Removing post-burn scars with laser

Dealing with burn scars on the skin is not the easiest task in the field of dermatology. Scars spoil not only your appearance, but also your mood, especially if they are located on open areas of the face or body. In the old days, scar treatment was a disappointment for patients and doctors, as laser medicine did not exist. The ointments and various compresses used did not bring good results.

But technology does not stand still. Currently, a safe method of combating post-burn scars has emerged - microfragmented laser thermolysis. The principle of action is to evaporate many micro areas of scar tissue. It should be noted that this method gives excellent results in removing not only hypertrophic (protruding above the surface of the skin), but also normotrophic and hypotrophic scar changes.

It often happens that post-burn scars contain an excessive number of small vessels and/or pigment, which determines the color of the scar tissue. In this case, procedures using appropriate laser systems are required. As a result of laser correction, the color of the scar becomes uniform and will not differ from the normal color of healthy skin.

Scars usually appear in the second month after the burn has healed. The less time has passed since the scar appeared, the easier it is to treat.

Classification of scars after burns

Doctors distinguish 4 types of post-burn scars:

  1. Normotrophic - Almost does not stand out on the surface of the skin. Over time, it may become completely invisible.
  2. Atrophic – Thinner than normal skin, over time becomes flabby and unsightly.
  3. Hypertrophic - The scar protrudes above the surface of the skin and has a dense consistency.
  4. Keloid - Refers to a severe form of scarring that protrudes from the skin, is itchy, and is bright red in color.

The Aloderm expert clinic has powerful potential for the treatment of post-burn scars of any location!

Due to the specific features of the effect of each laser on scars, and the characteristics of the scars themselves, our clinic specialists select the most optimal laser therapy option in each specific case, taking into account the location of the problem, age and other characteristics.


This German anti-scar cream contains sodium heparin, vitamin E, D-camphor, levomenthol, and urea. These components perfectly moisturize the skin, make rough scars softer, more elastic, and stimulate blood circulation. Kelofibrase also relieves inflammation and relieves pain. Those who have used this scar cream have noted that scars dissolve, smooth out, and become lighter. The drug has virtually no side effects; it can be prescribed to children over one year of age.

Sandoz, Germany

Kelofibraza cream helps get rid of scars of any origin - hypertrophic, burn, postoperative, keloid.
from 3880

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Legato therapy consists of two complementary stages

First stage

The unique iPixel RF nozzle, when passing over the surface of the scar, generates plasma sparks that fall like lightning onto the skin.

At the point of contact of the microplasma discharge with scar tissue, voids are formed due to evaporation of the skin.

These voids in the form of microcolumns alternate with areas of untouched tissue, which will serve as a reserve for the restoration and healing of microtraumas caused by the device.

Ablation columns—that’s what the “holes” are correctly called after passing through the iPixel RF nozzle—are surrounded by a zone of thermal damage, forcing the skin to mobilize all its forces for self-healing.

When working with scars and stretch marks, several passes are made with the iPixel RF nozzle to achieve the desired depth of microperforation and maximum evaporation of scar tissue so that it is subsequently replaced by healthy skin during healing.

Second phase

Alma Lasers' patented Impact nozzle with iTED ultrasonic technology alternates positive and negative sound pressure, which allows the delivery of drugs using ultrasonic acoustic vibrations.
The nozzle was specially designed for combined use with microplasma and laser fractional thermolysis procedures.

The use of Impact makes it possible to help the skin recover as quickly as possible and avoid infection and other complications by filling the ablation columns with medicinal substances with anti-inflammatory, regenerating, pigmentation-regulating and vascular-strengthening properties.

Unlike laser treatment, Legato therapy does not require a long recovery period and has less risk of side effects and complications.

PIXEL CO2 is a fractional carbon dioxide laser. It has a unique roller attachment that produces a row of seven pixels, with laser radiation only being supplied while moving. This feature speeds up the procedure and makes it less painful.

Laser resurfacing of post-burn scars is much more effective than the well-known scar tissue peels, and cannot serve as their analogue. When resurfacing the skin with a laser, the energy of a laser beam is used, which vaporizes the scar to a depth of 1 to 20-40 microns and stimulates the surrounding tissues to actively restore.

How to choose a scar cream?

Let's decide what you need to pay attention to if you are choosing an anti-scar product:

  1. Skin type.
    If you have combination or oily skin, choose a cream-based scar treatment. The cream is well absorbed, it has a light texture, it does not clog pores and does not leave a greasy feeling. Scar ointment will not work in this case (especially if the scar is on the face) - it clogs the pores and provokes the formation of acne, and then dealing with post-acne is even more problematic.
  2. Tendency to allergies.
    You need to understand that no matter how good the remedy for scars, the body can react to any of its components. Therefore, if you are allergic, be sure to test it on your wrist before using the drug.
  3. Scar location.
    Many scar creams contain harsh ingredients that often cause irritation if applied to the face or neck (tender areas of the body). If you have a scar on your face, it is better to choose a product that is as natural as possible, has a gentle effect and rarely causes side effects.

It is not advisable to use several scar treatments at once because they can react with each other and cause unpredictable reactions. During pregnancy, scar treatments should be used with caution, since a woman’s immunity decreases, susceptibility to allergens increases - and even local products can cause allergic reactions.

Read also: Top 5 universal remedies for burns The most effective remedies for burns: thermal and solar.

