Regetsin facial gel for wrinkles. How to use ointment, advice from cosmetologists, reviews
Regetsin facial gel for wrinkles. How to use ointment, advice from cosmetologists, reviews
What kind of products do women use in their pursuit of beautiful and smooth skin?
Urticaria in children
Treatment of allergic urticaria: symptoms and causes
Hives is an allergic disease that appears as spots or red, intensely itchy plaques on the
Washing with tar soap - benefits for the skin and rules for washing
Reviews of tar soap for acne note different reactions to such a product. In the world
Honey facial massage
Technique for performing honey facial massage at home
Honey facial massage is a worthy replacement for common cosmetic injection procedures. Using honey will increase
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What is exfoliative dermatitis and how to deal with it?
RITTER EXFOLIATIVE DERMATITIS (G. Ritter, German doctor, 1820-1883; Greek derma, dermat [os] skin +
Causes of fibroids, comparison of the effectiveness of treatment methods
Dermatovenerologist Khasanova Alina Rashidovna Experience 9 years Make an appointment Fibroids - a group of benign
Solcoseryl for the face against wrinkles: reviews from cosmetologists, which is better gel or ointment, how to use at home
From this article you will learn: what Solcoseryl ointment helps with, indications and regimens for use,
Mycosis of the skin. Causes of development and treatment of fungal diseases
What it is? Terms and definitions Mycoses of the skin are fungal infections of the skin and its
Ointment for cracked heels: types, main properties, review of the best creams
Cracked heels are a very unpleasant phenomenon. And wear it on yourself at least once
Pigment spots after acne (Post-acne): cause and how to get rid of them
From this article you will learn: analysis of the composition of the drug Effezel, instructions for use, reviews of
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