Sage oil for the face is a unique remedy for treating problematic, aging skin

One of the oldest plants on earth is still traditionally used for medicinal purposes today. The dense bush has a bright, fresh aroma; in ancient civilizations it was credited with magical properties. In cosmetology, sage oil for the face is an excellent remedy for combating porous, problematic skin.

Valuable ester has rejuvenating, tonic properties and is effective for mature dermis. Stops bleeding, stimulates healing processes, the magical liquid will become an indispensable tool for home spa treatments.

general description

Sage is a dense shrub, reaching 50 cm in height, dotted with dense light green leaves. Asia Minor is considered its homeland; gradually the distribution area expanded to the countries of the Balkan Peninsula and the Mediterranean. Cultivated as a garden, ornamental, and medicinal plant in Yugoslavia, Italy, France, Morocco, and Romania.

Essential oil is obtained by steam distillation from flowering shoots and leaves. It has a light, fluid consistency; the liquid is transparent, colorless, and may have a light yellow or greenish tint. The aroma is pronounced, heavy with tart herbal-spicy notes. There are clary sage and clary sage ethers; they have similar compositions and beneficial properties.

In cosmetology, aroma liquid is used in regenerating products and lines for problem skin.

Attention! The oil has a pronounced antiseptic effect, promotes wound healing and lightening of the integument.

At home, you can independently obtain sage oil based on the base:

  1. Pour a glass of dry sage leaves with 2 glasses of warm olive oil.
  2. Pour into a hermetically sealed container and leave to infuse for 2 weeks in a cool, dark place.
  3. After the specified period, strain, pour into a dark glass bottle, and store at room temperature.

Plant decoction

A decoction of the plant is one of the best remedies for cleansing and maintaining youthful facial skin. This composition will have an antibacterial and rejuvenating effect. Preparing the decoction is extremely simple. You will need the following ingredients:

  • 12 grams of dry herb;
  • 270 ml water.

To prepare the decoction, you also need to prepare a glass or enamel container (saucepan, ladle, stewpan). You need to immerse dry grass in it and fill it with hot water. After this, the container must be placed on the fire and simmered over low heat. Cooking should not last longer than 20 minutes.

Next, the broth should cool, after which you can strain. It is best to pour the liquid into a container with a dispenser, but you can also use an ordinary jar. You should wipe your face with the prepared decoction twice a day. If there are visible skin defects, such as acne, you can increase the number of wipes to four or five.

Advice! You can supplement wiping your face with sage decoction with contrasting compresses. They are also made from a decoction of this plant. By the way, the same liquid can be used to prepare makeup removers and masks at home.

A little history

From Latin the name of the plant is translated as “good health”, “salvation”. In Ancient Egypt, sage infusion was given to women to drink, believing that it promoted the origin of life.

In ancient Rome it was used for medicinal purposes, to heal wounds, and restore strength. It was considered a sacred plant, so before collecting leaves and shoots it was necessary to carry out rituals of sacrifice and ablution; a white tunic was a mandatory attribute.

Gallic druids used it to communicate with the world of the dead; they believed that the souls of children came from the other world.

Sage was often used by beauties of the Mediterranean, they prepared decoctions, and infused olive oil. The natural remedy helped to cleanse the skin and hair, add shine, and get rid of age spots. Thanks to homemade recipes, women were able to maintain their youthful, blooming appearance for as long as possible. Each tried to plant shrubs in the garden in order to regularly use the gifts of nature to care for the face and body.

Ready-made products with sage

If you don’t want to bother with homemade recipes, you can purchase cosmetic products that already contain a miracle ingredient, for example:

  • face toner “Sage” from Martina Gebhart.

Photo taken from open sources

  • Grandmother Agafya’s recipes for tonic-hydrolate “Taiga sage organic”.

Photo taken from open sources

  • face mask with blue clay and sage from CAFÉ MINI CLEAN SKIN.

