Hydrogen peroxide for the face against wrinkles: reviews, application

Peroxide contains two main active ingredients – oxygen and hydrogen. The tableted drug dissolves well in water, ether and alcohol, so hydrogen peroxide for the face can be used in home-made masks. Upon contact with the dermis, the substance breaks down into water and oxygen, causing an oxidative reaction. And it, in turn, heals and brightens the skin. Thanks to this property, hydrogen peroxide is used in cosmetology.

Many people have probably noticed that when the product gets on healthy skin, it begins to turn white - this is a burn. It takes a very long time for damaged epidermis to recover, so it must be used carefully.

Does hydrogen peroxide help with wrinkles?

Hydrogen peroxide is one of the most inexpensive and necessary medicines in any first aid kit. It is valued primarily for its wide range of applications in medicine and in everyday life. But this solution is best known for its disinfecting properties.

Hydrogen peroxide (another name for peroxide) is one of the representatives of peroxides, substances where oxygen atoms are connected to hydrogen atoms. This liquid can be of different concentrations, has no color, and has a “metallic” taste.

Possessing high oxidizing properties, the composition is successfully used in some areas of industry as a bleach, foaming agent, and used for rocket fuel. In medicine, the solution is popular as a disinfectant for premises, transport, and sterilization of equipment.

As for the use of this anti-wrinkle solution, some cosmetologists claim that the product can solve this problem for many women.

Warning! It is not recommended to use the solution undiluted, since hydrogen peroxide is an active chemical. This can lead to undesirable consequences and harm the skin.

Many people believe that hydrogen peroxide has anti-aging properties. Therefore, women actively use it to combat age-related wrinkles. By using the solution regularly, it is possible to smooth the skin and significantly increase its elasticity. Hydrogen peroxide removes dead skin layers and saturates tissues with oxygen, which improves blood circulation. Thus, it is quite capable of dealing with fine wrinkles.


Medium chemical peeling contributes to the overall improvement of skin health, because after the procedure, hydrobalance, metabolism, microcirculation are normalized, and regeneration processes are activated. After the first visit to a cosmetologist, the results of the technique are obvious:

  • The oval of the face is tightened and becomes clear due to the compaction of the deep layers of soft tissue.
  • Enlarged pores narrow, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized, oily shine, acne, blackheads, and comedones disappear.
  • The tightness and elasticity of the skin increases.
  • Pigment spots disappear, skin color becomes beautiful, healthy, radiant.
  • The microrelief is leveled, atrophic changes, small and medium wrinkles, and other cosmetic imperfections disappear.
  • Shallow scars, cicatrices, and stretch marks are smoothed out.

Useful properties of hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide solution is a high-quality antiseptic. The solution also has medicinal properties. It is widely used to normalize the functioning of the digestive tract, for diseases of the cardiovascular system, various infections, respiratory diseases, and after strokes. Hydrogen peroxide enhances the activity of the immune system, improves blood composition, relieves spasm of blood vessels, dilating them, removes toxins from the body, maintains fat and carbohydrate balance in the body and restores acid-base balance.

As an antiseptic it works as follows: when it comes into contact with an injured surface, oxygen is released and organic substances are neutralized. This is the purification process. When using an anti-wrinkle product, you need to choose a 1% or 3% solution.

Hydrogen peroxide has the following beneficial properties:

  • gently cleanses oily, combination, problem skin types, after which collagen synthesis is activated;
  • fights blackheads and enlarged pores on the skin;
  • treats acne;
  • provides light peeling;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • refreshes complexion;
  • saturates tissues with oxygen;
  • successfully fights pathogenic microflora;
  • eliminates peeling;
  • bleaches unwanted hair on the face;
  • whitens pigment spots, freckles.

The solution is also suitable for healthy skin, carefully cleansing it of dust, sweat, and fat.

Attention! A long course of use and improper use of the solution often leads to negative consequences.

Operating principle

This drug has pronounced antiseptic properties, and therefore successfully copes with harmful microorganisms.
Due to this, you can quickly cope with rashes and irritations on the face. The key rule of skin care is thorough cleansing.

Hydrogen peroxide contains oxygen. It reacts with the epithelium. Due to this, it is possible to achieve excellent cleansing of pores from dirt and sweat. This substance perfectly removes particles of dust and grease from the surface of the face.

