Black tea in cosmetics: beneficial properties and uses for the skin

Among the reasons for a bad morning mood in women, swelling of the face is one of the most annoying. You look in the mirror, and it would be better not to look, not to wake up, not to be like this and in general. And if you have an important date or a difficult day at work, during which you need to look your best, the situation becomes even more depressing.

Fortunately, there have long been many methods to combat this nuisance. In this article we will look at the reasons why women have swollen faces and eyes in the morning, and methods to eliminate this problem.

Swelling of the eyes and face in women in the morning: causes and treatment

The appearance of this type of difficulty occurs due to a disruption in the process of removing fluid from the intercellular space. And they cannot be ignored. Although they may be based on fairly safe factors.

  • For example, the problem may arise from sleeping too much. Due to the fact that water is not removed in time, and to reduce the load on the urinary system, liquid begins to linger in the intercellular space.
  • Excessive drinking before bedtime leads to edema. During sleep, all systems work slower, and the body does not have time to fully process what has been received.
  • Poor nutrition affects the concentration of sodium and proteins in the blood, and causes swelling.
  • And chronic lack of sleep leads to a malfunction in the processes of fluid microcirculation. And the places where the skin is most elastic are the first to show the consequences of such a change. Most often in the form of swelling of the eyelids.
  • Alcohol abuse not only disrupts the circulation of fluid in the body, but also increases thirst.
  • Severely dry air in the room also causes some swelling.

In addition to external ones, there are more important reasons for the appearance of this disorder. For example, during pregnancy, especially in its last trimester, women often suffer from edema. Rarely, but still there are people with a hereditary predisposition to the accumulation of fluid in the tissues.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine disrupts blood circulation and causes stagnation of lymph, which also provokes the appearance of this problem. An allergic reaction (including to cosmetics) also leads to swelling. Moreover, the intensity of this process is sometimes such that there is a danger of suffocation. This allergy symptom can either be relieved by taking medications or go away on its own; compresses and other folk remedies are powerless.

Difficulties with microcirculation arise:

  • for diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system;
  • for renal pathologies;
  • in case of oncology;
  • due to diabetes mellitus and metabolic disorders;
  • when a focus of infection occurs in the maxillofacial area;
  • etc.

Therefore, if the problem occurs regularly without any explainable reasons or its manifestation is asymmetrical, consult a doctor. Such violations are a symptom of a dangerous disease.

General recommendations for troubleshooting

The first and main recommendation is to start leading a healthy lifestyle:

  • Regular sleep of 8–10 hours.
  • Balanced diet with reduced amount of salts. Reduce consumption of carbonated drinks, coffee, fatty, smoked and fried foods.
  • Introduce natural diuretic foods into your diet: citrus fruits, carrots, watermelons, apples, melons, etc.
  • Quit smoking and alcohol abuse.
  • Drink diuretic teas, fruit drinks and infusions from: lingonberries and their leaves, cranberries, blackberries, viburnum, rowan.
  • If swelling appears after sleep, change the pillow to a higher and more elastic one.

And, of course, just in case, you should consult a doctor about the causes of this problem. Because in this case, self-medication can only be done when you know that the disorder is not caused by a serious illness.

For example, swelling of the cheeks often appears as a result of injury, diseases of the teeth and oral cavity, allergies, inflammation of the lymph nodes and other diseases.

Only special medications should be used against allergies; other methods will not help. And swelling associated with inflammation of the facial nerve should not be treated with various cold compresses, as they will only worsen the situation. Therefore, if your cheeks for no apparent reason begin to look somehow wrong, you should contact the clinic.

You can reduce the likelihood of swelling after sleep with the help of diuretics:

  • Natural. We have partially listed foods and drinks with this effect above.
  • Medical. These include Torasemide, Amiloride and others. You can also try to relieve swelling with Leoton gel, which is primarily used for the legs. Since the gel is not intended for the face, it must be used with great caution, avoiding contact with the eyes.

