Anti-wrinkle creams at the pharmacy. Rating of the Top 10 best inexpensive products for the skin around the eyes, mouth, forehead. Reviews

Not all women can afford professional cosmetics or regular visits to a cosmetologist to eliminate the first signs of aging (wrinkles, decreased tone, age spots, etc.). In this case, various pharmaceutical products will help. When used at home, such preparations help smooth out wrinkles and maintain a clear facial contour. However, it is recommended to consult a specialist first.
  • Means for the prevention of age-related changes
  • Levomekol ointment
  • Calendula ointment
  • Purelan
  • Contractubex
  • Bepanten
  • Vishnevsky ointment
  • Actovegin
  • Fleming's ointment
  • Solcoseryl
  • For lifting and improving skin tone
      Methyluracil ointment
  • Balm “Golden Star”
  • Hydrocortisone ointment
  • Products for aging skin prone to inflammation
  • Ichthyol ointment
  • Sulfuric ointment
  • Salicylic ointment peeling
  • Chlorophyllipt
  • Curiosin
  • Zinc ointment
  • Benefits of pharmacy creams and ointments

    Pharmacy products that are purchased for body and face care can be developed for completely different purposes and cost much less than popular anti-wrinkle creams developed by advertised professional cosmetic brands.

    However, this does not make them any less effective. Their advantage is determined by the characteristics of their composition: they contain useful vitamins and substances that can heal and nourish.

    Anti-wrinkle creams sold in pharmacies without a prescription

    Anti-wrinkle creams from pharmacies have an effect on the deep layers of the epidermis, since their texture is very light and the composition is quickly absorbed into the skin.

    Using pharmacy creams and ointments, you can:

    • relieve any inflammation;
    • strengthen the hydrolipid mantle of facial skin;
    • accelerate cell regeneration;
    • save your budget on visiting salons and purchasing other products;
    • get quick and noticeable results;
    • ensure 100% safety for facial skin.

    To exclude an allergy to the drug, a test is performed by applying a drop of cream to the wrist and waiting 10 minutes. If there is no reaction in the form of itching or redness, you can apply the ointment to your face.

    Ointment Radevit for rejuvenation

    The ointment is intended to eliminate dermatological diseases. Radevit contains vitamins useful for skin rejuvenation: A, E, D. This product, unlike other similar ones, is completely natural. It improves the structure of the skin, smooths out wrinkles, and refreshes the face. Use the ointment in the morning and in the evening apply to the skin with massaging movements. Use Radevit for no longer than 1.5 months. With an overdose of vitamin A and E, the natural protection of the skin is disrupted, and new problems may be added to existing problems. Sometimes there is a feeling that the skin stops breathing after applying this drug to the face.

    Cosmetologist Anastasia Melnikova

    “Radevit ointment is sold in a pharmacy, it contains a large amount of vitamins necessary for the skin (E, D, A) and minimal auxiliary ones (water, glycerin, petroleum jelly, ethyl alcohol). Radevit is an antipruritic and dermatoprotective agent, relieves symptoms of inflammation. Pharmacy cream is used for dermatosis, seborrhea, psoriasis, to normalize regeneration processes, as a preventative against skin aging. Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant that prevents aging, so wrinkles do not appear longer. But an overdose of vitamin A causes irritation and redness. Do not apply cream to the area around the eyes; this will lead to swelling and tearing. It is contraindicated to use Radevit during the daytime; the absence of an ultraviolet filter provokes pigmentation. The product will not eliminate existing wrinkles on the face, but if you start using Radevit, the aging process can be delayed.”

    Pharmacy chains offer an improved analogue of the ointment - Radevit Active. The composition is the same, but D3 is used instead of vitamin D. Vitamin D3 prevents photoaging and helps the skin remain firm and elastic.


    This drug exists in several forms: nourishing cream and eye cream.

    They contain vitamins, minerals, vegetable oils, hyaluronic acid and saturated acids.

    1. Thanks to the content of vitamins A and E, facial skin remains youthful for as long as possible.
    2. Hyaluronic acid nourishes the skin with moisture.