Photo taken from open sources
The choice of ready-made skincare products is very large. But don’t be lazy and try to include sage in your home care. However, if you have an exacerbation of chronic skin diseases, such as psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, please first contact a dermatologist and get advice. Love and take care of your skin, and it will definitely reciprocate your feelings.

Beneficial features

During the growth period from spring to autumn, changes in the chemical composition are observed. Also, the concentration of active elements depends on the region of growth and harvesting period.

The basic formula is represented by the following valuable substances:

  • borneol stops the proliferation of bacteria, has antifungal properties, relieves inflammation and purulent formations, whitens pigmentation, promotes the uniform distribution of melanin in tissues;
  • Thujone is a toxic element, but in small concentrations it has a tonic effect on the skin, activates blood flow, prevents swelling, improves complexion, and is effective in preventing sagging and premature aging;
  • camphor provides softness and elasticity of the integument, removes dead skin cells, helps cleanse sebaceous ducts, narrows pores, and gives a smooth texture;
  • cineole has an antiseptic effect, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, creates the effect of matte, porcelain skin, and restores metabolic processes;
  • salvin tones and strengthens fragile capillaries, helps prevent sensitivity and irritation of the integument, protects against aggressive environmental influences;
  • vitamins A, C, group B help normalize regeneration processes, are effective in preventing inflammation, acne, tone and refresh the skin;
  • minerals are responsible for a beautiful, even tone, smooth structure, stop premature aging of the skin; with a deficiency, rapid fading of the skin is observed, and inflammation occurs.

Indications for use

Sage oil is used for normal, oily skin types, an effective remedy for aging, mature dermis. Provides saturation with valuable elements, solves basic cosmetic problems.

Regular use helps solve a whole range of problems:

  • whitens pigmentation;
  • prevents the formation of scars;
  • tones, refreshes;
  • gives a healthy skin tone;
  • treats acne, inflammation;
  • reduces sebium synthesis;
  • promotes healing of wounds and cracks;
  • smoothes superficial wrinkles;
  • stimulates renewal, restores the elasticity of the integument.

Attention! It is important to adhere to the recommended dosage; with increasing concentration, a deterioration in the general condition and disruption of the central system may occur.

Where is the best place to buy

Sage oil is a fairly common ether and can be purchased at a pharmacy or natural cosmetics store. It’s easy to choose the product you like on the Internet by filling out an application.

When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the packaging; the oil is sold in a dark glass bottle with a dispenser. The Latin name must also be indicated - Salvia officinalis, Salvia sclarea. The price of 5.10 ml varies from 120 to 2000 rubles.

The oil should be stored at room temperature, avoiding exposure to sunlight. The shelf life is 5 years, it is difficult to determine the spoiled ether, it has an intense bright aroma. You should not rely on external indicators; the main criterion for checking the freshness of the oil is the production date indicated on the packaging.

General recommendations

Sage essential oil is recommended for use on dry, aging, aging, and oily skin. It has tonic, regenerating, anti-inflammatory properties, and helps to have a comprehensive effect on the integument.

To solve aesthetic problems, you must adhere to the following basic recommendations:

  • the oil is not applied in its pure form, but can be used as an independent product to spot acne or pigmentation;
  • before use, you need to test the product, apply it diluted to the wrist, leave for half an hour, then wipe the area with a damp cloth; if there is no redness or burning, use for cosmetic purposes is allowed;
  • Also, do not forget about the concentration of the aroma liquid; the optimal dosage is 3 drops per 10 grams. basics;
  • you can enrich creams, masks, tonics, add ether to home recipes;
  • combines with base oils, herbal compositions, esters of anise, basil, cloves, citrus, cedar, cinnamon, lavender, clays and other natural ingredients;
  • can be used starting from adolescence; procedures with sage oil are effective in adulthood to restore elasticity and get rid of hyperpigmentation;
  • recommended for evening care, so the composition can reveal its beneficial properties, saturating the skin with valuable elements;
  • can be used throughout the year without restrictions in the summer;
  • to avoid the addictive effect, you need to repeat the procedures with sage oil 2-3 times a week for a month, then take a break;
  • When cooking, you need to combine the components in ceramic or glass containers, avoid interaction with metal, an oxidation reaction is possible;
  • When added to the finished product, ether cannot be mixed with the entire volume; only a small amount is taken, sufficient for a one-time procedure.

