GIGI peeling – types and application features


1 procedure – 1500 rub. 3 procedures – 4500 rub.

Chemical peeling GiGi is a salon procedure for superficial cleansing of the epidermis using intense chemical compounds.
When the upper layers of the skin interact with chemical compounds, damage (burn) occurs in order to remove the outer epidermal layer. The procedure is performed only by a cosmetologist. Self-use of aggressive drugs can cause irreparable harm to the skin.

Advantages of GI chemical peels

The Israeli manufacturer produces a line of cosmetics that includes chemical peels, neutralizers, rehabilitation and aftercare products. Peels are made on the basis of glycolic, fruit, salicylic or lactic acid. The composition is additionally enriched with nutritional and moisturizing components, which increases the effectiveness of the procedure and reduces the likelihood of complications to zero.

A wide range of highly effective products allows you to choose a product to solve any cosmetic problem.

Main types of drugs

The Israeli company GIGI has been in the cosmetology market for more than 50 years. Its products are intended for home facial cleansing, rejuvenation, and restoration. Types of preparations for all skin types:

  • line for facial mesotherapy MesoActive;
  • series with NUTRI-PEPTIDE peptides for rejuvenation;
  • cosmetic and pharmaceutical series BIOPLASMA;
  • OXYGEN PRIME with oxygen to restore metabolism;
  • line for women over 40 years old NEW AGE;
  • a series of hypoallergenic cosmetics for sensitive skin Lotus Beauty;
  • preparations for restoring oval shape, tone, eliminating post-acne SNC BIOMARIN with plankton, algae;
  • products with vitamin E;
  • anti-pigmentation line ESTER C with vitamin C.

This is interesting! Gigi also offers products for oily and dry skin. The DERMA CLEAR, Solar Energy, Lipacid, AROMA ESSENCE series have been developed for women with problem skin. The manufacturer also has its own line of decorative cosmetics and sunscreens.

Facial peeling from Gigi (Medic, Krotonic, Glykopure, Recovery) is produced in whole series, they include post-peel care for rehabilitation and healing. After regular use of the products, the pores are cleansed of excess sebum, the appearance of post-acne is reduced, and the complexion is evened out.

Medic peel

Medic peel lotion is used for mid-face cleansing. Depending on the purpose of its use, you can purchase anti-aging, whitening, anti-inflammatory peeling.

  1. Whitening peel. It contains a combination of fruit, lactic, acetic, kojic acids, hydroquinone, and antioxidants.
  2. Acne peel. The product contains retinoic, salicylic, lactic, phytic acids, antioxidants, disinfectants, and anti-inflammatory components.
  3. Derma peel. Contains croton oil, TCA, BHA, AHA, antioxidants.

The home procedure for cleansing and treating the skin takes place without a rehabilitation period. Depending on the amount of product applied and the duration of exposure of the product, its depth is adjusted.

Krotonic peel

Peeling in this series is a unique product thanks to croton oil. The main component enhances the cleaning efficiency, nourishes the skin, protects it from dehydration and loss of elasticity. The composition also contains phenol, acids, bearberry extract, and Dead Sea minerals.

Crotonic can be used on the delicate skin around the eyes and lips. Its action is aimed at reducing post-acne, age-related hyperpigmentation, and wrinkles. GIGI peeling is suitable for exfoliation and restoration of water-lipid balance.

Glykopure peel

Glycopur consists of 6 stages that must be completed sequentially. Thanks to a multi-step approach, a woman receives cleansing and rejuvenation without side effects. Each product can also be used separately. It is based on fruit, lactic acids, acidopholus, retinol.

Croton peeling and GIGI Glycopure penetrate deeply into the skin, delivering nourishing, protective, anti-inflammatory elements. Glycopur replaces cosmetic procedures and fights the following dermatological diseases: rosacea, seborrhea, hyperkeratosis, pigmentation. Girls with post-acne and scars use the product to reduce scars and even out tone.

Kava peeling

Kava peeling is recommended for women over 35 years of age. The procedure is carried out in the autumn-winter period, and can be used as part of the Glycopur program. Thanks to the extract of the plant of the pepper family, kava-kava, the product has an anti-aging effect. Auxiliary elements: urea, glycolic, citric, salicylic acid.

After regular facial cleansing with Gigi peeling, elasticity increases, complexion is evened out, warts and papillomas are partially removed. When mid-cleansing the face, slight peeling may occur.

Multi-peeling SNC

Multi-peeling from GIGI is suitable for all skin types. Its action is aimed at solving dermatological problems, improving the regeneration of the dermis, and eliminating age-related changes. In addition to acid, the product contains plankton extract, urea, and biosulfur.

The lotion can be used even on sensitive skin. After the procedure, the result is immediately noticeable: pores are cleansed, smooth and even skin, elimination of flaking. Thanks to the normalization of the sebaceous glands, inflammation and blackheads disappear. Can be used before cosmetic peeling.

Enzymatic peeling gel

Enzyme peeling is used to cleanse the face and is also an excellent massage product. When applied to the skin, fruit acids destroy the keratinized layer of cells, the active components penetrate deep into the layers of the dermis, destroying accumulations of melanin and sebum.

