10 best body firming creams

Do you live in an ecological paradise far from civilization, wash your face with spring water, eat only healthy gifts of nature, and always take care of the vigor of your body and joy of spirit? Oh, if only!

Our skin is exposed to many harmful factors every day, and by the age of 25-30, aging mechanisms are launched in it. It dries out, loses its elasticity, becomes wrinkled, and turns gray.

We begin to help our face as early as possible in order to delay and minimize the loss of elasticity.

If the skin is already becoming flabby, we tighten it in three weeks without injections and for a long time.

Why does skin lose elasticity?

Skin elasticity is its ability to resist mechanical stress. In medicine, the term “turgor” is used to evaluate this property. It is determined by the tension of the skin-fat fold.

Pinch the skin on your cheekbones with your thumb and forefinger, pull it up and release. If the fold straightens out in an instant, it means that the turgor is preserved. If with slowdown, turgor is reduced.

What internal mechanisms affect skin elasticity:

  • A straight back and a healthy neck.
    Incorrect posture and spasmodic platysma (“the muscle of youth” that lines the neck) accelerate facial aging. The skin becomes flabby, sagging on the lower edges of the cheeks, on the upper eyelids, a double chin appears, and the oval of the face floats down.
  • The quantity and quality of elastin and collagen in the skin.
    When “building” proteins are produced less actively and become damaged, the skin withers.
  • Water-salt balance.
    When the body is dehydrated, the skin loses its elasticity.
  • Condition of subcutaneous fat.
    Reducing the volume of fat packets provokes skin ptosis.
  • Activity of blood flow and lymphatic drainage.
    When blood flow slows, cells do not receive enough nutrients and oxygen. And when lymph flow is disrupted, excess fluid accumulates in the tissues of the face, it swells, and the skin becomes loose.

Skin turgor decreases with age. The processes begin at the age of 25, and gradually the skin becomes flabby, wrinkled, thin, and dry.

But age is not the only reason why skin loses its elasticity. There are others too.

TOP 12 reasons for loss of skin elasticity at any age

  1. Incorrect posture.
    Do you slouch and pull your head forward when sitting at the computer? Do you read while lying down? Do you sleep curled up on one side? All this steals youth from your face.
  2. Physical and emotional fatigue.
    Due to stress and heavy workload, the face can become haggard. Pale color with an earthy tint, sunken eyes, folded skin - a familiar portrait?
  3. Eating disorder.
    Harmful, unbalanced, poor or excessive nutrition - all this harms the skin. The body must receive a sufficient amount of nutrients, vitamins, minerals and not an ounce of “food waste”.
  4. Weight fluctuations.
    Due to the accumulation of kilograms, the skin stretches, and as a result of sudden weight loss, it sags.
  5. Cigarettes and alcohol.
    They dry out the skin and deprive it of its protective properties. Have you seen photos of twins, one of whom smokes, the other does not? Look for them on the Internet, they are more eloquent than any words. The smoker's facial skin will be flabby, saggy, wrinkled, gray-sallow, while her twin's will be elastic and fresh.
  6. Physical inactivity.
    A sedentary lifestyle slows down blood circulation, metabolism, nutrition and cell regeneration.
  7. Hormonal imbalances.
    Women's skin reacts especially sensitively to the level of its “beauty hormone” - estrogen. If there is not enough of it, the skin fades. Typically, estrogen production decreases during menopause, but hormonal imbalances also occur at a young age.
  8. Lack of fluid.
    The clean water you drink quickly reaches your skin and gives it the moisture it needs. If you drink little, your skin becomes dry and flabby.
  9. Aggressive external factors: sun, frost, wind, dust, dry air.
    Excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays is especially harmful. They destroy elastin and collagen fibers - the “building” protein on which the youth of the skin depends.
  10. Most cosmetic procedures.
    Any external invasion - plastic surgery, threads, Botox injections, fillers - weanes the skin (as well as other tissues and organs) from working correctly. The external effect of the procedure only lasts for a while, but negative processes occur inside that lead to aging.
  11. Incorrect use of cosmetics.
    You need to monitor the composition of cosmetic products, do not overuse decorative cosmetics, and follow the rules of the daily “cleansing-moisturizing-nutrition” ritual.
  12. Pathological reasons.
    This includes disorders of the nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular systems, gastrointestinal tract, etc.

