Using coconut oil for wrinkles on the face: TOP recipes, reviews

Coconut oil is a record holder for the content of nutrients that can do everything. Helps you lose weight, rejuvenate your skin, achieve thick hair, and improve your health.

This guest is from Southeast Asia (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia), where it has been eaten and used for personal care for centuries, and has already become a “native” product for us. Not exotic, but a hit. Many women have replaced half of their cosmetic bags with it, add it to their diets, and also enjoy its delicately sweet aroma and taste.

What is the phenomenon of coconut oil - so multifunctional and unlike other fats? How to choose it correctly? How to use for beauty and health?

We share the most interesting and useful information that you had no idea about.

How is coconut oil different from other types of oils?

What makes coconut oil stand out from most other vegetable oils:

  1. Eating coconut oil helps you lose weight.
    Coconut fat burns fat. This property seems at first incredible and paradoxical. But it has been scientifically proven through several experiments.

    This strange feature of the product was first discovered back in the 1940s. Back then, farmers tried to fatten their cows with a cheap version of coconut oil. But the cattle, instead of getting better, on the contrary, became exhausted.

    The secret is that two-thirds coconut oil consists of medium chain triglycerides (fats). In most oils, long-chain fats predominate. The advantage of medium chains is that they are not deposited in the body, but, on the contrary, speed up metabolism and fight fat deposits. This is a unique source of energy that burns calories.

  2. No other vegetable oil contains as much lauric acid as coconut oil. It consists of 55% of it.
    Lauric acid is a valuable compound known for its powerful antibacterial effects. It is found in breast milk and provides immunity to the baby.

    Once in the body with food, lauric acid is converted into a substance that fights all kinds of viruses, bacteria, parasites, from the influenza virus to HIV.

    And when used externally, it acts as a kind of skin “antibiotic”, a bacteria destroyer.

  3. Coconut oil contains a record amount of saturated fatty acids – about 90%.
    For comparison, there are 10% of them in sunflower oil, and 15% in olive oil.

    Is it good or bad? We are accustomed to thinking that saturated acids (there are more of them in animal fats) are harmful, and unsaturated acids (there are more of them in vegetable fats) are beneficial. But it is not so. Our body also needs saturated fats in moderation, including for the health and beauty of the skin.

    And coconut oil is a godsend in this sense. Its saturated fatty acids differ from animals, work differently, and are represented mainly by easily digestible lauric acid (see point 2). Therefore, it is better to get EFAs from coconut oil than from butter or lard.

  4. It is one of the best oils for frying and baking as it is resistant to high temperatures.
    Coconut oil is hard and brittle at room temperature. It becomes liquid when it heats above 25˚C.
  5. The product has a persistent and pleasant sweet smell
    , while most cosmetic oils either do not smell of anything or emit a subtle aroma of nuts, seeds, and cereals.

Terms of use

Some women, having tried to use coconut oil for cosmetic care, are disappointed. They say the oil is too greasy and doesn’t wash off well. But, in most cases, dissatisfaction is caused by the fact that the product was used incorrectly.

Before you start using coconut oil against wrinkles, you should familiarize yourself with the rules.

  • Choice. It is very important to purchase the “right” oil. It must be natural and must not contain any additives. Please note that a high-quality product has a light yellow color and a pronounced but unobtrusive coconut aroma. Coconut oil has a solid consistency and begins to melt at temperatures above 28 degrees.
  • Selecting a recipe . It is very important to choose a recipe option that suits your skin. So, if the skin is dehydrated, dry, prone to peeling, then you can use pure oil or prepare masks based on it with the addition of moisturizing and softening ingredients. If the sebaceous glands of the skin work too intensively, then applying a pure product is not recommended. It is better to prepare formulations with the suppression of drying additives. If you are prone to developing pimples, you should add anti-inflammatory and antibacterial additives to the coconut base.
  • Cooking . If you plan to use the product without additives, then you can simply lubricate your skin with a cube of oil; it will melt on your face. And when preparing complex compositions that include other components, you must first melt the product. It is convenient to do this in a water bath. You just need to make sure that the oil does not overheat, since high temperatures destroy vitamins. If the prepared composition turns out to be too liquid, then it is recommended to add oatmeal or barley flour or potato starch to give it a suitable consistency. By doing this we will not only achieve the desired thickness of the composition, but also enrich it with vitamins.

