Sunburn: what to do and how to treat sunburn?

09.09.2016 Sunburn is characterized by inflammation of the skin caused by excessive exposure to sunlight.

Common symptoms of sunburn:

  • inflammation and redness of the skin at the burn site, pain when touching the affected area;
  • After sun exposure for several days, the skin may swell, swell, turn red and blister;
  • sometimes the total body temperature increases to 39-40C.

The severity of symptoms depends on a number of factors:

  • skin type;
  • medications taken;
  • location and duration of sun exposure;
  • degree of sun protection of the cream.

Sunburn and heatstroke do not appear immediately. Even when the skin suffers from strong exposure to sunlight, no visible changes are observed in the next couple of hours. This is a delayed action mechanism. Symptoms fully manifest themselves after 12–14 hours; only 4–7 days after a sunburn does the burnt layer of skin begin to peel off.

Important! There may be no telltale symptoms of a sunburn, but prolonged exposure to the sun will affect the skin, thereby increasing the risk of freckles, wrinkles, or skin cancer.

What are the dangers of sunburn?

A mild degree of sunburn does not cause serious consequences, but the most severe sunburns cause long-term non-healing skin defects - ulcers and erosions. If a mild degree of sunburn is often repeated, then this also poses a danger to humans and leads to the appearance of skin lesions - malignant neoplasms, photodermatoses, sunburns of varying degrees of severity.

First steps when providing assistance

In case of sunburn, the damaged areas of the body are cooled and moisturized, and special remedies are taken to relieve pain.

1. Cooling. Just like any burn, the affected area for a sunburn should be cooled. For these purposes, lotions and compresses with ordinary running cold water are used. Use chilled black chalk, ice cubes, aloe juice, tomato and cucumber juices. Antiseptic lotions - a weak solution of potassium permanganate, chlorhexidine, furatsilin - give a good effect. As it heats up, the compress cloth must be wetted.

2. Moisturizing and subsequent treatment. Cooled skin must be moisturized, otherwise it will dry out and become inflamed again.

Panthenol spray

This burn remedy is sold in a can - a gentle airy foam is sprayed directly onto the affected area. The great advantage of Panthenol is that it is used not only for household and sunburns, but also for scratches, abrasions, and the treatment of postoperative wounds. The active substance in the burn spray is dexpanthenol, which synthesizes special biologically active substances in the skin that help injuries heal faster and relieve inflammation.

Panthenol has a very convenient method of application, which does not require sponges, spatulas or unnecessary hand touching of damaged skin.

Panthenol spray
Bausch Health, Canada

A tissue regeneration stimulator that is used for: Various injuries to the skin and mucous membranes, including abrasions, burns, aseptic postoperative wounds, skin grafts, bullous and blistering dermatitis.
from 158

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Popular drugs

PanthenolSpray effectively relieves skin inflammation. The product contains dexpanthenol, and therefore has an anti-inflammatory and healing effect. Experts noted an obstacle to the development of inflammation when using the drug, rapid elimination of burning, redness and other unpleasant signs of a burn. PanthenolSpray is an original medicinal product that has been tested over the years and has gained wide popularity. Pharmacies offer many analogues with similar packaging.

If chills are observed and the general condition is disturbed, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used - Ibuprofen, Paracetamol. You can also use aspirin, a drug from the salicylates group.

To prevent skin dehydration, experts recommend creams based on chamomile and calendula extract, Aloe Vera, and vitamin E. The components will help the skin absorb moisture and retain it for a long time.

Important! Treatment of sunburn does not allow the use of alcohol-containing lotions and other cosmetics, since they further dry the skin and cause additional injury. In addition, when washing burnt skin, you should not use soap, or overload it with too greasy creams.

Important! When blisters appear, it is absolutely unacceptable to pierce them.

3. Pain relief. Paracetamol, Aspirin, Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen help to cope with pain. Itching and burning are reduced by antihistamines. Aspirin in combination with ibuprofen inhibits the formation of toxic substances that cause swelling and redness of the skin. A regular cool bath helps reduce fever and pain. Symptoms of burning are caused by active blood flow, which is caused by severe inflammation, and cold water constricts blood vessels and alleviates the condition. But you can’t rush to get into the shower - these are the same microtraumas, unnecessary pain.

Bepanten Plus

The active component of this burn cream is also dexpanthenol, but it also contains an antimicrobial substance. All this together helps to effectively treat sun and thermal burns, as well as prevent infection from entering the wound. "Bepanten" is often prescribed to nursing women for cracked nipples.

A minor disadvantage of this burn cream is that it has to be applied by hand or with a cotton swab, but this in no way affects the effectiveness.

Bepanten Plus
F. Hoffmann-La Roche, France

Prevention and treatment of dry skin when the integrity of its integument is violated;
— care for the mammary glands during breastfeeding (treatment of dry nipples and painful cracks); — treatment and care of the baby’s skin (diaper rash, diaper dermatitis); - activation of the skin healing process for minor injuries, minor burns, abrasions, skin irritations, chronic ulcers, bedsores, cracks and skin grafts. from 156

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Folk remedies

“Grandma’s recipes” can also have an effect on sunburn. These are sour cream, milk, kefir, egg white. These products contain proteins that prevent moisture loss and restore skin.

