Treatment of atheromas and lipomas on the genital organs in women

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  • Neoplasms on the skin and mucous membranes of the genitals in men and women are not just an unpleasant, but also a dangerous phenomenon. Condylomas, warts, papillomas need to be removed.

    Warts, condylomas, papillomas can appear not only on the skin, but also on mucous membranes. It is especially unpleasant if tumors occur in the genital area. They interfere with normal sexual life and sometimes indicate a disease.

    Consultation on the day of the procedure is free

    Reasons for the appearance of wen on the labia

    Neoplasms on the external genital organs are divided into 2 types - lipomas, which form under the skin in fatty tissue, and atheromas, which are cysts of the sebaceous gland. Wen are observed as concomitant signs of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, and diabetes. Often formations accompany people with high blood cholesterol.

    Wen are observed as concomitant signs of gastrointestinal diseases

    Main causes:

    • hormonal imbalance;
    • accumulation of toxins, waste due to poor nutrition, slow metabolism;
    • overweight, oily skin;
    • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
    • alcohol abuse, smoking;
    • increased sweating of the delicate area;
    • microtrauma of the sebaceous glands of the genitals (depilation, piercing, tight underwear, sexual intercourse);
    • genetic predisposition;
    • unsuitable hygiene products;
    • inadequate night's rest.

    When the outlet or duct of the sebaceous gland is blocked, its secretion ceases to be excreted, accumulates and forms a mobile unit. The metabolic processes of the dermis are affected by hormones and excess nutrition with the consumption of unnatural foods, fried fatty and spicy foods. Metabolic processes are slowed down by a sedentary lifestyle, lack of daily exercise, fitness, and walks.

    Hot climates and work in hazardous industries increase the risk of fatty deposits.

    Types of disease

    There are several types of neoplasms in the vagina and other parts of the body:

    • Fibrolipoma. This type consists exclusively of adipose tissue.
    • Myolipoma. It differs in that in addition to the fat layer, the neoplasm contains muscle fibers.
    • Angiolipoma. With this option, blood vessels pass through the wen.
    • Osteolipoma. Contains bone tissue inside.
    • Petrified lipomas. The rarest type, formed by calcareous substances.

    It is impossible to determine the type of disease on your own. Outwardly they look the same. Only a gynecologist can make an accurate diagnosis.

    Symptoms and signs of wen on the labia

    Neoplasms can appear on the labia minora, labia majora, and pubis. A lipoma looks like a lump that rises above the skin and is not connected to it. The growth of fatty tissue never becomes inflamed, does not hurt and reaches large sizes - up to 15 cm.

    Atheroma is part of the dermis, mobile, painless, symmetrical in shape, always contains a capsule, the size reaches 3 cm. It feels like a pea, the color is white or yellowish.

    Since the formation is associated with the ducts of the sebaceous glands, there is a risk of their damage, accompanied by the following symptoms:

    • increase in volume, itching;
    • pain when pressed;
    • hyperemia, swelling;
    • increased body temperature, headache;

    When opened independently, a fistula is formed, from which the contents of the capsule emerge.

    What's happened

    In appearance, a lipoma on the labia appears as a small lump that looks like a pimple. In some cases, the contents of the formation are visible through the skin, which consists of fatty tissue and has a yellow tint.

    The neoplasm can be of various sizes. Most often it reaches a diameter of several millimeters. During palpation, you can determine the liquid consistency. With slight pressure on the growth, pain, as a rule, does not occur.

    Often pathology is discovered by chance. This is explained by the fact that in most cases the pathological process occurs without symptoms at an early stage of development.

    Differential diagnosis

    Women discover wen on the genitals during hygiene procedures. To be sure of health safety, contact a gynecologist.

    Upon visual examination, the doctor will determine the type of fatty formation based on size, appearance, depth, and other distinctive features.

    Appearance of the wen

    Since the most effective way to get rid of it is radical measures, you need to visit a surgeon. He will advise on a specific case, rule out or confirm the need for surgical removal of the wen. If surgical intervention is required, the doctor sends the patient for x-rays, ultrasound, and computed tomography. These methods reveal the boundaries of the lipoma, its structure and location.

    For small atheromas, when their signs are not so clearly expressed, contact a dermatologist to exclude other skin diseases

    Histological analysis is carried out after surgery. With its help, cells of biological material are examined for oncogenicity, which will determine the need for further treatment.


    It is enough for a specialist to establish a diagnosis by palpation of the node, without additional research. The existence of an excretory duct, which is the main sign in the diagnosis of atheroma.

    The inflammatory process can be an obstacle to an accurate diagnosis. Unfortunately, women come to us at the most critical moments of this disease, when the inflammatory process progresses.

    To be on the safe side, doctors often carry out an additional check to ensure that the nodule is benign.

