Alexander Shpak removed his genitals. Alexander Shpak


The owner of a specific appearance, bodybuilder, Instagram star Alexander Shpak is married and in a happy union. The man is known for his antics, charisma, and a large number of tattoos on his body. His shocking appearance and work on himself made Sasha a celebrity.

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Alexander Shpak
Real name: Alexander Shpak
Occupation:Blogger, bodybuilder
Date of birth: April 1, 1979
Place of birth: Leningrad, lives in Moscow, St. Petersburg
Zodiac sign: Aries
Eastern horoscope sign: Sheep
Nationality Russian
Marital status: Married
Marital status: The YouTube channel brings in more than 35 thousand rubles. per month. Other income is unknown.
Social networks Other social networks

Personal life of a strange bodybuilder

In 2010, his first marriage was registered. Speaking of his orientation: Alexander Shpak, before and after the changes, was equally liked by the female sex. Today he is happy with his sixth official wife, Irina Meshchanskaya. They maintain a microblog together on Instagram and are successful.

The current wife loves to appear naked in photo shoots, has implants inserted into her breasts and buttocks, and is actively involved in sports and in her chosen one. They live in a luxurious apartment and regularly go on vacation. Shpak works as a personal trainer in one of the fitness rooms.

How many and what kind of operations did Alexander perform?

The biography of Alexander Shpak before plastic surgery does not reveal the reasons why the athlete with a pleasant masculine appearance decided to change himself beyond recognition. Transformations often frighten people. The number of plastic surgeries performed by Shpak is amazing


  • Frontoplasty
    . The athlete decided to change the shape of his forehead. To do this, his bone partitions were removed and special plates were inserted. Now his forehead is smooth and streamlined. The operation is very difficult and painful. It is usually done for skull injuries. But Alexander decided to change the shape of his face just like that.
  • Blepharoplasty
    . The result from the previous operation was insufficient, so he decided to increase the size of the eyes and raise the corners like a cat’s.

Additionally, Alexander got a tattoo around his eyelids. Now smokey eyes have become his calling card. However, over time, the results of the operation faded away.


  • Rhinoplasty
    . For some reason, Shpak decided to change the shape of his nose. But now it has become hooked, although before it was difficult to make any special claims. Also, the nostrils lost their symmetry after the operation and became flattened. Why this happened is not known, perhaps it was side effects. But Shpak’s nose before and after plastic surgery did not change for the better.

Alexander before and after rhinoplasty

  • Liposuction
    . Over time, he began to gain weight, and despite the fact that he himself is an athlete and trainer, he cannot lose weight on his own and get into shape. Therefore, he decided to pump out excess fat on his sides and stomach. And after some time, the figure acquired a sporty shape.
  • Breast implants
    . Breast augmentation surgery is especially strange. Alexander had a bust of almost the third size. It looked strange and alien on the athlete’s body. But the athlete himself claimed that he simply did not calculate the size of the implants and the operation was unsuccessful. Although some believed that this was a side effect of the steroids that the athlete was taking. Some time ago he removed everything from the pectoral muscles, now there are a couple of unsightly scars left.

Shpak before and after breast implants

  • Gluteoplasty
    . Not the most common operation in Russia. But Shpak’s protruding, elastic heel is not the result of working on himself in the gym, but the skill of surgeons.
  • Lip fillers
    . The athlete keeps up with fashion and decided to pump up his lips. But either Shpak does not know the limits, or something went wrong, but his mouth was swollen to the point of disgrace. Lips look foreign and strange, especially on a man’s face. But side effects soon appeared; Alexander’s facial expressions were impaired. Now she is unnatural. He can't smile properly.
  • Cheek plastic surgery
    . He decided to complete the transformation of his face and body by enlarging his cheekbones. Fillers made them taller and more expressive, but their expression became strange and effeminate. In addition, the oval of the athlete’s face began to blur and the outlines of his cheekbones also became swollen.

Shpak after installing implants in the cheekbones
The number of operations that Shpak performed ,

exceeds all imaginable standards. According to some estimates, there are about 15 of them. But none of them improved it.

