Clean face cream - a budget product with an expensive effect

Clean face cream is a natural cosmetic remedy for acne, pimples, and rashes. The production is carried out by the Indian company Herbextra.

The cosmetic product normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, stops inflammation, and eliminates traces of acne. The universal remedy can be used by women and men of any age. A noticeable therapeutic effect occurs after 1-2 weeks of regular use.


Clean face cream is a natural therapeutic and prophylactic product based on herbal extracts and oils. There are several active components, each of them acts in a certain direction. The combined action of the ingredients is aimed at eliminating acne, blackheads, and restoring facial skin.

  • Zinc oxide . The main active ingredient, the effect of which can be felt almost immediately. Zinc oxide disinfects the epidermis, cleanses pores, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and dries out inflamed acne. When you use the cream before bed, the rashes become less noticeable in the morning.
  • Lemon extract . Softens the upper layer of the epidermis, promotes deep penetration of other active components. It also strengthens local immunity, protects against the influence of external factors, tones and refreshes.
  • Aloe juice, neem oil, madder extract, licorice. They stop inflammatory processes, disinfect, soothe, soften, cleanse pores, and saturate them with useful components. Prevent the spread of infection, stimulate regeneration processes.
  • Basil extract. It has strong healing and regenerative properties. Heals inflamed acne, resists the formation of scars and blemishes. Cleanses the skin of the face from already formed defects.
  • Camphor. It has anti-inflammatory, softening, antipruritic, and analgesic properties. Camphor prevents the spread of infection to other areas of the epidermis, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and provides complete hydration to problem skin.
  • Sodium borate, calamus. Powerful antiseptics that neutralize the effects of pathogenic microflora. They strengthen local immunity, help fight the pathological process, and cleanse the skin.
  • Sulfur. The active component disinfects, cleanses, prevents the spread of infection, and resists complications. Stops inflammation, treats acne.

The composition does not contain aggressive chemical components, antibiotics, or hormonal substances. The product can be used at any age; it is suitable for long-term use for preventive purposes. Can be used by people with overly sensitive skin in the absence of individual intolerance to the components.

The creams contain extracts:

Lingonberry extract

Violet extract

Ginseng extract

Marshmallow extract

Rhodiola rosea extract

Edelweiss extract

The skin is filled with vitamins, enriched with antioxidants, restored and toned.

35-45 years

By this period the process of cell renewal slows down , the stratum corneum of the epidermis thickens , and the epidermis as a whole and the dermis become thinner loses moisture faster , due to the slowdown in microcirculation, the skin becomes duller , age spots may appear the first deep wrinkles appear .

The skin produces less and less of its own collagen and elastin, so during this period it requires active help in replenishing their reserves.

As a rule, anti-aging face cream contains collagen , vitamin C (ascorbic acid) to remove toxins from the skin, as well as a complex of moisturizing components and extracts.

Anti-aging creams PURE LINE from 35 years old contain the [PHYTOcollagen] complex and are also enhanced with extracts of verbena and primrose.

Effect of the cream Clean face

The main property of the Clean Face cream is aimed at combating rashes, acne, and individual pimples. But the rich composition of the cosmetic product also provides complete care for problematic epidermis.

Effect on the skin:

  • dries out acne, accelerates healing;
  • stops inflammation;
  • softens and provides complete hydration;
  • creates a protective film from the effects of negative factors;
  • nourishes and provides the epidermis with substances that enhance the production of hyaluronic acid, collagen, elastin;
  • cleanses pores, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • destroys pathogenic microflora;
  • resists the spread of infection;
  • launches regeneration processes.

It is very easy to explain the effectiveness of the cream in simple words - it destroys bacteria, dries, softens the epidermis, preventing the appearance of scars. After the elimination of pathogenic microflora, inflammatory processes stop, individual pimples or rashes disappear. With regular use, the sebaceous ducts are cleaned, there are no clogged pores, which prevents the appearance of new acne.

You can notice the effect of the cosmetic product Clean Face after the first use. The cream softens, eliminates the feeling of tightness, refreshes, and tones. After a few hours, the pimples dry out and the red spots disappear. You can see a lasting therapeutic effect after 7-14 days of active use. It all depends on the initial condition of the skin.


Although the “Clean Face” acne cream helps get rid of the problem, to achieve the best effect you need to follow the rules of care. You need to maintain hygiene: change bed linen every week and towels. Caring creams should not be applied before bedtime.

To keep the skin clean, it should be steamed. Steam baths can be performed at home. Excess subcutaneous sebum is removed through the pores through sweat. After the procedure, wash with cold water to close the pores.

Do not squeeze out acne, ulcers, or blackheads. Special masks are used for this. Typically it contains acetylsalicylic acid, hydrogen peroxide, and activated carbon. Don't touch up your makeup with dirty hands.

The condition of the skin depends on nutrition. It must be complete and regular. You should not eat “junk” food, as it leads to skin rashes. Thanks to proper nutrition, your face will look neat.

An excellent method of hydration is clean water, so compliance with the drinking regime is required. You need to use only high-quality cosmetics. The skin of the face should be wiped with ice. A clean face is achieved through peeling or scrubbing.

