Review of popular liquid prostheses for the treatment of arthrosis

With age, the synthesis of natural hyaluron in the body decreases, which leads to discomfort in the joints, pain, and limited mobility. Hyaluronic acid, produced in older people, has a low molecular weight, so its concentration in cartilage is not enough for its normal functioning.

To compensate for the deficiency of natural synovial fluid, traumatologists and orthopedists recommend intra-articular injections of liquid prostheses based on sodium hyaluronate, as well as their synthetic analogues. After each course, the motor activity of the joint improves, the structure of the cartilage and its internal structure are restored. The only “but” is that the effect is temporary, and its duration depends on the medication. What is the difference between the liquid dentures that are most commonly used today?

Not all liquid synovial fluid grafts are equally effective

What are the differences between drugs based on sodium hyaluronate and synthetic ones?

Means for restoring synovial fluid have appeared relatively recently, and hyaluronic acid, or sodium hyaluronate, its sodium salt, was chosen as the first active ingredient for replacement. It is a natural polysaccharide, a natural component of the connective tissues of the human body. There is especially a lot of hyaluronic acid in synovial fluid.

Sodium hyaluronate molecules have high hydrophilic properties - each of them attracts up to a thousand water molecules. Once inside the joint space, they restore the visco-elastic and shock-absorbing properties of the fluid.

Somewhat later, orthopedic traumatologists had access to synthetic polymer preparations, for example Noltrex, which in many respects surpassed those based on sodium hyaluronate. Noltrex is characterized by absolute biological compatibility with human tissues, therefore it does not cause allergic reactions or rejection.

The drug fills the joint space, enlarges it and normalizes the biomechanics of the joint by restoring synovial fluid. The interval for administering injections of the synthetic agent is increased due to its prolonged action - from 9 months to two years.

To treat arthrosis of the knee joint, one to four Noltrex injections per course is sufficient.

Preparations for the procedure

In the manufacture of preparations for facial mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid, various components are used in cocktails. In this case, the technique can be:

  1. Allopathic. The cocktail is supplemented with components that improve its effect on the skin. To enrich the composition, synthetic minerals, acids, vitamins A, B, E, plant and animal extracts, and fat burners are used. To achieve different effects, substances are usually mixed with each other; they are very rarely used in their pure form.
  2. Homeopathic. When making a cocktail for the face, homeopathic herbal ingredients are mixed. Thanks to this recipe, the naturalness of the technique increases. The main disadvantage of using homeopathy is the occurrence of an undesirable reaction in people prone to allergies.

Mesotherapy preparations can be used to influence different areas of the epidermis, some of them improve the overall condition of the skin, while others nourish, help achieve a lifting effect or reduce weight. Sometimes the huge selection can be confusing or confusing. After consultation with an experienced cosmetologist who has been trained in all possible variations and methods of influence, you can choose a meso-cocktail that is suitable specifically for your skin.

Review of some liquid prostheses based on sodium hyaluronate

1. Gialgan Phidias

One of the most affordable products with a very low molecular weight, which is an aqueous solution of hyaluronic acid. The fluid is quickly distributed in the joint capsule, but is also quickly absorbed into the ligaments and adjacent muscles. A local reaction is possible within 24 hours after administration.

Some liquid hyaluronic acid-based prostheses lead to swelling and redness of the skin

2. Duralan

A product with a low molecular weight is recommended for use during remission - to maintain joints. In large ones, a dosage of 3 ml is administered, in small ones - 1 ml, in courses with an interval of six months.

3. Fermatron

The drug is indicated for moderate forms of osteoarthritis and is available in sealed glass syringes with a volume of 2 ml. The medicine is not patented, so its pharmacokinetics have not been studied enough. There are virtually no clinical indications regarding interactions with other medications. The drug, however, is approved for use during pregnancy and lactation, although many doctors prohibit its administration during pregnancy, as well as in patients under 18 years of age.

The maximum period of action of Fermatron is up to 6 months

4. Adantom

Produced by a Japanese pharmaceutical company in syringes, it contains 25 milligrams of the active substance - sodium hyaluron. Before administration, the viscoelastic agent is warmed and injected using a 22G needle.

5. Sinokrom

A special feature of this medication is a specialized lock on the disposable syringe, which prevents accidental opening of the container. The product is administered in a course of six injections every one week. Manufacturer: Austrian pharmaceutical company.

6. Ostenil

This Swiss development is also based on hyaluronic acid. The drug must be stored in a cool, dry place, and before administration, make sure the syringe is tight. Hyaluronate and mannitol in the product protect joints from free radicals, which somewhat prolongs the duration of the medication. The course involves at least 3-5 injections. After each of them, a burning sensation is possible, which is eliminated with ice.