Composition for eyelid skin

To prepare the composition you need to take:

  • three drops of vitamin E;
  • three drops of vitamin A;
  • a tablespoon of sage oil.

After mixing, apply the product to the eyelids immediately after waking up and before going to bed. The composition should be applied in a small amount so that there is no need to wash it off: it should be absorbed into the skin without any residue.

After mixing, apply the product to the eyelids immediately after waking up and before going to bed.

Methods of application

The aroma oil has a healing effect on the skin, nourishes, tones, and copes with signs of fatigue and wilting. Systemic care will provide a lasting transformation effect and normalize intracellular renewal processes.

To achieve the desired aesthetic result, you need to properly prepare the skin for the procedure.

Facial cleansing:

  1. Remove makeup with micellar water, then rinse off any remaining residue with running water.
  2. To soften dead skin cells and cleanse sebium, you should use gommage or cosmetic cream. The soft texture of the product does not irritate the skin and promotes gentle cleansing.
  3. If there is no rosacea, you should use a warming mask or compress. If herbal ether is included in the cream, you need to pre-treat the skin with a tonic.

Mask for dry skin

restores hydrobalance and increases the protective properties of the skin . Using it in home care helps you forget about dryness and flaking and gives your skin an even, healthy tone. The mask is also effective in preventing the dermis from fading, thanks to the restoration of the lipid mantle.


  • 2 drops of sage essential oil;
  • 5 ml almond oil;
  • half an avocado;
  • 5–7 pollen granules.

Peel and pit the avocado and turn it into a homogeneous mass in a blender. Add almond and herbal oils, a pinch of pollen. Stir well and apply after cleansing in a thick layer, including the area of ​​the eyelids and lips. After 20 minutes, remove the residue with a damp sponge; there is no need to use additional cream; repeat the treatment 2 times a week.

Refreshing mask

The mask, created by yourself , accelerates blood flow, relieves puffiness, and restores beautiful tone Suitable for all skin types, normalizes the condition after stress, prevents sensitivity and inflammation.


  • 3 drops of sage ether;
  • 2 drops of lemon oil;
  • 5 gr. honey;
  • 5 gr. dark chocolate;
  • a pinch of plantain herb.

Melt the chocolate in a water bath, remove from heat, add honey, ethers, and plantain powder. Distribute the finished mass after cleansing the skin; it is important to apply along massage lines to improve lymph flow. Leave to act for half an hour, then rinse with warm water and apply mattifying cream.

Advice. It is recommended to repeat the treatment 1-2 times a week, alternating with other cosmetic procedures.

Mask for oily skin

To reduce sebium synthesis, eliminate oily shine, and restore an even, smooth structure, you should use an effective remedy. Stops the spread of infection, prevents the appearance of acne, helps get rid of pigmentation and acne marks.


  • 3 drops of sage ether;
  • 5 gr. mint;
  • 5 gr. kiwi;
  • 30 drops of grape seed oil.

Grind dry mint leaves in a mortar, mash the kiwi to a puree consistency, add stone and sage oil. After cleansing your face, spread the mixture into a thick layer and last for 15 minutes. Rinse off with a cool chamomile decoction; you can spot-treat pimples with sage oil.

Anti-wrinkle mask

For mature, dehydrated skin, it is worth using anti-aging recipes. Restore the hydrolipid balance and protective functions of the integument, stimulate the synthesis of collagen fibers. The result of use will be a well-groomed, radiant face; for prevention, use after 30 years is recommended.


