Cosmetic macadamia oil for the face: analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the product

Stress, poor nutrition, lack of sleep and poor environment contribute to early skin aging. Macadamia oil will help stop this unpleasant process and even achieve a rejuvenating effect. The natural extract has a rich composition, fills weakened skin cells with nutritional components, improves their functioning and increases protective qualities. How to use the product correctly, criteria for choosing a quality product, the best beauty recipes for achieving a healthy and toned face, read on.

general description

Macadamia is a type of nut . The rare fruits are also called king nuts, cinnamon nuts, and boomera; they consist of 78% nutritious fats. Macadamia nuts are considered the most expensive in the world. The plant’s homeland is Australia, but today “precious” trees also grow in some countries of South Asia, Brazil and South America. Despite such a stir in the cultivation of macadamia, Australia remains the main importer of the valuable extract (1/3 of all oil is produced here).

The macadamia tree produces its first harvest in 7–10 years; its height can reach 15 meters. All these factors, along with the difficulty of extracting nut kernels and their highest nutritional value, cause the high cost of oil and become a reason for falsification of the product.

Precious oil is obtained by cold pressing macadamia kernels , this allows you to preserve the beneficial components of the product as much as possible .

Walnut squeeze is valuable for its unique composition; it does not cause an allergic reaction, instantly penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, filling it with important elements. The natural product is actively used in cosmetology and in the production of cosmetics for the face, body, hair, and added to food.

Macadamia oil is light golden in color or clear if the product has been filtered. The product has a fluid consistency, it is convenient to apply and mix with other oils, esters, and add to finished cosmetic products. The plant extract has a pleasant nutty aroma and taste.

Product rating and review

To make it easier to navigate and quickly choose the best macadamia oil, we have compiled a rating.

Brand Volume, ml. Price, rubles Recommend, %
Zeitoun 10,0 300,0 100,0
Kingdom of fragrances 30,0 150,0 100,0
Botany 30,0 190,0 100,0
Miko 50,0 320,0 100,0
Levrana 50,0 390,0 98,0
Spivak 50,0 230,0 90,0
Aspera 10,0 100,0 88,0

From the presented data it is clear that the cost ranges from one hundred to three hundred rubles for every ten milliliters of the product.

Kapous brand hair products with macadamia oil


  • fluid;
  • serum;
  • mask;
  • shampoo;
  • balm;
  • two-phase oil.

The series includes six products, we will consider each separately.

Bi-phase macadamia nut oil

Two-phase macadamia oil
Additionally contains panthenol and keratin, has no restrictions on the types of strands, and does not require removal after application. The product has a regenerative effect on damaged hair shafts. The volume of the bottle with a sprayer is 200.0 ml, the price is 450.0 rubles. Recommended by 90% of satisfied customers. The positive aspects are efficiency, ease of use, the negative ones are high cost, not a pronounced effect.

Hair shampoo with macadamia oil

Deora shampoo
Bottle with dispenser, volume – 250.0 milliliters, price – 450.0 rub. The product has a nourishing effect and has no restrictions on the type of strands and frequency of use (daily washing of the strands is allowed). Recommended by 90% of satisfied customers. Pros: ease of use due to the presence of a dispenser, low price for professional cosmetics, quick results, ease of rinsing, shine, shine. Disadvantages: individual intolerance; if removed poorly, stickiness is felt.

Hair serum with macadamia oil

Deora serum Bottle
with a volume of 200.0 milliliters at a price of 359.0 rubles with a sprayer. Contains keratin and lactic acid for an immediate moisturizing effect. The product regenerates damaged hair shafts and does not require rinsing after application. Recommended by 92% of satisfied customers. Pros - instant results, convenient use, easier combing, cons - lack of the promised effect in some cases (individual intolerance).)

Hair balm with macadamia oil

Kopous balm
A plastic bottle with a volume of 200.0 milliliters costs about 400 rubles, additionally contains aloe juice and shea butter, daily use is possible. The restorative product is recommended by 95% of buyers; the advantages are lightness of texture, ease of use, quick results.

Hair fluid with macadamia oil

spray bottle with a volume of 100.0 milliliters will cost 530.0 rubles. The regenerative product is designed to care for split ends of hair shafts. It must be applied after washing the strands; removal with water is not required. Recommended by 98.0 customers. Girls write about the quick effect on damaged areas of hair.

