Features of vitiligo
A similar problem occurs in men and women of any age. A distinctive difference between the sexes is that females are more likely to suffer from this disease. This is due to the specifics of the hormonal system.
Vitiligo affects girls:
- labia;
- pubic area;
- nipples;
- crotch.
Men have similar problems:
- on the penis;
- in the area of the anus.
The changes in skin color that characterize this process depend on a genetic factor, on the ratio of yellow, red, brown and blue pigments. The lack of these substances in the body causes white spots to appear.
Vitiligo is characterized by the development of white spots, not accompanied by peeling and atrophy. These are clearly defined areas of depigmentation of various shapes and sizes. The spots often merge and grow slowly.
What does a white spot on the penis look like?
For different diseases, white spots on the penis look different:
- vitiligo - spots of different sizes with clear boundaries, irregular shape, can merge, are multiple, do not rise above the skin level
- Setton's nevus - looks the same as vitiligo, only there is a mole in the center (sometimes the mole disappears, but the depigmented spot remains)
- psoriasis – silvery, dense plaques with small scales
- scars - may be denser than the surrounding skin, rise above it or fall below the level
- lichen sclerosus - multiple small (no more than 1.5 cm) white papules rising above the skin level (can merge into irregularly shaped plaques)
The exact cause of the development of this pathology, unfortunately, has not been established. But a number of provoking factors for such changes have been identified:
- genetic disorders;
- neuroendocrine disorders;
- burns and injuries;
- autoimmune processes;
- psychoemotional disorders;
- pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
- taking medications;
- use of cosmetics;
- deficiency of minerals (selenium, copper and zinc);
- intoxication of the body;
- viral lesions.
A clear symptom of vitiligo is a milky-white spot with a minimum size of 0.3 cm at first. The inflamed area does not have scales, there is no pain or itching.
General information about the disease
Normally, the characteristic color of skin and hair is provided by the presence of melanocyte cells. They contain the amino acid tyrosine. It is converted into melanin by the action of another substance, tyrosinase. The stronger the reaction, the darker the color the tissue becomes. Another factor that triggers the process is exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Thanks to this mechanism, people tan in the sun.
Doctors have not yet found the exact cause of the development of vitiligo. There are several versions that are most popular in scientific circles:
- Autoimmune. It is assumed that melanocytes are destroyed when the body's defense systems malfunction. It is believed that possible risk factors in this case are genital skin diseases, especially pityriasis versicolor, as well as psychosomatic disorders.
- Functional. Some scientists suggest that external influences on melanin cells are not so important. They simply, for some unknown reason, stop effectively converting tyrosine due to congenital dysfunction and a lack of active substances. Supporters of the functional version consider heredity to be the main factor of predisposition to vitiligo.
- Metabolic. This explanation points to a lack of zinc, selenium and copper as the cause of the malfunction of melanocytes. Unfortunately, increased consumption of minerals does not help get rid of the disease.
Also, discoloration of the skin on the genitals is provoked by a number of diseases of the internal organs and the use of certain medications. Unlike classic vitiligo, these manifestations can be completely cured by removing the cause of the pathology.
To determine the method of treatment for vitiligo on the labia, the doctor conducts an examination. The diagnostic complex may include:
- examination of the affected area with a Wood's lamp;
- biopsy;
- general blood analysis;
- examination using a videodermatoscope;
- Wasserman reaction;
- histology to assess the number of melanocytes.
The choice of methods of recreational activities depends on the following factors:
- individual characteristics of the patient;
- severity of symptoms;
- provocateur of such a reaction.
For vitiligo on the penis, the dermatologist recommends a course of the following medications according to a specific regimen:
- vitamin complexes;
- immunostimulants;
- photosensitizers (Melaginin Plus, Psoralen, Melaginin);
- corticosteroids – Prednisolone, Betamethasone, Diprospan.
The production of the necessary pigment (melanin) can be stimulated through surgery by transplanting melanocytes from healthy areas of the patient’s skin or from a donor. Calcineurin inhibitors (Elidel and Protopic ointments) may be prescribed for skin treatment.
The course of treatment includes physiotherapy using ultraviolet irradiation along with taking Melaginin or Psoralen. PUVA therapy is performed through ultraviolet exposure accompanied by the intake of photosensitizers. To reduce manifestations, use parsnip infusion for internal and external use.
Healing herbs can also be prescribed in the form of:
- infusions;
- creams;
- lotions.
The therapeutic effect against this disease has:
- Walnut;
- duckweed;
- St. John's wort.
Therapy through traditional recipes has a long period of influence and provides lasting results.