    What symptoms do you see a surgeon for:

    • Presence of hernial protrusion
    • Daggering pains in the abdomen
    • Bloating
    • Pain in the right hypochondrium
    • Bitterness in the mouth
    • Nausea
    • Presence of neoplasms on the skin
    • Swelling and redness of the skin
    • Bone fractures and bruises
    • Wounds of any location
    • Vomit
    • Enlarged and painful lymph nodes

    Pharmacy remedies for wen on the labia

    To remove atheromas at the initial stage of formation, doctors prescribe medications that are purchased in pharmacies. These include ointments, creams, balms.

    1. Ichthyol ointment. Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, relieving pain, itching, keratinization of the dermis. When using, it is recommended to dilute with glycerin for a gentle effect on the mucous membrane. The product has a resolving effect when tampons or cotton pads with ichthyol are applied for 1–2 weeks. The ointment is contraindicated if you are allergic to its components.
    2. Balsamic liniment (according to Vishnevsky). An economical, effective product that penetrates into the deep layers of the dermis and improves blood circulation. Xeroform, which is part of the drug, draws out the contents of the atheroma capsule through the ducts of the sebaceous glands. 4 applications left overnight are enough for a formation up to 1 cm in size to disappear.
    3. Videstim ointment. The main active component of the low-allergenic drug is retinol, which normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and breaks down adipose tissue. The product is applied twice a day. Contraindications include acute inflammatory processes and pregnancy.

    4. Balm Karavaev. Consists of a collection of 12 medicinal herbs, camphor and essential oils. Regulates metabolic processes, improves blood circulation, restores the water balance of the epidermis. Nourishes and vitaminizes the skin. It is recommended to use for inflamed wen, as it has a powerful anti-inflammatory, regenerating effect. To obtain the effect, apply balm to the new growth in the morning and evening.

    Clinical picture

    If the tumor is small, it may not be noticeable. Clinical manifestations depend on what influenced the appearance of the tumor, but the pathology is always accompanied by discomfort.

    Wen removal

    Wen removal is a method of therapeutic intervention when the tumor reaches a size of 10 centimeters or more.

    At the initial stage of development, the spread of the inflammatory process is observed, which is accompanied by the following symptoms:

    1. Pain . Occurs when walking.
    2. Itching . Intensifies at night.
    3. Redness of the upper layer of the epidermis.
    4. Increased temperature .
    5. Burning and hyperemia.
    6. Loss of appetite . As a result, the patient begins to rapidly lose weight.
    7. Headache dizziness .
    8. Changes in the clinical blood .

    Based on the manifestations, a wen in the groin can be distinguished from various types of hernias, which manifest themselves in the form of:

    1. Constipation or flatulence.
    2. Tachycardia and fever.
    3. Nausea.
    4. Increased body temperature.
    5. Pain in the lumbar region.

    The main difference is that the tumor increases when sneezing or straining. In this case, the disease is accompanied by redness and bluish discoloration of the skin in the area of ​​hernia formation.

    In cases where the cause of the appearance of a lump is varicose veins or the formation of blood clots in the vessels, pulsation is observed in the area of ​​the neoplasm. In this case, the surface of the bump becomes lumpy, and the pain radiates to the leg.

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    Thus, based on clinical manifestations, one can easily distinguish a wen in the intimate area from a hernia and other pathologies that are similar in appearance.

    It is strictly not recommended to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment on your own, as this should be done by the attending physician. When the first symptoms appear, you should consult a specialist.

    Indications for surgical treatment

    The most effective way to get rid of lipomas and atheromas is surgical removal. There are several ways to radically influence unwanted fatty tumors.

    1. Classic surgical method. Used for large lesions. Local anesthesia is performed using an anesthetic injection. After the onset of its action, the wen is excised. After its removal, stitches are applied. The doctor prescribes a course of antibacterial drugs. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis. Healing of a postoperative wound takes from three to ten days. Rehabilitation after a lipoma takes more time, since it lies deeper.
    2. Radio wave removal. It occurs using a radio scalpel in a non-contact manner. High-frequency radio waves burn out the tumor in a targeted manner. An anesthetic injection is required. The operation takes place in a doctor's office and takes 20–40 minutes. It is recommended to treat the wound with an antiseptic for a week.
    3. Endoscopy. A small incision (0.5 cm) is made and a tube is inserted into it. Through it, the contents of the lipoma are sucked out with a vacuum, which can be easily separated. The method differs from the classical method in that it is less traumatic, has a shorter rehabilitation period, and lacks scars.
    4. Laser coagulation. Small wen is removed in 20 minutes. The procedure is painless and bloodless, leaving no scars. For tumors larger than 2 cm, an incision is made with a scalpel, and then laser coagulation of the wen itself. In this case, local anesthesia and postoperative sutures are used.

    What are the treatment methods?

    Treatment of lipoma in the vaginal area involves the use of surgery. Eliminating the growth in any other way is very problematic. Some specialists use other treatment methods.