  • Preparation . No cosmetic product should be applied to uncleansed skin. First you need to remove your makeup, then wash or cleanse your face with a toner or other product suitable for your skin. Then you need to steam the skin, this will help the pores open, and the results of the procedure will be more noticeable.
  • Application . You can apply liquid formulations with your fingers, swabs or a cosmetic brush. It is more convenient to apply thick compounds with a special spatula. Please note that regular formulations prepared for facial skin are not suitable for eyelids. The skin in this area is more delicate, thin and practically does not contain sebaceous glands. Therefore, for this area, as well as for the lips, you need to prepare special cosmetic compositions.
  • Excerpt . After the composition has been applied, it is advisable not to continue going about your business, but to lie down and completely relax. It is especially important to relax the facial muscles, that is, do not use facial expressions and do not talk. The standing time depends on the recipe, but is typically between 15 and 40 minutes, depending on what additional ingredients are included in the mixture.
  • Removal . If you simply wash your face with water, a sebaceous film will remain on the skin, creating a feeling of oily skin. To prevent this from happening, you need to learn how to remove the composition correctly. Heat the milk a little and, soaking a cotton swab in it, carefully wipe the mixture off your face. Then, without wetting your face with water, apply a cleanser – gel or foam – to your skin. Lather the product and only then rinse off the foam with water. With this method of removal there will be no sensation of a greasy film on the skin.
  • Frequency . Procedures must be carried out in courses. The duration of the course is 2 months, during which time it will be necessary to carry out from 8 to 16 procedures. After completion, you will need to take a break for a month to give your skin a little rest.

Coconut oil – how is it obtained?

Coconut oil is extracted from the pulp of the nut. For this purpose, hot and cold pressing (squeezing) methods are used.

Cold pressed

- This is the most gentle method. It allows you to save much more valuable substances. Fresh pulp is ground and pressed. To obtain 1 liter of such oil, more than 20 kg of coconuts are required. It turns out useful, but a little expensive.

Hot or “dry” spin

suggests that the pulp is dried in the sun or in ovens - this is how oily copra is obtained. And only then they press it. Possible use of chemicals. With such rough processing, the product becomes less useful.

Oil that has been hot pressed may be subject to further “depreciation” if it is refined. That is, clean with heat, water, various acids, sodium hydroxide. Then it will lose free fatty acids, minerals, salts, phospholipids, smell, color, and with them most of the beneficial properties.

Application for dry and oily skin

Since coconut oil copes with the problems of any skin type, it is wise to use it both to eliminate dry skin areas and to remove oily shine from the face. Here are some popular masks that have proven themselves well among the fair sex.

  1. An egg-honey mask that makes the skin velvety and moisturized. To prepare, you will need 5 ml of coconut oil and honey, as well as one yolk. Add additional ingredients to the melted butter and wait until the resulting mixture cools slightly. During this time, you can prepare your face for applying the paste: remove makeup and steam the skin with a decoction of any herbs, which will allow the pores to open as much as possible for deeper penetration of the treatment. The duration of this mask is 30-40 minutes;
  2. A mask prepared according to the following recipe will help you forget about unpleasant oily shine and acne: half a teaspoon of heated coconut oil, a tablespoon of ground oatmeal, 5 ml of aloe juice and one protein. Having obtained the consistency of thick sour cream as a result of mixing, the pulp can be safely applied to the skin of the face and left in this form for 40 minutes. Protein and oatmeal will dry out the skin somewhat, and the oil will eliminate redness, pimples and acne.

Regular implementation is the key to a decent effect of healthy and radiant skin.

How to choose?

First, look at the label


  1. Compound
      Our cherished words are 100% (Extra) Virgin Coconut Oil or 100% cold-pressed coconut oil. They indicate that this is the best product - unrefined and obtained by cold pressing. The “100%” marker must be present (alas, there are counterfeit goods with impurities on the market).
  2. If the composition simply states Coconut Oil without further details, then this is hot-pressed oil or a mixture of refined and unrefined oils.
  3. The Refined or RBD mark indicates that the oil has been refined.
  4. Best before date
    It should not be older than 18 months. Otherwise, this is a signal that the oil was manufactured in violation of technology and contains impurities. Having studied the composition and shelf life, the next step is to evaluate product appearance

    . In order for us to do this, the packaging must be transparent. If it is opaque, it is better to refuse the purchase. What are we looking at?

