Using coconut oil for wrinkles on the face: TOP recipes, reviews

Keeping your skin glowing and beautiful with natural products is one of the main concerns of modern women. Using coconut oil for the face in cosmetology, you can achieve excellent results: get rid of wrinkles, smooth the surface of the dermis, nourish it with the necessary elements, and simply prolong youth. Each problem area has its own methods of using it. A competent combination of components and regular use of a natural product ensures proper skin care regardless of the time of year. The main thing is to promptly select suitable methods of care using coconut oil for wrinkles, and figure out which procedures are most suitable.

Composition and properties

Coconut oil by its nature is a unique source of minerals, vitamins and acids necessary to nourish the dermis. Thanks to their effects, impressive results are achieved that restore youth and freshness to the skin of the face and body. Compound:

  • Hylauronic acid – retains moisture in the dermis.
  • Oleic acid – prevents the spread of bacteria, conducts nutrients into cells.
  • Myristic acid – increases the immunity of the dermis.
  • Stearic acid – softens the dermis by saturating it with beneficial components.
  • Calcium – strengthens intercellular membranes.
  • Iron – increases oxygen saturation of the dermis.
  • Zinc – restores cell structure.
  • Vitamin A – increases the elasticity of the dermis.
  • Vitamin C – strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • Vitamin B – increases the resistance of the dermis.
  • Linoleic acid – prevents flaking by saturating cells with fatty acids and oxygen.

An exhaustive list of components included in its composition directly testifies to the benefits and beneficial effects of coconut oil on the skin of the face. Properties:

  • Antiseptic . Prevents the growth of bacteria and removes subcutaneous infections.
  • Nutritious . Saturates the dermis with oxygen, moisture and beneficial acids.
  • Restorative . Smoothes the structure of cells, strengthens intercellular membranes, compacts the walls of blood vessels.
  • Protective . Prevents exposure to ultraviolet rays.
  • Stimulating . Accelerates the production of your own collagen.
  • Toning . Nourishes cells from the inside, toning membranes and walls.
  • Transit . Accelerates the removal of bacteria and toxins to the surface of the dermis.
  • Regenerating . Facilitates the healing process and smoothes the skin surface.
  • Toning . Gives the surface of the dermis a natural glow and evens out the tone.

The benefits of using coconut oil against wrinkles are undeniable. Proper and timely use of masks, scrubs and other homemade cosmetic tricks will restore youth and health to the dermis.

Causes of female aging

Hyaluronic acid is responsible for the elasticity of skin in the human body. It fills the intercellular space, activating metabolic processes. After 25 years, the level of hyaluron begins to slowly decrease, a lack of moisture forms - the first age-related changes appear. The oval of the face gradually decreases, facial wrinkles become more pronounced. And without proper prevention, by the age of 40–50, static ones can develop, when the facial muscles lose their tone and become deformed under the influence of gravity.

The functioning of the endocrine system has a great influence on the general condition of the female body. The slightest hormonal imbalances due to natural processes (puberty and menopause) or diseases can significantly affect the quality of the skin.

Skin condition is the main factor that visually ages a woman

Physiological changes cannot be avoided, but often the biological age does not coincide with that indicated in the passport. The early manifestation of signs of aging is influenced by many different factors:

  • Lifestyle;
  • nutrition;
  • sleeping mode;
  • environment;
  • skin care;
  • ultraviolet.

Even seemingly small aspects of life can lead to tangible changes. So, for some people, the first facial wrinkles appear at the age of 18. Those who like to show emotions through facial expressions are especially susceptible to this. With constant contraction, the muscles lose the ability to relax. “Strips” are laid along the forehead, the so-called crow’s feet and nasolabial folds.

The role of oils in facial rejuvenation

Properly selected vegetable oils can effectively complement traditional care. Conventional creams cannot penetrate beyond the upper layers of the epidermis and are not able to provide deep hydration. But the fatty acids contained in oils slightly improve absorption. As a result, beneficial components are easier to digest. In addition, the applied oil protects the skin - a thin film is formed, protecting against moisture loss and aggression from environmental conditions.

Home remedies with coconut oil make you look younger

Recipes with coconut oil for wrinkles

To achieve a decent result, you need to select those recipes for masks and creams that are suitable for a specific type of dermis. It is worth taking into account the woman’s age, predisposition to external influences, allergenicity and other nuances to achieve the desired result.

Important! Coconut oil in facial cosmetology is not recommended for oily skin types.

The combination of natural ingredients allows you to solve many problems of the dermis that appear with the beginning of its withering. The main thing is to approach the selection process wisely and correctly apply the proposed recipes.

Product selection criteria

It is worth purchasing the product in trusted departments and stores of organic cosmetics or in pharmacies. Don't rush to buy the first oil you come across. Since it comes in different types, consider your skin type and also read the instructions. It would be a good idea to test the probe. It will say a lot about the finished product.

  • for dry and normal dermis, an unrefined cold-pressed product (analogous to virgin coconut oil) is ideal;
  • Examine the packaging and, if available, open the sample. The oil should have a subtle coconut aroma (not strong);
  • the color of the product in liquid form should be light yellow (transparent), and in solid form – milky white;
  • the dark shade of the product indicates the probable presence of chemicals in it;
  • for problematic or oily dermis, you should choose a refined product. It has no smell.