    For example, in some cases, special drugs are used that are injected subcutaneously into the body of the formation. These medications provoke the resorption of the growth. But the use of drugs is possible only for small tumors. If its size is large, the course of treatment will last several months. And importantly, there is a possibility that the lipoma will not completely resolve and a relapse will occur.

    Also, some specialists practice opening the tumor body to further squeeze out its contents. The procedure is not justified, since the remainder of even a small amount of liquid will lead to re-growth of the wen.

    The most effective methods for eliminating benign formations on the vaginal mucosa are: traditional surgery, laser excision, radio wave surgery. The first method is used only in cases where the wen is quite large or there is a risk of oncological degeneration. Removing growths with laser and radio waves are more gentle methods. They allow you to quickly and almost painlessly get rid of tumors at the entrance to the vagina.

    The method of excision depends on the choice of the attending physician, which is based on the degree of growth of the disease, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient.

    Traditional medicine recipes

    Many women prefer home treatment to surgical removal. You should not expect the complete disappearance of wen in an intimate place using folk remedies. They will help only at the initial stage of the formation of lipomas and atheromas. The most popular recipes are those using homemade potions from medicinal herbs and food products.

    1. Ivy tincture. Plant raw materials (100 g) are poured into a glass of vodka. The container is placed in a dark place for 3 days. A compress is made from a cotton swab dipped in the tincture. The duration of the procedure is 2–3 hours.
    2. Chamomile decoction. Pour 200 g of dried flowers into a liter of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. The resulting product is used as a lotion or taken in a bath with it every other day for a week. The duration of exposure to the decoction in both cases is 20 minutes.
    3. Aloe, Kalanchoe. The healing leaves of the plants, having previously been washed and cut, are applied to the wen at the cut site for 10–15 minutes or simply wiped over the defective area.


    What not to do when you find a wen

    If swelling is detected in the intimate area, under no circumstances should you do the following:

    1. Open the growth and try to squeeze out the contents of the wen.
    2. Try to cut out the tumor yourself.
    3. Use burning substances and preparations, especially if the tumor is in the intimate area.
    4. Resort to traditional medicine or the advice of friends and acquaintances.
    5. Use and take any medications before diagnosis.

    Complications of wen on the labia

    If the tumor does not change in size and does not impair the quality of life, then you should simply monitor it. But since atheromas are located in the epidermis layer, they are exposed to the mechanical effects of underwear and feminine hygiene products.

    When the atheroma is damaged, a bacterial infection occurs, which causes inflammation and suppuration. If surgical intervention is not taken in time, phlegmon will form. The formation must be drained or removed, since when the capsule ruptures, its contents enter neighboring tissues and an abscess is formed.

    In cases of attempts to squeeze out or puncture the wen, the atheroma may degenerate into a malignant tumor. If there is an increase in size or inflammation, it is recommended to consult a doctor; under no circumstances try to use radical methods to remove the formations on your own, since the consequences of such actions are difficult to predict.


    The formation of a wen in the area of ​​the female labia can lead to consequences. So, if the atheroma is damaged, a bacterial infection cannot be excluded, which can provoke an inflammatory process or suppuration of the affected area.

    If it is not removed in a timely manner, a phlegmon begins to form, which requires excision, since if it ruptures, the liquid can penetrate into nearby tissues and cause an abscess.

    The possibility of malignancy of the wen cannot be excluded. This mainly happens when you try to squeeze out or puncture the growth yourself.

    Prevention methods

    To prevent the appearance of primary wen and their recurrence, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

    • monitor hormonal levels by periodically visiting an endocrinologist;
    • lead an active lifestyle, play sports, do gymnastics in the morning;
    • control weight;
    • maintain personal hygiene, overweight women take a shower at least once a day, and in the summer in the morning and evening every day;
    • wear cotton underwear, which should be changed every day;
    • do not smoke, do not abuse alcohol;
    • have a regular sexual partner, practice protected sex;
    • protect the skin with special clothing in hazardous industries;
    • avoid rubbing the labia, excessive sweating in the perineum;
    • When washing, use gels for intimate hygiene.

    A healthy, balanced diet plays an important role in preventing the appearance of atheromas and lipomas. The rules are simple - eat more vegetables, fruits, seafood and white meat. Limit fried, fatty, smoked foods. Products containing fast carbohydrates affect weight gain and should be excluded from the diet. Normal metabolism, which affects the condition of the epidermis, depends on proper nutrition.

    Effect of lipoma removal

    Removing the capsule containing the fatty tissue minimizes the risk of disease recurrence, unlike alternative lipoma excision techniques. After surgical excision of a large formation, a small scar remains, which, in agreement with the doctor, can be made less noticeable using special creams/ointments and hardware procedures. As noted earlier, laser removal does not leave scars or scars, which is especially important for the patient when the formation is localized on the face/head/neck.

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