Non-infectious causes of scarlet spots and spots on the phallus:
- Allergic reactions. They can appear both when the allergen gets inside and from local exposure. If red spots appear on the penis, you need to rule out allergies to the medications or lubricants used, latex included in the condom, or food products that have recently appeared in the diet. It is important not to wear synthetic underwear. During treatment, avoid washing powder and soap with fragrances (you can use household or children's hypoallergenic soap).
- Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules. A scarlet rash appears in those men who rarely change their underwear and wash their penis poorly or rarely.
- Decreased immunity. Stress, alcohol abuse, and the presence of chronic diseases worsen immune defense. Against this background, opportunistic flora is activated, which leads to the formation of rashes.
- Damage to the head of the phallus. During intense coitus, wearing tight underwear, riding a bicycle for long periods of time, or riding a horse for many hours, capillaries and other small blood vessels can burst. In addition, it is possible to injure the delicate skin on the head. In this case, the spots that appear do not itch, but touching the penis causes discomfort.
- Autoimmune pathologies. The most common is psoriasis. It can manifest itself in different ways, which sometimes makes diagnosis difficult. Localization of spots - in the groin, on the head or body of the penis.
- Precancerous condition. With Bowen's disease, a red-brown spot appears in the pathological area, which turns into a plaque. This lesion peels off and becomes covered with crusts that are easy to remove. When the disease progresses to oncology, an ulcer forms.
- Cancer. It is characterized by the appearance of a small malignant neoplasm of a spot that does not hurt or bleed. Gradually increases in size, becomes denser, similar to a tubercle. Purulent discharge, itching and the appearance of blood from the pathological focus are observed as the disease progresses.
As you can see, there are many reasons why red spots appear on the head of the penis or its body. And it is not recommended to diagnose yourself by looking at photos on the Internet and reading information about possible diseases; it is inappropriate. So the man will only worsen the course of the pathology, and the disease will become chronic. Remember: the sooner you start fighting the disease, the easier it is to kill the infection and achieve a complete recovery.
To eliminate the deficiency of selenium, copper and zinc, as well as vitamins, it is recommended to diversify the diet. Useful minerals are found in the following foods:
- raspberries;
- bananas;
- mushrooms;
- legumes;
- apricots;
- figs
You should limit your intake of fatty foods, smoked foods, sour foods, strong tea and coffee, bread, semolina, canned food and butter. Properly organized nutrition for vitiligo in complex treatment will provide a lasting effect.
“Of course, we’ll have to learn to live with it all over again.”
Daria, 31 years old
“I developed vitiligo 14 years ago. I was 17, I was entering my first year of college. It was not clear why it started - spots simply appeared on the thighs and began to grow. Now I even have vitiligo on my face, around my eyes.
The doctor told me that there is very little information about this disease. I bought some ointment at the pharmacy and tried to be treated with folk remedies, but then I stopped using anything - nothing helped.
Of course, complexes appeared. I cried, was very worried, and used foundation to cover it all up. Some ill-mannered classmates asked me: “Are you sunbathing with glasses on? What are your spots? Of course, I was embarrassed, I wanted to turn away, hide... It’s just this kind of situation: you live for 17 years with the same appearance, and then one day it changes not at all according to your wishes. Of course, you will have to learn to live with this again.
My boyfriend helped me accept myself. When I started communicating with him, he gave me the opportunity to believe that I was special, that there was nothing special about my spots. I posted my first photo with vitiligo on Instagram in 2022, when someone wrote to me in direct message: “What’s wrong with your face?” And I decided to post a photo without filters, without anything, and write that I have vitiligo and that it is not contagious. Many acquaintances, having seen the photo, wrote to me that they did not even notice my spots and did not pay attention to them. In general, everyone reacted adequately.
Now many people come to me with the same problem as me, especially those who have it recently: “You are such a cheerful girl, how do you cope? I’m depressed because of this...” I’m pleased that I’m sharing my experience: maybe it will help someone. And if they write to me something about some new treatment for vitiligo, I immediately close the dialogue. I have already accepted this fact and I don’t want to give myself unnecessary hope. Only time will help you accept yourself. “Reconcile” is not the right word here, just accept. It took me five years.
Features of appearance
The mechanism of development of vitiligo on the genitals is similar to that described for other parts of the body. At first, the pathology is clearly expressed. The spots are formed in several stages. The first to appear on the skin are areas of discoloration (pink) up to 0.3 cm in size. This is when you should visit a dermatologist.
The initial stage develops in three directions:
- repigmentation;
- constant progression;
- steady state.
Each branch indicates the stability of the spots, their proliferation or disappearance. Characteristic signs can disappear and reappear on their own.
Vitiligo on the penis is common in men who have previously suffered from pityriasis versicolor. When the root cause is another factor, the problem is not dangerous, since it does not provoke burning or itching. For men, the danger is a psychological problem. Young people rarely open up about vitiligo. This complex is caused by general insecurity, and not by a specific pathology.
