How to quickly and effectively remove a black eye after a blow?

No one is immune from bruises under the eyes Such injuries can occur accidentally at home, at work, while playing sports or in a fight.

Regardless of the reasons, the result is always the same: due to damage to the soft tissues and blood vessels located in the infraorbital area, hemorrhage occurs in this area and a bruise appears.

If the organ of vision itself is not damaged , the hematoma is an exclusively aesthetic problem and in most cases does not even require special treatment , disappearing within a couple of weeks.
Attention! But sometimes it is necessary to eliminate such an injury very quickly, and in such situations special ointments and traditional medicine come to the rescue.

general information

No one is immune from a black eye that is of traumatic origin. Such damage can occur at work, at home, or while playing sports. However, most often, hematomas on the face appear as a result of fights, showdowns through brute physical force.

How to remove a bruise from a blow under the eye? There are many ways to get rid of such damage. Some people use traditional methods, while others cannot do without folk remedies.

Regardless of the reasons for the appearance, a bruise always occurs due to damage to blood vessels and soft tissues located in the infraorbital area. It is in this area of ​​the face that hemorrhage occurs during an impact, causing the skin color to noticeably change.

The occurrence of a black eye from a blow from a medical point of view

Physiologically, a bruise is a hemorrhage into the soft tissues of the infraorbital area , which occurs due to damage and rupture of blood vessels that have been subjected to external mechanical influence, in this case, a blow.

A hematoma is internal bleeding.

In this case, the blood does not come out, accumulating under the skin, and the blood plasma, which does not immediately dissolve in the tissues, permeates them, distributing more or less evenly.

Subsequently, such a formation changes its color due to decay processes.

For this reason, bruises that appear as red spots immediately after an impact become blue or purple over time and turn green and yellow as they heal.

Seeing a doctor

Do I need to use anti-bruises (from blows) under my eyes? Experts say that if the organ of vision has not been damaged and the resulting hematoma is purely an aesthetic problem, it is not necessary to see a doctor. Typically, these bruises go away on their own within a few weeks. If the injury turns out to be serious, then the victim cannot do without medical assistance. In this case, consultations with specialists such as a therapist, ophthalmologist, surgeon and traumatologist may be necessary.

Stages of bruise by day (photos for each stage)

The impact causes damage to blood vessels. Bleeding occurs under the skin, so it changes color depending on the severity of the injury.

First stage. The blood thickens and coagulates after the blow received. It begins to darken due to the processes that occur in the affected area. The skin takes on a blue, purple tint. This can be noticed within 24 hours after the impact. In this photo you can clearly see what the bruise will look like on the first day.

Second stage. After a few days, leukocytes accumulate in the damaged area. They lead to the destruction of red blood cells in hemoglobin. The last component begins to produce a green pigment, so the bruise takes on this shade around the 5th day. You can see this change in the photo.

Third stage. After these processes, bilirubin begins to be produced in the affected area. This component has a characteristic yellow color. That's why the bruise takes on this color.

The hematoma gradually disappears every day. After 9-10 days, the skin becomes natural color, and not a trace remains of the bruise.

How long does it take for a hematoma to go away?

Many people who have received such damage are interested in how to quickly remove a black eye from a blow. After all, a hematoma on the face is a rather serious aesthetic problem. However, not all patients know that the healing process of such an injury can be significantly accelerated using certain means. Many people rely only on the regenerative abilities of their body. For such people, it is more important to know how long it will take for the hematoma under the eye to disappear.

According to experts, if after receiving a blow a person was not given first aid and did not undergo treatment, then a severe or moderate hematoma will go away within two weeks. It should be taken into account that the rate of resorption of a bruise on the face also depends on the time of year. For example, in hot weather, hematomas take longer to heal.

If the victim immediately took all the necessary measures, using a special ointment for bruises under the eyes (from a blow), then the healing process can take from several days to one week.

How to disguise a bruise

There is technology to disguise a bruise after a blow or cosmetic defect. If a person must be in a public place, at a holiday or just an important meeting, then his appearance must be impeccable. The bruise takes a long time to disappear, so the only option is to disguise it with special makeup. It can be done not only for women, but also for men.

It is problematic to eliminate visual damage to the bridge of the nose. It is difficult to mask consequences not related to physical factors. Some diseases provoke the appearance of bags and dark circles under the eyes. This affects the functionality of the entire body.

Such defects can be eliminated only with the right combination of eye shadow and concealer. But this will help temporarily improve your appearance. You can get rid of such defects only after treating the disease that causes such symptoms.

Simple tips (first aid)

How to remove a bruise from a blow under the eye? You can get rid of such hematomas in several ways:

  • using medications;
  • using folk remedies;
  • using disguise (for example, proper makeup).