Childhood and youth

Alexander was born on April 1, 1979 in St. Petersburg under the zodiac sign of Aries. Fans believe that all his actions are related to childhood trauma. The bodybuilder himself claims that he did not think about the problems of his upbringing until he was 25 years old. From birth, he was only outwardly an ordinary boy, but even then he did not think like his peers. Alexander's parents were simple people. Mom worked as a teacher, dad was a military man. Due to his profession, the father devoted little time to raising his son, so the boy grew up in the company of his mother and grandmother.

Because of dad, the family often changed their place of residence. At one time they lived beyond the Arctic Circle. Alexander went to school at the age of five, and already at 15 he entered university. He received two higher education degrees in the specialties “financial manager” and “securities specialist”. He also became acquainted with sports as a child. His father instilled in him a love of physical activity. He forced the guy to run, do push-ups and pull-ups. At the age of 12, Alexander already went to the gym and set new records every time.

Trade in prohibited substances

The hero of Instagram and YouTube decided to convert his Internet popularity into real money. This is how a store for professional bodybuilders, Leader Sport, appeared in St. Petersburg. But the self-proclaimed expert in the field of healthy eating significantly damaged his reputation when he decided to go into business:

  1. In 2012, he once again appeared on TV screens - this time against his will. The St. Petersburg police department for combating drug trafficking found a lot of interesting things in the windows of “Sport Leader”;
  2. In particular, police discovered a number of substances for building muscle mass that are prohibited in Russia. Almost one and a half thousand dangerous pills that were sold under the guise of sports nutrition were seized;
  3. A criminal case was filed against the store owner. However, he never managed to show off his curves in “places not so remote.” Law enforcement officers decided that a suspended sentence

Steroids did not bring any good to the failed drug lord: in 2016 it became known that he had become infertile.

Here is a video of Alexander being caught red-handed:

Personal life of Alexander Shpak

Women like the bodybuilder, despite his appearance. The man officially married different girls 6 times. He wanted to prove that he loves women and not men because of the accusations of haters. In 2010, the first marriage was registered.

The sixth wife of the artistic man is Irina Meshchanskaya. The model treats her husband with respect and understanding. Shpak calls his wife Masya. The lovers got married in 2015. There were only witnesses at the ceremony.

In 2022, a man bought a house in the suburbs. He arranged it to make his wife comfortable. He likes nature and clean air.

Family of Alexander Shpak and Irina Meshchanskaya

The couple always vacations together and is not planning children yet. The showman is happy with his wife, in his own words. The couple bought 2 dogs when they moved into a new cottage.

The two-story house is beautiful, but with a frightening past: a murder took place in the mansion. Masya showed in one of the videos on social networks what the cottage looks like. The cost of the mansion is estimated at 60 million rubles.

Life and appearance of a bodybuilder after plastic surgery

In addition to plastic surgery, Alexander Shpak also carried out a number of transformations with his body. First of all, he got a tattoo. It covers almost his entire body, his legs and back are fully sketched. The tattoo depicts a human skeleton.

The athlete also grew fangs and became like a vampire. Where such fantasies come from and why all this is not clear. He probably just likes to shock the public. In addition, Shpak regularly performs Botox therapy. But because of this, his face finally loses its facial expressions and becomes plastic. Although unevenness, swelling and staleness still appear.

Expert opinion

Tatyana Somoilova

Cosmetology expert

The finishing touches included permanent makeup in the form of highlighted eyebrows and bright berry lipstick, as well as a luscious manicure. Probably because of this, information appeared on the Internet that Alexander was either bisexual or gay. Otherwise, why would a full-fledged man need such “embellishments.” But Shpak himself justifies that this is just part of the shocking image. And in general, he likes not to be like everyone else.

Almost 1.5 million subscribers follow the athlete’s life. Some follow his training advice, others condemn his behavior. But he leaves almost no one indifferent. Thanks to his extraordinary appearance, Alexander Shpak is regularly invited to take part in television shows. He performed in “Let Them Talk,” “Male-Female” and a number of other projects.

And, despite the criticism and condemnation of others, the man is satisfied with himself, his appearance and is not going to change anything yet. According to him, he is generally happy and married to his wife Irina. The couple does not dream of children, because they do not want to share each other with anyone else.