    The nourishing cream softens, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, gives the face a vigorous appearance, and slows down the aging of the skin. You need to use it every day. When used regularly, eye cream will help improve skin elasticity and fill out crow's feet.

    Based on the reviews, most women are satisfied with the effect of using Libriderm. The average cost of face cream is 650 rubles.

    What procedures are indicated for static wrinkles?

    Static wrinkles, as mentioned above, are an imprint of the years lived and various conditions of the body - from the effects of excessive exposure to the sun to experiments with diets.

    For static wrinkles, the popular Botox will only soften them, but will not make them go away completely. Therefore, deep static wrinkles must be treated with a combination of Botox and intradermal filler. The latter include drugs such as, for example, Restylane, Juvederm and Perlane.


    is the general name of a line of drugs for biorevitalization and contouring developed by Q-Med laboratories. This Swedish company is part of the Galderma holding, which occupies a leading position in the field of aesthetic and anti-aging cosmetology.

    All Restylane fillers have a common feature - they use biosynthesized hyaluronic acid of the highest purity. This eliminates the presence of protein impurities and guarantees the absence of allergic or inflammatory reactions. These drugs do not disrupt the natural metabolic processes in the skin, but, on the contrary, optimize them.

    To smooth out wrinkles and folds on the forehead, a basic ruler filler is usually used. The duration of the effect depends on the specific filler (primarily on its density) and ranges from 6-8 months to 1.5-2 years. Thanks to the innovative development of Q-Med specialists, biodegradation, that is, the resorption of the drug and its removal from the body, does not cause an immediate decrease in the effect. Hyaluronic acid is structured in such a way that when it breaks down, its molecules are actively replaced by water molecules. This ensures the prolonged action of each filler.


    is also a whole line of dermal fillers from the American company Allergan. By the way, this company is also engaged in the production of Botox.

    A distinctive feature of Juvederm fillers is the high concentration of hyaluronic acid. Therefore, these drugs are used in cases where a powerful, most pronounced effect is required. Fillers are a transparent gel of varying densities, produced in disposable syringes for intradermal injections. The effect of fillers lasts up to 1.5 years.

    If wrinkles are very pronounced, then Perlane is used.

    . This is also, like Restylane, a product of the Swedish company Q-med. Due to its high density, it takes longer to absorb than other hyaluronic acid fillers. The effect of its administration occurs immediately after the procedure and lasts for a year or longer - up to two years.

    When creating Perline filler, scientists used a special technique for stabilizing hyaluronic acid. As a result, the resorption of Perlane filler does not reduce, but increases the moisture content in the skin. This process is accompanied by the replacement of filler molecules with water molecules.

    With the help of Perlane, you can not only smooth out deep wrinkles, skin creases, folds, but also improve the oval of the face, the contours and volume of the cheeks, cheekbones, and chin. At A Clinic, this filler is actively used not only for the face, but also for the neck. The only area where its use is not recommended is the area around the eyes. In these areas, the skin is very thin and delicate, so only light formulas can be used here, and the use of a viscous, dense gel is not advisable.

    Hydrocortisone ointment

    This product contains hydrocortisone acetate. It helps improve skin quality. The ointment inhibits the aging process and is “Botox without injections.” Since this drug is hormonal, it cannot be used without consulting a doctor, otherwise it can harm the skin and lead to atrophy.

    It is recommended to use the ointment for no more than 2 weeks in a row. It is best to take a break after 1 week so as not to cause the skin to become addictive.

    Women in their reviews say that the product can cause an allergic reaction or cause hair growth, since it is hormonal. Some were actually able to get the expected result, but the ointment did not suit everyone. The cost of the ointment varies from 35 to 45 rubles.


    You can find different reviews of Retinoic ointment online. Young people note the effect declared by the manufacturer - acne disappears. Older women confirm that the product helps smooth out shallow wrinkles. Users express their opinion about unpleasant sensations at the beginning of use - tightness and burning.

    Reviews from cosmetologists about Retinoic ointment for wrinkles indicate that if you use the product correctly, discomfort will be minimized. The composition perfectly smoothes out unevenness, eliminates acne, and improves skin structure.