The product perfectly removes the top dead layer of cells. Due to this, the processes of their restoration are launched. Moreover, you can achieve a slight lightening of the hairs.

The drug perfectly eliminates freckles and age spots. It helps to cope with the marks that remain after squeezing out pimples. In addition, the product is excellent for women with oily dermis. Those with dry skin should only use peroxide when absolutely necessary.

Masks based on this substance allow you to achieve the following effects:

  • Deep cleanse pores;
  • Whiten the dermis;
  • Achieve an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Saturate cells with oxygen;
  • Improve tissue repair;
  • Eliminate pathogenic bacteria;
  • Improve blood circulation;
  • Cleanse the skin of dead cells.

Due to the listed properties, peroxide normalizes the condition of the dermis, giving it freshness and radiance. The drug cannot cope with pronounced age-related changes, but minor wrinkles become less noticeable.

How to use hydrogen peroxide on the face for wrinkles

Before using hydrogen peroxide as a cosmetic anti-wrinkle product, it is recommended to test for possible allergic reactions. To do this, apply a few drops of liquid to the back of your wrist or elbow and wait about an hour, observing the reaction. If there is no redness, itching, or peeling at the application site, the solution can be used.

Attention! Women of any age are allowed to use peroxide as a cosmetic for wrinkles; the solution has no restrictions. However, it is necessary to carefully monitor the skin to prevent burns.

Without additives, the solution can be used spot-on, carefully applying it only to the place where there is inflammation, acne, or wound. Before the procedure, you should cleanse the skin with your usual product, and then apply the solution to the desired area with a cotton swab. You can hold it for about 3 minutes, then rinse your face with running water. You should not do such cauterizations for more than a week, as it can cause a burn to the dermis.

The most effective option for using this anti-wrinkle remedy is to mix it with any components that significantly enhance the effect of the solution. For example, a cleansing mixture, a cleansing mixture and various masks with the addition of peroxide help well in the fight against wrinkles.

The wash mixture is very simple to prepare. Squeeze the cleanser into your palm and add peroxide. Mix carefully, distribute evenly over the face, massaging it for 3 minutes. It is advisable to rinse off with cool water.

Facial cleansing with hydrogen peroxide is carried out as follows:

  • you need to treat the skin with a solution;
  • steam for 10 minutes;
  • apply cleanser to steamed skin;
  • hold it over the steam again for a little while;
  • Apply the cleansing mixture and massage your face for 5 minutes;
  • rinse with cool, running water;
  • moisturize your facial skin with cream.

The mixture for normal and combination skin types consists of salt, soda and a few drops of hydrogen peroxide. Add a pinch of bodyaga, soda and ground coffee to the mixture for the fatty type.

Advice! Hydrogen peroxide must be added after all other ingredients. This way the beneficial properties of the components will not be impaired.

Recipes for masks with hydrogen peroxide for wrinkles

Face masks have always been popular among women as a way to reduce the depth of wrinkles. Nutritional masks that can penetrate deep into the dermis have especially gained trust. Hydrogen peroxide allows you to saturate tissues with oxygen, smooth out small facial wrinkles and significantly refresh your face.

To cleanse and reduce facial wrinkles

Mix camphor oil and hydrogen peroxide (1:1), add cleanser, 30 ml of mineral water. Apply evenly to face using a brush for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Should be used at night.

Mask with badyaga

Mix badyagi powder with hydrogen peroxide until smooth. Once bubbles appear in the mixture, it can be applied to a clean face. It is better to do this with a cotton swab, rubbing the mass with massage movements. Then leave it for 8 minutes, then remove the remaining mixture with a clean swab and rinse with warm water. It is enough to do the procedure once a week.

With grape seed oil

In addition to nutritional properties, this mixture has a whitening effect. To prepare it, you need to mix yeast with grape seed oil, stir well, add hydrogen peroxide. Next, apply to the face for 15 minutes, avoiding the area around the eyes. Rinse with water at a comfortable temperature.

Yeast mask

Can be used for dry and sensitive face types without fear of burns, since yeast reacts with hydrogen peroxide to protect it. Mix the components in equal proportions and apply to the face. Keep the mixture on your face for no more than 10 minutes. To prepare it you need fresh yeast.

Banana mask

Well suited for combination and normal skin types, copes with wrinkles. Grind half a ripe banana with cream, add 5-8 drops of peroxide, carefully apply to a previously cleansed face for 15 minutes. It is recommended to use once a week for 2 months.

