Remove dark circles under the eyes - quickly and permanently.

Why do circles appear under the eyes?

There can be many reasons: disruption of work and rest patterns, poor quality of sleep, stress, smoking and drinking alcohol. Also, the condition of the skin is affected by dietary habits: lack of vitamins C, K and B, dietary disorders (for example, excess salt intake).

The skin around the eyes is sensitive, thin, and pigmentation can be caused by excessive sun exposure.

Also, shadows and bruises under the eyes can signal some kind of disease (impaired functioning of the kidneys, heart, liver).

Indications for cosmetic procedures are:

  • excessive dryness of the skin around the eyes.
  • hyperpigmentation.
  • close location of the vascular network.
  • puffiness, bags and bruises under the eyes.
  • deep tear groove.

How to prevent bags under the eyes?

Bags under the eyes form for 2 reasons:

  1. Excess fluid. It accumulates, for example, due to a large amount of salt in the body, lack of sleep, and allergic reactions. Edema also appears due to the consumption of alcohol and tobacco.
  2. Accumulations of fat deposits and sagging skin. The main culprit for this is age and genetics. Over the course of life, the tissue around the eyes weakens and sag. Fatty tissue is shifted to the eyelids from below, or simply the level of fat gradually increases. As a result, the area under the eyes appears puffy. Alcohol and smoking accelerate sagging.

With insufficient drinking regimen, swelling may also appear. If you take measures to combat the bags, you can get rid of them or make them barely noticeable.

Options for solving the problem

You can get rid of dark circles under your eyes, the main thing is to correctly determine the cause. Sometimes it is enough to normalize sleep and nutrition. If the reason for the formation of circles under the eyes is different - for example, features of the anatomical structure, too active facial expressions, problematic skin - achievements in cosmetology will help.

Hardware methods

If you are no longer happy with the appearance of the skin around your eyes, the skin has sagged or become flabby, you may want to think about non-surgical blepharoplasty. This intervention involves remodeling the area around the eyes. A low-traumatic type of intervention is laser blepharoplasty. It allows you to make your eyes wide open and provides a lifting effect without long rehabilitation.

Laser peeling is another modern technique. Allows you to effectively fight wrinkles and sagging. Laser radiation, affecting the problem area, stimulates the growth of new cells, accelerates the production of collagen and elastin.

Injection methods

“Beauty injections” allow you to restore tone, get rid of wrinkles, and even out your skin. To get rid of circles around the eyes, injections of fillers based on hyaluronic acid are used - they effectively moisturize and improve skin turgor.

Another method is mesotherapy. It involves the subcutaneous administration of special vitamin cocktails - they even out the color and improve the texture of the skin. reduce wrinkles, help cope with pigmentation.

A progressive method is peptide biorevitalization “Mezovarton”. The action of the drug activates the division of stem cells. This helps to renew tissues; thanks to the procedure, collagen begins to be intensively produced and hyaluronic acid is synthesized.


Ultimate Eye Corrector peeling is a procedure that allows you to get rid of dead cells. The effect of acid is in fact a controlled burn. After the procedure, the upper part of the epidermis is rejected, gradually exfoliates, and the production of collagen and elastin is stimulated. As a result, the skin looks fresher, smoother and more youthful.

Medical cosmetics

We use professional cosmetics from the ZO Obagi brand to correct dark circles under the eyes. These are modern formulations for different skin types that allow you to achieve impressive results with regular use. The main feature of Obagi serums and masks is the plant extracts included in the composition. They have a tonic, brightening, and moisturizing effect.

To make an appointment for removal of dark circles under the eyes in Moscow, fill out the form on the website or call us. Experienced cosmetologists at the BL clinic will select the optimal method for your case and recommend home care that will help consolidate the effect.

Salon and medical procedures

If home remedies do not give good results, it is better to consult a professional cosmetologist. After assessing the condition of the skin in the periorbital area, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment. The following methods provide high efficiency and long-lasting results:

  1. Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid. The substance stimulates collagen production, prevents the skin from losing moisture, but also controls its balance.
  2. Lymphatic drainage. Stimulation with microcurrents, which improves the outflow of excess fluid, activates regeneration processes, and accelerates metabolism at the cellular level. Innovative technology – lymphatic drainage glasses.
  3. LPG massage. Vacuum vibration impact on the skin using special attachments equipped with rollers. Improves lymph flow and blood flow, removes congestion, and evens out the relief.
  4. Mesotherapy. Injection of cosmetic cocktails containing hyaluronic acid, vitamins, coenzymes, peptides, fruit and amino acids.
  5. Laser therapy. With a non-contact method of exposure, energy penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, where it is converted into heat. Due to this, puffiness goes away, the skin brightens, wrinkles become less noticeable, and elasticity increases.