The choice of one of the listed methods depends on the severity and extent of the damage. However, the most important thing is to provide first aid correctly. Perhaps in this case the patient will not even have to be interested in how to get rid of a black eye (from a blow).

Treatment of a hematoma on the face must necessarily be preceded by competent first aid. The speed of further resorption of the bruise depends on it. In case of injury they help:

  • Applying cold. Be sure to apply ice to the area of ​​the impact under the eye. If this is not possible, then it is permissible to use any product from the freezer, as well as a bottle filled with cold water, a metal object, ice cream, etc. The main thing is that the damaged area is cooled within half an hour after the injury. In this case, cold should be applied not only to the bruise, but also to nearby tissues (to avoid the spread of hemorrhage).
  • Limiting thermal exposure. Heat or fever for several days after receiving a blow can cause more bruising. Therefore, it is prohibited to warm the damaged areas with various compresses. Perhaps this method of treatment will be needed in the future.
  • Stopping nosebleeds. If a blow to the face causes a nosebleed, the patient should not blow the excess nosebleed. This can lead to severe hematoma and its spread to other areas of the face.


The first symptom of damage is pain. It all depends on the location of the injury. Unpleasant sensations can radiate to the head, face, nose. Often accompanied by headaches, discomfort, and burning. Heavy impacts can cause a concussion. In this case, the following symptoms occur: nausea, dizziness.

Rarely, partial or complete memory loss may occur.

It is worth considering that a blow to the bridge of the nose is always accompanied by bleeding. The injured person should know that blowing blood is prohibited. This can cause a lot of swelling. Doctors recommend using cotton or gauze swabs in such cases. They are placed in each nostril. It is important to understand that cotton fibers can remain on the mucous membrane and cause the formation of pus. Therefore, it is better to make tampons from bandage or gauze.

After the pain syndrome, redness appears. Change in skin color is a characteristic feature. It occurs within several hours after a blow or injury. After this, the color of the damaged skin gradually changes. Within 24 hours, the lesion can spread over a large area.

Heavy impacts lead to decreased visual acuity. Swelling causes difficulty closing the eyelids. It may be difficult for the affected person to close his eyes. This often causes pain.

How long does it take for a black eye to appear after a blow?

After a blow, the injured person initially experiences severe pain. Then swelling appears. It is important to consider that the extent of the damage initially causes only redness. Over the course of a day, the damaged area of ​​skin begins to darken. The area of ​​damage may double in size. This occurs due to internal bleeding.

In addition, additional symptoms may be observed: decreased visual acuity, headaches of various types. Swelling prevents you from fully opening or closing your eyes. Severe injuries can cause bleeding from the ears. In this case, you will need to urgently consult a doctor.

Heparin ointment

Victims of this ointment for bruises under the eyes (from a blow) use it most often. Its active ingredient is heparin. This substance not only promotes blood clotting in a short time, but also eliminates all signs of inflammation and swelling.

As practice shows, daily application of such a drug to the hematoma twice a day (in the morning and before bedtime) gives a visible effect already on the second day.

The duration of treatment with this drug varies. This depends on the condition of the damaged tissues, as well as the severity of the injury.


A face mask has always saved patients from bruises. This medicine is a drug of organic origin. According to the instructions, it has local irritant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It is obtained by drying algae from colonies of freshwater sponges belonging to the badyagov family.

In what form is this product produced? Bodyaga for the face against bruises is sold in the form of gel and powder. The latter should be diluted with water before use. However, in both cases, it is enough to smear the hematoma once a day. The duration of treatment is one week.

Gel "Lioton"

How to remove a bruise from a blow under the eye using a remedy such as Lyoton? The instructions say that it is enough to apply the mentioned drug to the damaged area of ​​the face three times a day.

Gel "Lioton" relieves swelling well and also eliminates the permeability of vascular walls, preventing the release of exudate into nearby tissues. In addition, this remedy can stop the inflammatory process and slow down the blood clotting process.

Before using the drug, the patient should know that its active substance (heparin) is detected in the blood a day after applying the gel to the skin. In this case, the maximum concentration of the medicinal component is achieved after 8 hours.

This remedy for bruises under the eyes from an impact is an analogue of heparin ointment. However, it contains a high concentration of the active substance, due to which it gives a quick effect.

Gel “Bruise-Off”

This product contains the following active substances: ethoxydiglycol, medicinal leech extract and pentoxifylline. The drug exhibits a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Its use allows you to speed up the disappearance of bruises on different parts of the body, including the face. Also, “Bruise-Off” promotes rapid resorption of bruises. This occurs due to improved microcirculation and lymphatic drainage.