Hair mask with macadamia oil

Hair mask Macadamia
Regenerative product is available in a tube of 150.0 ml, the price is 320.0 rubles. This form of packaging makes it easier to use since there is no need to open the box. Due to shorter contact with the environment, the oxidation process occurs less intensely, and microorganisms from the hands do not get inside. Larger volume – 500 ml. – comes in a plastic box, cost RUB 500.0.

Not recommended for use on oily hair types. Recommended by 90% of satisfied customers, most girls note its effectiveness, there are cases of no results.

Hand cream with macadamia oil

Velvet hands with macadamia oil
The following brands of hand products are available on the market with this vegetable oil:

  • “Aravia” – 100 ml./220 rubles, recommended from 93 to 98%;
  • “Platneta organica” – 75.0 ml./180.0 rub., recommended by 92%;
  • “Anida” – 100.0 ml./90.0 rubles, recommended by 96.0%;
  • “Deora cosmetics” – 100.0 ml./490.0 rub., 100.0% recommended;
  • “Silcare” – 110.0 ml./100.0, recommended by 96.0%;
  • “Velvet Hands” – 80.0 ml./70.0 rub., recommended by 90.0%.

The presented products differ in cost and effectiveness, as evidenced by the difference in rating.

"Keratin, macadamia oil" from " Hair Serum "

Hair Serum

The drug is made in Israel, available in a bottle with a dispenser, volume - 50.0 milliliters, price - 1500 rubles. It has regenerative, smoothing, moisturizing and protective effects. Designed to restore the structure of strands subject to keratinization. Recommended by 98.0% of satisfied customers.

Oil "Hask" "Macadamia extract"

Hask oil

Designed for dry hair types, it has a moisturizing effect. The light texture is quickly absorbed into deep layers, creating a shiny effect. Bottle volume – 18.0 milliliters, price – 250.0 rub. I recommend it to 100% satisfied customers.

Lip oil "Nivea" "Macadamia nut and vanilla"

Nivea lip oil

The product is produced in a blister with a volume of 16.0 milliliters. The advantage of the formula is that it does not contain mineral oils, but contains natural extracts (jojoba seeds, macadamia nuts, avocado), excipients and flavors. According to reviews, the packaging is not very convenient to use, which is a disadvantage; hydration, nutrition, shine effect, prevention of cracking - advantages. Recommended by 95% of satisfied customers, price – 250.0 rubles.

A little history

Humanity has known for a long time about the value and benefits of king nut squeeze. Indigenous Australians not only ate nuts, but also used the fruits as exchange currency with sailors for brought tobacco and rum.

In addition to the high-calorie, nutritional value of macadamia nuts, the oil extract was used for the rapid healing of wounds, for the treatment of sunburn , and migraines.

All the benefits of the fruits of the Australian tree were described by the Scotsman John Mack, which is where the name “macadamia” came from. If we talk about oil production, the first factories in Australia began operating only in 1960.

Modern beauties and cosmetics manufacturing companies consider the extract truly royal.

Attention! The multi-component formula of the product, similar to the lipid composition of human skin, allows you to quickly achieve noticeable success in rejuvenating, moisturizing and restoring the health of epidermal cells. The oil is quickly absorbed and does not cause side effects.


Macadamia nut is truly a royal treasure of nature. In its homeland (and this is Australia), the fruit is called mullimbimby, boomer. Previously, only the aborigines of the mainland knew about the healing properties and unique composition, but thanks to the works of one of the botanists, this natural medicine became known to the whole world. The fruit itself was named after his friend John McAdam.

A whole mineral-vitamin complex and about 720 calories combines 100 g of healing nuts. Having fully realized the beneficial qualities, the richness of the fruit in vitamins and fatty acids, cosmetologists and scientists took it into service and, by cold pressing, created macadamia essential oil, which can restore youth, transform and improve the skin.

Composition and beneficial properties

Macadamia fruit oil is a complex of essential fatty acids (Omega 3-6-7-9), proteins, vitamins B , E, and natural source of nicotinic and folic acid. The product contains a large amount of minerals (calcium, potassium, zinc, copper, sodium) and the rare component folate, which has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

A rich arsenal of nutritional components makes nut extract popular and in demand all over the world. Among the beneficial properties of the oil product for facial skin it is worth highlighting the following:

  • provides powerful nutrition of epidermal cells with valuable acids, vitamins and minerals, stimulates their functioning;
  • improves blood microcirculation;
  • accelerates the production of natural skin building proteins (collagen and elastin), regular use of the product guarantees a noticeable lifting effect, tissues become elastic, turgor and tone increase;
  • has a pronounced antioxidant effect, prevents early aging and withering of the integument;
  • relieves inflammation, increases the protective properties of the epidermis;
  • intensively moisturizes the skin, normalizes the skin's water balance.