Plastic surgery has made it possible to change your appearance the way you want. But everyone does not always realize that transformations can lead to unpleasant consequences. Everyone's idea of ​​beauty is different. Some people go beyond reasonable boundaries in their pursuit of perfection.

Who is Sasha Shpak?

The first word that comes to mind when looking at this character is freak

. This is how in English-speaking countries they call harmless urban crazy people who shock others with their extravagant behavior and appearance.

But Shpak was not always like this. The early biography did not at all foretell such a turn of events:

  • He was born in 1979 into a Puritan family of a teacher and a military man. Since the father had little time for the child, the latter was left to the female half of the house, his wife and mother-in-law;
  • Under pressure from his father, Sasha began to devote a lot of time to physical exercise, which gradually grew into a lifelong passion;
  • At the same time, he devoted a lot of time to his studies. He entered university a couple of years earlier than his peers. Perseverance and love of knowledge allowed me to receive two higher educations in the field of economics
  • According to the recollections of the Internet hero himself, the turning point in his life happened on his 25th birthday. What exactly happened and how, history is silent. But after that, an ordinary-looking man began a rapid transformation into a sexless creature.

Useful video

Watch the video about Alexander Shpak before and after:

Alexander Shpak is a media personality

, a man who has become famous among millions of modern social network users.

His uniqueness and popularity is based on the fact that he decided to cover almost his entire body with tattoos and did a lot of plastic surgery to change his appearance. According to his convictions, he decided on such radical methods in order to filter out the environment, which tends to be assessed only by appearance.

Having studied old photographs, you can see that the young man is quite attractive, in excellent physical shape, but years later he decides to make radical changes.

Sasha Shpak grew up in a military family and a teacher, received two higher educations and was not much different from his peers. However, he always thought quite unconventionally and tried to prove himself against the background of others.

Since childhood, he was actively involved in sports, a love for which was instilled in him by his father. That is why Alexander was always in good physical shape and was a leader in many sports areas. While still at school, he set records, and later took part in serious competitions.

Change in appearance

Quite early, he began to show interest in drawings on the body and tried with all his might to stand out with the help of them. As a result, this led to the young man covering almost his entire body with tattoos.

But he didn’t stop there; then more radical methods were used.

He began to change his face, body and tried to completely transform himself. So he inserted implants into the buttocks, did liposuction, enlarged his lips and did permanent eye makeup. more than 20 operations performed by Alexander Shpak

, including frontoplasty (facial modification).

He has had fangs inserted, reshaped his buttocks, gets manicures and gel polish on his nails, and regularly visits a makeup artist. Many see him in life in open, provocative clothes and with women's accessories and wardrobe items.


Sasha Shpak became a famous blogger

thanks to his extraordinary appearance and outrageous content on social networks. So, he started filming a blog about sports, where you can see him performing exercises in pink thongs and dancing erotic dances.

The situation in which Sasha Shpak found himself when he was found to have anabolic steroids was also scandalous.

He was engaged in the sale of sports nutrition and goods, but due to exposure he had problems with the law. Alexander Shpak regularly makes videos about his life, shares his impressions of travel, talks about training and nutrition, as well as plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures that he does regularly.

Famous bloggers write about him, he is regularly invited to shows, he advertises products and devotes most of his life to communicating with subscribers.

Sasha's true love

Shpak notes that his true love is his sixth wife. Her name is Irina, but fans of the couple call the girl Masya. The girl notes that she fell in love with Sasha not for her appearance, but for her character. She accepts her husband for who he is.

Photo: vladtime

The couple has been together for several years. They record videos from time to time and share their lives with subscribers. By the way, the girl decided to undergo several plastic surgeries in order to please the man. The couple is really happy together.

Photo: instagrammi

Alexander had to change many wives to find true love. Now Shpak is really happy and does not regret that he got divorced 5 times. Sasha takes relationships seriously and has never run around his ex-wives. The girls note that he is truly a worthy person who deserves respect. They are not at all embarrassed by his unusual appearance, because Alexander has a good character.

Rising to the top of popularity

In the mid-2000s, a young man in the prime of his life decided to radically rewrite his life. But he decided to change not his inner world, but his appearance. Over the course of several years, the entire body of an ordinary “jock” has changed significantly: he covered himself with tattoos from head to toe, underwent a series of plastic surgeries, began to use makeup and wear provocative hairstyles.