Top 7. Zeitun Moroccan noon

Rating (2021): 4.53

172 reviews from resources were taken into account: Yandex.Market, Otzovik, IRecommend, Ozon, Wildberries

Natural composition The cream will appeal to those who appreciate naturalness in its composition. There are only oils, plant and berry extracts that trigger natural processes in the skin.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 880 rub.

  • Country Russia
  • Volume: 200 ml
  • Skin type: for all types
  • Effect: lifting, moisturizing, nutrition
  • Shelf life: 3 years

“Zeitun Moroccan Afternoon” is a delightful body cream-oil with a lifting effect. The product deeply moisturizes thanks to natural Shea butter, soothes and tightens the skin. Orange and coconut extracts activate natural collagen production, maintaining skin elasticity and providing anti-aging effects. Licorice enhances regenerative functions and strengthens the vascular network. Separately, users note the unique aroma of the cream; the use of the product is complemented by a pleasant aromatherapy session. With regular use, the tightening effect becomes especially noticeable. The cream is easily absorbed and can be used every day, but please note that it is not used very sparingly.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • High efficiency
  • Good composition, natural ingredients
  • Subtle aroma of essential oils
  • Well absorbed, suitable for daily use
  • Unsustainably spent

When there is a need to improve skin elasticity

When should you start taking care of keeping your skin elastic? If you read the top 12 reasons for loss of elasticity, then you can answer this question yourself. This should always be done.

The girl was recently born, and we are already protecting the baby from the sun, monitoring her nutrition, fluid intake, sleep, posture, and health. We, of course, do not think about any elasticity of the skin, but we are already laying the foundation.

In adolescence, a girl begins to take care of her skin herself - she moves to a conscious stage, but for now it is about maintaining the beauty that nature has given her.

And the new milestone is 25-30 years. At this age, aging mechanisms begin. You need to carefully monitor the condition of your skin on all counts, strengthen your care with anti-aging products, include exercises and self-massage of the face. The sooner you start doing all this, the longer you will maintain your youth.

And it's never too late to start taking care of your face. Natural rejuvenation techniques can make your skin firmer at any age.

How to make facial skin more elastic at home

Nothing will help your skin become elastic like you.

You can, of course, go to a cosmetologist for safe procedures that are not associated with damage to the skin. For example, for some peeling or massage. But it’s not painful to rush into the salon, and care must be constant.

It is much easier and more convenient to independently master anti-aging techniques that will help restore the elasticity of your skin.

Follow three basic rules:

  1. Healthy eating.
    Eat healthy foods, avoid “food waste,” and watch your caloric intake.
  2. Competent cosmetic care.
    Choose the right anti-aging cosmetics or make it yourself from natural ingredients.
  3. Self-massage and exercises.
    Spend 10-15 minutes a day on your face every day. Your hands are the best replacement for injections and scalpels.

Benefits of systemic facial care

Wrinkles are the first sign of aging. The reason for their appearance may be active facial expressions (facial muscles perform more than 15 thousand contractions daily), loss of moisture and collagen. At first, wrinkles appear in the form of so-called crow's feet in the eye area. If you do not perform systematic cosmetic facial care, deeper and more noticeable folds and furrows will form.

Another sign of skin aging is sagging, or ptosis. This phenomenon is a consequence of decreased keratin production in epidermal cells. Plus, the process of sebum formation, a special skin secretion secreted by the sebaceous glands, is disrupted. All this together makes the face dull, flabby and reveals the woman’s true age.