    Salicylic ointment

    Salicylic ointment is best used in the fight against fine wrinkles. Salicylic acid penetrates deep into the skin, burns damaged cells, and then opens pores. Salicylic acid works best in combination with other drugs, such as glycerin.

    Judging by the reviews, women are satisfied with this ointment, and it really has a rejuvenating effect, but only when wrinkles have just begun to appear. The cost of salicylic ointment in a pharmacy is less than 30 rubles.

    Causes of static wrinkles

    • Age-related changes (natural decrease in the amount of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid in the skin over the years);
    • Passion for tanning (solarium, prolonged exposure to the sun);
    • Aggressive environment (frost, wind, dust);
    • Heredity, individual characteristics of the body;
    • Lifestyle (smoking, lack of sleep, chronic fatigue);
    • Unbalanced diet, adherence to strict diets, frequent hunger strikes;
    • Lack of proper skin care.

    Different methods are used to correct different types of wrinkles.

    Heparin ointment

    The ointment is not intended to combat wrinkles. It reduces blood clotting and fights the formation of blood clots. The product contains heparin.

    Also included:

    • Peach oil;
    • stearin;
    • petrolatum;
    • glycerol;
    • nipagin.

    These components nourish the skin, protect it, moisturize and smooth it, and also eliminate swelling, so the ointment can be used to get rid of wrinkles. During application, heparin penetrates deep into the skin, then the remaining components begin to act, due to which wrinkles are evened out, the skin is nourished with useful substances, and the complexion improves.

    In their reviews, women complain of redness of the skin after using this drug, so it is best to use it as prescribed by a doctor. If the desire to try this ointment is great, then you need to use it before bed so that the redness goes away overnight. Heparin ointment in a pharmacy costs no more than 100 rubles.

    Wrinkle relief

    They say that Relief cream has long established itself as a good remedy for wrinkles and easily restores aging skin. The composition includes shark oil, which promotes cell regeneration and compaction of epidermal tissue. Even celebrities use this cream to eliminate bags, dark circles under the eyes after a long flight, lack of sleep, climate change, and eating disorders. The drug is applied to the skin in the morning and evening. The duration of one course is no more than three months. I read some reviews from surgeons and proctologists in which they are very surprised that hemorrhoid ointment is used on the face to get rid of wrinkles. Numerous reviews from readers of online magazines, on the contrary, indicate the effective action of the product for eliminating bruises, bags under the eyes and wrinkles. Who is right, doctors or forum users?

    Cosmetologist Anastasia Melnikova

    “Relief is designed to constrict blood vessels. Used to eliminate the symptoms of hemorrhoids and varicose veins. If you know that hemorrhoids are varicose veins, it becomes clear why the ointment seems to be used for various diseases. A thin network of blood vessels on the face and décolleté (rosacea), which appears on aging skin, is also varicose veins. If this problem is neglected, rosacea degenerates into erysipelas, and this is no longer pleasant. Relief treats varicose veins, which means rosacea. The ointment quickly eliminates the vascular pattern on the skin. After using it, the face looks attractive, but the product does not help smooth out wrinkles.”

    Retinoic ointment

    With its help you can increase skin elasticity and get rid of wrinkles. The composition of retinoic ointment includes isotretinoin, and the excipients are petroleum jelly, water, glycerin, ethyl alcohol, dibunol and butyloxyanisole.

    Isotretinoin is considered a form of vitamin A. Vitamin A accelerates skin regeneration, regulates skin oiliness, fights flaking and treats inflammation. The ointment should be used after 30 years. Thanks to it, the upper layers of the skin are renewed and collagen synthesis is activated.

    It is better to use the ointment no more than 3 times every 7 days after washing, after 20 minutes. If the skin does not become irritated and red, you can increase the intensity of use of the ointment. It can replace night cream.

    The course of using retinoic ointment should not exceed 12 weeks. The most optimal duration of use is 8-9 weeks.

    While using the ointment, you should not go to the solarium or sunbathe. It is also prohibited to wipe the skin with alcohol or apply scrubs. Many women write in their reviews that retinoic ointment is very effective, so you can safely use it in the fight against wrinkles, but it is important to ensure that you do not overdo it with its use, since this is a medicinal product.