      When liquid, the color should range from colorless to straw-colored. When frozen, the oil ceases to be transparent, and the shade ranges from milky white to yellowish. A pronounced yellow color indicates a low quality product.
  5. Consistency
    At room temperature (up to +25 ˚С) the oil should be hard and brittle. If it is liquid, this indicates the presence of impurities.

    There is one more criterion that will be available only after opening the package. It's the smell. The oil should smell like the flesh of a freshly cracked coconut - this is the best option.

    The absence of odor indicates a high degree of refining, which makes the product less valuable. If you hear chemical notes or a sugary “bounty”, then the product contains impurities, which is unacceptable.

Precautionary measures

The only contraindication to the use of this cosmetic product is the individual reactions of the body. Coconut is an exotic product for our latitudes, so an allergic reaction may well develop to the oil from this nut.

Therefore, you must definitely do a test to determine the sensitivity of your skin. Apply a small amount of oil to the skin on your hand (on the wrist or on the inside of the elbow, that is, where the skin is thinnest). If no rashes, swelling, red spots or itching appear at the application site within 24 hours, then the product is suitable for you.

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Where is the best place to buy

To avoid encountering low-quality and adulterated oil, it is better to purchase products from well-known brands in specialized stores, including trusted Internet resources.

Do you have any doubts about the product? Read reviews about him and the seller.

Beauty365 coconut oil is known for its high quality. This is the “highest caste” among coconut oils. Cold pressed, unrefined, 100% pure, no additives. Look for him at


An unprocessed organic product without preservatives, flavors, or chemicals is suitable for cosmetic procedures. Before using coconut oil against wrinkles, make sure there are no individual intolerances. When first used, apply a couple of drops to the back of your elbow. If any signs of allergy appear (hives, burning, itching, redness), stop using it further.

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Where is it used?

There are many uses for coconut oil. We counted more than 50 ways to use this product and wrote a separate article about it.

So that you understand the full scale, here is just a schematic list of the main areas where coconut oil is used:

  1. Eating:
      add to soups, porridges, purees, salads, drinks,
  2. used for frying, stewing, baking,
  3. prepare sauces and mayonnaise,
  4. include in the diet.
  5. Personal care. We improve quality, rejuvenate, restore:
      facial skin, including lips and eyelids,
  6. body skin,
  7. hair, eyelashes, eyebrows,
  8. nails.
  9. Strengthening and restoring health:
      relieves cold symptoms: cough, sore throat, difficulty breathing,
  10. prevents cardiovascular diseases,
  11. improves digestion,
  12. normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland,
  13. fights skin diseases: eczema, herpes, dermatitis,
  14. relieves irritation, eliminates itching, heals bites, wounds, scratches.
  15. Household use:
    detergent for plumbing fixtures and dishes, polishing furniture, lubricating door hinges, lighting fires, caring for wood, metal, leather products, etc.

An effective remedy for forehead wrinkles

Expression wrinkles appear regardless of age. In the forehead area, you can easily see the first signs of skin aging. It is important to competently and promptly begin to care for the problem area in order to subsequently avoid more serious cosmetic defects. The use of coconut oil for the face against wrinkles in cosmetology is possible without additional impurities. An excellent option would be warm oil, carefully applied to the forehead area. The procedure should be done at night every other day.

Equal proportions of coconut and olive oil applied to the forehead area also give decent results. It is important that the skin is constantly nourished and regenerated in order to avoid drying out the skin.

Cosmetic properties

Coconut oil is ideal for caring for face and body skin, hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows. It can be used independently, as well as enriched with it in various masks, balms, and creams.


  • moisturizes and nourishes – restores even very dry skin,
  • rejuvenates – ideal for mature skin, helps increase the elasticity and strength of the skin, improves color,
  • soothes and relieves irritation - a salvation for sensitive skin, as well as after shaving, depilation, peeling, tanning,
  • has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects - fights acne, helps wounds heal,
  • restores – promotes the resorption of scars and the reduction of stretch marks,
  • protects – strengthens the first skin barrier and protects the skin from the destructive effects of the sun, frost, wind, dirty air,
  • improves color, reduces dark circles under the eyes and spider veins (by increasing the elasticity and strength of blood vessels),
  • promotes growth and strengthening of hair, eyelashes, eyebrows.