Instructions for use

You can use Clean Face cream for a long time. The drug is not addictive, there is no withdrawal syndrome. Apply a thin layer to the entire surface of the face for extensive rashes, or spot on. The procedure is repeated twice a day - in the morning, before bedtime. Before application, you need to thoroughly cleanse your face with cleansing gel, foam, and tonic.

The medicinal cosmetic product should not be used as a daily care product. After the bright symptoms disappear and the desired result is achieved, you need to stop active use, apply to the skin of the face in the evening for prevention only once a week.

The cream is carefully distributed over problem areas with light circular movements. During daytime use, it is prohibited to use decorative cosmetics, foundation, or powder. During the day, it is recommended to cleanse the skin of dirt several times with a tonic based on medicinal herbs. In the evening, complete cleansing is carried out and medicinal cosmetics are applied.


The effectiveness of the drug is evidenced by numerous reviews. Clear Face Cream in India is produced by Herbextra, which is controlled by Oxford. Parus Pharma has been supplying products to Russia since 2009.

The product of this brand has been known for a long time and is gaining popularity among those who have tried it at least once. The company produces natural food supplements and medicinal cosmetics. According to reviews, customers appreciate the products because they use Ayurvedic recipes. This is an ancient Indian health science due to which the products have a long-lasting healing effect.

The cream is available in 30 g tubes, which are in boxes. The packaging has a nice design in white and green colors. In appearance, the product is similar to other facial skin care products. But compared to many drugs, “Clean Face” acts on the problem, eliminating it. Products can also be used as a preventive measure to prevent the problem from occurring.

Benefits of the cream

The drug has many positive qualities, which sets it apart from the market of similar products.

  • Natural composition, absence of aggressive components.
  • Suitable for all skin types with problems with rashes and acne.
  • Used economically. If stored properly, one tube lasts for almost 6 months.
  • The light scent quickly disappears, leaving no filmy feeling on the face.
  • It acts in several directions at once, solving the problem of acne and pimples in a comprehensive manner.
  • Affordable price.
  • Effective for single pimples and multiple rashes.
  • It is allowed to use for a long time to obtain the desired result.
  • Does not cause addiction or side effects.

Among the disadvantages, buyers note the lack of instant results in the treatment of acne; individual pimples disappear quickly.

User opinions

Most reviews about the cream are positive. Buyers testify to the effectiveness and safety of the product. Allergies appear only when the components are intolerant. If you use the products correctly, you can be confident in the health of your face and not be afraid of skin problems.

Girls and women who purchased the cream are happy with it, as skin imperfections are eliminated. The product dries out acne and eliminates redness. It should be applied pointwise to prevent peeling of the dermis.

Thanks to its natural composition, the product is ideal for all skin types. Even the most sensitive skin will be protected from various problems. If we touch on the shortcomings, buyers complain about the smell, which may not be pleasant to everyone. But the product still has more benefits. Women like the products for their thick structure, which ensures easy application. Product consumption will be economical.


Is it worth looking for analogues if the product copes with the task perfectly, is sold at an affordable price, has a safe composition, has no age restrictions, and does not cause side effects. There are no similar products with identical composition. You can buy a cosmetic product to combat acne in any store, pharmacy, at different prices. In this case, it is surprising that Clean Face costs a penny, but it helps like a very expensive drug.

  1. Clearasil based on salicylic acid, price 350 rubles.
  2. Proactiv is the active ingredient sulfur. Costs around 400 rubles.
  3. Zinerit is an antibiotic priced at 400 rubles. for the tuba.
  4. Roaccutane, 1400 rub.
  5. Emergency medicines containing zinc, oils, plant extracts - Sinfort, Chinese black mask.


The therapeutic activity of a cosmetic composition is due to the summation of the properties of its constituent ingredients. The main effects necessary to combat pimples (acne) are presented as follows:

  • Antibacterial and antiseptic.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Drying.
  • Cleaning.
  • Regenerative.

Using the cream, it is possible to normalize the secretion of sebum, reduce the size of acne and prevent their appearance. The pores are cleansed, the epidermis is toned and strengthened, and its protective properties are increased. Under the influence of the constituent substances, pathogenic bacteria are killed, inflammation is localized, redness and swelling subside. At the same time, when applied to a spot, the skin does not dry out, and defects formed earlier during the resolution of acne heal.


Thanks to rare biologically active substances, it gives the skin a healthy color, freshness and elasticity.
45-55 years

At this age, the skin begins to suffer even more from dehydration. Moisture quickly leaves the skin, dryness , wrinkles only deepen, and increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation . The skin becomes thinner and loses its “framework,” which causes sagging .

An anti-aging cream after 45 years should promote skin renewal, restore its tone and “seal” moisture.

It’s good if the cream contains collagen , hyaluronic acid , plant proteins , vitamins and natural extracts .

Anti-aging creams PURE LINE after 45 years contain a complex [PHYTOcollagen] from seed proteins and wheat germ oil, as well as extracts of arnica and honeysuckle.

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