    The cost of the drug in pharmacies varies from 250 rubles to 450.

    Pharmacy ointments

    But also more expensive, of course. That is why more and more women are experimenting with pharmaceutical ointments. Indeed, why are they worse than cosmoceuticals? They contain a concentration of active ingredients, and no fragrances that do not affect the skin in the best way. And you don’t have to pay extra for a beautiful box.

    Large selection of pharmaceutical ointments

    What ointments can be used instead of the usual creams and serums?

    Firstly, they contain retinol - a serious weapon in the fight against dry skin, expression lines, age spots and premature aging.

    Retinoic ointment

    Release form of retinoic ointment

    Judging by the reviews on various women's forums, the palm in this group belongs to this product. As the name suggests, the main component in its composition is vitamin A. In Retinoic ointment, it is present in the form of isotretinoin, and this is perhaps the easiest form for the skin to absorb.

    Retinoic ointment is most often recommended for various types of acne and dermatitis. But no one forbids using it to combat aging. After all, isotretinoin is actively involved in the synthesis of collagen fibers, “repairs” cells damaged by free radicals, which leads to increased skin turgor and smoothing of wrinkles. The ointment also works as a gentle peeling, exfoliating dead particles of the epidermis, giving the face a smooth, well-groomed appearance.

    However, it should be remembered that the product is too rich in retinol and its use requires caution, otherwise, instead of benefit, the face will receive pigmentation and redness.


    Release form Radevit ointment

    The appearance of this product on pharmacy shelves caused a real sensation among women. Dermatologists prescribe the combined drug Radevit for eczema, erosion, ichthyosis and many other skin diseases. In addition, the ointment is credited with broad anti-aging capabilities. They say that it contains such generous doses of vitamins A, E and D that Radevit easily eliminates wrinkles and even tightens the “swollen” contours of the cheeks.

    However, not everything is so simple. Due to certain absorption characteristics of retinol palmitate (it is this, and not pure retinol, that is included in the formula of the product), the active components of Radevit penetrate only into the upper layers of the skin. This is enough to save your face from dryness and irritation, refresh it, improve color and tone. But the drug is unlikely to get rid of wrinkles.


    Release form Differin ointment

    This ointment is based on a synthetic, but very productive analogue of the same retinoic acid. The ointment is designed specifically for the treatment of stubborn acne, but is also used as a peeling and wrinkle prevention agent.

    The advantages of Differin are that the synthetic substitute for retinoic acid does not make the skin photosensitive, like real retinol. Therefore, Differin can be used all year round, at any time - after the first applications, the skin will become smoother and cleaner.


    Prescribed for those with hemorrhoids. But many beauties claim that this is an excellent cosmetic product.

    Relief ointment release form

    Judge for yourself, Relief contains not only a vasoconstrictor component, but also shark liver oil, cocoa butter, corn and thyme, vitamin E, and glycerin.

    Shark oil is a very valuable product, rich in squalene and fatty acids, vitamins important for the skin. This alone is a good reason to move Relief from the first aid kit to the cosmetic bag. Those who did this claim that the ointment, moreover, retains moisture in the skin, making the network of wrinkles less noticeable and the oval of the face clearer.

    Zinc ointment

    Release form: zinc ointment

    One of the oldest medicines, which was used by our grandmothers. It was used to treat anything: from diaper rash in babies to bedsores in the elderly. It perfectly dries wounds and cracks, so it is successfully used for herpes, eczema and even trophic ulcers.

    And in recent years, people are increasingly talking about the cosmetic power of zinc ointment.

    It is clear that the main active “person” in the composition of the drug is zinc - an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory substance. But besides this, zinc oxide delicately exfoliates the stratum corneum of the epidermis, corrects the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and has a positive effect on the secretion of collagen, which ultimately improves skin texture and makes wrinkles less prominent.


    Release form curiosin gel

    Light, colorless gel, a combination of zinc and hyaluronic acid. They remove various rashes and accelerate the healing of wounds and bedsores.