The effectiveness of using coconut oil lies in the following parameters:

  • Getting rid of fungal infections.
  • Possibility to use massage product. The product perfectly relieves symptoms of fatigue and tension in the body. During application, a protective film is formed, which protects against negative environmental factors.
  • Elimination of acne, acne, various types of rashes on the face, as well as insect bites. Coconut remedy destroys bacteria that provoke an inflammatory reaction and ensures the regeneration of microtraumas after acne. Excellent for reducing itching.
  • Destruction of herpes, since the product has good antiviral properties.
  • Supports moisture balance in cells. The cream prevents the skin from drying out due to prolonged exposure to the sun.
  • Elimination of cellulite.

Coconut liquid will provide your hair with:

  • elasticity;
  • silkiness;
  • elimination of seborrhea and counteracting dandruff.

Benefits of coconut oil

Now a few words about what composition provides the powerful cosmetic effect of the product.

  • Lauric acid
    – saves from rashes, inflammation, irritation.
  • Folic acid
    also neutralizes pathogenic microorganisms, but also accelerates skin restoration: erases acne marks, scars, and evens out the microrelief.
  • Hyaluronic acid
    – retains moisture in the deep layers of the skin, increases its elasticity, and protects against external aggression.
  • Oleic acid (Omega-9)
    – fights dry skin, thinning hair, brittle nails.
  • Caprylic acid
    – regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Youth vitamins: A (retinol), E (tocopherol), C (ascorbic acid), B3, B11, PP
    - increase tone, prevent the appearance of wrinkles and age spots.

Using coconut oil on the face

How to take care of your face:

  • Cleansing:
    Melt a small portion of oil in your hands, soak a cotton pad in it and wipe your face.
  • Preventing acne and fighting rashes
    Heat the oil in your hands until liquid and apply it to your face. Cover your face with a towel soaked in hot water and wrung out and wait 5-10 minutes. The oil will draw out all the bacteria, impurities and excess sebum that clog the pores.
  • To preserve youth and fight signs of aging
    If your skin accepts coconut oil well, then use it twice a day. Be careful with oily skin and gradually get used to the product.

    In the morning 2-3 drops are enough, in the evening you can use more. Rub the product in your palms and wipe your face with them, taking into account massage lines (from the center to the periphery along the forehead, cheeks, lower jaw; upper eyelids - from the inner corners of the eyes to the outer ones, lower eyelids - in the opposite direction).

For greater benefits, use special massage techniques during application. The procedure will take only 2-3 minutes, and the skin will feel fresh immediately. And over time it will become more elastic, smooth and radiant. Wrinkles will become less pronounced or disappear completely, the color will become even and healthy.

How to rub in the product correctly? Firm movements so that it penetrates the target better. The skin will warm up, the capillaries will be activated, and the face will better receive all the benefits of the oil.

Watch Annette apply the oil and repeat:

  • We use fast and intense movements.
  • We work with our palms and fists, using linear and circular movements.
  • We work especially carefully on the chin and lower jaw.
  • We complement the massage with effects on the ears and neck.

Important! This technique is suitable specifically for applying oil (cream/serum). It enhances the effect of the cosmetic product.

If the task is to master anti-aging self-massage, then other exercises are needed. They are performed on dry skin in order to more deeply influence the causes of aging, reach the muscles with fascia, and activate blood and lymph flow. For the most effective set of such techniques, come to the “Flourish” marathon from MelAnnett.

Methods of application

Coconut oil can be used either separately or with the addition of this product to ready-made cosmetic creams purchased in the store. Before use, the oil must be heated in a water bath, and then added to the desired substance.

The ratio of the components should be as follows: one part oil to two or three parts of a special care product.

If we are talking about applying coconut oil to the skin without adding any other ingredients to it, then you should follow these simple rules: using massaging movements, you need to cover your facial skin with an even layer, then leave the product in this form for half an hour, and then rinse with water or ice from a decoction of herbs or green tea.

