liquid synovial fluid prostheses
Review of popular liquid prostheses for the treatment of arthrosis
With age, the synthesis of natural hyaluron in the body decreases, which leads to discomfort in the joints,
succinic acid
All about biorevitalization: effect, features of the procedure, drugs
From this article you will learn how succinic acid affects the skin and how to properly
Diet for psoriasis
Diet for atopic dermatitis. How to effectively cope with the disease?
Why is nutrition so important for atopic dermatitis? Among the main reasons causing the appearance
Allergy to washing powder
Why does an allergy to powder occur and how does it manifest itself - symptoms, treatment, prevention
Allergy to washing powder: why does it occur? The main factor causing allergies to powder
Language structure
Growths on the tongue: types, diagnosis and methods of disposal
Mechanism of occurrence: Growths on the tongue are formed from epithelium, fat cells, muscle fibers, nerves, blood vessels
Ways to use Vaseline on the face
There are only two situations in which Vaseline does not harm our skin - Om Activ
For diseases and damage to the skin, dermatologists prescribe petroleum jelly and cosmetics containing it to patients with
Doctors at SM-Cosmetology spoke about the treatment of ingrown toenails
Ingrown nail, treatment with staples without surgery With the phenomenon of onychocryptosis (ingrowth of the side part of the nail into
Longitudinal grooves on fingernails and toenails
Onychodystrophy: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Vertical or longitudinal grooves on the nails are found in many people. If you look carefully at an angle
syphilitic rash photo in men
What does a syphilis rash look like and where does it appear?
If the ulcer is localized in a place inaccessible to inspection (in women - in the vagina, on
Photo of what post-acne looks like
Contractubex gel or patch - which form is better?
What is post-acne Pimples can appear on the face and neck, in the interscapular area, on
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