Macadamia extract is effectively used in the treatment of wounds and cuts; it accelerates the restoration of the integrity of the integument without leaving scars .

The product is used not only for facial skin, it will prove to be a faithful assistant for lips in hot, frosty or windy weather, it will relieve dryness and peeling of elbows and heels, accelerate the growth of nails, and make them strong. You can add a nutritional component to hair masks. This will strengthen your hair, make it silky and shiny.

This unique product also used in folk medicine. Regular and correct use of oil helps strengthen muscle and bone tissue, guarantees improved quality of tooth enamel, and solves the problem of high cholesterol.

By the way. The nut product is rarely applied in its pure form, due to its high cost; most often it is added to finished cosmetics, mixed with base oils and esters.

Macadamia oil


is a small tree of the proteinaceae family, which grows mainly in Australia, where it comes from. The most valuable thing about Macadamia is its fruit, the nut, which is very valuable all over the world due to its medicinal and cosmetic properties. Macadamia oil is a valuable product that is used in caring for the skin of the body and face, treating skin diseases, and even used in cooking.

Collecting, cleaning and preparing nuts is a rather labor-intensive process, so the oil is quite an expensive product. In Australia, Macadamia is considered a sacred tree.

Macadamia nut oil is obtained by cold pressing, which allows it to retain all its beneficial properties and substances; the oil is very nutritious (100g of product contains 700 kcal). Externally, the oil is a yellowish liquid with an oily texture and a very pleasant nutty odor. The oil contains many beneficial fatty acids, essential oils, vitamins, proteins and other microelements we need.

In composition, Macadamia oil is very similar to spermaceti (a mass that resembles wax secreted from the cold fat found in the skull of a whale), as it has restorative abilities that are used in the manufacture of cosmetics (shampoos, masks, lotions, balms, lipsticks, etc.). d.), in the treatment of skin diseases. As for eating nuts, you can prevent diseases of the joints and bones, the cardiovascular system, promote the release of toxins and cholesterol, and normalize metabolism. Oil speeds up the healing process of wounds, including burns, as it accelerates the regeneration process of skin cells.

Macadamia oil is incredibly beneficial for the skin, it softens, moisturizes, restores and rejuvenates, and has high antioxidant properties. Therefore, cosmetics that contain this ingredient are quite expensive, since the oil not only has many beneficial properties, but is also perfectly absorbed and leaves no residue.

Among the medicinal properties of Macadamia: reducing pain during migraines, fighting hypovitaminosis, strengthening the immune system, treating sore throats and slowing down the process of tumor formation. Macadamia oil is an effective preventative for chronic diseases.

Application of Macadamia oil in cosmetology.


The oil can be applied to the face either alone or as part of cosmetic products. It is easily absorbed and does not leave a greasy film. The oil is often added to eye makeup removers, night creams and nourishing masks.

At Academie

Macadamia oil is part of the new Night Restoring Cream “Rose Infusion”
“Honey Mask”.

If Macadamia oil is combined, for example, with other essential oils (almond, jojoba, grape, rose hip, apricot, etc.), the effect increases significantly.

Macadamia is especially useful for those with dry and rough skin, as the oil is very nourishing and has softening, moisturizing and protective (wind frost) properties. If you regularly use the oil, your skin will regain its former firmness, elasticity, freshness and you will notice how the number of wrinkles will decrease. Macadamia significantly accelerates the process of skin cell regeneration, fights free radicals and slows down the aging process.

Oil and cosmetics containing Macadamia carefully and gently care for your skin, restore lipid balance, reduce redness, peeling and other signs of dryness and hypersensitivity of the skin, making your face smooth and velvety.

It is also worth mentioning that Macadamia oil is also often found in after-sun products.

Hair cosmetics with Macadamia oil.

The benefits of oil in caring for the scalp and hair cannot be overestimated; for them it is a kind of panacea. Shampoos, balms, masks and conditioners containing oil perfectly moisturize, nourish both the hair itself and the hair follicle, penetrating deeply into the most distant layers of the skin. Regular use of Macadamia oil or cosmetics improves hair structure, appearance and makes it healthy. The oil also effectively fights dandruff and other diseases of the scalp and hair. After using cosmetics with Macadamia, hair becomes elastic, shiny and manageable. On our website you can find a whole range of products from Kativa ,

the main ingredient of which was Macadamia.

