump on your back

  • Laser skin resurfacing. It destroys the top layer of skin, which makes stretch marks less noticeable. The procedure is quite painful, so it is performed under local anesthesia. The effect is noticeable a month after the procedure.
  • Deep peeling. With age, the skin becomes thick and rough; acidic compounds remove all dead cells and start the process of skin regeneration. As in the previous case, the result is noticeable only after some time, when the epidermis begins to recover.
  • Microdermbrasion. It removes stretch marks thanks to the mechanical action of aluminum oxide. Polishing allows you to even out the skin, adjust its shade, and make stretch marks almost invisible. Only old stripes that are more than 8-9 months old can be treated in this way. Only 10 procedures are required.
  • Chromopiling. A cosmetic procedure that involves exfoliation, which in the process gives the skin a tan. The effect is quite long-lasting, but it must be repeated periodically.
  • Mesotherapy. An effective and modern way to eliminate any skin defects. But to get a lasting result, you will need at least 7-10 sessions. The downside is the fairly high cost of one procedure.

All these methods have a number of contraindications, so before making an appointment, you must consult with a specialist.

Home Recipes

At home, you can also deal with the problem of stretched skin no less effectively. It is better to treat it with natural remedies, which with regular use will provide lasting results. Proven recipes of traditional medicine include:

  • One tablespoon of sugar is mixed with a couple of drops of lemon juice and almond oil. After obtaining a homogeneous mass, rub the stretch marks with it for 5 minutes, after which you need to take a shower.
  • Potato juice renews the upper layer of the epidermis well, thanks to the large amount of vitamins and minerals it contains. One slice of potato should be rubbed into each stretch for 3 minutes. A large root tuber should be removed in one procedure.
  • A homeopathic remedy is aloe juice mixed with vitamin A and several capsules of vitamin E. The resulting composition must be rubbed in a circular motion.
  • Lemon juice is mixed with cucumber juice in equal proportions. After which the solution is applied to the skin. This must be done carefully so as not to cause redness.
  • Alfalfa powder is mixed with chamomile oil. A compress is made from the resulting paste, which cleanses the skin and enriches it with vitamins K and E.

You can also use fresh apricots for rubbing if they are in season. Fresh fruits are divided into two slices and rubbed into the skin for 2 minutes. You can also make a paste from them and apply to the surface, leaving for a while. The above recipes should be used with caution, having previously tested the skin for sensitivity.

Olive oil is an excellent way to combat back stretch marks in teenagers

Striae in a teenager

If your son has stretch marks all over his back, then treatment should begin with the most harmless methods. An excellent remedy is olive oil. It is used as follows:

  • The teenager lies on his stomach, on a flat surface.
  • The oil is applied to the stretch marks in a circular motion with slight pressure. This must be done within 5 minutes.
  • Wrap the area in a clean natural cloth, preferably cotton, to allow it to breathe.
  • Take a bottle or heating pad and fill it with not too hot water. Warm up for 30 minutes.

The procedure must be repeated every day for 25-30 days. As soon as lasting results become noticeable, you can stop. In addition to oil, stretch marks in adolescents can also be lubricated with lemon juice if the skin is not hypersensitive to citrus extract.

General recommendations during treatment

If stretch marks begin to appear on your body, then it’s time to adjust your lifestyle. To do this, it is necessary to reconsider all key aspects:

  • Proper nutrition. The menu should contain a large amount of protein so that the epidermis has time to grow a large number of cells. Carbohydrates should be minimal.
  • Sufficient hydration. If your skin is very dry, then it is worth purchasing a high-quality moisturizer that contains collagen.
  • Cleanse the skin thoroughly using scrubs or special peels. They will remove all dead cells from the surface and stimulate the production of new ones.
  • The diet should contain at least 2 liters of clean water.
  • Once a week, do a relaxing massage that will allow body fluids to circulate normally throughout the body.

Particular attention is paid to the stretch marks themselves; they must be lubricated with moisturizing creams every day. This will prevent their condition from worsening and make the problem less noticeable.

Iodine mesh is one of the ways to combat stretch marks on the back

Drug therapy

Mesotherapy is the subcutaneous administration of drugs that improve metabolism.
When a doctor determines that the cause of stretch marks is genetic characteristics or the rapid physical development of a teenager, treatment takes the form of medicinal procedures aimed at eliminating a cosmetic skin defect.