  • 4 drops of sage essential oil;
  • yolk;
  • 5 ml milk cream;
  • 5 gr. cottage cheese.

Pass the cottage cheese through a sieve to obtain a homogeneous consistency, add cream, yolk and aromatic oil. Apply the finished plastic mass to the face, pressing lightly, as if creating a contour. Leave for half an hour, after which carefully remove the remains, wipe the covers with mineral water.

Cream for acne and blackheads

For deep cleansing of the skin, removal of comedones, and treatment of acne, sage, known for its antiseptic properties, is used. Helps reduce the secretion of sebaceous glands, tightens pores, restores an even, smooth texture. Recommended for use on oily, problematic skin with a bumpy texture.


  • 2 drops of sage ether;
  • 2 gr. zinc ointment;
  • 5 gr. shea butter

Add ether and zinc ointment to the nourishing shea butter and stir well. In the evening, after cleansing, apply a thin layer to problem areas and leave overnight. In the morning, wash off with an antibacterial gel and repeat the treatment up to 3 times a week.

Whitening toner

Helps lighten pigmentation and cope with acne marks. Refreshes tone, relieves redness, helps tighten pores, and improve overall condition. Suitable for caring for all types of dermis, including sensitive ones.


  • 4 drops of sage ether;
  • 100 ml green tea;
  • 5 ml peach seed oil.

Brew green tea, strain, add seed oil and ether to the cooled drink. Pour into a glass bottle and shake well before use. Use morning and evening after cleansing the skin, then treat the skin with moisturizer.

A very effective mask for facial rejuvenation


  • Take 25 grams of sage, nettle, mint and lemon balm, pour boiling water so that the grass is covered
  • We insist an hour
  • Apply the strained pulp to the face

    Slow down the aging process and increase facial elasticity with sage oil


  • Take a teaspoon of any oil base: geranium, flax, hazelnut
  • Add 2 drops of sage oil
  • Apply to facial skin for half an hour
  • Then blot the remaining oil with a towel. Drop a little oil into the cream, thereby enriching it.

Application for lips, eyelashes, hair

Sage oil helps to cope with oily curls; use allows you to give your hair thickness, volume, while maintaining a well-groomed appearance for a long time. Effective for dandruff, seborrhea, eliminates itching and irritation of the scalp.

By enriching the shampoo, you can restore porous strands, strengthen your hair, and prevent seasonal hair loss. It has a positive effect on blood flow, ensuring the follicles are saturated with active elements.

By the way. Used for aroma combing, helps to untangle thin long strands.

It is not recommended for use on eyelashes and eyebrows; it may cause burning and tearing. In case of contact with eyes, rinse with plenty of water. For lips can be used for herpes, peeling, cracks. It is necessary to dilute with base oil and treat delicate skin.

Cosmetologists' opinion

Sage has found wide application in cosmetology. Experts confirm the effectiveness of using this product, including when using essential oils. The main thing is to follow the rules for using the product.

The main benefit of sage oil will be for women aged 30+, as the product helps rejuvenate and smooth out wrinkles. The oil can also be used to treat teenage skin problems, to eliminate excess greasiness, and to treat acne.

Internal use

Sage oil is taken for infectious diseases, as well as for disorders of the digestive system. The standard dosage is 1 drop of aroma liquid per 5 grams. olive oil or honey, take 2 times a day for a month.

But before using a natural remedy as a dietary supplement, you should consult your doctor.

Contraindications for internal use are pregnancy, exacerbation of chronic diseases, individual intolerance.

Rating of branded cosmetics

Cosmetics for facial skin with sage

Famous brands have long chosen sage extract for their lines created to care for oily and problem skin. Therefore, it is very easy to find products in which it will be included in the composition. This conclusion can be made by studying this rating.