Macadamia oil is a very valuable product; it is used in a variety of facial, scalp, hair care products, as well as after-sun products, massage oils, anti-cellulite products, scrubs, hand creams and aromatherapy.

Indications for use

Macadamia oil has demonstrated its effectiveness and benefits in the fight against such problems and skin blemishes as:

  • expression and age wrinkles;
  • “crow’s feet” in the sensitive periorbital area;
  • decreased tone and skin turgor;
  • dull, unhealthy complexion;
  • signs of early wilting, flabbiness of the integument;
  • peeling, excessive dryness of the epidermis;
  • inflammation, skin irritation;
  • the need to increase integument protection during the cold and hot seasons;
  • bruises, bags under the eyes;
  • rosacea

The natural extract can be used not only for severe imperfections on the face; the product is also suitable for prevention. The unique formula of the extract eliminates clogging , irritation and harm from use.

There are no restrictions on the use of vegetable oil; it is suitable for all ages and skin types.

You can evaluate the benefits of the extract through several procedures. The skin becomes soft, velvety, and a healthy glow appears. Older clients note a lifting effect, the firmness and elasticity of the skin increases, and after a course of procedures, wrinkles become less noticeable.

Properties and Application

Macadamia oil has a powerful arsenal that can provide youth, health and beauty to the skin. The harmlessness of the components and the absence of the risk of an allergic reaction allows the use of macadamia oil for mature and young faces, hands, body and hair.

Cosmetic macadamia oil is an expensive pleasure for the skin. The modern market is rich in counterfeits, so buy the extract only in trusted stores.

The advantages of the product include a huge list of effects on the skin. The main ones:

  • Intensive hydration of cells, getting rid of dryness and flaking of the skin;
  • Elimination of pigment spots;
  • Facial rejuvenation, wrinkle smoothing;
  • Prevention of photoaging;
  • Increased skin tone and turgor;
  • Protection from ultraviolet radiation, from the negative effects of cold;
  • Gentle care for burns, cuts and abrasions;
  • Deep cleansing of the epidermis without the risk of clogging pores;
  • Acceleration of blood circulation and metabolic processes;
  • Increased immunity;
  • Rich replenishment of minerals, vitamins, nutritional components in cells;
  • Elimination of spider veins, puffiness and bags under the eyes;
  • Prevention, cure for skin diseases;
  • Reducing inflammation, allergic reactions, getting rid of acne and acne.

The richness of macadamia nuts in vitamins is used not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine (for example, to treat sore throat). Therefore, having natural macadamia oil in your home medicine cabinet is a must.

Where is the best place to buy

Walnut extract is not a cheap pleasure, which is why the risk of buying a fake is very high. The cost of natural extract starts from 550 rubles per 250 ml.

Criteria for choosing a quality product:

  • amber, light golden color;
  • homogeneous consistency, no sediment;
  • pleasant nutty aroma;
  • packaging is exclusively made of dark glass, because exposure to sunlight reduces the medicinal properties of the product;
  • the label contains information about the manufacturer;
  • shelf life does not exceed 18 months.

You can buy macadamia oil at a pharmacy, online, cosmetic store or supermarket. User reviews and detailed study of information about the manufacturer and seller will help you avoid counterfeiting.

An unpleasant, pungent odor indicates low quality oil or its counterfeit. The lack of aroma when opening the bottle and the cheap price should also alert you.

Attention! To prevent the oil extract from losing its valuable properties, store it in a dark and cool place.

Rules for choosing oil

Basic principles:

  1. Natural oil has an amber (yellow-orange) hue, a light aroma and a pleasant nutty taste.

  2. Walnut oil should be stored only in dark containers, otherwise exposure to sunlight may deteriorate its valuable properties.
  3. The bottle must indicate the manufacturer and the Latin name of the Australian nut.
  4. The shelf life of the product is no more than 18 months. Must be stored in a cool, dark place.

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Recommendations for use

Royal nut oil is used in medicine, cosmetology, to improve skin health and strengthen nails and hair. An overdose for external use is impossible , the particles and components of the natural extract act so harmoniously on weakened fibers.

The product can be used for all skin types, regardless of the weather outside and time of year. You can even apply the product to sensitive areas near the eyes and lips.

Tips for use:

  1. Macadamia oil is not an allergenic product, but you should not neglect an allergy test before the first use.
  2. Prepare masks and compositions with valuable oil immediately before application, this will preserve the nutritional properties of the composition as much as possible.
  3. The optimal frequency of use of royal extract is 2-3 times a week.
  4. Compositions with macadamia oil are applied only to clean skin. Steam baths and steaming the skin will increase the effectiveness of the product.
  5. The natural product should be washed off with warm or summer water, without using other cosmetic cleansing products.
  6. For those who decide to take nut extract internally, you should adhere to the daily intake of 50 ml.

