Pimples on the penis: on the head, white, on the skin, photo, red, why, under the head, small, on the shaft, how to get rid

Some men have white pimples since childhood, but often they do not manifest themselves and do not cause physiological discomfort. While in adolescence, pimples around the head can cause problems in intimate life due to their unattractive appearance. White pimples on the head of men can be found in every third representative of the stronger sex, but this does not mean they are absolutely harmless. In certain situations, these formations pose some danger.

White bumps on the penis as a normal option

The human skin contains sebaceous glands. At the end of puberty in a teenager, these small pimples on the penis also complete their development in the penis area. At the same time, they become similar to small whitish seals, and sometimes have a yellowish color.

Such white bumps formed on the penis are called Fordyce granules.

They reach several millimeters in diameter and their presence can be felt by touch. In order to see them clearly at the base of the penis, you need to stretch the skin on it.

White pimples on the penis (photo below) are often clearly visible not only on the shaft, but also near the scrotum.

It should be taken into account that the formations on the phallus are located in the thickness of the skin, but depending on the individual characteristics, they can be deeper or closer to the outer layer. The largest number of them is located at the base of the penis. Fordyce granules are absent in boys . Some young men may only see whitish spots on their phallus. But with age they become denser and turn into pimples .

Another type of anatomical changes that do not harm the male body are pearlescent papules .

These are cone-shaped papules, skin-colored and measuring no more than three millimeters .

Their usual location is the crown of the head of the penis. Because of this, they are sometimes called mother-of-pearl penis rings. This is not a disease and is not sexually transmitted .

Fordyce granules are natural bumps that appear on a man's penis. But even sebaceous glands in some cases can cause concern and force you to go to the doctors. Pearlescent papules normally do not cause any concern. But if they start to bleed or itch, secrete some kind of fluid or burn, then this is another reason to go to the doctors.

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However, sometimes there are other reasons to turn to specialists due to newly formed seals. In men, pimples may appear on the head of the penis and on its shaft; below we will analyze them in more detail.

We recommend watching a video about white bumps on the penis.

Why do acne appear?

In the case of a prolonged course of the disease, the blisters begin to grow together and burst, forming small ulcers on the skin. This property is characteristic of a disease such as herpes, which, in addition to the external manifestations of the rash, can additionally contribute to severe pain when urinating, which will indicate deeper damage to the genital organs.

In addition to ordinary pain, all kinds of discharge, and in some cases, stagnation of urine, can also be observed. In practice, the patient always experiences general malaise, accompanied by severe headaches, elevated body temperature and swollen lymph nodes.

The appearance of acne on the skin of the penis can also be a consequence of gonorrhea, which, along with herpes, affects most organs, affecting not only the genitourinary system, but also the mucous membrane of the eyes, mouth, pharynx and other organs.

In almost 90% of cases, the source of gonorrhea is located in the genitourinary system. The patient will begin to experience the first symptomatic pain only 5 days after infection.

The most common symptoms are purulent and mucous discharge, which is accompanied by severe pain when urinating. In addition, severe itching is often observed at the site of the lesion.

In this case, the disease should be identified in time, and then treatment should begin immediately, otherwise the pathogens will reach the prostate and affect the seminal vesicles. Then the patient’s condition will worsen significantly, and will be accompanied by painful and frequent urination and the appearance of pain during bowel movements.

Gonorrhea, as a rule, does not go away without a trace. The patient's testicles become swollen, severe pain appears, and, as a result, infertility may develop. That is why it is extremely important to diagnose gonorrhea on time, and then immediately begin the correct treatment.

Another disease that has similar symptoms is chlamydia. In case of infection with chlamydia, a rash, purulent and mucous discharge, blisters on the skin of the genital organ, and pimples appear. Over the long course of the disease, symptoms may disappear without a trace, while the disease itself will continue to progress, transforming into a chronic form. By the way, urogenic trichomoniasis can show similar symptoms, so it is important to distinguish between these problems.

Reasons for the appearance of pimples on the head of the penis

An increase in the size of the sebaceous glands due to inflammation or pathological development of pearlescent papules most often occurs due to the lack of hygienic measures for the care of the genitals.

In this case, bacteria are activated, which affect both Fordyce granules and white pimples on the head of the penis.

Compared to the first two variants of the appearance of neoplasms, the remaining cases of their occurrence are not as harmless to the male body. However, they may not cause pain. But it should be borne in mind that this does not make them any less dangerous to the body.

The appearance of pimples and various rashes on the penis may be a manifestation of sexually transmitted or skin diseases. The culprits of such manifestations can also be very dangerous diseases, for example, syphilis, AIDS or hepatitis.