It's not just your face that needs to be taken care of. The skin of the hands also needs protection, because it is this part of the body that most often comes into contact with aggressive cleaning agents, is in the cold and under the scorching sun. Therefore, care should be more thorough. You need to choose not only those cosmetics that provide protection, but also nourishing, moisturizing and rejuvenating hand creams.

The following factors also affect the condition of the skin:

  • Photoaging. This process is caused by damage to the skin from sunlight. It appears in the form of pigment spots on the face, shoulders, and arms.
  • Hormonal changes. During menopause, the female body undergoes a global restructuring. First of all, the level of estrogen decreases, which is responsible for the condition of the skin.

No one is immune from age-related changes. However, you can maintain healthy and glowing skin for a long time if you use systemic cosmetic facial care. This includes a balanced diet, exercise, timely cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing the skin.

What foods help improve skin elasticity?

For youthful and elastic skin, it is useful to consume products containing:

  1. silicon (bran, oats, barley, black bread, potatoes, peppers, celery, onions, radishes, tomatoes, parsley),
  2. iron (buckwheat, egg yolk, oatmeal, liver, rabbit, chicken, veal, lamb),
  3. selenium (whole grain wheat bread, brown rice, coconuts, Brazil nuts, sardines, tuna, liver, garlic, eggs),
  4. zinc (seafood, fish, beef liver and meat, mushrooms, nuts, wheat bran).

Make sure you have plenty of vitamins in your diet. There is no point in talking about the benefits of each of them separately, because to rejuvenate the skin and increase its elasticity, they all are needed: A, B, C, D, E, F, K, N, P, PP.

First of all, vitamins A (retinol), B5 (panthenol), B7 (biotin), B9 (folic acid), C (ascorbic acid), E (tocopherol), F (linoleic acid) are useful for youthful skin.

Top cosmetics for skin elasticity and tone

What do we put on our face?

Products with a large amount of vitamins and fatty acids that are beneficial for skin elasticity. They are found in natural cosmetics: hydrosols, oils, squalane, balms.

You should choose the right products, starting from the first stage of skin care - cleansing. Beauty365 hydrosols are perfect for this.

– natural distillates that are charged with the benefits of plants. Go to www.beauty365.ru and choose lavender, mint or sage hydrosol depending on your skin type. Wipe your face with it instead of washing your face, remove makeup, and moisturize your skin throughout the day.

For more intense hydration and nutrition, use natural products that increase skin elasticity (all of them can be found in the online store www.beauty365.ru):

  • Beauty365 Squalane
    is a lightweight oil option. Absorbs quickly and leaves no residue. Great for moisturizing and nourishing the skin before makeup, as well as for self-massage of the face with vacuum cups.
  • Coconut oil Beauty365
    – a hit in the care of aging skin, a life-giving cocktail for rejuvenation. It is especially recommended for those who have dry and sensitive skin prone to irritation and inflammation.

  • Beauty365 camellia sasanqua oil
    is a unique product containing vitamins A, B, E and fatty acids. It copes well with its anti-aging tasks: moisturizing, regeneration, antioxidant effect. In addition, it helps to whiten age spots - a common defect of aging skin.
  • Hemp balm Verbena Beauty365
    combines the benefits of six plants at once: hemp, coconut, pistachio, shea, calendula, carrots. A powerful charge for skin elasticity. Rejuvenates, nourishes, fights free radicals, promotes moisture retention and cell renewal.

Top 9. BOTAVIKOS Fitness Firming

Rating (2021): 4.45

141 reviews taken into account from resources: Yandex.Market, Otzovik, IRecommend, Ozon, Wildberries

The best choice for those losing weight The cream is recommended for complex use during dieting and active weight loss. In addition, the product allows you to relax and relieve muscle tension after physical activity.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 300 rub.