Benefits for the skin

Cosmetic macadamia oil for skin is a hypoallergenic preparation that can instantly start the process of cell regeneration, speed up metabolic processes, strengthen the structure of cells and increase their protective qualities. Externally, it is a viscous liquid with an amber tint and aromatic nutty notes. The composition of the extract is known for its high content of fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins. All of them have a positive effect on the epidermis.

Cosmetic macadamia oil consists of 79% fatty acids, 10% protein, 11% carbohydrates. In addition, it contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements, is easily applied to the skin and can be used for the area around the eyes.

The richness and uniqueness of the extract lies in the following components:

  • B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B9) are active opponents of aging and fiber fading. They have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effects, and prevent the negative effects of environmental factors on cells. The smoothness of the face, a natural, healthy shade are the merits of this group of vitamins. Niacin (vitamin B3) and vitamin B9 affect the vascular system, strengthen the immunity of cells, accelerate the flow of metabolic, carbohydrate and protein processes in them;
  • Vitamin E – stimulates cell renewal, participates in the creation of new, elastic fibers;
  • Mineral elements are necessary for the normal functioning of cells. For example, potassium ensures sufficient hydration of epidermal cells, regulates pH balance, sodium stimulates their absorption of nutrients, and selenium increases protection against negative environmental factors. The nut essence contains zinc and calcium. They promote tissue rejuvenation, even out the relief, eliminate wrinkles and flaking;
  • Fatty acids are the main advantage of a cosmetic extract. 12 fatty acids (including palmitic, linoleic, arachidic and linolenic) simultaneously affect the skin, normalize its functioning, protect and enhance the immune system, have healing, regenerative properties, help restore and keep tissues toned;
  • Protein is another component without which the rejuvenation process is difficult to imagine. It guarantees the acceleration of the synthesis of new fibers at the cellular level, prevents a decrease in tone and the formation of wrinkles on the face.

A harmonious, unique combination of vitamins, minerals and complex acids allows nut extract to work wonders on the skin. In addition, cosmetic macadamia oil for the face does not cause an allergic reaction at all, so it can be applied in its pure form (like argan oil) even to the area around the eyes.

Methods of application

Macadamia oil for the face can be used in several ways:

  • for the preparation of nourishing and rejuvenating masks, creams;
  • as a basis for skin massage;
  • in order to enrich existing cosmetics (creams, balms, masks).

The nut product is often used to prepare nourishing, anti-aging face creams. Let's consider several popular recipes for individual skin types:

  1. A composition of low-fat kefir (10 ml), egg white and macadamia oil (5 ml) will help get rid of oily shine and refresh your complexion . Beat the egg white until foamy, add the remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly. Apply the prepared mixture in an even layer to cleansed skin 1–1.5 hours before bedtime.
  2. A cream with the addition of macadamia (2 drops) and olive oils (5 ml) will help get rid of flaking and dry skin The base is beaten egg yolk and sour cream (10 ml). Mix all ingredients until smooth. The mixture is suitable for morning and evening treatments.
  3. A cream made from sour cream (10 g), macadamia oil (5 drops) and kelp extract (5 ml) will help correct the problems of mature skin It is recommended to cool the sour cream a little. All components are mixed until smooth. Apply to clean skin.
  4. cream apple camphor , will help provide proper care for combination skin and macadamia (3 drops each). Beat the yolk with a whisk, gradually add the remaining ingredients. The cream should be homogeneous. Camphor alcohol and vegetable oils are added last.
  5. to compensate for the lack of nutritional components in the cells of the epidermis, regardless of skin type : geranium flower water (5 ml), natural avocado and macadamia oils (5 ml each), shea butter (10 g). Pre-melt the shea butter in a steam or water bath, add the remaining ingredients, stir until smooth. Leave the mixture for an hour to thicken. It is recommended to apply the prepared cream before going to bed.

Attention! Homemade creams should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3-4 days. With longer storage, the compositions lose their beneficial properties.

