List of the best creams for bags under the eyes. Are hemorrhoid medications suitable for treating the symptom?

Bags under the eyes are pathological swellings that are signs of ophthalmological and systemic diseases. Less often they arise due to external, relatively harmless reasons.

Such manifestations eliminated with the help of special medical or cosmetic creams, which are mainly suitable for men and women - more on this below.

But first of all, when bags appear, you need to consult a doctor to determine their true nature and begin timely comprehensive treatment.

Causes and symptoms of bags under the eyes

Know! Bags under the eyes are characterized by symptoms such as discoloration of the skin in this area, swelling, and pain (in some cases).

Also, depending on the disease that caused the bags, additional symptoms may appear : headaches, blurred vision, fever, pain or discomfort in the kidney area.

Sometimes such a disorder appears in healthy people for the following reasons :

  • genetic predisposition to such structural changes in the skin;
  • degenerative processes in skin structures that develop with age;
  • in women - an increase in estrogen levels during menstruation;
  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • eye strain;
  • eating salty foods and plenty of water before bed;
  • prolonged exposure of the facial skin to sunlight;
  • alcohol abuse.

In such cases , therapeutic treatment is not required, and the bags can be eliminated either with cosmetic concealers , or wait until the bags go away on their own.

Keep in mind! This phenomenon may also indicate serious diseases, including:

  • injuries to the organs of vision or the area around them;
  • kidney diseases;
  • compression of the superior vena cava (can develop due to the formation of cancerous tumors in the lung area and is accompanied by additional symptoms such as headaches, cough, nosebleeds);
  • viral respiratory diseases accompanied by the development of severe inflammatory processes;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • sinusitis;
  • lesions of the thyroid gland;
  • any types of conjunctivitis.

Often these types of swelling appear during allergic reactions , but in this case it is necessary to distinguish between swelling and bags.
In the second case, characteristic structural changes in tissues can be traced, and in the case of allergies, this indicates a protracted, chronic course of such a reaction.

Do creams help eliminate the symptom?

Many people primarily perceive bags as a cosmetic defect and try to get rid of it with the help of creams.

Note! Such remedies are generally not medicinal and are effective only when bags of a non-pathological nature appear.

The effectiveness of creams does not depend on their composition, but on the root causes of the development of such structural changes , and if the problem is lack of sleep or excessive fluid consumption, such remedies will help get rid of the problem.

But when diagnosing serious diseases that cause such phenomena, at best, using creams can only temporarily stop the growth of the bags.

What is the effect of the drugs based on?

There are quite a few universal creams for bags under the eyes : basically, such products affect certain factors depending on what active ingredients are included in the composition.

Thus, the effect of creams can be as follows:

  1. Anti-aging creams have a tightening effect , while simultaneously eliminating facial wrinkles.
  2. The most common are creams with a tightening effect, which give the skin elasticity and at the same time ensure the outflow of excess fluid from the skin tissue.
  3. If the swelling takes on an unhealthy, pronounced dark shade, it is better to use lightening creams that not only tone the skin , but also whiten it .
  4. If bags are formed due to too delicate and thin skin around the eyes, the best option would be skin nourishing and moisturizing products.
  5. Often, to eliminate edema, it is enough to use protective creams for several weeks that limit the effect of ultraviolet rays on the epithelium .

It is worth noting! Almost all of this type of preparation includes vitamin and mineral supplements that provide skin tissue cells with the necessary amount of such compounds.

This helps improve the overall condition of the skin and helps rejuvenate it , as a result of which swelling partially decreases in size.

But often creams as an independent remedy cannot help get rid of the problem completely: consultation with cosmetologists and ophthalmologists is necessary, who in most cases will recommend certain medications.

Eye drops for swelling

One of the effective treatments for eyelid swelling is eye drops. This method of therapy is the most common, since the use of drops is available to almost all people. The cost of medications is lower than mesotherapy or blepharoplasty. Instilling eye drops is completely easy and, if you follow the instructions and recommendations of the doctor, it is absolutely safe. This technique is suitable for treating adults and children. Today, there are many eye drops that ophthalmologists prescribe to eliminate eyelid swelling. Doctors often prescribe universal drops that relieve swelling. Such drugs are appropriate if the cause of swelling is unknown or it could have formed due to various circumstances. Universal drops relieve the symptoms of this condition well, but do not eliminate its cause.

If the swelling is the result of an allergy, doctors prescribe antihistamine drops. They help relieve unpleasant symptoms and are an effective means for preventing eyelid swelling. Such eye drops eliminate the accompanying signs of swelling: itching, burning, hyperemia, lacrimation. These medications must be used in accordance with the instructions, as they can cause dry corneas. Ophthalmologists prescribe antibacterial eye drops for eyelid swelling when the cause of swelling is associated with infectious diseases. Before prescribing a medicine, the doctor conducts an examination that allows you to identify the causative agent of the infection. In such cases, ophthalmologists prescribe eye drops, the action of which is aimed at neutralizing the pathogen. If it cannot be established, broad-spectrum drugs are prescribed. Doctors prescribe non-steroidal drops to relieve inflammation and eliminate pain. The use of these drugs helps relieve swelling of the eyes and other symptoms: itching, burning, lacrimation. These drops are effective for many ophthalmic pathologies: conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis, uveitis and others. The effect of non-steroidal drugs is to suppress the activity of cyclooxygenase, an enzyme that is involved in the formation of prostaglandins, which are mediators of inflammatory processes. For serious infections that accompany autoimmune pathologies, doctors usually prescribe corticosteroid eye drops. The advantage of these drugs is that the effect of their use is most pronounced. This makes the use of drops very effective. You cannot start treatment with corticosteroids on your own. The drugs are hormonal, so their use must be prescribed by a doctor.