The versatility of coconut oil lies in the ways it is used:

  • as a day cream in the morning;
  • instead of night cream just before bedtime;
  • as a softener for lips or areas of skin prone to freezing during the cold season;
  • as a substance that helps remove makeup.

To achieve the desired effect, you need to perform cosmetic procedures using coconut oil several times a week - only in this case your facial skin will delight you with its youth and healthy glow.

Using coconut oil on the body

What does the product do for the body:

  • softens and rejuvenates the skin of the hands,
  • softens rough skin of the feet,
  • relieves irritation, peeling, inflammation,
  • soothes the skin and promotes the healing of microcracks after shaving, depilation, peelings,
  • used during massage, especially with vacuum cans – ensures their easy sliding,
  • increases elasticity and helps in the fight against stretch marks - we treat the stomach, thighs, buttocks,
  • strengthens the nail plate and softens the cuticle.

IMPORTANT! Coconut oil is an excellent option for gentle care of children's sensitive skin, as it is hypoallergenic and has a bactericidal and soothing effect.

Apply it to your baby's skin under the diaper every time you put on a new one - this will protect your baby from diaper rash. It is good to use the product after bathing, for massage.

Anti-aging effect

Coconut oil is a powerful natural antioxidant that slows down skin aging, preserves its natural moisture, and maintains elasticity. It has a pronounced rejuvenating effect, which consists of the following:

  • brightens, nourishes, moisturizes;
  • removes redness, wrinkles;
  • relieves skin irritation;
  • eliminates dark circles and crow's feet around the eyes;
  • heals scars;
  • restores facial contour;
  • protects against ultraviolet rays (its effect corresponds to a cream with SPF 10).

Uses of coconut oil for tanning

Coconut oil will help you get an even tan and not dry out your skin.

It is useful to apply both before and after sunbathing.

In addition to powerful hydration, it also provides protection from UV rays. This is one of those oils that has a natural sunscreen. It provides protection levels of 4-8 SPF. That is, one that blocks at least 75% of ultraviolet radiation and allows you to stay in the sun for about 15 minutes.

If you use coconut oil as sun protection, your body will produce vitamin D (this does not happen with a higher SPF).

Of course, if you are going out to “sun” your fair skin for the first time or are in direct sunlight for a long time, then the SPF should be higher. You'll have to use a store-bought product.

Or you can enhance coconut oil's natural SPF by adding other oils: shea, avocado, sesame, carrot seeds. Then their SPF will be combined, and this will be a higher level of protection. This mixture is suitable even for a five-minute stay in a solarium.


Coconut oil is typically a hard substance that softens when warmed.
You can also find a liquid form on sale. This is coconut oil from which the lauric acid has been removed. Coconut oil is usually stored in the refrigerator. It is worth noting that unrefined oil has a shorter shelf life than refined oil. The liquid form can also be stored at room temperature. It is also recommended to keep coconut oil in a glass container. This will allow you to preserve its beneficial properties longer.

Uses of coconut oil for hair


  1. Like a wash-off mask.
    Apply oil along the entire length of the hair 30 minutes before washing your hair. You can leave the mask on all night, just wear a cap so as not to stain the bed. Or use a thermal cap to regulate the heat and ensure deeper penetration of the product into the hair shaft. You can buy a Beauty365 thermal hat for this.

    Then wash off with shampoo; you may need to rinse your hair several times. This way you will not only nourish your hair, but also reduce protein loss during shampooing.

  2. Like a leave-in treatment.
    After shampooing, dry your hair and apply oil to the ends. To do this, just a few drops rubbed in your palms are enough.
  3. To enrich store supplies
    . Add a few drops of coconut oil to balms and masks.

Also apply oil to your eyelashes and eyebrows to strengthen them and enhance growth. On eyelashes - with your hands or a soft brush, preferably at night. On the eyebrows - at any time, rubbing the product into the skin. 2-3 drops of the product are enough. Within half a month or a month you will notice that your hairs have become thicker.

Composition of coconut oil

Coconut oil is distinguished by the presence of fatty acids in its composition. They are a form of saturated fat. Mid-renal acids occupy about 65% of the product composition. And this is its main advantage.