For those who prefer homemade face masks , we can recommend 5 proven and effective compositions :

  1. A mask with intense moisturizing effect is prepared from avocado pulp, ylang-ylang ether (2 drops), rose oil and macadamia extract (5 ml each). Prepare puree from avocado pulp, 20 g is enough. Add the rest of the ingredients.
  2. A nourishing mask for dry skin consists of liquid honey (1 tsp), beaten yolk, kefir (20 ml), crushed oatmeal (2 tbsp) and 4-5 drops of nut butter . The ingredients are mixed until smooth.
  3. A refreshing mask for oily skin can be prepared from macadamia, jojoba and castor oil (15 ml each). The contents of 1 capsule of tocopherol (liquid vitamin E) are also added to the oil composition.
  4. A composition of lemon, lavender and tea tree oils (2 drops each) will help tighten pores The basis is 15 ml of macadamia extract.
  5. To prevent acne and increase the protective functions of the skin , it is recommended to use a mixture of rose, grapefruit, tea tree, and jasmine oils (2 ml of each ingredient). Macadamia oil (15 ml) is also used as a base.

Prepared masks are applied only to cleansed and steamed skin. exposure time of the nutritional composition depends on the type of integument, but should not exceed 30 minutes. Afterwards, the remaining product is removed with a napkin, and the face is rinsed with chamomile decoction or water. Application of cream is optional.

Royal extract can be used to enrich finished cosmetic products for the face and body. To do this, add a few drops of the nut product to a portion of the cream or mask used.

Macadamia remedy also used for facial massage . Apply 5–7 ml of oil onto your palms and rub one palm against the other for a while (to warm up the extract). Massage exercises are performed until the oil is completely absorbed. Macadamian product perfectly smooths out uneven skin microrelief, makes tissues more elastic and elastic, so this massage is advisable to use at the first signs of skin aging or in adulthood.

It is worth noting that the nut extract can be applied in its pure form to the sensitive area around the eyes, making applications to prevent and smooth out crow’s feet. Carrying out such manipulations every day will make your face even more beautiful and preserve your natural youth longer.


The product based on natural ingredients is intended for external use. A small amount of the cosmetic product is applied to clean skin with light massaging movements. It is recommended to pay special attention to problem areas. Can be used on dry and damp skin.

For maximum effect, it is recommended to carry out procedures daily.

Some useful tips from cosmetologists will help expand the range of its use for the face at home:

  • To carefully cleanse the skin of makeup and impurities, simply spread 2 drops of the oil in a thin layer overnight, and remove the residue with a napkin in the morning;
  • Enrich your main skin care cream, toner or product with 4 drops of nut extract;
  • A mask with macadamia oil is an effective solution for home facial peeling. It will increase firmness and elasticity, fill cells with vitamins, eliminate pigmentation and acne;
  • Nut medicine is great for self-massage. 2-3 drops of vitamin product will provide maximum nutrition and hydration;
  • The light nutty aroma can be used for aromatherapy or for cooking.

Cosmetic macadamia oil has no restrictions on its use. The risk of an allergic reaction to the extract is minimized. It can be used by pregnant, nursing mothers and infants for inflammatory skin reactions.

How to use on lips and eyelashes

Natural macadamia oil can be used as a lip balm in windy , frosty or hot weather. Spread the extract onto the surface of your lips in a thin layer.

You can prepare a nourishing lip scrub . It will make them soft and juicy. You will need to mix ground coffee and sugar (½ tsp each) with 2-3 drops of macadamia oil. Mix the ingredients and spread onto the surface of your lips, as if rubbing the mixture into your skin. After 2 minutes, rinse off any remaining product.

The nut product can also restore the shine and thickness of eyebrows and eyelashes Distribute a little extract onto the eyebrows and ends of the eyelashes. Be careful not to get the oil in your eyes.

Advice. It is necessary to apply the macadamia product after removing makeup, preferably in the evening.

Description and composition

Macadamia nut oil is gentle, non-greasy, and has a pleasant nutty, slightly sweet aroma. The product is distinguished by a unique and very diverse composition.

In particular, the oil contains a rich set of vitamins:

  • E is one of the most useful vitamins for maintaining youthful skin, it promotes faster cell renewal, and also provides protection against the negative effects of free radicals;
  • almost a complete set of vitamins included in group B - these substances actively fight aging, even out skin texture and tone, maintain optimal water balance, provide maximum protection to cells, smooth, and give silkiness.

The oil contains a variety of organic acids necessary to maintain the beautiful appearance and elasticity of the skin. Most of this product contains myristic, behenic, and peanut acids.

Since the raw materials for obtaining the oil are nuts, it contains vegetable protein, this substance is necessary for cell regeneration and maintaining youthful skin.