List of the best products

Currently, cosmetology offers a large number of creams that can be bought at almost any pharmacy.
But many of them are made on the basis of the same components and have a similar mechanism of action or can be complete analogues of each other, differing only in the manufacturer.

For this reason, we can distinguish about a dozen such drugs, the best of their kind, among which are:

  1. Neolid . A popular remedy for bags under the eyes, which can be used both as a temporary remedy and for age-related tissue changes on a permanent basis. This cream is characterized by rapid absorption and action. It must be applied five times a day for a two-week course.
  2. Blueberry and plantain cream . The product contains extracts of these plants. The drug has a smoothing and tightening effect and is easily absorbed into the skin. It is recommended to use this product once at night, but you can also use it as a daytime product, applying it at any time two or three times a day.
  3. "Green Pharmacy" . The product contains the substance rutin, which has a strengthening effect on the walls of capillaries and blood vessels located in the fatty layer of the periocular area. The drug also contains horse chestnut extract, which stimulates the processes of removing excess fluid from the epithelium. You can apply it twice a day or use it as a makeup base.
  4. Ultralifting Pro-Xylan . A dual-action drug that directly eliminates bags and swelling, and also has a smoothing and rejuvenating effect. This product can be used up to three times a day.
  5. Givenchyman . A remedy for removing bags in men. The product contains caffeine and protein peptides - this combination helps accelerate metabolic processes in tissues, restoring their structure. Additionally, when using the cream, excess subcutaneous fat in which fluid accumulates is eliminated. The cream is applied 1-2 times a day.
  6. Clarena Men's Line Power Eye Cream. Another “male” moisturizing and softening cream that contains collagen and elastin. Such substances are produced by the body in certain quantities, but if they are lacking, the skin takes on a sluggish appearance and bags appear under the eyes. The drug is also used at the discretion of the person up to two times a day.
  7. Lierac Homme Contour des Yeux. A mildly acting drug with a light consistency that is quickly absorbed into the skin. The product contains only natural ingredients (extracts of chamomile, arnica, horsetail and other medicinal plants). Due to this, the cream has almost no contraindications or side effects. The effectiveness of the cream is manifested when applied twice during the day.

How to use eye drops correctly?

In order for the drops to help eliminate swelling of the eyelids, they must be used correctly, that is, follow the recommendations of the ophthalmologist and the instructions that come with the package. The dosage of the drug is determined in such a way that some of the drops enter the circulatory system, some onto the mucous membrane of the eye, and the remaining amount of the drug spills out, which is almost impossible to avoid. When using eye drops, it is very important to maintain good hygiene. Before instillation, you need to wash your hands with soap and dry them thoroughly with a towel. Any infection can enter the body through the eyes, especially during an inflammatory process, therefore it is necessary to maintain sterility. It is important to store eye drops correctly. This will preserve their beneficial properties. The instructions must indicate under what conditions the eye drops should be stored. Manufacturers recommend leaving some medications in the refrigerator. If your doctor has prescribed such products, they should be taken out an hour before use. It is not recommended to use cold eye drops in your eyes for swelling of the eyelid. This may make the condition worse.

Most eye drops have a shelf life of 3 years. But this does not mean that once the bottle is opened it can be used for such a period. This information only applies to the sealed product. After opening the bottle, you can use eye drops for a limited period of time. Usually it is no more than 30 days. Once this period has expired, instillations may be ineffective and unsafe.

To treat swelling of the eyelids, ophthalmologists often prescribe various eye drops. In this case, it is very important to observe the interval between instillations. Typically, its duration ranges from 5 to 20 minutes and depends on the specific drug. The limitation is due to the fact that the components that make up the drugs may not have the desired effect when in contact with other eye drops.


“I was surprised to learn that anti-hemorrhoidal drugs can help against age bags , and after trying such remedies on myself, I was finally convinced of this.

After forty years, my edema began to develop very quickly, but thanks to such means, these processes were not only stopped, but also reversed .”

Anna Boltenkova, Solikamsk.

“When I first started having swelling under my eyes, I was first examined by an ophthalmologist and underwent a general examination of the whole body.

It turned out that the bags under the eyes in my case do not have a pathological origin , and the doctor advised me to use firming nourishing creams against the bags.

Every few months I use such products in small courses, and it helps a lot .”

Oksana Bednyakova, Kolpino.

“I considered the fight against bags under the eyes necessary only if they develop as a result of diseases, but when this problem affected me with age, I realized that it was also a matter of aesthetics.


The drug Indocollir will help to cope with swelling of the upper or lower eyelid. It is available in 5 ml bottles with a dropper stopper. The main active ingredient of the drug is indomethacin. This is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory component that is a derivative of indolylacetic acid.

In addition to it, Indocollir includes:

  • thiomersal;
  • hydroxypropyl beta-cyclodextrin;
  • concentrated hydrochloric acid;
  • arginine;
  • water.

Drops are effective for swelling of the eyes, eliminating pain after surgery, and preventing cataracts. The drug has many contraindications. Indocollir should not be used if you have bronchial asthma, gastric ulcers, kidney or liver failure. You should not start using the drops on your own. Treatment with them should not coincide with the use of anticoagulants or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Doctors prescribe Indocollir to relieve swelling of the eyelids in adults. This drug is prohibited for use under 18 years of age, so ophthalmologists select other medications to treat children. Treatment should not last more than two weeks. The drug should be stored in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Drops are available from pharmacies with a prescription. The average cost of the drug is 400 rubles.

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