Leg hair removal: popular methods of hair removal and depilation. Which to choose?

Dark hair on the legs is a problem that is relevant for women from a young age. They begin to actively grow even during puberty; during this period, teenage girls take a razor from their mother for the first time, exacerbating the problem. Light fluff quickly turns into dark and unattractive stubble, and the daily struggle for smooth skin begins.

Modern cosmetology offers three effective ways to remove leg hair at home or in a salon. Which method is the safest and most effective? Let's try to figure it out.

How to get quick and maximum effect?

When removing vegetation, it is very difficult to find a balance between the speed of the result and its durability. To understand the problem, you need to look at the structure of the hair.

Hair consists of a hair follicle (bulb), a root sheath in which the follicle is hidden, and a hair shaft. The core is the part visible above the surface of the epithelium.

The hair follicle is a seal of the shaft, located in the dermis, includes the hair papilla, through which lipids, amino acids and proteins enter the hair, as well as the piliar muscle, which lifts the hair shaft ().

You can remove hair from your legs using depilation and epilation methods:

  • Depilation is the removal of unwanted hair only from the surface of the skin; the hair follicle is not damaged, so the hair is restored quite quickly. Popular methods are shaving and special creams ().
  • Epilation involves removing the hair follicle itself, hair growth slows down, hair becomes weak, thin, grows less often, you can get rid of the problem of unwanted hair forever ().

A quick result without the requirements for qualifications and budget can be obtained using depilation with a machine or cream. With careful shaving, there is virtually no irritation, but the hair grows back quickly and the procedure constantly requires regular repetition. Using a cream that destroys keratin is an excellent alternative to a razor: hairs are removed without effort, but often the dermis responds to such products in the form of severe irritation. All depilation methods can be performed at home.

Sugaring is an affordable method with a lasting effect, although it is inferior in efficiency to photoepilation and the laser method. If you have experience, it can be done at home.

All hardware methods are the prerogative of the cosmetologist.

Contraindications for laser hair removal of legs

Laser hair removal is characterized by safety and proven effectiveness. However, like any cosmetic procedure, it has a number of contraindications, which are determined primarily by the state of human health.

Before deciding to undergo laser hair removal, it is important to carefully study all contraindications and possible side effects. It is strictly forbidden to carry out this procedure in the following cases:

  • in the presence of cancer;
  • under age;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • in the presence of infectious diseases;
  • for diabetes;
  • if there are a large number of moles;
  • if there are skin lesions in the area of ​​the procedure;
  • if you have tattoos;
  • in the presence of diseases of the hormonal system (in this case, the laser may be completely ineffective).

Laser hair removal is contraindicated for varicose veins. In addition, you should carry out the procedure with caution if you have papillomas and warts. In any case, only a cosmetologist can make a decision about the possibility of hair removal during an in-person examination.

Home methods for removing hair on legs

Classic home methods (5>):

  • Shaving: depilation using a machine is a simple and affordable method of hair removal, but the effect is short-lived - after 1-2 days it is tactilely felt and becomes visible. Disadvantages: traumatic (it is easy to damage the skin, cut yourself, after which scars remain), irritation, ingrown hairs. The skin will be beautiful and smooth after shaving only on the third or fourth day. For sensitive skin, such depilation is contraindicated.
  • Using cream: using cream, hair is removed without injury or irritation, but the effect is very short-lived.

Advantages: low cost and availability; the procedure is easy to carry out without special equipment.

Disadvantages: low efficiency, short-term effect.

There are also traditional methods of hair removal. They use peroxide, tinctures of plants - hemlock, walnuts, mixtures of iodine and ammonia, potassium permanganate and other options. There are doubts about the effectiveness, as well as about safety.

Indications for laser hair removal of legs

Laser hair removal of legs is the best choice for girls who:

  • tired of shaving your hair with a machine every day and enjoying the smoothness of your skin for only a few hours;
  • have skin prone to irritation, rashes, and inflammation with any other hair removal methods;
  • they do not want to injure the skin with depilatory creams or wax;
  • suffer from the problem of ingrown hairs.

In addition, laser hair removal is suitable even for people with hypertrichosis and hirsutism.

