Condylomatosis is a dermatological disease of viral etiology, which can manifest itself in the form of anogenital condylomatosis, papillomatosis
An infectious disease such as ringworm is caused by various types of fungi, most often of the Microsporum genus.
If the wart is swollen, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. A similar phenomenon may turn out to be
Pimple on the eyeball: causes 4 main causes of pimples on the eye: Diagnosis Signs and
Blackening of toenails or Melanonychia is a change in the color of the nail to dark brown
coffee » A favorite and irreplaceable cup of coffee is drunk in the morning with great pleasure. Very
What role does HPV play in the development of cervical cancer? Every woman who is sexually active
Fashion is developing so rapidly that it is now difficult to say where such love for fashion came from.
Chickenpox in children is the most common disease after ARVI that parents have to deal with.
Information about a number of other diseases: Basal cell carcinoma, Graves' disease, Balanitis, Delirium tremens, Beriberi, Infertility in