  • Country Russia
  • Volume: 250 ml
  • Skin type: for all types
  • Effect: elasticity, smoothing, lifting
  • Shelf life: 1 year

BOTAVIKOS is a Russian brand that produces an excellent Fitness Firming body firming cream. This is one of the most popular creams among people who are actively engaged in weight loss. It allows you to complement the process from the outside, moisturize the skin, and has a tightening effect. In addition, the product is recommended by experts as a means to relieve tension and relax muscles after physical activity. BOTAVIKOS is intended for daily care. The cream consists mainly of natural ingredients that penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and have a beneficial effect on its quality. The composition contains a large amount of healthy fatty acids, which is why the cream is poorly absorbed. BOTAVIKOS Fitness Firming is a decent product, but it is not often found on sale.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Natural composition
  • Pleasant smell and texture
  • Quite thick and moisturizes well
  • Economical consumption
  • Poorly absorbed
  • Rarely found on sale

How to use skin firming oils

  1. Oils can be used independently or added to cream.
  2. Before applying the oil, it is recommended to warm up, disperse the blood and lymph, and prepare the skin so that it can better absorb all the vitamins and fatty acids it needs.
    The easiest way is to take a hot bath.

    An amazing effect can be achieved if you perform a dry massage with a brush before applying the oil. It will cleanse the stratum corneum of dead scales, trigger epidermis renewal mechanisms, and increase the movement of blood and lymph.

    We recommend using the Beauty365 dry facial massage brush, which is made of boar bristles. You can find it in the online store www.beauty365.ru.

  3. Apply oils to a clean face morning and evening.
    For the morning, squalane is better, as it is quickly absorbed and leaves no residue. Before going to bed, you can treat yourself to a thicker oil. The most effective way to use oil is in combination with vacuum massage with jars (read about it below).

Top 5. Milky Piggy Super Elastic Bust Cream

Rating (2021): 4.60

249 reviews from resources were taken into account: Yandex.Market, Otzovik, IRecommend, Ozon, Wildberries

The most pronounced tightening effect is Sculptor Cream. The collagen in the composition has a powerful effect, thanks to it the skin is effectively tightened and the result is noticeable after just a few uses.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 1170 rub.

  • Country: South Korea
  • Volume: 100 ml
  • Skin type: for all types
  • Effect: lifting, nutrition, increased elasticity
  • Shelf life: 2 years

Our rating of the best firming body creams would not be complete without Korean brands. The modeling Milky Piggy Super Elastic Bust Cream is positioned as a breast cream, but girls note that it shows amazing results in other areas. It restores elasticity to the skin, tightens it, and supports the natural process of lipid production. There is not only a tightening effect, but also an anti-aging effect. Collagen restores elasticity, fibers help support the skin from the inside and prevent it from deforming. Suitable for all skin types and daily use. Disadvantages include small volume and high cost. However, girls in the reviews note that the product is used very economically.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Economical consumption
  • Anti-aging effect
  • Collagen and beeswax included
  • Nice texture and fragrance
  • Very small volume
  • High price

What masks are there that increase skin elasticity?

In combination with other measures (self-massage, exercise, proper nutrition), homemade face masks will help increase skin elasticity. They can be prepared from simple products that can be found in every kitchen:

  • gelatin,
  • rice,
  • oatmeal,
  • Rye bread,
  • cucumbers,
  • dill,
  • potato,
  • lemon,
  • eggs.

Experience their benefits for yourself.

Recipes for masks for skin elasticity:

  1. Gelatin mask
    Half a tbsp. l. Dissolve gelatin in 3 tbsp. l. hot water and cool. Add 3-5 drops of lemon juice and 1 yolk.
  2. Bread mask
    1 piece of rye bread + a third of a glass of warm milk + 1 tsp. honey
  3. Lemon mask
    5 k lemon juice + 1 tbsp. l. olive oil + 1 yolk.
  4. Oatmeal mask
    2 tbsp. l. oatmeal (pour hot water or milk) + 1 tsp. olive oil + 1 tbsp. l. sour cream.
  5. Potato mask
    1 jacket potato + 1 tsp. sour cream + 1 tsp. vegetable oil. Apply to face while warm and cover with a towel.

Keep the masks on your face for 20 minutes. We do it 2 times a week.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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