    The pharmaceutical product is also widely used in home cosmetics. Nothing surprising, however, because both main ingredients, zinc and hyaluronic acid, are real knights-protectors of our skin. The first organizes the work of the sebaceous glands, eliminates inflammation, and the second retains moisture in the epidermis. The result is a clean, noticeably refreshed, toned face.

    By the way, those who use curiasion as a cosmetic gel are advised to also mix vitamin solutions, aloe juice, essential oils into it - that is, enrich it with useful “supplements” at your discretion.


    Release form blefarogel

    There are two types, for the treatment of inflammation and demodicosis of the eyelids. And women are inspired to use it instead of cosmetics by hyaluronic acid, which is contained in both types of gel.

    Reviews about this use are different: some praise the drug and convince them that it “transforms the skin,” but there are also many who are disappointed. Especially if we are talking about blefarogel-2, which, in addition to the miracle acid, also contains sulfur.

    Indomethacin ointment

    One of the most underrated drugs in cosmetology.

    Release form: indomethacin ointment

    Perhaps, indomethacin is familiar only to those who have had radiculitis, myositis, ligament or tendon injuries. After all, it is a strong anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous and analgesic agent, which does not contain vitamins or substances beneficial to the skin. However, Indomethacin ointment is a real “magic wand” for those who are tormented by subcutaneous acne, the most unpleasant and painful type of rash. Since the papule is located deep under the skin, it is useless to lubricate such pimples with drying, disinfectant solutions: they only burn the top, thin layer of skin without penetrating to the source of inflammation.

    This is where Indomethacin in the form of an ointment comes to the rescue. It is soaked to a sufficient depth and quickly, within several hours, suppresses inflammation. If you apply ointment to even a noticeable pimple in the evening, by the morning only a small bump without redness or pain will remain, which will soon resolve.


    We are talking about an ointment; in medicine it is used to heal “difficult”, old wounds. But many people apply it to their face, claiming that the ointment is “almost like Botox.” Can you believe this?

    Release form: solcoseryl ointment

    The drug is produced from purified, processed calf blood. The main active ingredient is a biological stimulant that restores damaged tissue, improves blood circulation in the capillaries, due to which ulcers heal and wounds heal. And also, as many testify, the depth of wrinkles decreases and the elasticity of the skin increases if solcoseryl ointment is applied to the face in the form of a mask.

    This cheap remedy is especially effective when paired with dimexide, a solution that promotes the penetration of medicinal microelements into the deeper layers.

    First, the face is moistened with a drop of dimexide diluted in water (proportions of at least 1:10), and a layer of solcoseryl is applied on top. It is believed that this procedure is a cheap home replacement for Botox injections.


    Release form sinaflan ointment

    The medicine is serious, because it belongs to glucocorteroid, that is, hormonal drugs. Glucocorteroids are very important and, one might say, ubiquitous hormones of the adrenal glands, which “can do”, if not everything, then a lot. They “manage” blood pressure, rhythmic functioning of the heart and liver, glucose levels, potassium and calcium balance, protect the body from stress, influence the blood formula and much, much more. Hormonal therapy in medicine is used when other means are powerless: sinaflan ointment, for example, relieves the most severe, aggressive eczema. Just a few minutes after its application, the wounds become lighter, swelling, itching and pain decrease.

    Doctors do not recommend using Sinaflan ointment for purely cosmetic purposes: these are not toys. However, there are situations when you have to use “heavy artillery”. Let's say you have a very important date, and dermatitis, irritation, or spider veins appear on the tip of your nose or cheek. In such cases, a drop of Sinaflan ointment will help out: a little on the site of redness. And now it is almost invisible. The main thing is to resort to such a “help” as rarely as possible.

    Balm “Golden Star”

    Release form balm golden star

    Remember the famous queen of Soviet pharmacies, in a round tin, “Zvezdochka”? So, Vietnamese balm remains famous, but now also because it is increasingly used by women as a cosmetic potion.

    In a miniature jar you won’t find super-effective components, but there are no harmful substances either: “Zvezdochka” contains various oils, plant extracts, formic acid and petroleum jelly. Apply a thin layer of fragrant ointment and keep it on the face like a mask. Don’t expect a miracle, but the result will be the same: medicinal oils are a good toner for aging skin.