  • Massage with collagen creams and oils – Bio-oil, Silderm, Trilastin, Aleva-cream. It improves metabolism, causing blood flow to the surface of the dermis, thereby increasing its elasticity.
  • Mesotherapy is the subcutaneous administration of medications that improve metabolic processes. To completely remove stretch marks, a long course of treatment is required - at least six months.
  • Laser resurfacing – the very first procedure smoothes the skin texture so much that stretch marks become invisible. However, they are not completely removed, so the course must be repeated annually.

The last two types of physical therapy are expensive, and not all parents can afford such treatment. In this case, we can recommend more affordable ways to combat stretch marks on the skin, but before using them, you should consult with your doctor.

Contraindications and precautions

Cosmetological and hardware techniques are not a universal means of getting rid of stretch marks, especially when it comes to teenagers 14-15 years old or people with chronic pathologies. Before taking the course, you must consult your doctor to rule out the possibility of an allergic reaction. The main contraindications are usually:

  • The presence of neoplasms on the body.
  • Oncology of any localization.
  • Blood disorders or serious bleeding disorders.
  • Severe form of diabetes mellitus.
  • Any mental disorders.
  • Pregnancy or lactation period.
  • Infectious diseases in the acute period.
  • Cardiovascular pathologies.

When taking pharmaceutical drugs, you must follow the dosage indicated in the instructions. You should not exceed the recommended amount to enhance the effect, as this can lead to serious poisoning.

Diet therapy

The selection of nutrition for each patient is individual and should be carried out by a nutritionist. Although there are general rules, for example, you should avoid eating spicy and fatty foods, smoked and salty foods, and do not abuse spices, alcohol and carbonated drinks. To enrich your diet, you should include more greens, vegetables, and fresh fruits. Add fermented milk products containing biobacteria and probiotics to your daily diet. The healthiest way to cook food is by steaming; you can also stew, boil, or bake. Don't forget about drinking plenty of fluids.

Folk remedies are also suitable for eliminating the causes and treating red dermographism (see photo below). The most effective were: raw potatoes, nettles and raspberry roots; olive oil; sage and string; valerian and celandine; St. John's wort and chamomile. Decoctions are prepared from herbs, roots and leaves, which are taken orally or used as lotions (especially potatoes).

Preventive actions

Getting rid of stretch marks on your back is much more difficult than preventing their appearance. To prevent the occurrence of microtraumas, follow these simple rules:

  • Review your diet and give preference to eating a diet with plenty of vegetables and fruits. Enrich the menu with products containing proteins, vitamins, and microelements to maintain skin elasticity.
  • Ensure that your body receives enough clean drinking water. On average, a person needs up to 2 liters of fluid.
  • Provide careful skin care during adolescence, use a moisturizer (preferably for children).
  • Regularly use scrubs and other exfoliating agents during water treatments to remove dead skin and intensively renew the epidermis.
  • Temper your body by regularly taking contrast showers.
  • Control your body weight, do not try extreme diets that promise sudden and rapid weight loss in a few days.

Prevention of stretch marks must be done regularly, this is what the result depends on. Men should also remember that when playing sports they should not go to extremes and engage in excessive uncontrolled physical activity.

Stretch marks on the body of a teenager or adult are most often observed due to weight fluctuations or rapid growth. But sometimes they are only a symptom of serious hormonal imbalances. In this case, you cannot do without consulting a specialist. Also a reason for treatment is a constant change in the shade of stretch marks, acquiring a purple tint. Since this may indicate the onset of diabetes mellitus, diseases of internal organs.

Types of dermographism

Depending on the clinical picture, several types of disease are distinguished:

  • White dermographism. In the corresponding zone of skin irritation, whitish stripes appear within 3-5 seconds after a small impact on it, which disappear in a few minutes.

  • Edema dermographism. At the site of physical irritation, oblong edematous ridges 5–15 mm wide and 1–2 mm high appear. The swelling increases gradually, sometimes over several hours, and disappears very slowly.

  • Red dermographism. Characteristic signs are the formation of red hyperthermic stripes in the area of ​​direct skin irritation. They appear 15 minutes after mechanical impact. In the chronic course of the disease, traces remain for an hour or two. The acute stage is characterized by an increase in the time of manifestation of the disease to 1–3 days.

  • Urticarial dermographism. It is the most common type of dermographism, accounting for 15% of all skin diseases. With urticarial dermographism, in addition to stripes and spots, an itchy rash appears on the irritated skin.