  1. Olive face scrub - olive scrub. Mastic Spa (Greece). $29.
  2. Phyto Code - face cream with cordyceps. TianDe (China). $10.4.
  3. Deep cleansing - warming scrub. Dr. Konopka's (Estonia). $6.9.
  4. Cream mask with violet. Charm Cleo (Russia). $5.9.
  5. Detox lavender + sage – cream-scrub. Sunlight (Russia). $4.5.
  6. Eye makeup remover foam. Natura Siberika (Russia). $4.3.
  7. Mask Dress Code Blue is a soothing sheet mask. Mediheal (South Korea). $3.4.
  8. Foam cleanser for oily and combination skin. Miracle basket (Russia). $2.9.
  9. Syn-ake Lift Mask Pack is a fabric lifting mask. Secret Key (South Korea). $1.4.
  10. Dr. Herbarium - day cream 45+ to reduce wrinkles and increase skin elasticity. Belkosmex (Belarus). $1.1.

As you can see, the geography of manufacturing countries is vast, and the price range will allow everyone to choose the right option for themselves.

Precautionary measures

Before using for cosmetic purposes, it is necessary to test sage essential oil for possible reactions. Be sure to dilute with base oil, use no more than 3 drops per 5 ml. Apply to the wrist or elbow, rinse off after half an hour and assess the condition of the dermis. For 5 minutes you feel a burning sensation, this is a normal reaction. If there is no redness or irritation, skincare procedures can be carried out.

It is worth considering contraindications - pregnancy, lactation, hypertension, epilepsy, bronchial asthma. In case of overdose, the oil can cause convulsions and paralysis.

Advantages and disadvantages

Sage is a world-famous medicinal plant, and its aromatic oil occupies a special place in cosmetology. But to achieve the desired changes and improve the overall condition of the skin, both advantages and disadvantages should be taken into account.


  • has bactericidal, sebum-regulating, rejuvenating properties, used to care for oily, problematic, dry, aging skin;
  • can be used throughout the year, does not have photosensitivity, increases the protective functions of the integument, neutralizing the aggressive influence of the environment;
  • the oil is economical; a few drops are enough to enrich ready-made products or create recipes;
  • combines with base oils, esters, enhances the effect of herbal compositions;
  • has no age restrictions, you can start using it in adolescence; the cosmetic properties of the oil will also be appreciated by the owner of a mature, fading dermis;
  • can be used in its pure form to treat acne and pigmentation;
  • The aroma of the ether has a beneficial effect on the condition of the entire body; home spa treatments have a therapeutic effect.


  • it is important to adhere to the recommended dosage; exceeding it can lead to negative consequences;
  • the oil has a number of contraindications for use;
  • With prolonged use, an addictive effect is possible.

The influence of sage ether on the psycho-emotional sphere: oil to experience “Zen”

It’s not for nothing that aromatherapists call sage oil the essential oil of adults and successful people. The smell promotes making quick but correct decisions, social success and worldly wisdom. Helps you concentrate on physical or mental activity.

It develops a philosophical attitude towards any troubles, be it adultery or betrayal of a business partner.

As a rule, sage lovers are very self-sufficient and accept others as they are, without the desire to subjugate or remake them.

User reviews

There are many reviews on the Internet from people who appreciate the cosmetic effects of the oil. They are chosen to enrich finished products; homemade masks with herbal ether are also popular.

The user writes about the versatility of ether and points out its beneficial properties.

The girl describes her experience of using it for acne, as well as other body care methods.

The participant describes the effect of using the cream when enriching it; do not forget about contraindications.

The healing properties of sage ether: 10 reasons to buy it at the pharmacy

Modern aromatherapy recommends essential sage as:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • 5 face masks with a soothing and anti-inflammatory effect

  • antiseptic;
  • bactericidal;
  • immunostimulating;
  • soothing;
  • healing;
  • expectorant;
  • pain reliever;
  • tonic;
  • anti-spasm agent.

In post-Soviet countries, it is most often used to treat inflammatory diseases of the throat and oral cavity. But as you can see, sage still contains many useful properties, including cosmetic ones.

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