    Zinc ointment

    The active ingredient of the ointment is zinc oxide. Additional substances are petroleum jelly and lanolin.

    Thanks to zinc oxide, collagen production is stimulated, so the skin becomes elastic and wrinkles are smoothed out. The ointment also protects against ultraviolet rays, which are one of the main causes of skin aging.

    The drug should be applied to the skin no more than 3 times in 7 days. You can use it for 3 weeks, no more. Next, you need to take a break for 30 days, after which the course is allowed to be repeated.

    Women in the reviews say that the ointment is effective and wrinkles really disappear, but it is better to apply the composition in combination with a moisturizer, since zinc ointment dries out the skin. The cost of zinc ointment in pharmacies is no more than 100 rubles. The average price is 77 rubles.


    An anti-wrinkle cream in a pharmacy called Bepanten contains vitamin B5. This vitamin restores the skin from the inside. When using Bepanten, you can achieve rapid healing of wounds, as well as speed up metabolic processes.

    The cream has a comprehensive effect on the skin. After application, a chemical reaction occurs, due to which the active component becomes panthenolic acid and regenerates tissue. After a full course of use, collagen structures are strengthened, blood circulation improves, and metabolism is normalized.

    Bepanten should be used no more than 3 times a day. It is important to cleanse your skin before using it. Avoid getting the cream into your eyes. In the reviews, women confirm the effectiveness of the drug Bepanten and are surprised at the positive results from use. The cream in pharmacies costs around 800 rubles.


    Actovegin anti-wrinkle cream is available in various forms - ointment, gel, injections, dragees and cream. All of them can be purchased at the pharmacy.

    The active ingredient is a complex that is obtained from the blood of calves. The composition also contains cetyl alcohol, glycerin and other useful substances.

    The cream accelerates regeneration by activating metabolic processes at the cellular level and normalizing the supply of oxygen and glucose .

    Before applying the cream to your face, you need to cleanse your skin. Next, Actovegin should be applied in a thin layer, performing a small self-massage. After half an hour or an hour, you need to blot your skin with a dry cloth, ridding it of any remnants of the drug. You should use the cream no more than 2 times a day.

    Many women report that Actovegin can be used in combination with other drugs. Thanks to the resulting mixture, better results are achieved and wrinkles are smoothed out. The cost of Actovegin in pharmacies varies from 500 rubles to 1500.

    Means for the prevention of age-related changes

    The appearance of wrinkles and deterioration of skin condition are associated not only with age, heredity, but also with lifestyle. Lack of physical activity, excessive consumption of fast carbohydrates, and insufficient care accelerate the aging process.

    Lifestyle changes and the use of pharmaceutical products will help stop this process.


    Panthenol is able to restore skin after various burns and injuries. Vitamin B5 contained in its composition accelerates tissue restoration several times. Regular use of the product prevents premature aging. If your skin is oily, it is recommended to use Panthenol in the form of a spray. It has a lighter texture and does not clog pores.

    The product is applied to the face in a thin layer. It is recommended to do a light massage to deeply penetrate the beneficial substances into the epidermis. Duration of use is a month, then the skin should rest for 10-14 days.

    Levomekol ointment

    Levomekol is a complex remedy that is used to treat wounds. He contains:

    • Levomecithin . Fights most pathogenic microorganisms and heals the skin.
    • Polyethylene oxide . A hydrophilic substance that is additionally capable of drawing out impurities from the pores.
    • Methyluracil. Enhances cell regeneration.

    Levomekol is suitable for rejuvenating oily skin with inflammation. For dry types, the drug promotes even greater dehydration of the dermis. It is recommended to use the product once a day for 2 weeks.

    Calendula ointment

    Calendula has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, which cleanses the skin and reduces swelling. The rejuvenating effect is ensured due to the complex effect of all components (calendula extract, flavonoids, essential oils).

    The ointment should be applied to a clean face every 3 days, and after 15-20 minutes, remove excess with a paper napkin.