Anti-wrinkle creams with coconut oil

Ready-made cosmetic creams fade into the background when it is possible to prepare a powerful anti-aging skin product yourself. At the same time, using natural ingredients, you can be completely confident that no chemical impurities will have a negative effect on the dermis.

Nutritious cream


  • 70 milliliters m. coconut;
  • 5 milliliters m. lavender.

Heat the ingredients in a water bath, then pour into a glass container. Using a small whisk, beat until smooth. The cream should turn white and become airy. Place in a glass jar. Close the lid tightly. Apply at night to previously cleansed skin. Wait until completely absorbed. Remove excess using a cotton pad. In the morning, use in small quantities so as not to cause the appearance of an oily sheen.

Anti-wrinkle cream


  • 40 milligrams of m. coconut;
  • 20 milliliters m. sesame seeds;
  • 5 drops of m.sandalwood;
  • 3 milliliters m. jojoba.

Bring coconut oil to a liquid state by heating. Add the rest of the ingredients. Mix using a sterile whisk. Place in an opaque glass jar. Apply to skin cleansed with mycilate water before bed. In the morning, it can be used as a cream for facial wrinkles around the eyes.

Toning cream


  • 10 grams of dry green tea;
  • 50 milligrams of m. coconut.

Place the enamel container in a water bath. Add butter and green tea. Mix. Close the lid. Leave in a water bath for 20 minutes. Cool slightly. Mix. Strain using a sieve. Pour into a sterile glass jar. For storage, place in the refrigerator. Apply to cleansed facial skin before bed. In the morning, it can be used for problem areas of the frontal part and facial wrinkles around the eyes.


Coconut oil rarely causes an allergic reaction and, in general, most often has a positive effect on skin health. However, when using the squeeze for facial care, the following contraindications are identified:

  • Inflammation of the eyes, eyelids and mucous surfaces. These areas are extremely sensitive to any kind of external intervention, especially in the presence of certain pathologies (diseases, injuries, etc.).
  • Individual intolerance to the product.
  • Oily skin. In this case, coconut pomace is not used in its pure form.

You need to understand that exotic oil accelerates hair growth and activates dormant follicles. In this regard, the product should be used with extreme caution by women prone to excess facial hair (for example, above the upper lip).

Scrubs with coconut oil

In order to properly nourish the skin, all kinds of scrubs are used as preliminary cleansing. They help remove keratinized particles of the epidermis. Coconut oil is perfect for these purposes.

Soda scrub


  • 15 milligrams of m. coconut;
  • teaspoon of soda.

Mix two components. Heat in a water bath. Place in the freezer to cool for 15 minutes. Use a soda-coconut scrub in the evening no more than 2 times a week.

Important! First try the scrub on a small area of ​​skin and check the dermis for a tendency to rashes under the influence of soda.

Coffee scrub


  • 7 grams of m. coconut;
  • 10 grams of coffee grounds;
  • 10 milliliters of natural yoghurt.

Heat the oil in a steam bath, add coffee grounds and bring to a homogeneous consistency. Take off. Add yogurt. Cool slightly. Apply to face and décolleté in circular motions. Leave for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. You can leave the scrub in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. Otherwise it will lose its effectiveness.

Honey scrub


  • 10 grams of natural honey;
  • 15 grams of m. coconut;
  • 5 grams of cane sugar.

Melt the ingredients in a water bath without bringing to a boil. Mix thoroughly. Apply evenly in circular motions onto the face and neck. Leave for 15 minutes, as the proposed scrub option also acts as a mask. The prepared honey-coconut scrub can be stored in the refrigerator for a month.

An effective remedy for forehead wrinkles

Expression wrinkles appear regardless of age. In the forehead area, you can easily see the first signs of skin aging. It is important to competently and promptly begin to care for the problem area in order to subsequently avoid more serious cosmetic defects. The use of coconut oil for the face against wrinkles in cosmetology is possible without additional impurities. An excellent option would be warm oil, carefully applied to the forehead area. The procedure should be done at night every other day.

Equal proportions of coconut and olive oil applied to the forehead area also give decent results. It is important that the skin is constantly nourished and regenerated in order to avoid drying out the skin.

Coconut oil masks for eyelids

Not only wrinkles can become a problem, but also increased puffiness and swelling, as well as dark circles under the eyes. There are several eye masks that can cope with cosmetic imperfections.

Pea mask


  • 15 grams of pea flour;
  • 4 grams of turmeric;
  • 15 grams of m. coconut;
  • 3 milliliters of lemon juice;
  • a teaspoon of honey (if there is no allergy).

Mix all ingredients thoroughly until smooth. If necessary, you can add a couple of tablespoons of milk. Apply a thick layer of the mask onto cotton pads and place them on your eyelids for at least 20 minutes. Rinse off. To achieve full results, carry out the procedure every other day for a month.

Potato mask


  • potato tuber;
  • 10 grams of m. coconut.

Grate the potatoes on a fine grater. Squeeze out the juice. Mix with liquid coconut oil. Dampen two cotton pads. Leave on eyelid skin for 25 minutes. Repeat the procedure once every 3 days.

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