Shpak himself claims that he is a supporter of heterosexual orientation.

And the effect was not long in coming. The combination of the incongruous – muscularity and effeminate appearance – has become the key to sustainable popularity:

  1. For the first time, a bodybuilder appeared in trends back in those years when LJ (Live Journal, livejournal) ruled the roost on the RuNet. There he posted a photo of himself, relaxing on the beach. The effeminate appearance of the pumped-up man shocked many then;
  2. The next wave of popularity awaited him in 2010, when photographs from the wedding ceremony of a scandalous person appeared online;
  3. Feeling the tart taste of fame, Shpak opened his own video channel on YouTube, dedicated to body care and proper nutrition. Sometimes the owner of two higher educations shares his life philosophy with subscribers, the general message of which can be characterized by the words “love yourself”;
  4. Today Shpak’s persona is one of the most recognizable in RuNet. His photograph was featured in the extremely popular “Friend Show”, and he himself is a frequent guest on television and maintains his own Instagram with more than a million subscribers.

Full facial plastic surgery

Looking at the photographs showing Alexander Shpak before and after facial surgery, you are amazed at how distorted a person’s idea of ​​beauty can be. At some points he began to resemble the famous man with a cat's face.

  • Frontoplasty. So that the reader can imagine the level of horror, we note: Sasha underwent frontoplasty. This means that they cut his face along the hairline from ear to ear, and then corrected the shape of his forehead and brow ridges by placing special plates. In some places on the forehead, bone bridges were removed to level the surface. After the operation, Alexander Shpak received a more defined face, but it’s hard to call him beautiful.
  • Blepharoplasty. Standing out in the long list of his interventions is eye surgery. It is this organ that the bodybuilder places special emphasis on. After frontal surgery, excess skin was removed from the eyelids, but the man decided to lift their outer corners “a la catwoman.” Let us note that less than five years have passed since such a painful operation, but folds of skin have already treacherously floated onto his thickly made-up eyes.
  • Rhinoplasty. By nature, Sasha had a magnificent masculine nose, but the peculiarities of his taste became a driving factor on the path of self-improvement. Alexander Shpak after plastic surgery changed only in the direction of “effeminacy”. The disgustingly elongated nose eventually turns into an ugly vulture beak. The nostrils are asymmetrical, flattened and do not flatter their owner in any way.
  • Change in cheekbones. Before plastic surgery, Alexander Shpak looked like a confident, quite attractive man. Cheekbone plastic surgery initially turned out to be a failure. Implants introduced into this area began to emphasize his “unisex” image. Sharp cheekbones look out of place against the backdrop of a constantly flabby face.
  • Lip augmentation. Photos showing Alexander Shpak before and after plastic surgery raise only one question: what moral trauma prompted the previously handsome guy to disfigure himself in such a way? There seems to be a shelf above his upper lip (from injections, presumably), a strange asymmetry and impaired facial expressions. The whistle, swollen from fillers, became the cause of the burr that the unfortunate jock has. The man is not shy about the overgrown dumplings; on the contrary, he is proud of the weighty, fleshy dumplings.
  • Botox injections. In every new video presented by the channel of the miracle chef-trainer, the depressing condition of his skin is noticeable. The bubbling face, which is “decorated” by scars from plastic surgery, every now and then spews out from its depths advice on a healthy lifestyle. It sounds strange, because according to the videos that Shurik and his wife produce and post on their Instagram and YouTube channel, the couple loves to drink a lot and eat mayonnaise. The question remains, where do the strange potholes and swelling on the freak’s strange face come from?

The man spent (from no one knows where it came from) 1 million rubles on plastic surgery on his face alone.