    Purelan contains lanolin, which is a natural moisturizer with a healing effect. In medicine, this remedy is used to treat cracks (including during breastfeeding), microtraumas, neurodermatitis and skin dehydration. When using the drug in facial care, it fights age-related changes and lack of elasticity of the epidermis. Purelan rarely causes allergic reactions because it does not contain lanolin alcohol.

    Apply the ointment 2 times a day for a long time. Expression wrinkles are smoothed out, peeling disappears. Purelan can be used for chapped lips.


    Contractubex, in addition to its main purpose of dissolving scars and scars, prevents the loss of skin tone. Each component of the ointment has a specific effect on the cells of the epidermis:

    • Heparin. Relieves swelling, stimulates cell regeneration.
    • Onion extract. Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
    • Allantoin. Increases cell regeneration and oxygen metabolism.

    Contractubex stimulates the production of collagen and elastin fibers.

    The gel is allowed to be used daily for a course of 2 weeks with a break of 1 month. The product is well absorbed without leaving any traces.


    Bepanten has a pronounced restorative and regenerating effect due to the content of vitamin B5, which helps accelerate metabolic processes in the dermis. After application to the face, the vitamin is synthesized into panthenolic acid, which helps strengthen collagen fibers.

    To get rid of wrinkles, Bepanten is applied 2-3 times a day. The course is a month with a break of 2 weeks.

    Vishnevsky ointment

    Liniment contains castor oil and birch tar. This composition has a softening, drying and antiseptic effect. Vishnevsky ointment starts the regeneration process in the deep layers of the dermis. Masks with this product are indicated for tired, dull and aged skin, and the presence of age spots.

    The ointment should be applied in a thin layer to the face and covered with two layers of gauze with slits for the eyes. Wash off after an hour. It is also recommended to apply the product only to problem areas 2 times a week for 1-2 months.


    Actovegin has a unique composition. Its active substance is dialysate from the blood of calves. Under the influence of Actovegin, cell regeneration accelerates, elasticity is restored, and the epidermis receives more oxygen.

    To achieve the best effect, the ointment is applied 2 times a day. It is recommended to refrain from using cosmetics for at least an hour, since makeup clogs pores and prevents the flow of nutrients. The course of treatment is 3 weeks with a break of a month, since Actovegin can cause allergies.

    Fleming's ointment

    This is a homeopathic remedy with a multicomponent composition intended for the treatment of rhinitis, dermatitis, and varicose veins. Fleming's ointment includes extracts of calendula, witch hazel, and horse chestnut. They soothe irritated skin with inflammation, and also improve blood circulation in the dermis.

    It is recommended to apply the ointment 3 times a week a month in a thick layer, which must be washed off with warm water after 30-40 minutes. It is allowed to conduct several courses per year.


    The main purpose of Solcoseryl is wound healing. At the same time, the remedy:

    • nourishes the skin;
    • increases the flow of oxygen and blood;
    • increases collagen production.

    To obtain a rejuvenating effect, it is recommended to use the following mask once a week:

    1. Mix Dimexide with water in a ratio of 1:10.
    2. Apply the resulting mixture to clean skin and leave until dry.
    3. Apply Solcoseryl for 1 hour, periodically sprinkling the product with water to prevent drying.
    4. Remove the remains with a napkin.


    The ointment contains a concentrate from the blood of calves. It starts regeneration processes thanks to natural protein, which helps deliver oxygen to all cells.

    The drug is able to rejuvenate by activating metabolic processes inside cells and producing collagen in skin cells.

    Women who share their impressions of using the drug say that they are very satisfied. They note that after using the drug, the skin becomes velvety, elastic and toned. It is best to add Solcoseryl to face masks. The cost of Solcoseryl is on average 250 rubles.


    The manufacturer does not provide for the use of Relief anti-wrinkle ointment. However, according to reviews from cosmetologists, even stars use this product to smooth out their skin.

    The ointment has a white-yellow tint and has a characteristic aroma, which is determined by its composition. The ingredients used in the preparation of the ointment are oil obtained from shark liver (only in American-made ointments) and phenylephrine hydrochloride.