Operating principle of fractional CO2 laser

This is a latest generation device that acts on the skin with micropulses - the laser evaporates scars not as a continuous sheet, but pointwise, leaving microscopic untreated areas. As a result of this gentle action, the skin recovers faster, and accordingly, the rehabilitation period is reduced to a minimum.

Also to combat post-burn scars in our clinic we use: ClearSkin 1540Nm and ClearSkin 1540Nm in-motion (Fractional non-ablative erbium laser Er:Glass 1540nm)

The effect of the procedure is achieved due to the possibility of creating scar tissue at a depth of up to 2 mm. many microthermal treatment zones. The depth of impact affects the entire thickness of the scar without damaging its surface layer.

Therefore, rehabilitation is very short and comfortable!

When the laser beam impacts the deep layers of scar tissue, old collagen and excess pigment are destroyed. After the procedure, intensive cell regeneration processes are launched. The advantage over other lasers is that the skin does not need to spend time on long-term healing of the top layer; the activation of the natural internal resources of the skin begins immediately, which allows you to get excellent results in several sessions.

ClearLift 4D (fractional non-ablative Q-Switched laser with a wavelength of 1064 nm)

Upon reaching the dermal layer, the Q-Switched 1064 nm laser creates a photoacoustic effect similar to a microexplosion; at the site of this effect, a rarefaction area is formed, breaking up the structure of scar tissue, and then filling with new full-fledged molecules. In one flash, 25 point areas are formed, between which remains untouched dermal tissue, which is the source of remodeling of scar structures.

Moreover, this entire process is absolutely painless; moreover, the light, barely noticeable warmth has a relaxing effect. The Q-Switched 1064 nm laser penetrates the skin to a depth of 3 to 5 mm, making the procedure safe for use even on areas with thin skin. Since the top layer of skin - the epidermis - remains intact, the skin looks presentable immediately after the procedure and in the following days, the effect increases over 1.5 months, this is the period necessary for the production of new collagen.


A German cream for scars and scars, which has long been very popular. Active ingredients of the gel: allantoin, sodium heparin, onion bulb extract. You should not expect instant results from Contractubex gel if your scar is old. Old scars need to be treated for a long time - you will notice the first positive changes after six months. If you regularly apply the product to the scar, it will shrink faster. If you systematically treat fresh scars, Contractubex will do the job in about a month. In reviews, patients praise this drug, but say that for tangible results it must be used strictly according to the instructions. "Contractubex" smoothes scars, improves blood circulation, and moisturizes the skin. When treating with Contractubex, you need to avoid massages, avoid hypothermia and direct sunlight.

Merz Pharma, Germany

A combined drug whose effect is determined by the properties of its constituent components.
It turns out to have fibrinolytic anti-inflammatory (due to the presence of onion extract), antithrombic (due to the presence of heparin), and keratolytic effect (due to the presence of allantoin). Stimulates cellular regeneration without hyperplasia. Inhibits the proliferation of colloidal fibroblasts. from 500

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Our advantages

  • Fractional lasers and microplasma units work simultaneously with the superficial and deep layers of the skin.
  • They have the possibility of a higher thermal effect, resulting in a pronounced rejuvenation effect, which reduces the number of procedures.
  • Relatively short rehabilitation period.
  • Controlled minimal damage to the skin, histologically and clinically proven improvements in skin quality.
  • Possibility of performing the procedure on patients with thin skin.
  • Minimal risk of hyperpigmentation after the procedure.
  • Possibility of impact on any part of the body.

Laser treatment of burn scars can be performed at any time of the year.

How to remove scars using traditional methods

There are several home remedies that can help in treating scars and scars if they are fresh.

  1. Pea flour.
    Flour should be diluted with warm milk, applied to the scar and left for an hour.
  2. Compress from thuja leaves.
    Prepare an alcohol tincture from thuja leaves and apply a compress to the scar area twice a day (for 40 minutes).
  3. Calendula compress.
    Take 0.5 liters of boiling water, add 2 tbsp. l. calendula flowers and let it brew for two hours. Strain and apply the compress for 15 minutes five to six times a day.
  4. Fenugreek seed decoction.
    Take fenugreek seeds and boil them for seven minutes. Apply the prepared decoction to the affected areas of the skin.
  5. Lemon.
    Rub lemon juice over areas of skin that have scars.
  6. Almond oil.
    Almond oil also works well on small scars if you do a light massage with it.
  7. Sandalwood paste.
    This folk remedy for scars is considered one of the most effective. You need to soak sandalwood powder in milk overnight. In the morning, apply the mixture to the affected areas and wait until it dries. Rinse off with cold water.
  8. Banana puree.
    Take a ripe banana, puree in a blender and apply to the skin for seven to ten minutes.
  9. Cabbage.
    Spread honey on a cabbage leaf, add a few drops of vodka and Vishnevsky ointment. Apply to scars several times a day.

Care and recovery

After laser resurfacing, the skin recovers quite quickly. However, in the first few hours after the procedure, redness and discomfort may appear. If they cause you discomfort, you can apply a cooling compress to the treatment area.

For 3 days after the removal procedure, you should not wipe the treated areas of the skin with alcohol-containing substances. It is prohibited to visit the sauna and swimming pool, take a hot bath, or sunbathe.

The skin needs to be moisturized. Or use special medical gels and creams that your doctor will prescribe for you.

Each patient at Cleo Line is given detailed care recommendations after the procedure.

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