Waxing and sugaring

Several methods lie at the intersection of salon and home procedures, but it is better to carry them out, of course, in beauty centers. As with shaving, the follicle is not destroyed, the result lasts up to 3 weeks.

Universal methods, suitable for any part of the body without damage, moles, birthmarks.


Waxing is a wax depilation procedure. Unwanted hairs are removed using melted wax.

Wax is available in cans, cartridges and in the form of strips. The contents of the jar/cartridge are heated, applied according to hair growth using a spatula and paper strips, and torn off against hair growth. Ordinary wax from a jar is applied in the same way.

The hot wax removal method is not suitable for home use, as it requires professional skill in working with the product ().

The result lasts up to 1 month; you need to grow your hair to 4-5 mm for the wax to cling to it.

The main disadvantage is that the procedure is very painful and can injure the skin, especially delicate, sensitive ones.

An alternative to hot wax is special wax strips. The strips represent a woven or non-woven base with wax and additives applied to it. Created exclusively for home use, safe and easy to use. Effect up to 4 weeks ()!


Sugar hair removal is a classic hair removal method. It is believed that Cleopatra used it to keep her skin smooth and beautiful.

The method is quite simple - you use caramel, a paste based on water and sugar, apply it to the skin, and after cooling, remove it along with the hairs. It’s easy to make the paste yourself or buy it ready-made at a specialty store. If you want to make depilation as painless as possible, then you should buy a paste from a famous brand - the pastes are made taking into account the area of ​​application, and have different consistencies and compositions ().

Advantages: fast (hair can be removed in one procedure), inexpensive, universal (suitable for any part of the body), allergic reactions are extremely rare, sugar paste removes even short hairs (it is recommended to grow it a little to improve the effect). Remove the paste in strips following hair growth, which minimizes the likelihood of ingrown hairs.

Of the home options, the simplest and safest option is sugaring: it is safe with a relatively good effect. Minimum contraindications: herpes, open skin lesions, diabetes, pregnancy.

Preparing for the hair removal procedure

Preparation for laser hair removal of legs occurs in several stages:

  • Before the first session, you should not shave or remove hair in any other way for two weeks. This will allow you to achieve the maximum possible effect after a single visit to a cosmetologist.
  • Three days before the procedure, you should not experiment with new cosmetics: use creams, gels, scrubs that you have not tried before. If you have a reaction to a new product, laser hair removal will not be possible.
  • Two days before the procedure, do not use alcohol-containing body products in the area to remove unwanted hair. This can lead to disruption of the lipid layer of the skin, so irritation may occur after a laser session.
  • Immediately before the procedure, the hair must be shaved with a machine to achieve the maximum effect from the laser.

These recommendations must be followed. Only by strictly following the instructions can you achieve absolutely smooth skin.

Salon methods for leg hair removal

In salons and beauty centers, hair removal is carried out by experienced cosmetologists. Hardware methods are effective - they act not on the hair shaft, but on the bulb itself, so the effect is stable and long-lasting. Destruction of the bulb stops hair growth.

Laser hair removal

The laser specifically thermally destroys the bulb - after the session, the hairs remain in their places, but actively fall out on their own the very next day after the procedure.

In 6-10 sessions you can completely get rid of hair on your legs.

Currently, the most popular are 3 types of lasers - alexandrite, diode and ELOS. They are highly effective even on tanned skin, with sparse and dense vegetation ().

Advantages: effectiveness, low pain effect.

Disadvantages: relatively high cost; the first session does not always give a noticeable effect.


An effective method of removing hair along with the hair follicle - the hair follicles are struck by an electric discharge and coagulated. Epilation is carried out only during the active stage of hair growth and strictly according to the recommendations of a specialist.

Like the laser method, electrolysis is carried out in a course of several sessions. Gradually, the hair becomes weak and grows slowly. After the full course, the hair on the legs is completely removed ().

Electrolysis is suitable for all hair types, the skin remains smooth for a long time. Long lasting, lasting effect. Local anesthetics may be used if the pain threshold is low.

Disadvantages: unpleasant but tolerable tingling with a low pain threshold; Course duration – up to 12-15 sessions may be required!