A condition for the development of vitiligo in the genital area in girls can also be pityriasis versicolor. The female sex does not perceive pathology so negatively, because spots on the labia give them originality and a certain zest. But if foci of depigmentation are identified, women strive to quickly eliminate such a cosmetic defect.
“Mom has white bangs, and so do I.”
Alina, 28 years old - I have had vitiligo since birth.
Until I was six years old, I was taken to doctors, we tried all the folk remedies and even went to my grandmother to remove the damage. As a result, my family reconciled, realizing that it was all useless, and stopped tormenting me. I can say that I was lucky: my hands and face were not affected by vitiligo, but there are light strands on my head - such a white bang. On the arms, spots extend from the wrist to the elbow, and they are also present on the stomach and legs. At school, the teachers were indignant about why my mother dyed my bangs blonde, but she explained everything to them, and it ended. I don’t remember any reaction from my classmates.
Of course, in adolescence there was a rejection of appearance, there were complexes. I tried to wear clothes that were as closed as possible so that the stains would not be visible, and I used self-tanner. Vitiligo also affects your lifestyle - it’s better not to sunbathe, because you can instantly get burned. As a child, I was always burned.
There were no problems in my personal life or with friends. The only thing that bothered me was strangers who could look at me on the street. But the older you get, the less you care what others think. Previously, I hid the spots when strangers looked, but now, when they look at me, I look straight in the eyes - interest in me instantly disappears.
Now I have another problem: I worry about my daughter, how she will cope with the same situations that I had. She was also born with white bangs. While she is four years old, she doesn’t ask any questions, she just says: “Mom has white bangs, and so do I.” The husband reacts calmly to all this: he says that he got two such beauties.
Caring for intimate areas during treatment
Vitiligo spots that appear on the genitals do not require any special home care. A prescription for the necessary medications can always be obtained from a dermatologist. He will recommend creams, capsules, gels, and milk that will help level out the severity of the depigmented spot.
Professional cosmetologists are armed with a wide range of product lines. Among them is Sesderma, a brand of products for the treatment of vitiligo and the relief of its relapses. In the cosmetology office they offer Elokvin whitening injections or laser therapy. Specialists organize extensive diagnostics, which is impossible to obtain in a hospital.
Disease prevention
Since it is impossible to accurately determine the provocateur of the pathology, it is difficult to recommend specific preventive measures. These are just some tips:
- healthy lifestyle;
- proper diet;
- lack of stress;
- avoiding scorching sun rays;
- preventing damage to the skin in the genital area;
- avoiding skin contact with chemicals.
If a person has a tendency to develop age spots, it is advisable for him to follow simple recommendations that increase the chances of preventing such unpleasant manifestations:
- ensure proper hygiene of the genitals (keep them clean, use natural underwear of a suitable size, use emollient creams);
- follow the basics of contraception, prevent injury;
- forget about bad habits;
- restore proper nutrition, which has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes.
Women and men who are faced with the presence of age spots in the intimate organs need to regularly visit a dermatologist so that he can monitor their health.
When there are concomitant diseases that can provoke vitiligo, you should definitely inform a specialist about this. Basically, preventive measures consist of hardening, the use of vitamin complexes, and general strengthening procedures.
Can vitiligo be cured? – symptoms, treatment, diagnosis
Vitiligo is not just the appearance of a defect on the skin, but a signal from the body about a disorder present in it. Some pathological processes progress latently and do not manifest visible symptoms. It is possible to get rid of the skin manifestations of vitiligo only after addressing the main cause of its development. Medical experts recommend against undergoing treatment for vitiligo at home. This action may cause complications. It is advisable to contact experienced doctors, get advice and competent prescriptions.
Vitiligo - spots on the skin
Vitiligo is a dermatological disease that is characterized by the destruction of melanin in a limited area of the skin. As a result, this segment becomes lighter than the rest of the epithelium. Pathology is most often observed between the ages of 10 and 30 years. Without the assistance of an experienced specialist, it is impossible to determine how to cure vitiligo.
Symptoms of vitiligo
The main manifestation of vitiligo is the formation of areas on the skin with weakened pigmentation. Their boundaries are clearly defined, the surface is light beige or white. The defect forms on the face, arms, legs, and groin area.
Against the background of vitiligo, psoriasis, baldness, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, dermatitis and other aggravating processes often develop.
You can find many photos of vitiligo on the Internet, but only an experienced doctor can determine that the patient has this particular disease, and not similar disorders.
Causes of vitiligo
Factors that predispose to the development of this disease:
- Pathologies of the digestive tract.