And the most serious measure to combat age-related changes is blepharoplasty. A contour eyelid lift is a surgical procedure in which a specialist removes excess skin, eliminates hernias and bruises, and paint bags. Also, during the operation, the doctor can correct the shape of the eye.

The sooner you start caring for the skin in the periorbital area, the later you will have to deal with age-related changes. With a healthy lifestyle, normal physical activity, adequate sleep, control of drinking and nutrition, bruises and swelling will rarely appear. And eliminating them will take no more than 15 minutes.

Removing dark circles under the eyes with a light massage of the skin around the eyes

Massage is known to tone the body. And the eyes are no exception.

Lightly tap the skin around the eyes with your fingertips - make movements from the outer edge of the eye to the inner one. Do not under any circumstances pull the skin - you will get nothing but wrinkles! Your massage should last 2-3 minutes. Before the procedure, lightly moisturize the skin with cream.

At the end, do a little exercise for your eyes - close your eyes tightly for 6 seconds, then suddenly open them; repeat 10 times.

Massage will normalize blood circulation, which will help restore the correct skin color.

Rules for recovery after the procedure

After cosmetic procedures, you must adhere to the following recommendations for 4-5 days:

  • refrain from visiting the solarium, bathhouse, sauna;
  • give up sports training and any physical activity;
  • limit exposure to the sun;
  • When going outside, apply sunscreen with SPF of at least 35 to your skin;
  • don't forget about sunglasses;
  • Do not touch the treated area with your hands.

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Price for cheekbone correction with fillers

Preparations: 1st group - Biorevitalizants
Administration of the drug - MesoEye C71 /USA/ (1.0 ml)14 500₽
Administration of the drug - NEAUVIA ORGANIC Hydro Delux XL /Italy/ (0.5 ml)5 000₽
Administration of the drug - Hyalual 1.1% (1.0 ml)10 500₽
Administration of the drug - Hyalual 1.1% (2.0 ml)13 900₽
Preparations: 2nd group - Hyaluronic fillers
Administration of the drug - Belotero Balance /Switzerland/ (1.0 ml)18 500₽
Administration of the drug - Juvederm Volite /France/ (1.0 ml)19 000₽

Expected effect and duration

Eliminating dark circles under the eyes requires a comprehensive approach. The simultaneous combination of several cosmetic procedures allows you to obtain a pronounced and lasting result.

Lightening the periorbital area should begin with restoring the general condition of the skin in this area. To do this, first, cosmetological techniques are selected that can improve blood microcirculation, enhance cell regeneration, and slow down melanin synthesis.

After injection procedures, the appearance of the skin under the eyes significantly improves, elasticity and firmness increases. As a result, dark circles become less pronounced or even disappear completely. To achieve this effect, you will need to undergo a full course of mesotherapy, biorevitalization or plasma lifting. If necessary, additional contour plastic surgery of the nasolacrimal groove is performed.

The obtained result lasts for 6-8 months.

Contraindications and age restrictions

Injection procedures to eliminate dark circles under the eyes are performed for patients over 18 years of age. The main contraindications include:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • malignant formations;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • inflammatory processes in the periorbital area;
  • open wounds and scratches on the skin;
  • acute respiratory viral infections.


Darmed-Clinic on Frunzenskaya

Darmed-Clinic on Sukharevskaya


I have been going to a cosmetologist: Alexandra Grebenshchikova for 5 years now, I have done various procedures with her, ranging from facial massage, cleansing, all kinds of peelings, injections: lips, biorevitalization, nasal tears, Botox. The last time she was in this clinic for botulinum therapy, forehead, eyes, cheekbones (yes, Botox was injected into the cheekbones to reduce the shape of the face). I will follow her to the ends of the earth! The clinic is beautiful, clean, equipped with advanced equipment, I plan to try the new Fraxel, with fantastic results on the face and body. I will remove old stretch marks on the body and pigmentation on the face. Let's look at the results!

Irina D.

Irina D.


Hello! Today I had a cleaning with Dr. Elena Alexandrovna Ignatieva. Perfect! My skin glows from the inside, I can’t stop looking at it :) Elena Alexandrovna is a very competent doctor and in addition to cleaning, she also selected treatment and home care for me. Thank you very much!)) I also want to note the work of the nurse and esthetician Daria Alexandrovna Fomina. I go to her for laser hair removal and BeautyLazer anti-cellulite massage (I recommend!!! the effect is super, there were 6 sessions, a full course of 12). Daria Alexandrovna is very attentive and always does everything super! Several more times I had lip augmentation with Pavlik Alla Sergeevna - the effect of natural lips, no bruises, etc. Juvederm drug. Every time I come to the clinic and every time I am convinced that first-class specialists work here. I recommend to everyone!

Well, I will return to DarMed more than once

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