During the procedure, the gel becomes a non-greasy massage oil that provides glide for 30-60 minutes. Thanks to this, you can cleanse your face at home and then improve blood circulation. Regular use of the gel will improve the condition of the skin, increase its elasticity, and smooth out small expression wrinkles.

Retinol forte

Retinol peeling from Gigi is a series of cosmetic products that includes: soap, lotion, night cream, brightening agent, PTSA peeling, cleansing mask. The main component of the line is retinol, which fights age-related changes, acne, and excessive dryness.

Products are prescribed as pre-peeling care 2-3 weeks before the procedure. Daily washing and moisturizing of the face helps normalize metabolic processes. For young girls, the use of soaps and creams is sufficient. In the presence of dermatological diseases, a full course of Retinoid A peeling is recommended, ending with salon cleaning.

Procedure sequence

  1. Removing makeup and impurities from the surface of the epidermis.
  2. Degreasing and disinfection of skin.
  3. Uniform distribution of chemical composition.
  4. Throughout the procedure, the cosmetologist monitors the skin's response to the product.
  5. Neutralization of peeling and cleansing the skin of its residues.
  6. The procedure ends with the application of soothing, restorative and protective agents.
  7. Removing makeup and degreasing skin with alcohol-containing compounds.

The result of the procedure will be noticeable after the skin is completely restored.

Features of application

Peeling from the company GI is used both in salons and at home. The procedure time depends on the product line, skin condition and type. For those with sensitive skin, the preparations are introduced gradually, the first cleansing takes place in one layer.

Stages of use of most GIGI drugs:

  1. Preparation. Cleansing the face from impurities with special soap, milk, lotion. For problem skin (acne, scars, pigmentation), it is treated with retinol.
  2. Application. The product is distributed in a thin layer, and after it has completely dried, a new layer is added.
  3. Removing the film. The dried mixture is removed after it has completely crystallized.

After cleaning, it is forbidden to use decorative and skincare cosmetics for 24 hours. Therefore, it is better to apply peeling on Saturday. After 5 days, severe peeling appears on the face, the skin falls off in patches. It should not be torn off or touched with hands, otherwise the epidermis may be damaged. At home, use the products 1-2 times a week, the duration of exposure is no longer than 10 minutes.

Chemical peeling GiGi in St. Petersburg

The Juvise Center for Laser and Aesthetic Cosmetology uses GiGi cosmetics, the best in its segment and which have passed mandatory certification, to carry out chemical peelings.

Juvise takes care of the health of patients, therefore it is responsible in the choice of methods and means for treatment. The Center’s specialists are highly qualified, but continue to improve thanks to an established process of training and advanced training. The rooms are equipped with the most advanced equipment, which helps to carry out care and treatment procedures at the proper level.

All methods for providing cosmetology services meet the requirements of maximum safety and effectiveness. According to customer reviews, Juvise specialists demonstrate professionalism in their work.

Company Description

The GIGI Cosmetic Laboratories brand was founded in 1957 by biochemist-pharmacologist Eliezer Landau in Israel. The scientist managed to bring to life numerous developments based on centuries of experience in non-traditional medical fields (various decoctions, mash based on natural raw materials). Landau managed to combine folk recipes with advanced technologies based on scientific methods. The basis of GIGI brand products is high-quality natural raw materials. The manufacturer directed maximum attention to the development of products for problematic, aging skin.

More than half a century of existence of the brand has made it possible to bring products to the world market; the brand is valued by cosmetologists and end consumers. GIGI produces decorative, preventive and therapeutic cosmetics. The company produces more than 20 lines of cosmeceutical products containing over 300 product items.

Note! GI regularly supplies drug samples to the world's leading laboratories for clinical trials and confirmation of compliance with high international quality standards. Many GIGI brand products are considered unique and have no direct analogues.

Pros and cons of the line

Most GiGi products, as with their Obagi counterparts, are intended for professional use. This is both a plus and a minus of the drugs. The positive side is the high quality of procedures performed by a cosmetologist. Negative point for consumers of services: increased cost of intervention. Analogues of yellow, salicylic, glycolic peeling can be performed with no less quality, but at a lower price.

GI products are recommended to be preferred by those who have tried a lot of options, but could not solve the existing problem. GIGI brand peelings in the skillful hands of a cosmetologist always give positive results.

We must not forget that a single procedure rarely brings the desired results. To maintain the effect, you will need to review your care regimen. This is always a considerable expense.


The main active ingredient of this product from the line of the Israeli brand is croton oil. Its unique composition ensures deep cleansing, saturates cells with the necessary amount of moisture, and reliably protects against dryness and loss of natural elasticity. Additional ingredients that enhance the effectiveness of GiGi Croton Peel are glycolic acid, Dead Sea extracts and phenol.

The advantage of the product is that it can even be used in the eye and lip area. Cosmetologists claim that peeling is aimed at eliminating unwanted pigmentation, lightening post-acne spots, reducing the number of wrinkles, and also helps restore natural water balance. During the use of GiGi peeling, according to customer reviews, a slight burning sensation may appear, which indicates that the cosmetic product is working intensively.

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