The use of medications and diuretics should be agreed with doctors. Here are a few more recipes to improve fluid circulation in tissues:

  • Diuretic based on blackberries. You need 80 grams of blackberry leaves, and 10 grams of coltsfoot leaves and birch leaves. The ingredients are mixed and poured with boiling water (1:2). Then keep in a water bath for 15 minutes. The resulting infusion is filtered. The decoction should be drunk in the morning and afternoon, one glass at a time. Usually the course takes up to one and a half to two weeks.
  • An infusion of bear's ear herb has an antiseptic effect on the urinary system, so it will be especially useful for kidney diseases. Here you need 1 tbsp. collection spoon. It is poured with a glass of hot water and left in a thermos for 2 hours. The resulting infusion is filtered. You need to take the product 2 times a day, half a glass.
  • Flax-seed. It helps remove excess fluid well. For the effect, you need to eat 1 teaspoon of ground seeds daily. They can also be added to porridges and other dishes, since they do not have a pronounced or unpleasant taste and smell. Duration of treatment – ​​1 month.

What are the benefits of tea masks?

Any woman uses cosmetics: foundation, powder, mascara, blush, eye shadow and others. As a result, our face is subjected to a lot of stress, becoming dirty and stopping us from breathing. You should not neglect such factors as: the environment, the influence of alcohol and smoking, nervous stress, insufficient sleep, constant routine work, low-quality and genetically modified food. All of them ultimately leave a mark on our face, making it dull, pale and ugly. As soon as we notice the first signs of old age and skin aging, we immediately turn to specialists for appropriate help. However, we must not forget that nature has already taken care of our beauty, offering us such miracle remedies as teas.

Why are teas so popular and used in the preparation of masks and other cosmetics with different compositions and effects? It turns out that all types of tea are rich in vitamins, minerals, as well as macro- and microelements, which have a soft and beneficial effect on our skin. Being a natural product, any tea is involved in cleansing the skin of impurities, increasing its tone and elasticity, fighting wrinkles and eliminating age spots.

After each use of tea as a cosmetic product, the complexion noticeably improves, the skin becomes clean and velvety, acquires a light and even tone, and glows with freshness.

Regular use of tea masks will help restore skin structure, eliminate and smooth out fine wrinkles, tighten and cleanse the skin. On top of that, thanks to tea, you can solve the problem of “black spots” (comedones), which are formed as a result of the fact that the sebaceous glands of the face become clogged over time with dead skin cells, clogged with small particles of dust, as well as excess sebaceous glands. The causes of contamination may be due to:

  • irregular use of facial cleansers;
  • improper facial care;
  • using low-quality cosmetics;
  • frequent exposure to the sun.

All of these problems can be solved by regular use of masks made from various types of tea.

Speaking about the benefits of tea for the face, it should be mentioned that its composition is rich in:

  • calcium, copper, zinc, iodine, iron, selenium;
  • vitamins A, B, C, P, K;
  • tannins;
  • caffeine;
  • polyphenol;
  • folic acid.

Tannins heal wounds and fight skin inflammation, so tea masks are recommended for those with problem skin, as they are effective against acne. Vitamins help the skin maintain tone, participate in accelerating metabolic processes and moisturize as much as possible.

How to remove facial swelling?

If the disorder is not caused by serious diseases, it is reduced using the following means:

  • Massage. Gently, without stretching, you need to pat, pinch and smooth the skin from the center to the edges. It is better to massage using cream. To which sometimes a drop of chamomile, lavender or mint oil is added, or you can use the “Citron” phytobiocomplex from.
  • Treat your skin with a piece of ordinary ice. You can also freeze green tea, appropriate herbal infusions or AQUAton tonic. A cold compress will have a fairly close effect. Both methods are very effective and can easily cope with even severe swelling. But this method has a wide range of contraindications - rosacea, sinusitis, sinusitis, inflammation of the facial nerve or recovery from it, etc.
  • Instead of ice and a cold compress, ready-made gel masks . They are stored in the refrigerator. And if necessary, apply to the problem area for 3-5 minutes. The restrictions are similar to the previous methods.
  • A mask made from fresh chilled cucumber is useful for removing swelling from the skin . To do this, you need to wash it thoroughly, cut it into slices and put them on. The mask exposure time is 10–15 minutes. She has no contraindications.
  • A mask made from finely grated potatoes is very effective . Its duration is 15 minutes. After which the mask is removed from the skin and washed with cool water. To consolidate the result, massage is useful.
  • Green tea lotion will help with swelling due to overwork and lack of sleep . A tablespoon of tea is poured with 90-degree boiling water and infused for 10 minutes. After that, moisten a napkin with the resulting infusion and cover your face with it. The procedure lasts up to a quarter of an hour. When finished, wash your face with cool water.