Photoepilation is great for removing hair on the legs. Like other salon procedures, it takes place in several sessions-stages for maximum effect. Competes with laser hair removal ().

To remove leg hair, 4-12 sessions will be required. It is not carried out in case of hypersensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, diabetes, pregnancy, oncology, the presence of tumors, herpes, or skin diseases.

Advantages: long-lasting effect, the skin remains smooth and beautiful without irritation, light promotes collagen production - the skin becomes more elastic, smoother, discomfort and pain are minimal.

We recommend that photoepilation sessions be performed exclusively in beauty centers.

Elos hair removal

A modern hair removal method with proven effectiveness is the use of radio frequency waves and laser radiation (LPG). Possibility of hair removal of any color and thickness for any phototype ().

Smooth skin after just a few sessions, minimal discomfort during the procedure, each session goes by quite quickly.

Advantages: a combination of photoepilation and laser methods. Lasting effect in a minimum of sessions.

Our specialists

Katerina Kuznetsova


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Post-procedure care

Skin after laser hair removal must be taken care of very carefully. Although the procedure is relatively painless and completely safe, some clients may experience minor burns on the treated areas. Therefore, your feet can be lubricated with a regenerating, anti-inflammatory and restorative cream or lotion.

The following rules must be followed after the laser procedure:

  • use light moisturizing lotions or body milk (it is better to put aside fatty creams, as they can lead to clogging of pores, which causes inflammation);
  • two weeks after the procedure, do not visit the solarium or sunbathe; be sure to use sunscreen or wear closed clothing;
  • within a week after the laser, you should not visit a bathhouse, sauna or swimming pool; it is also better to avoid taking a contrast shower;
  • two weeks after laser hair removal, it is prohibited to take antibiotics, anticoagulants, or hormonal drugs;
  • You can’t scrub your feet or do chemical peels;
  • You should not shave your legs immediately after the procedure or perform depilation in other ways;
  • It is forbidden to massage your feet after the procedure;
  • Do not engage in intense sports activities, as increased sweating can lead to skin irritation;
  • Between laser sessions, it is allowed to remove hair only with a razor: hair removal from the root will significantly reduce the effectiveness of the laser technique.

Photos of legs before and after laser hair removal in numerous reviews on the Internet prove the effectiveness of this procedure. At the same time, you can also find negative opinions about the laser. It is worth understanding that the result of the procedure depends on the qualifications of the specialist and the quality of the equipment.

The beauty industry is constantly evolving, with new and more effective skin care technologies emerging. Laser hair removal is also improving, remaining the most popular and effective hair removal method.

To make sure the laser is effective, make an appointment at a good clinic with a proven technician who uses the best equipment. Then the effect will not be long in coming.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary specialist, but by one of the best laser hair removal specialists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13

, and you will see for yourself!

Under current – ​​after 3 months

Electrolysis or thermolysis is the most “ancient” and, at the same time, proven method. A thin needle is connected to each hair and an alternating current is passed through it. As a result, heat is generated, which destroys the follicle, after which it becomes unable to “sprout.” Alas, this reliable procedure is not the most pleasant: to prevent the client from experiencing pain, anesthesia is almost always used - special “freezing” aerosols, injections of novocaine or lidocaine. But these methods will not protect you from possible problems: minor burns, irritation, and even small atrophic scars. Therefore, many young ladies prefer another version of electrolysis, which is known as electrolysis: in this case, a galvanic current is used, which forms real hydrochloric acid around the follicle. The hair “dies” and is removed with ordinary tweezers. If we compare this method with thermolysis, it is certainly safer, but at the same time it takes much longer. Each “sprout” takes about two minutes, whereas in the first case, about twenty are destroyed during the same period. If you don’t want to waste time, pay attention to the Blend method, which combines both thermolysis and electrolysis. It is fast, safe and practically painless: the hair follicle is first “warmed up” and then “finished off” with hydrochloric acid. Not suitable for: bikinis and underarms.

Contraindications: oncology, neuropsychic problems, skin and cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, pregnancy.

Cost: thermolysis - 5 minute procedure from 100-300 rubles, electrolysis - from 500 to 1000 rubles per area.