Important! Traditional medicines will really be effective if used at least twice a day. But, no matter what method is chosen to eliminate sunburn, it is imperative to moisturize the skin afterwards.

In terms of choosing creams, preference should be given to those containing hyaluronic acid, cactus extracts, aloe, sea buckthorn, green tea, and rosemary. Medical aerosols against sunburn and after-sun preparations do a good job of doing this.

If your child gets a sunburn

If you find that your child has sunburn, you should prepare a cold bath for him. Bathing in a bath with oatmeal gives a good effect. To do this, you need to take regular oatmeal, pour it into a cloth bag, tie it with thread and put it in the bath or hang it under the shower. The child should stay in such a bath for 5–15 minutes, after which he should be gently blotted with a towel so that a small layer of oatmeal powder remains on the skin. This will help relieve itching and soften the skin.

It is necessary that the child receives a sufficient amount of fluid. On the day of the burn and the next three days, the child should drink a lot of water. For damaged skin of a child, the general remedies described above are suitable.

Another important point is the child’s nutrition. Vitamin C can strengthen the immune system and also have a slight anti-inflammatory effect. It is better to give preference to varieties with bioflavonoids. The dosage for a child depends on his age, multiplied by 50 milligrams. The medicine is given twice a day, but if diarrhea begins, the dose should be reduced.

It is advisable to use liquid or powdered (non-acidic) vitamin C. These solutions are suitable for children and infants and can be used by adding to juice. Zinc will help strengthen the immune system and speed up skin regeneration. The dose for children under 2 years old is 5 milligrams, over two years old - 10–15 milligrams. The drug is given for two weeks, after which the course ends.

The carotenoid complex is given prophylactically. Carotenoids often help absorb sunlight and protect the skin from damage. Given with a multivitamin complex.

Important! When your child's skin becomes blistered and the temperature cannot be brought down, you should immediately consult a doctor.

When treating sunburn, proper diet is important. It is advisable to include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, as they contain large amounts of vitamins E and C, and without them, skin healing and regeneration will slow down. If for some reason it is not possible to consume fresh fruits and vegetables, care should be taken to take synthesized vitamins. They are present on the shelves of almost all pharmacies. There you can select a pharmacological drug based on the active ingredient ibuprofen. Timely intake of ibuprofen will relieve the skin inflammatory reaction, normalize the temperature of the human body, and significantly reduce the intensity of pain.


“Olazol” is a multi-component spray for burns with a whole complex of active substances: cell regeneration stimulator (sea buckthorn oil), pain reliever (anesthesin), antibiotic (chloramphenicol). “Olazol”, thanks to this composition, is suitable for the treatment of complex burns and wounds: infected burns and non-healing wounds, trophic ulcers, microbial eczema and other wounds with bacterial infections. The advantage of the drug is that it contains an anesthetic for local anesthesia - this allows you not to take such drugs orally.

Among the disadvantages of this remedy for burns are individual intolerance and unwanted reactions when used after sunburn. The fact is that Olazol contains an antibiotic that can cause allergies.

AltaiVitamins, Russia

Olazol is a remedy for the treatment of wounds and ulcerative lesions.
The combined drug has an anesthetic, antibacterial (shows activity against many gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, pus-causing microbes, Haemophilus influenzae bacteria, Brucella, rickettsia, chlamydia, spirochetes) and anti-inflammatory effect, reduces exudation, promotes tissue regeneration and accelerates the process of epithelization of wounds. Used for burns. from 175

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Preventive actions

To prevent sunburn, it is enough to follow some simple rules.

Choose periods for sunbathing from 7.00–11.00 and then after 17.00. The time of 11.00–17.00 is considered the most dangerous, the sun is very active and can do the most harm to the body; a couple of hours at this time is enough to get a burn. Such time frames are suitable for the population of post-Soviet territory, and in other climatic zones you can navigate by your own shadow. If she is smaller than a person, it is better to spend more time in the shade rather than in the sun. Prolonged stay in open areas at unfavorable times of the solstice, in addition to sunburn, threatens sunstroke, which can also seriously harm your health. To go out into the open during the peak solstice, it is better to wear closed clothing, sunglasses and a hat.

Important! It is better to give preference not to plastic, but to glass glasses, since plastic does more harm to the eyes than it helps.

If temporary sunbathing is observed, it is better to hide from the sun for a while in water or in the shade. You can’t fall asleep on the beach, because after waking up the dream will turn into a nightmare.

You should not forget about sunscreens, as they block some of the ultraviolet radiation.

Those with pale skin are advised to use special oils and creams with a protection index of 20. For dark skin, products with an index of 15 or less are suitable. For those who have fair skin and red hair, a protective index of 30 is suitable.

Important! Sunscreens are applied exclusively to clean, dry skin, preferably an hour before the intended exposure to the sun. The cream is reapplied after each bath.