7. Hyastat

One of the Russian developments, produced in a sterile disposable syringe with a capacity of 20 milligrams. Before administration, the patient is always given an x-ray of the joint, and general clinical blood and urine tests are taken to exclude inflammatory processes in the body. If the outcome is positive, the course of treatment is repeated after a year.

Giastat is administered in courses of 3-5 injections at intervals of several months.

8. Go On

Another product based on sodium hyaluronate, which demonstrates stable positive dynamics in the treatment of arthrosis and osteoarthritis. Used to replenish synovial fluid deficiency.

9. Synvisc

Biological analogue of hyaluronic acid with high molecular weight – 6,000,000 Daltons. For the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint, 3 injections are recommended at intervals of a week. For diseases of the hip, shoulder or ankle joint, one injection is performed, and to achieve a better effect, a second one is performed 1-3 months later. The effect, according to clinical indications, is on average up to 26 weeks, with a maximum of 52 weeks in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis.

Synvisc – a drug with maximum molecular weight – lasts from 6 to 12 months

Biorevitalization: a catalyst for rejuvenation and self-healing

This rejuvenation technique is based on the introduction of hyaluronic acid into the middle layers of the dermis.
For biorevitalization, non-stabilized HA is used, which has maximum stimulating activity. After injections, the proliferation and differentiation of cellular elements accelerates, the synthesis of collagen, elastin, and other components of the intercellular matrix is ​​enhanced. Skin hydration improves; by normalizing the water balance, its elastic properties are restored. The purpose of hyaluronic acid injections is to increase the regenerative potential of the dermis, speeding up the processes of facial skin restoration at the molecular level. The procedure triggers self-healing mechanisms and creates optimal conditions for rejuvenation using internal reserves. The effect does not appear immediately. It takes time to form a pool of new cells and update the intercellular framework, but the result lasts for a long period.

After the procedure, the following processes occur in the dermis:

  • Water balance is normalized, hydration of the intercellular matrix is ​​restored.
  • Cell division accelerates, the number of fibroblasts - cells that synthesize collagen, glycosaminoglycans, HA and other important molecules of the intercellular substance - increases.
  • The collagen framework is renewed qualitatively and quantitatively. More “young” fibers appear, and the number of connections between them increases. The skin becomes more elastic and resists negative influences more successfully.
  • Angiogenesis increases. New blood vessels appear in the dermis. Improves nutrition and oxygenation of tissues.

The processes described above are the basis for deep skin rejuvenation at the molecular and cellular level. Regeneration, catalyzed by hyaluronic acid molecules, does not “mask” aesthetic imperfections, but helps eliminate them. The reasons that could lead to the return of the cosmetic problem also disappear. Thanks to this feature, a persistent cumulative effect is observed after the procedure, which is easy to maintain with short preventive courses.

Cosmetologists recommend taking a course of facial biorevitalization if you have the following aesthetic problems:

  • Deterioration of the elastic properties of the skin.
  • Dehydration (dry skin), decreased turgor.
  • The appearance of small wrinkles.
  • Deepening of skin folds (nasolabial folds, nasolacrimal grooves).
  • Strengthening microrelief.
  • Deterioration of facial skin color.

The number of facial biorevitalization sessions required to achieve a lasting rejuvenation effect depends on many factors. Of great importance is the patient’s age, the severity of involutional processes, skin type, the thickness of subcutaneous tissue, the preservation of elastic function, and the degree of dehydration.

The effect of the rejuvenating course depends not only on the number of procedures, but also on the patient’s disciplined attitude towards the rules and recommendations that should be followed after biorevitalization of the face. What you can and cannot do after the procedure is discussed in the second part of the publication.

Differences in molecular weight

All liquid synovial fluid prostheses are divided into three groups based on molecular weight. Those in which it is as high as possible are considered more effective, since each of them has multiple intermolecular cross-links. Due to them, the medicine dissolves for a long time and during this entire time provides an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect.

Molecular weight, DaltonMedicinesAverage cost per injection, rub.Clinical features
500 000 – 730 000Gialgan Fidia (Italy), Intragel (Italy), Suplasin3000-4500Large number of injections, minimal duration
1 000 000Ostenil, Fermatron plus (UK), Viscosil, DuralanFrom 4000-5000Requires approximately 5 injections per course, but the effect is short-term
2 000 000-3 000 000Synvisc (USA), Sinokrom form, Giastat (Russia), Gialux (South Korea), Visco plus (Germany)From 3000 to 20,000Number of injections – less than five, effect – several months
6 000 000-7 000 000Synvisc One (USA), Synvisc GilanFrom 23 000The effect is longer lasting
More than 10,000,000Noltrex3000The effect lasts for more than a year with a minimum number of injections per course

Lack of active movement in old age quickly worsens the symptoms of arthrosis. A simple experiment will show why this happens:

It is most promising today to treat arthrosis, regardless of its degree, with synthetic viscoprostheses. Due to their high molecular weight, such products, for example Noltrex, provide a long-lasting effect, and due to the polymer structure they have virtually no contraindications or side effects.