Possible complications

Of course, performing the procedure by a highly qualified specialist reduces the risk of complications after laser hair removal to a minimum. However, there may be situations in which negative consequences are still likely. For example, pigment spots may appear on the skin, especially if the client does not follow the post-procedure care recommendations.

Burns may occur on particularly sensitive skin. In this case, it is necessary to use healing ointments or creams containing panthenol. This is an excellent remedy for restoring the skin.

If your legs itch after laser hair removal, you should also use moisturizing and soothing creams.

Scars may appear on the skin if the client independently tries to remove the crusts that have formed on the treated areas, which is strictly forbidden to do. The crusts must dry out and fall off on their own, otherwise the upper layers of the epidermis can be significantly injured. However, if scars have already formed, all that remains is to wait until the dermis recovers.

If after a laser hair removal session you experience a cycle disorder, be sure to contact your gynecologist.

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Remember that

► Increased hair growth almost always occurs as a result of hormonal imbalances. Before signing up for a salon, see a doctor and undergo a course of treatment. ► The results of hardware hair removal depend not so much on the device, but on the skills of the specialist. Therefore, it is better to go to trusted salons. Where friends visited and were satisfied with the results. ► In the intervals between salon hair removal sessions, do not remove hair using “home” methods: do not shave, do not pull out, and do not use chemical depilatory cream! ► Before any hair removal session, consult a specialist. This is especially true for those who regularly suffer from herpes, chronic and skin diseases, and also have overly sensitive skin.

Lady with a razor - every other day

If you like to do things yourself, good old-fashioned shaving is the way to go. Among the advantages of the method are simplicity, painlessness and low cost. However, there are also disadvantages: there is always a risk of cutting yourself, in addition, the blade dehydrates the skin, causing dryness and flaking. To make the procedure as pleasant and effective as possible, a special women’s machine should be preferred to a man’s machine. Such razors are not a gimmick of manufacturers, but a real concern for your comfort. They are equipped with several blades at once, which provide the highest quality shaving without damaging delicate women's skin. The ergonomic and lightweight machine “fits” into the palm of your hand, and the ribbed surface prevents it from jumping out of your hands. The same can be said about shaving gels, creams and lotions that are applied at the end of the process. They have a delicate texture and better care for our sensitive skin.

However, the quality of shaving depends not only on accessories, but also on how you carry out the procedure. Remember, you should shave hairs only “against the grain”, otherwise they will grow in. Move from bottom to top, slightly stretching the skin. After your legs become silky, pamper them with a special lotion or cream. Choose preparations containing panthenol, bisabol, and tea tree extract. They disinfect small wounds (suddenly the hand trembles slightly), and also soften the skin, allowing you to avoid peeling. Not suitable for: face.

Contraindications: inflammation of the skin, moles and papillomas.

Cost: 650 rubles (razors - from 150 rubles, blades - about 300 rubles, pre/after shaving products - about 200 rubles).

Chemistry lessons – in 1.5 weeks

Using a depilatory cream is another way to quickly and painlessly make your skin smooth. The “vigorous” chemical composition of such preparations contains thioglycolic acid, which literally dissolves the hair shaft, making it brittle and brittle. Anything that remains of the “fur” after such an “execution” must be removed with a special spatula or washed off with water. If you do the procedure regularly, the hairs will become thinner and begin to grow much more slowly. Rest assured, even after a week, stubble will not appear! But keep in mind that you need to be very careful with creams - if you leave them on the skin a little, you are guaranteed to get severe irritation. Therefore, wash off the preparation after 10 minutes, not later. Despite the simplicity and accessibility of chemical depilation, it has at least three disadvantages. Firstly, this is real chemistry, which means there is a high risk of allergic reactions. Secondly, many creams increase the skin's sensitivity to light and are therefore not suitable for use in the summer. Typically, such information is indicated on the annotation included in the package with the drug. Thirdly, chemical depilators are not able to cope with very thick hairs. If your vegetation is famous for its increased density and rigidity, this method of removal will most likely not suit you. Not suitable for: face, armpits and bikini area.

Contraindications: dermatitis and overly sensitive skin.

Price – from 200 rub.

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