Experts' Choice: 48 of the Best Face Creams of All Time
Place Name Characteristics in the ranking The best moisturizing and nourishing creams with natural composition 1
Why do acne spots form and how to remove acne?
From this article you will learn: how to get rid of acne spots, how to remove scars
Revitonics. A detailed video course of basic exercises from Natalia Osminina, Anastasia Dubinskaya. Reviews from doctors
Revitonics. A detailed video course of basic exercises from Natalia Osminina, Anastasia Dubinskaya. Reviews from doctors
A set of special exercises for the face (face building) is an effective alternative to plastic surgery methods for tightening
Papillomas on the eyelid
How is papillomas on the eyelid removed? All about methods of treating the disease
According to medical definition, papilloma is a small benign wart-type tumor that forms on
Urticaria in children
PHYSICAL URTICA IN CHILDREN: principles of diagnosis and treatment
Hives is an allergic disease that appears as spots or red, intensely itchy plaques on the
Microsporia is a fungal disease
Quarantine due to microsporia in kindergarten. Microsporia in children - causative agent, manifestations on the scalp or skin, treatment and prevention
Microsporia is a fungal disease that affects the skin and hair follicles. Maybe caused
food allergy
Ointments for skin allergies in adults – which ones to choose?
The World Health Organization noted that more than 40% of people on our planet suffer from allergies, so
How does Dysport work: what can and cannot be done before and after injections?
The effectiveness of Botox, like Dysport, largely depends on compliance with aftercare recommendations.
How to remove condylomas and papillomas on the labia minora
Genital warts are one of the most common types of sexually transmitted infections. They are called
Chlorhexidine: a good antiseptic for killing bacteria and viruses
Chlorhexidine belongs to the group of broad-spectrum antiseptic and bactericidal drugs for external and
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