- Violation of tissue trophism.
- Kidney diseases.
- Failure in the state of the endocrine system, autoimmune processes.
- Regular exposure of the skin to chemicals.
Determining the cause of vitiligo is an important part of providing qualified medical care. The Be Healthy clinic is ready to provide a full examination. The diagnostic department is equipped with everything necessary, and the qualifications of practicing doctors allow us to identify even rare types of disorders.
Stages of vitiligo
Like other disorders, vitiligo disease has several stages of development:
- Initial. A primary weakening of epithelial pigmentation is observed. A single spot forms on the skin.
- Progressive. From the moment of the first changes in skin color to the formation of a clear contrast in the shade of its areas, it takes about 3 months. In 80% of cases, the disease has a slow type of development, in 20% there is a fulminant form of vitiligo.
- Stationary. A change in skin pigmentation is observed within 1 spot; new areas of lightening of the epithelium do not appear. The condition is characterized by stability.
- Repigmentation stage. The stain, which was previously lightened, restores its natural shade. The area does not stand out from the rest of the skin. The repigmentation stage is rarely observed. Basically, when vitiligo is caused by taking medications or undergoing cosmetic procedures.
The earlier a violation is detected, the greater the chances of getting rid of the existing defect and restoring the natural shade of the skin with minimal time. To do this, you should make an appointment with Medical doctors, and not undergo treatment for vitiligo with folk remedies.
Why is vitiligo dangerous?
The direct skin manifestation of the pathology does not pose a danger: it is nothing more than a change in the shade of the epithelium. But since the main disorder, being unidentified, continues to remain in the body, the development of:
- Diabetes mellitus.
- A characteristic goiter over the thyroid gland.
- Deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body.
- Hormonal imbalance.
- Sexual health disorders.
Vitiligo adversely affects the psycho-emotional state. The patient has problems with self-esteem, a tendency to isolation, and irritability often develops into neuroses.
Is vitiligo transmitted?
Doctors have long established what vitiligo is and how this feature is transmitted. It has been officially proven that the disorder is not of infectious origin; it can be inherited from close relatives. The disease is transmitted within one family through a set of corresponding genes. After birth, every child whose relatives suffer from vitiligo has a high predisposition to the development of this pathology. Upon contact with a person whose skin has a characteristic change in pigmentation, the disease will not be transmitted.
How and with what to treat vitiligo?
Eliminating the disease requires a competent and comprehensive approach. Medical doctors are ready to provide assistance aimed at restoring your physical and psychological condition.
Treatment of vitiligo begins with identifying the root cause of its development. Therefore, the patient is prescribed an examination. Diagnostics involves:
- Biochemical, clinical blood test (including determination of hormone levels, glucose, liver enzymes).
- Ultrasound of the organ in which the doctor suspects the presence of a disorder. In various clinical cases, the thyroid gland, kidneys, abdominal cavity, and pelvic sections are examined.
- Scraping from the surface of a depigmented area of skin.
Other methods for diagnosing a patient’s condition depend on the characteristics of the clinical case. To obtain more information about the emerging pathology, the doctor may prescribe MRI, CT, X-ray and histological examination.
Medical uses high-precision, safe equipment from popular brands. Each patient who applies will be able to undergo a full examination, based on the results of which, doctors will make a reliable diagnosis and formulate the necessary treatment.
To eliminate vitiligo, the following groups of drugs are used:
- Corticosteroids (adrenal hormones).
- Vitamins.
- Photosensitizing agents.
In addition to medications, hardware cosmetology techniques are used to eliminate vitiligo. Popular procedures include laser treatment, dermabrasion, lightening resurfacing and peeling. These methods help patients of all ages get rid of the manifestations of uneven melanin distribution. The benefits of these procedures are confirmed by photographs of vitiligo in children and adults taken before and after undergoing these procedures.
If conservative therapy is ineffective, doctors recommend surgery. Tissue transplantation is carried out - replacing lightened areas of skin with healthy cells.
Medical doctors use proven, reliable methods for eliminating vitiligo. Each patient receives effective and safe treatment.
How to cover up vitiligo spots?
Thanks to the correct selection of the product, it is possible to camouflage even pronounced manifestations of vitiligo, when the contrast between healthy and fair skin is at least 2 tones. You can disguise an area of weakened pigmentation of the epithelium using the following combination: corrector, foundation, powder. If you use only 1 cosmetic product, the result will not be durable.
Regardless of whether vitiligo occurs in children or adults, in all cases of the appearance of a defect, attention should be paid to improving health. Since the skin condition never worsens without a causative factor, it needs to be identified. To undergo examination and effective treatment, you must make an appointment at Medical. Until this time, using any methods is contraindicated.