Also, one of the reasons why there are pimples on the penis is a decrease in the protective properties of the body .

There are pimples on the penis of the following types and locations:

  • under the head;
  • on the head;
  • around the head;
  • on the skin of the trunk;
  • white;
  • red;
  • small.

For more detailed information about pimples on the penis, their types and places of appearance, see the video.

general characteristics

A rash on the head of the penis is one of the external symptoms of a number of pathological processes provoked by endogenous factors or infectious agents. White or red rashes have a different character (tubercles, watery blisters, erosions). In addition to structural changes in the skin, hyperemia, itching, and pain appear.

Rash on the head can make it difficult to urinate and ejaculate.

Primary pathological elements of the rash occur in patches and are localized in the following areas:

  • head;
  • whisk;
  • coronal sulcus;

  • foreskin;
  • external opening of the urethra.

As the activity of provoking factors worsens, secondary morphological elements appear, which grow and form continuous conglomerates, covering the entire surface of the penis.

Symptoms and diagnosis

Both pimples and Fordyce granules located on the penis can increase in size, change their shape, and also cause pain when touched . This manifestation occurs when the sebaceous glands become inflamed. They may become harder to the touch, resembling in appearance pimples with an abscess on top.

Other reasons for the appearance of pimples on the male penis are:

  1. Molluscum contagiosum . This is a papule (dense nodule), pinkish or flesh-colored and round in shape. It does not cause pain upon palpation. Its dimensions can most often be from 2 to 10 millimeters, but sometimes reach several centimeters. If you press on the formation, a curd mass is released from it. It is possible that it may appear on the shaft of the phallus, with several such blisters appearing nearby. It is transmitted through close contact between bodies, including during sex. The disease received this name due to the fact that inside the papule there are bodies similar to a shell in which the mollusk hides. This manifestation is safe. Does not require treatment. After a few months it goes away on its own.
  2. Neurodermatitis . The occurrence of the disease is associated with disorders of the nervous system or genetic factors. When one of the forms of this disease (giant neurodermatitis) manifests itself, fairly large red bumps (up to one centimeter) form on the root of the organ, on the scrotum and in the inguinal folds, which rise above the surface of the skin. These red bumps on the penis itch very strongly and unbearably . Often, scars remain in places where scratching occurs. An additional infection is likely due to the presence of wounds.
  3. Genital herpes. Viral infection. The mucous membrane of the genital organs is affected. Transmitted through intimate contact. Pimples in the form of bubbles and ulcers appear on the head of the penis. They are often quite painful.
  4. Human papillomavirus infection. The virus is transmitted during sex. Most often, papillomas appear on the frenulum of the penis and its head, and are sometimes found on the scrotum. Their primary form of manifestation is smooth flesh-colored pimples that do not cause pain. They then grow into genital warts. With weakened immunity, rapid growth of such warts is possible.
  5. Scabies. A contagious skin disease caused by a microscopic mite. Severely itchy nodules may appear on the skin of the phallus or scrotum.

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Pimples on the skin of the penis can also occur with other pathologies. Some of them are contagious and can only be transmitted sexually, while others, like the acrochordon (skin growth), are harmless. There are also chronic skin diseases , which in rare cases appear isolated and on the genitals, for example, lichen planus.

Diagnosis of pearly papules

The diagnosis is made based on a clinical examination by a urologist or dermatovenerologist. If the change is accompanied by symptoms of inflammation - redness, swelling and itching - another etiology should be considered.

They are often confused with condylomas (genital warts), which are sexually transmitted diseases caused by HPV infection. The misconception can be easily eliminated with the help of a biopsy and microscopic examination of this change - a different number of dilated thin-walled blood vessels, proliferation of fibroblast cells and connective tissue are observed.

Pimples on the penis: treatment methods

Let's consider options on what to do and how to get rid of pimples on the penis . Therapy for formations on the penis depends on the disease that caused them:

  1. The process of treating inflamed Fordyce granules is performed very successfully at home . This does not require additional effort. It is necessary to wash the phallus several times a day with warm water using tar, or better yet, laundry soap. Disinfection of pimples should be carried out with an antiseptic available in the home medicine cabinet - iodine, brilliant green or peroxide . You should not squeeze out pimples on the penis. If they break through on their own, perform additional processing. A decoction of herbs (St. John's wort, calamus root and chamomile flowers), which is used to wash the granules several times during the day, also has a good effect. Tea tree and fir essential oils are used as an antiseptic. If a burning sensation occurs after treatment, it is recommended to apply an additional thin layer of mustard oil.
  2. When treating neurodermatitis, it is necessary to reduce the manifestation of neurotic reactions. Both psychotropic and sedative drugs, as well as antidepressants and tranquilizers, are used.
  3. Herpes is completely incurable . However, in the fight against it during the next exacerbation, the drug Anciclovir helps well.
  4. An effective means of combating scabies mites is 5% Permethrin in the form of lotion, ointment or gel. The product is rubbed into the skin and hair of the entire body, but not into the head of the penis. Once absorbed, it does not wash off for 8 to 14 hours. May be repeated after 6 days to get better results.