The list of micro- and macroelements that make up the oil is no less diverse. This:

  • potassium – it helps retain moisture inside cells and smooth out wrinkles;
  • zinc – fights inflammation, removes excess fat, rejuvenates;
  • selenium – increases local immunity, protects the skin from negative external influences;
  • copper – strengthens the walls of blood vessels, helping to improve blood circulation and, accordingly, improve tissue nutrition;
  • calcium is an element necessary for smoothing the skin texture and making it velvety;
  • sodium – ensures the best absorption by cells of the substances they need.
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Can it be taken internally?

The indigenous people of Australia often consumed macadamia nuts due to their high calorie content and beneficial properties. The extract from these fruits is suitable for dressing salads and preparing meat dishes . The unique composition of the product is preserved even when frying. The only drawback is the high price; not everyone can afford such a purchase.

Please note that in cooking they use , not cosmetic oil . Do not overdo it with the dosage, the product has a laxative effect. Do not forget about the high nutritional value of butter, this can affect your figure.

Application in medicine

Macadamia oil, whose properties and use are suitable for people of different ages, is often used for medical purposes. It has been proven that the substances contained in nut oil normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, improve metabolism and increase the body's immune strength.

Due to its unique composition, the fruits of the walnut tree are often used for various diseases:

  • arthritis;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • osteoporosis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract;

  • disorders of the hematopoietic system.

Macadamia oil has a regenerating quality and is therefore used to heal scars and scars. The product is suitable as a mild laxative. With regular use of oil, overall health improves.

Precautionary measures

Macadamia extract is a hypoallergenic product; in exceptional cases it causes an allergic reaction. Before use, cosmetologists strongly recommend conducting an allergy test. Apply a little oil to the inner bend of the elbow or behind the ear, and after 10–15 minutes, evaluate the reaction to the drug.

Note! No evidence of overdose, side effects or complications after using Australian oil has been identified.

The product can be safely applied to sensitive skin , burns and inflammation.

Directions for use and precautions

To ensure that macadamia nut extract brings you only the desired result, try not to forget about the generally accepted rules regarding the use of products. Like castor oil for the face, the drugs discussed in the article do not like negligence on the part of the consumer, which is why, as a result of thoughtless use of the extract, itching, irritation and other unpleasant effects may occur.

In order to prevent such a negative development of events, try to rely on the following important points when using this or that composition:

  • Regular . Use the formulations according to your individual regimen. By developing a systematic approach, you will achieve flawless results without unnecessary effort.
  • Treat the entire surface . Unlike almond oil for the face, macadamia nut extract works great even on problem areas. Pure oil can be applied to the area around the eyes without undue concern. It is advisable to do this as carefully as possible, without strong pressure and friction.
  • Temperature . The natural extract is most effective with low heat. This way, its beneficial base is better absorbed by the cells of the dermis.
  • Pre-cleaning . To eliminate the possibility of irritation, try to apply masks directly to cleansed skin. Rid the dermis of everything unnecessary, including dirt and makeup residues. You can also steam your skin a little to better absorb the beneficial formula.

  • Lightness and smoothness . It is prohibited to rub vigorously and at the same time stretch the skin, not only in problem areas, but throughout the entire face. Apply the oil very carefully, using elegant massaging movements along the massage lines.
  • Delete. It is best to rinse off the remnants of active formulas with warm purified water, herbal decoction or serum. Never use soap or other drying products.
  • Application. To achieve the maximum possible effect, you will need to use pure macadamia oil daily. At the same time, it is advisable to use masks based on it no more than 2 times a week. At the same time, after completing a course of 10-12 sessions, give your dermis a break from the composition for 1-2 months.

Advantages and disadvantages

Royal nut extract is considered a unique and healthy product. It is used for the skin of the face and body, for hair and nails in pure form or in combination with other products and cosmetics. The advantages nut squeeze include :

  • noticeable results after just a few uses;
  • hypoallergenic and no risk of harming the skin;
  • quickly absorbed into the skin;
  • suitable for all types of epidermis , can be applied to inflamed areas, to very sensitive skin around the eyes;
  • does not clog pores;
  • does not cause complications or side effects;
  • smells good;
  • It is used sparingly.

The main and only disadvantage of oil is its high cost , due to the complexity of production and the rarity of the plant itself.

Application in cosmetology

In cosmetology, macadamia oil is used in a variety of masks and lotions for the face and body.