Collecting information about how much humanity suffers from this condition is complicated by the fact that not everyone notices something unusual in the reaction of their skin, and even fewer people consider it necessary to contact doctors if abnormalities are detected. In this regard, data on how common red dermographism is is difficult to call sufficiently accurate. Researchers talk about 2-5%, but in reality the percentage is most likely higher.

Red dermographism in children occurs quite often at an early age. It can be quite intense and diffuse, but is mainly due to the fact that their skin is more delicate and sensitive and at the same time prone to irritation. However, children are more often diagnosed with other skin diseases (for example, urticaria or dermatitis), rather than red dermographism.

Symptoms of striae [edit | edit code]

Red-bluish stripes appear on the skin of the thighs, buttocks, chest or abdomen, most often located either radially or parallel. The length of the tears is usually in the range from 1 to 8-10 cm, width - 1-5 mm. The color of the stretch marks gradually changes from bright red-violet at the beginning, to whitish with a pearlescent tint after a few months. Stretch marks that appeared less than 6 months ago are considered “young,” while stretch marks that appeared less than 6 months ago are considered “old.” The skin texture over the stretch marks can be:

  • located flush with the skin;
  • retracted relief;
  • convex relief.

The first two options are most often observed. The third option is in many ways reminiscent of anetoderma, since convex scars easily “fall” deeper when pressed.

Pathogenesis of striae [edit | edit code]

One of the main factors in the occurrence of striae is a decrease in the synthesis of collagen and elastin by fibroblasts, while maintaining the ability to synthesize metalloproteases (collagenase, elastase). In other words, in this case, the spectrum of fibroblastic cells is dominated by fibroclasts, which synthesize enzymes and destroy collagen, as well as elastin proteins that maintain the strength of the skin. As a result, when the skin is overstretched, a rupture occurs and the reticular layer of the dermis is destroyed while the epidermis is preserved. Vessels, collagen and elastic fibers are torn, and a “failure” occurs in the skin.


The results of mechanical irritation of the skin allow us to conclude that the activity of the sympathetic or parasympathetic parts of the autonomic nervous system predominates, which, by the way, also allows us to classify the pathology into white and red dermographism. This is quite important, since their work is automated and is not controlled by the person himself. At the same time, disturbances in its functioning can result in mental disorders or simply unpleasant sensations. Those who have a more active sympathetic department are characterized by increased performance in the evening hours, energy, anxiety, and decreased concentration. The rest experience apathy and greater activity in the first half of the day.

It is curious that when the nerve roots are damaged, dermographism may not appear in these places at all. The same reaction can indicate severe damage to the central nervous system and serious exhaustion. It's amazing that such a simple test can provide such important information.

Features of the disease

Factors that provoke autographism can be belt pressure, clothing friction, vibration, or the movement of a blunt object along the skin with pressure. In this case, the skin does not always itch, but reacts to provocation by forming swellings, redness, blisters that repeat the shape of the irritant object or its trajectory. For example, if a patient scratches an itchy area, whitish-pink stripes will appear above the skin as they scratch.

The dermographic form also includes urticaria due to pressure, when skin reactions occur in the form of swelling and irritation after 2–6 hours. For example, under a wristwatch, after prolonged pressure, a bracelet-shaped blister will swell around the wrist. Tight compression stockings and tight shoes can have the same effect.

Autographism is observed in 8–13% of all types of urticaria. More often (65 - 95%) the disease affects people predisposed to allergies, often occurring in parallel with other types of allergies - heat urticaria, cold urticaria, cholinergic urticaria, dermatitis, Quincke's edema. But with dermographic urticaria, itching appears less frequently.

Urticarial dermographism (photo)

Prevention of stretch marks [edit | edit code]

Most dermatologists believe that prevention of stretch marks is necessary. Especially for patients from risk groups: pregnant women, adolescents during puberty, people with endocrine system disorders and those subject to sudden weight fluctuations, with a hereditary predisposition.

Careful home care is necessary for the areas where stretch marks typically appear.

To improve the elasticity and strength of the skin, it is recommended:

  • Daily use of a contrast shower, dousing with cold water;
  • Massage with hard washcloths, followed by application of nourishing and moisturizing products to the skin.
  • Vitamin E and olive oil help maintain skin elasticity.

It is also recommended to use external products that improve cellular nutrition and skin elasticity, stimulate collagen formation, and provide long-term hydration.

Many women and men face the problem of stretch marks on their legs. This cosmetic defect is especially upsetting for women. They feel uncomfortable and the stretch marks seem ugly to them. You can, of course, hide the unpleasant stripes under clothes, or you can try to get rid of them or make them less noticeable.

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