Why mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid should be carried out in the clinic

For the procedure to be successful, the correct selection of the drug is necessary. In this case, many aspects must be taken into account: the specifics of the meso-cocktail, its components and their effect on the body, the client’s age and the condition of his skin, the presence of urgent problems. It is very important to choose a meso-cocktail that is ideal for a given client, and not just a high-quality drug. Therefore, for the procedure, it is recommended to choose a certified dermatovenerologist who has a cosmetologist certificate. The price of a course of mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid will vary depending on the qualifications of the specialist.

Also, the effect of the procedure depends on how it is carried out. Mesotherapy involves a slight disruption of the skin at the injection sites, so the doctor should not cause an infection. Opt for a beauty clinic that is known for its hygiene standards.

In order to evenly distribute the active substances in different layers of the skin, the cosmetologist must make several punctures that are located at an equal distance from each other and at the same depth. The doctor definitely needs experience to perform this task. In cosmetology, there are many ways to administer meso-cocktails, so the doctor must know them all. Mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid is carried out on the lips, eyelids, cheeks and other parts of the face - the cosmetologist is obliged to study the procedure for each of them.

In addition to the mesotherapy itself, it is necessary to prescribe proper home care, which should be prescribed by a cosmetologist.

If, in addition to professionalism, your doctor also has a light hand, then you can be congratulated - you can safely entrust any procedures related to injections to this cosmetologist. Injections should not only be technical, but also easy, painless and fast - not everyone has this skill.

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The effect of hyaluronic injections in the face

Contour plastic surgery with hyaluronic acid is a procedure during which a cosmetologist injects filler under a wrinkle or skin fold and fills the insufficient volume with the drug. This allows you to model your appearance, correct facial asymmetry, smooth out wrinkles, scars, scars, moisturize and rejuvenate the skin.

Hyaluronic facial injections are also popular among women who want to increase the size and volume of their lips.

To prevent pain and discomfort, half an hour before the injections, the cosmetologist applies an anesthetic cream to the affected area.

The result of contouring with hyaluronic acid is noticeable immediately after injection correction, but the final assessment of the result can be made in a couple of days, after the slight swelling in the injection area has subsided.

Reasons for the long resorption of papules

If the papules do not disappear within 10 days or increase with the formation of edema, you should consult a cosmetologist. This skin reaction is usually observed due to the following reasons:

  • allergies to drug components or excipients;
  • presence of contraindications to biorevitalization;
  • connective tissue density in treatment areas;
  • low quality of the drug or violation of its storage regime;
  • ignoring the cosmetologist’s recommendations for aftercare;
  • failure to maintain distance between injections;
  • incorrect injections;
  • violations of hygiene standards.

How many days will it take for the papules to resolve?

Within a few hours after the procedure, the papular tubercles noticeably increase (up to 30%), and then the drug begins to gradually be absorbed with their smoothing. It is impossible to say exactly how long papules last after biorevitalization, because everything depends on the characteristics of the body. The average period is 2-3 days, the maximum is 10 days. But with good skin condition and a high ability to regenerate, the tubercles become barely noticeable or disappear completely already on the 3rd day after the procedure. Those with sensitive skin should immediately prepare for a longer recovery period.

The cosmetologist can give an approximate time taking into account the following factors:

  • skin density at the treatment site;
  • thickness of the surface layer of the epidermis;
  • degree of hydration of dermal cells;
  • circulatory and lymph flow activity.

Ways to quickly eliminate papules

In order for the rehabilitation process to proceed as quickly as possible, it is prohibited:

  • touch, comb, knead the bumps;
  • sleep on your stomach, cover your head with a blanket;
  • use decorative cosmetics;
  • wash your face with tap water (in the first 2 days - only filtered water);
  • go outside without UV protection cream, be exposed to the wind and frost for a long time;
  • visit the pool, gym, sauna (for 2 weeks);
  • smoke, drink alcohol.

Sometimes pharmaceutical ointments to relieve swelling and inflammation help reduce the duration of resorption of papules. Before using them, you should consult with a cosmetologist at the Bionics clinic. For 2-3 days you can apply a soothing mask.

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