Effect on skin:

  • moisturizes, making the skin more tender;
  • nourishes cells, has a rejuvenating effect;
  • eliminates various skin irritations (redness or peeling);
  • regenerates the skin;
  • smoothes out small wrinkles;
  • improves the protective functions of the skin from the negative effects of the external environment.

Macadamia oil, due to the presence of palmitoleic acid, has a beneficial effect on the skin and does not “clog” pores. Ideal for the care of mature skin.

This valuable product has a natural sun protection factor and helps to achieve a beautiful bronze tan.

Reviews from cosmetologists

Cosmetologists do not deny the value and ambiguity of natural oils in cosmetics.

Creams with the addition of macadamia oil are used to protect against early skin aging; they have a high moisturizing and softening effect. For example, cream Solar Expert 36.

In the following review, the cosmetologist highlights a mask with macadamia extract from the company Dr.temt ( Germany) , noting effective hydration and prolonged effect.

The effectiveness and benefits of macadamia oil are described in the following review. The cosmetologist recommends facial massage cream from Isabelle Lancray its quick results.


  • Ella, 35 years old: I regularly use oil extracts for facial care, including macadamia essence. Lightness, softness and healthy skin after use are the main advantages of this product. There are no tricks to use. I rub 1-2 drops of ether in my hands and rub them into acupuncture points. The result is incredible!
  • Violetta, 28 years old: I recently learned about the miracle remedy made from Australian walnuts. Without hesitation, I bought it. Now I couldn't be happier. An immediate moisturizing effect, smoothing out small wrinkles in the corners of the eyes (“crow’s feet”) is guaranteed after the first procedure. This is the best medicine for dry skin!

User reviews

Clients of beauty salons and lovers of homemade masks with the addition of natural ingredients unanimously declare the benefits of macadamia extract.

The following user claims that the product is quickly absorbed, instantly softens and moisturizes the skin, guarantees a pronounced and lasting effect for a long time, and all this along with the absolute naturalness of the composition.

The next user was no less delighted with the purchase. Macadamia nut oil from Organic Shop surprised me with its effectiveness and ease of use.

In the following review, a user shares various ways to use the valuable nut product.

to find a negative review of an Australian product . As a rule, they are caused by low quality oil or its counterfeit. If you managed to buy a natural, high-quality extract, rest assured the effect will please and even surprise you.

The naturalness and benefits of the product, ease, versatility of use, and effectiveness are the constant advantages of macadamia cosmetic oil.

What it is

As you can understand from the information presented above, macadamia oil is a vegetable fat that is obtained by cold pressing the seed part of the macadamia nut. To purify the product from unwanted impurity components, it is filtered (unrefined) during production. If necessary, it is also further subjected to refining - additional purification (refined). As a result, the product loses its specific aroma and taste, and is more suitable for use in cooking.

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IMPORTANT. For this reason, it is strictly forbidden to consume cosmetic macadamia oil - due to the impurity components contained, a negative effect on the body is possible.


  • consistency – liquid;
  • texture – non-drying;
  • transparent;
  • the aroma is not pronounced, reminiscent of nuts;
  • taste – close to hazelnuts;
  • shade – light yellow;
  • without sediment.

The described product is suitable for use for culinary and cosmetic purposes (in accordance with the purpose indicated on the product packaging).


Macadamia oil is an excellent remedy that can be used as a preventive measure, but it is better to use it after the fact, when fighting various diseases and problems of the dermis. The main indications for the use of the compositions may be:

  • loss of elasticity;
  • lack of moisture;
  • loss of color;
  • manifestation of age-related changes;
  • manifestation of allergies to sunlight;
  • burns from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • increased sensitivity to temperature changes;
  • metabolic disorders in cells;
  • blood microcirculation disorders;
  • cellulite formation;
  • deformation of facial contours.

Tips from cosmetologists

To ensure that the use of macadamia nut extract brings only a positive effect to your skin, try to approach its use as thoughtfully as possible. Experts recommend doing a preliminary test of the formula. To do this, apply a little of the created composition to your wrist and then observe how your skin reacts to it. If there is no irritation on the skin and you do not experience any discomfort, then you can try the product on your face.

In addition, try not to neglect the time of exposure of the mask, cream or clean extract to the face . By leaving the composition on the dermis, you can cause an unpleasant reaction in the form of itching, rashes, and other things. In addition to all of the above, before using active formulas at home, it is advisable to contact an experienced cosmetologist. A qualified specialist will answer your questions and provide insightful recommendations on formulas that will truly suit your dermis type.

Note! 100 g of macadamia nuts contains more than 720 kcal and an impressive mineral and vitamin complex.

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