Table 1. What acids and other useful components are contained in the oil

Type of acid (ingredient)a brief description ofPercentage of total composition
LauricIs an organic antiseptic. Has a beneficial effect on the skin, providing an antibacterial effect. Capable of destroying pathogenic bacteria, eliminating redness and irritation. Lauric acid activates the restoration of skin functions and promotes wound healing. Often used to eliminate acne or boils About 50%. The exact quantity depends on how the product is manufactured.
PalmiticStimulates the process of cell renewal, whitens the epidermis, increases its elasticity.9-10%
MyristicPromotes deeper penetration of beneficial substances into the structure of the dermis, strengthens immunity at the local level.20%
OleicHelps retain moisture and strengthen skin barrier functions. Oleic acid neutralizes the harmful effects of free radicals. /td> 6%
CaprylicHelps restore water-alkaline balance, improves the absorption of necessary oxygen. Stimulates regeneration processes, regulates the activity of the sebaceous gland. 5-6%
StearicHas excellent protective functions. Protects the skin from negative external influences. 5%
LinoleicImproves regeneration, reduces the risk of allergies.3%
Vitamins A, B, C, EParticipate in starting the process of rejuvenation of the dermis, promote active collagen production, and protect the skin.2-3%
Phosphorus, calcium, ironThey rejuvenate, heal, fight inflammation, smooth out wrinkles.2-3%

On a note! The coconut product also contains important components such as tocopherol and retinol. The first is a powerful antioxidant. And the second has a noticeable regenerating effect.

Due to the content of a large number of useful components, coconut oil is deservedly included in the list of frequently used anti-aging agents. And also regenerative and preventive. This product is applied to the skin of the face, body, and hair. Use as a mask, cream, lotion.

Is there any harm from coconut oil?

Coconut oil is an excellent helper for dry, irritated, inflamed and mature skin.

But those with oily and problem skin react to it differently. It suits some people, not others. In rare cases, it may poorly integrate into the lipid barrier of the skin and create an excess amount of fat on the surface. This can lead to deterioration of skin respiration and clogging of pores, causing rashes.

But this happens infrequently and is mainly due to improper use.

Contraindications and harm

Before using coke cosmetic oil, you should consider what benefits or harm it can bring. For this reason, allergy testing is imperative. To do this, apply the product to a small area of ​​the face, repeating the procedure 3 days in a row:

  • Coconut oil is a completely safe product. It does not make the surface of the skin too sensitive. Studies conducted on volunteers confirmed that the product is safe for use externally and internally, but sometimes provokes an allergic reaction. To exclude it, a standard test is needed. If after a day, no unpleasant sensations appear, the oil is allowed to be used.
  • Another potential danger of the product is comedogenicity. This is a very subjective reaction: most people can easily tolerate unrefined coconut oil, but for some, such a cosmetic product can completely clog their pores after the first application. The truth can only be found out through experience. When your skin objects, it's best to listen to it and stop using the product.
  • The third warning is caused by excessive use of oil. Excess fat can disrupt the natural secretion of human sebaceous glands. This interferes with the normal functioning of epidermal cells. Because of this phenomenon, the use of even a very useful substance can cause harm. To prevent such situations, it is necessary to scrupulously follow the recommendations regarding the frequency of oil use. It is imperative to closely monitor the reaction of your own skin.

Can coconut oil be used in food?

Not only is it possible, but it is useful. Coconut oil contains a lot of fatty acids and vitamins that we need for the heart and blood vessels, brain, thyroid gland, gastrointestinal tract, hormone production, metabolism, immunity, regeneration and many other processes.

Lauric, myristic, palmitic and capric fatty acids give the oil powerful healing properties. It destroys bacteria and fungi, lowers blood cholesterol, suppresses hunger, improves digestion and absorption of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.

And it’s not only about health, but also about the beauty of skin, hair and even being slim. We have already talked about how it promotes weight loss.

Coconut oil can often be found as a high-energy component of diets. This is a unique source of energy that does not accumulate extra pounds and even, on the contrary, helps to lose them.

Athletes love this product because it increases physical endurance.

The question may arise whether it is possible to eat coconut oil that was purchased for cosmetic purposes. You can, if it says “100% coconut oil” and you are sure of the manufacturer.

Tip: choose cold-pressed coconut oil for consumption. It retains its beneficial properties as much as possible, unlike a product that is emasculated by hot pressing and refining.

The norm for using coconut oil is from 1 tsp. up to 3 tbsp. l. in a day. At the same time, observe your daily caloric intake.