Using Bruise-Off gel reduces swelling and puffiness, especially under the eyes. This product also reduces inflammation on the skin.

This preparation, based on an extract from leeches, is very often used by athletes. It not only promotes rapid resorption of hemorrhages, but also neutralizes the color of the hematoma.

Preventing bruises

Bruises most often appear in people with weak blood vessels . The hematoma in such people, as a rule, also takes much longer to go away than in an ordinary person. You don't have to put in a lot of effort to get a bruise. Simple pressure on the skin or a weak blow can lead to the formation of swelling. Women are most often susceptible to bruising, as their skin is more delicate and thinner than that of men.

To reduce the appearance of hematomas on the body, blood vessels should be strengthened. Using a contrast shower can help with this. A sharp temperature change strengthens blood vessels and increases the elasticity of the walls. When taking a shower, it is advisable to massage problem areas. In addition, vitamin C helps strengthen blood vessels. It is found in oranges or sweet peppers. You can also increase your carrot intake or take rosehip tea.

Gel and capsules "Troxevasin"

The active substance of Troxevasin is troxerutin. It is an angioprotector, acting mainly on veins and capillaries.

The drug helps narrow the pores between the vascular endothelium, inhibits platelet aggregation, exhibits an anti-inflammatory effect, and increases the degree of deformability of red blood cells.

In case of hematoma, Troxevasin eliminates bruising. However, this is not the main purpose of the mentioned tool. Although, thanks to its absorbable effect, it is successfully used in this direction.

The external preparation should be applied only on the first day after the bruise appears. This must be done every hour.

Traditional methods

Now you know how to remove a bruise from a blow under the eye using pharmaceutical medications. If the patient does not have the opportunity to purchase such drugs, then you can do without them by using traditional medicine.

Let's look at a few recipes:

  • Finely grate a small potato, squeeze out the juice, soak a cotton pad in it and apply it to the hematoma several times a day for half an hour.
  • Potato starch is diluted with boiled water (1:1), after which the resulting mixture is applied to the hematoma and waited for complete drying. The procedure is repeated every three hours (especially in the first days).
  • A couple of aloe leaves are crushed in a blender. The resulting pulp is wrapped in natural fabric and then applied to the bruise for two hours. The procedure is carried out once on the first day (can be secured with a bandage).
  • Cabbage helps very well against bruises under the eyes from a blow. For treatment, use a medium-sized leaf. It is thoroughly kneaded with your hands and then applied to the bruise (for 30 minutes). The procedure can be repeated an unlimited number of times.
  • Vodka is mixed with water (1:1) and frozen in an ice container. The resulting cubes are used to wipe the damaged area every 60 minutes for the first 2 days.
  • Dried beans are ground in a coffee grinder and diluted with water to form a paste. The resulting mass is applied to the bruise in the evenings (for several days).


To cure bruises and bruises, take a small potato, wash it, peel it and grate it on a coarse grater. Place the resulting pulp on gauze folded in four or a piece of linen fabric, apply to the bruise and secure with a scarf, handkerchief or bandage.

The compress should be kept until the potato mixture is completely dry. This process takes approximately 30-40 minutes. As soon as this happens, the old compress should be immediately replaced with a new one. After 3-4 procedures you will feel noticeable relief.

Concealing a bruise on the face

If folk remedies do not help to quickly get rid of a hematoma under the eye, and it is not possible to purchase a pharmaceutical drug, the injury can be disguised. For this you will need ordinary cosmetics.

Concealer hides a bruise on the face best. To prevent the camouflage from being noticed, you should use a product of a certain color, that is, depending on the type of bruise. For example, if the hematoma is fresh and has a reddish tint, then the concealer should also be green. When the bruise turns purple, it is better to use an orange pencil, etc. On top of the colored concealer you need to apply a tinting agent in a shade that matches the skin.

By the way, many people who are faced with such a problem as a black eye try to hide it with powder and foundation. Experts do not recommend using such means. Of course, they mask bruises well, but at the same time the face takes on an unnatural color. The use of powder is allowed only if it is necessary to give the applied concealer a muted and matte appearance.

Drug treatment

How to treat a black eye from a blow? Most often, various medications are used for such injuries. Surely they are available in every home medicine cabinet.

Medicines can quickly get rid of bruises on the face, are inexpensive and very convenient to use.

If you do not have such products, you can purchase them at any pharmacy. These necessary medications include the following:

  • heparin ointment;
  • badyagu;
  • "Lioton";
  • "Bruise-off";
  • "Troxevasin".

Let's look at the features of each drug below.

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