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To avoid the described situations, you need to consume enough fluid daily to remove harmful microorganisms and their waste products, wear only comfortable and cotton underwear, use condoms during sexual contact and maintain hygiene. Also, as a preventive measure, it is recommended to monitor the condition of the skin in the groin area and see all doctors every six months (to detect hormonal imbalances and identify other possible abnormalities), take vitamins to support general well-being.

Tags:herpes, pimple on penis, pimples on groin, pimples on testicles

Preventive measures

Performing hygienic washing of the penis at least once a day is an elementary necessity for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

This action must be performed even if it is not possible to take a shower. After having sex, washing should be a mandatory procedure .

When carrying out hygiene measures, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • wash pubic hair, skin of the inner thighs, scrotum and lower abdomen with soap;
  • Wash the skin of the penis and the part covering the head especially thoroughly;
  • expose the head and wash the folds of the mucous membrane with running water.

Treatment of the rash

A rash on the penis, regardless of origin, needs treatment. Rashes can be treated in several ways, which are selected depending on the nature of the disease. The main methods include:

  • hygiene procedures;
  • drug treatment;
  • surgical intervention.

Prevention of provoking diseases can reduce the likelihood of recurrence of rashes.

Hygiene procedures

To prevent irritation caused by stagnation of smegma from developing into a chronic inflammatory process, it is necessary to carefully remove the lubricant. The essence of hygiene procedures is to wash away the smegma that has accumulated between the head and foreskin. If the foreskin fits tightly, it must be pulled back until the head and coronal groove are completely exposed.

A minor rash caused by uncomfortable clothing or hot weather does not require treatment.

Hygienic procedures are performed daily, using intimate hygiene products. Obese people can additionally use antiseptic and drying agents.

Underwear plays an important role, which also needs to be changed daily for fresh ones. It is recommended to wear loose panties made from natural fabrics.

Treatment of phimosis

Phimosis and paraphimosis, which are characterized by a tight fit of the foreskin, make hygiene procedures difficult. Phimosis is treated using several methods:

  1. Limited masturbation
    . Stretching the foreskin is performed manually by exposing the head during incomplete masturbation and urination. Stretching of the foreskin can be done by spreading fingers inserted into the preputial sac or by using a silicone retractor ring that fixes the glans in an exposed state.

  2. Drug treatment
    . Treatment of phimosis is performed locally, using glucocorticosteroid ointments (clobetasol, betamethasone). Glucocorticoids relieve swelling, inflammation and rashes, facilitating gentle stretching. Antiseptics are also used that destroy microbes on the surface of the skin.
  3. Surgical intervention
    . Pathological formation or growth of the foreskin requires surgery for complete or partial excision of the foreskin. The operation is known as circumcision.

Phimosis is a reversible pathology and responds well to treatment. In case of relapse, a repeated treatment complex is carried out.

Treatment of venereal rash

Rashes caused by sexually transmitted diseases are treated only in accordance with the recommendations of a venereologist. The doctor makes a diagnosis, establishes the type of pathology and selects the appropriate type of conservative treatment. The therapeutic plan for the treatment of infectious and viral STDs contains a number of drugs:

It is prohibited to use medications on your own if you have sexually transmitted diseases, since some of them can not suppress bacteria, but cause the development of superinfection.

Medicines for rashes

Treatment of male candidiasis is carried out through the complex use of antifungal drugs. For oral administration, Fluconazole, Pimafucin or other antifungal tablets that are effective against Candida fungi are prescribed. Clotrimazole ointment is prescribed externally. To successfully suppress thrush, treatment must be completed together with your partner.

For allergic rashes, the treatment plan consists of taking antihistamines.

Depending on the degree of sensitization, a rash on the genitals is treated as follows:

  • a single oral dose of an antihistamine;
  • course intake of antiallergic drugs or glucocorticoids.

External application of anti-inflammatory or corticoid ointments helps to localize morphological elements.

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