Harm and contraindications

Green tea is such a unique product that it can be used externally for people with any skin type. An exception will be the presence of:

  • herpes;
  • open wounds.

While enjoying the unique taste of green tea, you can also get a lot of pleasure from cosmetic procedures using it. Beautiful skin and good mood will always accompany a tea lover.

Don’t forget that there are equally healthy varieties of green tea, such as Gunpowder and Gaba, and the varieties Da Hong Pao and Kudin will help cleanse the body.

How to remove swelling of the eyelids?

To restore a healthy appearance to your eyelids, you can use the following techniques:

  • Compresses with chilled green or chamomile tea bags or ice cubes. The ice can be ordinary, or for a more effective effect you can use frozen infusions of herbs: sage, lavender, chamomile, mint, St. John's wort. Place a bag or cube in gauze and apply to problem areas for 10–15 minutes.
  • Or add chilled teaspoons. Just keep them in a glass of ice water or the refrigerator and you can apply them. This method is good because it does not require much effort and is suitable for home and office.
  • A light massage in the upper eyelid area using cream and oils will also help.
  • To remove dark circles, use the following:
  • Apply chilled cucumber slices and the swelling will subside in 15–20 minutes.
  • You can also make a gauze compress on the problem area with finely chopped parsley.
  • A mask made from mashed potatoes or their juice (on cotton pads) will also be useful here.
  • Massage using oils and creams is quite an effective remedy for the lower eyelid.

In addition, there are products specifically designed to remove puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. For example, a series of CONTOUR products, cream-Veil, HydroMAX serum from.

How to quickly remove swelling of the face and under the eyes using cosmetics?

Serums and creams with a lifting effect can be used as products. Day creams with caffeine relieve swelling. And evening ones with amino acids and peptides regulate the amount of fluid in tissues, eliminating the possibility of swelling. In addition to folk remedies, try to correct the impression with makeup. Still, it is better to use professional cosmetics from, which will not only reduce swelling, but also help maintain the beauty and youth of the skin.

Mild swelling of the face and eyelidsGently removes makeup. Normalizes microcirculation.
Dark circles, puffy eyes.Helps remove dark circles under the eyes. Moisturizes the skin, makes it more elastic. Reduces swelling of the eyelids
Dark circles and puffiness under the eyes.Has a draining effect and moisturizes.Quick view 30 ml

Cream-Veil for eyelids

1 010 ₽

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Swelling of the eyelids, dark circles.Moisturizes the skin and increases its elasticity. Normalizes the circulation of intercellular fluid, strengthens capillaries. Pro

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30 ml

CONTOUR eye gel

1 150 ₽

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Bags, dark circles, swelling around the eyesIt has a preventive effect on the main problems in the area around the eyes. Relieves swelling. Pro

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30 ml

Contour meso cocktail for eyelids

1 500 ₽

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Swelling around the eyes.Increases skin elasticity. Reduces swelling of the eyelids.
Swelling of the faceA light massage with this remedy improves blood circulation and helps the outflow of fluid from tissues. Pro

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150 ml

Massage oil Phytobiocomplex for face and body Citron

600 ₽

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Swelling of the face and eyelidsIce cubes from the toner soothe the skin and relieve puffiness. Pro

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350 ml

Features of the chemical composition

Black and green tea come from the same plant - Camellia Sinensis. But their leaf processing is different. In black tea they are completely fermented. Flavonoids are found in large quantities in both types of tea, but they differ in chemical structure. Moreover, both types of tea have high antioxidant activity.


Chemical changes constantly occur in tea leaves (some substances are converted into others).

Freshly picked tea leaves have their own chemical composition. And the tea obtained from it during processing has a different set of useful components. The chemical composition of dry tea is much more complex and varied. But not all chemical compounds present in fresh leaves are preserved in dry tea leaves.

Black tea contains. They are divided into the following main groups:

  1. alkaloids;
  2. amino acids;
  3. pigments;
  4. essential oils;
  5. tannins.

Separately, black tea contains B vitamins, vitamin A, C, P, as well as trace elements: Ca, F, Mg, K, Na. Free amino acids and protein compounds account for about 16 to 25% of the total chemical composition of tea. In terms of the quality of the protein component, tea is even compared to legumes.

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