What we do with coconut oil:

  • We season ready-made dishes: cereals, purees, soups, fruit and vegetable salads.
  • Add to drinks: coffee, tea, smoothies, milkshake, hot chocolate. We get a high-energy drink that charges you for the whole day. And tea with coconut oil also helps with colds, relieves sore throat, and reduces cough.
  • Prepare nut butter. The recipe is simple: grind the nuts and coconut oil in a blender.
  • We use it when preparing baked goods: cookies, muffins, cheesecakes, pancakes, cottage cheese casseroles.
  • Fry and simmer in coconut oil - try preparing pilaf and vegetable stew this way.
  • Spread coconut oil on toast.
  • We make sauces and healthy mayonnaise (and this is not an oxymoron, mayonnaise can be healthy).

Coconut oil mayonnaise recipe

  • You will need 100-150 ml coconut oil + 50-100 ml olive oil + 1 egg + 1 s. l. mustard + 1 c. l. wine vinegar (lemon juice).
  • Thin the coconut oil using a warm water bath (not hot!).
  • First, beat all the ingredients except the oils. Then add butter to the resulting mass, continuing to beat.

Advantages and disadvantages

Coconut oil is a safe, organic product that does not contain chemicals. It acts as a natural moisturizing lotion - nourishes the skin, smooths out wrinkles, and retains moisture.

This product has its disadvantages:

  • Coconut oil against age-related wrinkles does not act as quickly as pharmaceutical products and ready-made creams. The effect is noticeable only after several weeks of use.
  • With prolonged continuous use, it clogs pores and provokes the appearance of acne, so it is only suitable for normal skin that is not prone to the formation of whiteheads and blackheads.
  • Does not solve the problem of peeling.
  • Sometimes it can cause severe allergies.
  • Adds a greasy shine to oily skin.

Frying with coconut oil: pros and cons

Coconut oil is considered one of the best for frying and baking. The thing is that it is resistant to the destructive effects of oxygen and high temperatures.

There is such a thing as the “smoke point”. This is a temperature threshold, crossing which the oil begins to release toxic compounds - carcinogens (this can be detected by bluish smoke and an unpleasant odor).

Unrefined coconut oil has a smoke point of 177ºC. And it is higher than the frying temperature (140-160 ºС). For comparison, unrefined sunflower and olive oils have a smoke point significantly lower than the permissible threshold, so frying with them is harmful (however, their refined versions can be used for these purposes).

With baking, everything is a little more complicated. If you heat the oven to 170-180 ºС, then you can use unrefined coconut oil (add to the dish, grease the baking sheet). And if the temperature is higher, it is recommended to use refined coconut oil - its smoke point allows this.

Baking is perhaps the only area where it is better to use refined coconut oil (less healthy) instead of unrefined (more healthy).

Mask options

You can prepare various types of cosmetic masks based on coconut oil. Here are some proven recipes:

  • With rice flour . Grind dry rice in a coffee grinder to obtain flour. Mix two tablespoons of this product with a teaspoon of melted coconut oil, dilute the mixture with cold infusion of green tea until a cream consistency is obtained. Apply for twenty minutes. The composition tones, moisturizes, and gives the skin a velvety feel.
  • Honey and sour cream . Heat a tablespoon of honey with 5 grams of coconut oil until softened, then add a spoonful of thick sour cream. Stir and apply for twenty-five minutes.
  • With blue clay . Dilute a tablespoon of blue cosmetic clay with cold water. Then pour in a teaspoon of melted coconut oil and add three drops of orange essential oil.
  • Bread _ Soak a piece of white bread crumb in milk, squeeze and knead. Add a teaspoon of liquid coconut oil to the bread mixture and grind. Apply for half an hour.

  • Yolk . Melt a spoonful of honey with a teaspoon of coconut oil. Add the mashed yolk into the warm mixture. Apply with a brush for half an hour. The composition eliminates peeling well.
  • Lemon . This option is well suited for porous, aging skin that has lost its elasticity. Beat the egg white until foamy, then mix it with a teaspoon of liquid coconut oil, the same amount of juice squeezed from lemon and three drops of tea tree ether. Apply with a brush in several layers. The exposure time is a quarter of an hour after applying the top layer.
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