    The oil has regenerative properties, perfectly nourishes the skin, fills it with moisture, as a result of which wrinkles are smoothed out, and prevents the appearance of black circles under the eyes.

    And the main chemical substance constricts blood vessels, prevents swelling and edema from appearing, and stimulates blood circulation in the skin.

    Additional components that also have an effect on reducing the number of wrinkles include glycerin, thyme oil, cocoa, vitamins A and E. The ointment is applied to the face with massage movements, removing excess with a napkin. If the wrinkles are deep, then, on the contrary, you need to apply a thick layer of ointment to the wrinkles and seal the area with an adhesive plaster. After half an hour, the ointment must be removed from the face.

    According to reviews, the ointment is especially helpful if the wrinkles are small, but in advanced cases the effect will be, but not so significant.

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    This drug, according to reviews, is increasingly being purchased not to eliminate the problems it is intended to combat (treatment of styes, swelling of the eyelids, diseases of the eye system), but to combat wrinkles.

    It contains aloe juice, hyaluronic acid and glycerin. Aloe juice has anti-inflammatory properties, hyaluronic acid retains moisture in the deep layers of the skin, and glycerin additionally moisturizes.

    The drug should not be used if you are prone to tearing, especially sensitive skin, skin diseases, during pregnancy and lactation.

    The ointment is applied to the steamed skin of the face and the skin reaction is monitored. If tightness or itching is felt, it is necessary to wash off the product, as this indicates an allergic reaction to the drug. It is recommended to apply the gel using massaging movements. According to reviews, the drug is not suitable for everyone and can dry out the skin. However, those to whom it suits speak enthusiastically about it.

    What ointments to use for the skin around the eyes

    Anti-wrinkle cream (there is a large selection of similar products in the pharmacy) is suitable for the skin around the eyes, but not every product can be used, since the skin in these areas is thin and delicate.

    Suitable for use:

    1. Heparin ointment.
    2. Retinoic ointment.
    3. Zinc ointment.
    4. Panthenol.

    5. Lyoton gel.
    6. Solcoseryl.

    The preparations should be applied in a thin layer, carefully, without getting into the eyes. After some time, you should remove the excess with a dry cloth.

    Why wrinkles easily form around the eyes

    Wrinkles are clearly visible in places where folds of skin regularly change their size.

    This is due to the special structure of the skin of the eyelids:

    • It is four times thinner than the rest of the face;
    • low in hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin, which are responsible for skin elasticity;
    • has practically no subcutaneous fat layer;
    • it contains almost no sweat and sebaceous glands that can moisturize and soften the skin and protect it from deformation;
    • but there are many blood vessels that carry moisture in and out.

    Wrinkles around the eyes are classified depending on their origin into:

    1. Facial expressions - as a result of active facial movements (they are often caused by laughter and smiling).
    2. Gravity - caused by decreased flexibility; loose skin of the eyelids has its own medical term - blepharochalasia, i.e. sagging eyelids due to skin atrophy and decreased muscle tone.
    3. Age-related, associated with the general aging process of the body.

    The following factors contribute to the development of "caterpillar feet" around the eyes:


    You should not use anti-wrinkle creams from pharmacies if you have:

    • allergic reaction to the components of the composition;
    • wounds, ulcers and skin rashes;
    • oncology;
    • increased skin sensitivity;

    • problems with the blood or cardiovascular system;
    • chronic liver or kidney diseases;
    • problems with the pancreas.

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    Side effects of anti-wrinkle ointments

    Anti-wrinkle cream (you can choose an inexpensive product at the pharmacy) is not suitable if there is a burning sensation or a feeling of tightness. Such reactions may go away on their own.

    If the skin is very sensitive, skin allergies occur. Pimples, itching, redness and peeling may also occur. If after using the ointment you feel a burning sensation and the skin turns red, it is important to quickly rinse it off with water. This reaction means an allergy to the drug.

    You can buy any anti-wrinkle cream at the pharmacy, the main thing is to pay attention to its composition and contraindications.

    If after using the medicine a reaction appears on the skin in the form of peeling, redness or itching, you should stop using it, since most likely the ointment is not suitable and may have a negative effect.

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