Touches to the portrait of a false athlete

  • Brows. Like a real fashionista, Shpak jealously monitors her eyebrows. Initially, the hairs were thick black, because the man used permanent makeup to save time. Over the years, “Marfushi”’s eyebrows were completely bleached using a laser. Now the man's face looks more than disgusting.
  • The panda's eyes have become the calling card of the flabby athlete. Initially, you might think that this is simple makeup, but the black circles are tattoos. Smeared on the eyelids, with an oily sheen and redness, tattooed eyelids have become every stylist’s worst nightmare. The coal-black eyes of the miner accompanied Alexander after his shift even on his wedding day.
  • Lips. Lipstick has become an integral part of a man's makeup bag. Ombre style in red and black version, berry shades and gloss are generously smeared on the lips of the would-be athlete.
  • Manicure. The special mass that Sasha Shpak applies to her nails allows her to forget about manicure for a month. He loves rich colors, competing in color schemes with many women.
  • Underpants. He is often called a hermaphrodite, because his pink underpants leave no room for flight of fancy. Looking at the photo of a man in swimming trunks, his complexes and desires for universal enlargement become clear. Enemies slander that the wife of Alexander Shpak has much more content in her swimming trunks.
  • Hairstyle. “Vegetable saleswoman” - this is exactly the association that arises when you look at a thin bleached ponytail. Multi-colored elastic bands make him look like an overgrown girl from the dashing 90s.
  • Tattoo. Almost 2/3 of Alexander’s body is covered with tattoos. Note that this is one continuous tattoo that took 22,000 hours to complete
    . The idea of ​​the tattoo is a skeleton grown into the human body. Most of the drawings cover Sasha's legs and back.
  • Fangs. The extended fangs were supposed to cost about $2,500, but the man insists that all the procedures were performed on him “as an acquaintance.”

Sports training

Irina pays great attention to her appearance. In particular, she spends at least four days a week in the gym. As a result, she has excellent figure parameters.

Since 2014, Meshchanskaya-Shpak has worked at the fitness center as a trainer. She is convinced that if she herself was able to achieve such a result, then she can help everyone around her to look no worse. About 20 people took part in her sports courses. Irina spoke in detail about the progress of training and the successes of her students on her social networks. In 2022, he announced that he was temporarily stopping his coaching career. It is unknown whether she will ever return to her.

Shpak and Masi's move to Turkey

Just recently, the Shpakov family’s Instagram was filled with videos of them renovating their luxurious private home in the Moscow region. And when the renovation was almost completed, Irina and Alexander announced their decision to completely change their lives and move to Turkey for permanent residence. The couple did not talk about their plans in a foreign country, but subscribers believe that Alexander plans to purchase several villas - in one of them he will live with his wife and a large dog family, and the rest will be rented out. The couple put their mansion in the Moscow region up for sale. If you believe the information on the Internet, it was estimated at 50 million rubles.

Interesting Facts

  • The most popular projects with Shpak’s participation: “The Path of the Soul”, “How to Pump Up”, “Cooking with Shpak”.
  • Alexander went under the knife more than 15 times. The star underwent some plastic surgery for free. He knows many surgeons and dentists.
  • Haters claim that the surname Shpak is a pseudonym. The celebrity responded to the attacks and stated that he never changed his last name.
  • Sasha is sentimental and often cries during touching moments in movies.
  • To lose weight, according to the fitness trainer, you need to give up sweets and salt. Regular training will bring results in 2-3 weeks.
  • The blogger’s family lived poorly, so now he is compensating for the lack of money complex. He is used to a rich life, pampering himself with expensive things and going to beauty salons.
  • A man is against affairs with clients. He believes that only non-professionals allow themselves to have intimate relationships with their wards.
  • After removing all the birthmarks and growths, the man got a tattoo all over his body. Over the course of several years, he attended more than 150 sessions.
  • Due to taking steroids, Alexander became infertile.

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Shpak and Meshchanskaya are getting divorced

At the beginning of June, fans of the outrageous couple were stunned by the news that Masya and Shpak were getting a divorce. The reason for the breakup is simple - Masya stopped loving her husband and can no longer be with him.

The couple’s subscribers began to discuss the current situation in full and came to the conclusion that the reason for the separation was the couple’s move to Turkey, where Irina was tired of living in peace and quiet, away from the capital’s parties. Be that as it may, the couple is not together now, Alexander and his five dogs remained in Turkey to continue building villas, and Masya moved to Moscow, where she rented an apartment in the center and delights her subscribers with a new blog about the life of a divorcee.

By the way, as Irina and Alexander said, they are parting as friends and will continue to engage in common projects. As for the dogs, for now they will remain in Kalkan with Alexander, who is going through the breakup very painfully.

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