With cosmetic clay

This mixture is recommended for oily facial skin, as it cleanses, tightens pores, and smoothes out fine wrinkles. To prepare it, mix green clay with badyagi powder, then add hydrogen peroxide. Apply the mixture with a brush for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with water. The procedure is usually done in courses with a break of a month.

Oatmeal mask

This mixture is very useful for a aging face, as it contains vitamin E. Pour boiling water over the Hercules and leave for 10 minutes. Then 1 tbsp. l. Mix cereal with warm milk. Add 5-10 drops of peroxide solution. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the face with a swab or brush. Leave for about 15 minutes, rinse with water.

Curd mask

Excellent for wrinkles. Mix fresh cottage cheese, fresh yolk, add peroxide. Apply to face and keep for 10 minutes. If there are pigment spots on the face, you can extend the procedure to 20 minutes. Then remove the excess with a swab.

Avocado mask

Avocado deeply nourishes, moisturizes the skin, smoothes expression lines. This mask is recommended for women with problem skin. To prepare, grind the avocado with potato starch into a paste and add 10 drops of peroxide. Apply for 15 minutes and then rinse with water.

Sensational data about peroxide (reliable)

About 20 years ago, unique research was carried out in the United States, the results of which simply shocked the scientific community.

It turns out that ordinary peroxide, sold in every pharmacy stall, can have beneficial effects not only externally, but also cure serious diseases through internal administration.

In particular, it was indicated that tumors, inflammatory processes and other brain problems were completely cured.

At the end of the 20th century, the American scientist Farr announced another sensation to the world - peroxide can saturate all the cells of the body with oxygen if it is injected into the human blood. Experiments have shown that after the introduction of the substance H202, the activity of metabolic processes increases significantly.

Russian specialists have been claiming incredible healing properties for several years now. Hydrogen peroxide for the face against wrinkles according to Dr. Neumyvakin is a powerful remedy.

Using peroxide according to Dr. I. Neumyvakin is quite simple. It is enough to drink a 3% product internally, starting with 1-2 drops per 25 grams of water three times a day.

Each day you should add one drop until after a week there is a dose of 10 drops per tablespoon of clean water. The course of treatment is to drink 10 drops three times on an empty stomach for 10 days, then take a break for 3 days and repeat again.

Precautionary measures

Hydrogen peroxide is a useful remedy with a huge number of positive properties. But it should be treated with caution: observe the dosage, study the indications and contraindications. Incorrect or too long use of the anti-wrinkle facial solution can lead to serious burns, various allergic reactions, and excessive dryness of the skin. In addition, in no case should you use a solution higher than 3%, allow liquid to get on the mucous membranes, and use more than 2 times a week.

Attention! Although cosmetologists have long considered hydrogen peroxide a traditional remedy, it is advisable to consult a specialist before use.


Excess vegetation is quickly removed with this solution. The following recipe is suitable for the face:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide 6%;
  2. Ammonia.

You need to take a spoonful of peroxide and combine it with 6 drops of ammonia. The result is a solution with a very strong characteristic odor. So that it can be easily spread on certain areas of the face and body, you can add shower gel or liquid soap to it. After application, leave for half an hour and rinse.

Photo - Peroxide reaction

You can also use the product in its pure form to remove unwanted hair (but not on the face). It should be noted that complete removal is not guaranteed; when using this method, the strands become discolored and thinned.

A combination of honey and peroxide provides gentler facial hair removal. These components gently lighten the strands, doing so without harm to the epidermis. You will need half the solution for a bed of honey.

Contraindications and side effects

Hydrogen peroxide solution, like any other medicine, has some contraindications. The main one is individual intolerance to the drug. It is also prohibited to use for rosacea on the face and other parts of the body, dermatitis, especially during an exacerbation, hypertrichosis (excessive hair growth). Should be used with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is advisable to consult a doctor.

Important! Hydrogen peroxide should not be used for wrinkles around the eyes. It is only permissible to wash your face with gel or tonic with the addition of a solution.

Side effects may include:

  • dehydration of the epidermis, disruption of microflora after wiping the face with a solution;
  • burn of mucous membranes after contact with peroxide.

This can be avoided by observing the dosage of the drug and following the recommendations.

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