Important! Even in cloudy weather, there is a chance of getting a sunburn, since ultraviolet radiation also passes through clouds.

Staying in the sun for a long time is strictly prohibited:

  • children under 1 year old;
  • pregnant women;
  • elderly people;
  • patients with neurasthenia, systemic lupus erythematosus, tuberculosis, cardiovascular diseases;
  • persons taking certain types of antibiotics, antihypertensive drugs and diuretics, which increases susceptibility to ultraviolet radiation and causes photodermatosis.

The following people should beware of the sun's rays:

  • with dermatitis, since dry areas of the skin will dry out even more;
  • with vitiligo, since an area of ​​skin that does not have pigmentation will very quickly get sunburned;
  • with chlaosma, because excessive pigmentation of individual spots of the skin quickly darkens, becoming even more noticeable.

Important! The sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation increases with the use of certain medications such as antibiotics, diuretics, and antihypertensives.

What it is

Our skin is protected from sunburn by the pigment melanin, which is produced during exposure to the sun. It darkens unprotected areas of the skin, thereby saving it from the damaging effects of UV rays. But why can some people sunbathe for hours under the scorching sun, while others burn even in cloudy conditions? It's all about the amount of melanin produced, which depends on genetics.

Based on photosensitivity, people are divided into 6 main types:

Type 1-2 - red-haired or blond, with light eyes and light skin. The tan is almost invisible; you can get sunburned within half an hour.

Type 3-4 - Central European, darker, sometimes olive-colored skin. They have medium sensitivity and tan from golden to medium brown.

Type 5-6 - owners of dark or dark skin, almost do not burn.

Sunburn occurs due to excessive exposure of the skin to ultraviolet radiation. Its intensity is especially high from 11 am to 4 pm, and water, sand and snow are highly reflective, so special care should be taken when on the beach and in the highlands. But not only in sunny, but also in cloudy weather, you need to use sunscreen, since clouds do not block ultraviolet radiation.

A good tan is beautiful and painless.

Sunstroke is a lesion caused by prolonged exposure to sunlight on an uncovered head. On a clear day, it is possible to get sunstroke if you stay outside for a long time without a hat.

Heatstroke is excessive overheating of the human body as a whole. Such impacts occur in windless, cloudy, but hot weather during prolonged heavy physical activity and difficult long treks. Heat stroke is more likely if a person is insufficiently physically prepared, severely tired and thirsty.

Symptoms of sun and heatstroke:

  • headache;
  • increased heart rate;
  • impaired coordination;
  • redness and then paleness of the skin;
  • dizziness;
  • decrease in breathing intensity and pulse;
  • lethargy and weakness;
  • noise in ears;
  • nose bleed;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • convulsions, fainting.

Sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil is an excellent natural, inexpensive remedy for burns. Sea buckthorn oil is practically harmless and has no contraindications (except perhaps allergic reactions or individual intolerance). Sea buckthorn oil for burns contains biologically active substances that restore skin cells and heal wounds; the oil also acts as an antiseptic. Sea buckthorn oil is used undiluted to treat burns.

Sea buckthorn oil is universal and is used for many problems (bedsores, trophic ulcers, thermal burns, vitamin deficiencies, etc.).

It is not very convenient, of course, to apply the oil, because it is in liquid form, but this is compensated by its 100% naturalness and effectiveness in treating burns and wounds.

Sea buckthorn oil
OJSC "Nizhpharm", Russia

Sea buckthorn oil is a herbal product, a source of vitamins A, E, K, stimulates reparative processes in the skin and mucous membranes, accelerates their epithelization, inhibits the activity of gastric proteases, has anti-inflammatory, restorative, antioxidant and cytoprotective effects.
Due to the presence of fat-soluble bioantioxidants, it reduces free radical processes and protects cell membranes from damage; lowers cholesterol and lipid levels in the blood. Of all the known vegetable oils, only sea buckthorn contains vitamin A in the most active form in the form of beta-carotenoids and in maximum quantities. In the last decade, scientists around the world have unanimously recognized the outstanding healing properties of this provitamin. from 24

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Providing first aid

Actions for sunstroke and heatstroke begin with transporting the victim to a place that is protected from thermal influences. It is necessary to lay the victim so that his head is higher than his body. The victim must be provided with unimpeded access to oxygen and clothing must be loosened. The victim's skin can be cooled by wiping with water, and a cold compress can be placed on the head. It is important to provide the victim with a cold drink, and in severe cases, perform artificial respiration.


This ointment contains components that enhance the regeneration of skin damaged after a burn (vitamins A, E and D). "Radevit" accelerates the healing of thermal burns and uninfected wounds, stimulating tissue metabolism. The ointment reduces skin itching in dermatoses.

In addition, this burn remedy perfectly moisturizes the delicate skin that grows on wounds. It does not crack and there is no risk of re-infection.

"Radevit" has practically no contraindications, so this ointment for burns can be used in children under one year old, pregnant and lactating.

Retinoids, Russia

Radevit is a drug that improves trophism and tissue regeneration, for external use.
It has a dermatoprotective, antipruritic, anti-inflammatory effect. from 280

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