How to make thermal water for the face at home? Not that hard

A magical cosmetic bottle refreshes and moisturizes, but how to make thermal water for the face at home?
It would seem that manufacturers have already come up with everything possible, including cleansing, healing, tonic and nourishing products. An ordinary, at first glance, liquid becomes an integral part of the basic caring set. One bottle can easily replace a whole shelf of expensive creams and lotions. It’s convenient to take a small bottle on a trip, which always has a place even in a miniature clutch. The life-giving liquid will be useful both at the ski resort and the sea coast.

How to make thermal water for the face at home? It’s quite simple, you just have to understand what kind of innovation it is. An absolutely natural liquid of natural origin, it is obtained from thermal springs. Like mineral, it is rich in various elements, only they are perceived better by the skin due to their low molecular structure.


The stereotype that Moda water can only be used for cleansing is successfully refuted by this product. It should be used twenty-four hours a day and for completely different purposes:

  • an excellent base for makeup, after a few sprays, you don’t have to wait, as usual, fifteen minutes for the greasy cream to be absorbed, but apply foundation; the properties of water allow you to refresh and moisturize the epidermis in seconds;
  • to restore the same make-up, at work, on business trips, travel, it is difficult to set aside half an hour or carry a bag of cosmetics with you, to edit powder, lipstick, concealer that has floated from the heat and turmoil, with the help of thermal water, it is easy to get yourself in order in just a minute ;
  • for hydration and nutrition, the molecular structure allows it to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, saturating cells with useful substances, improving oxygen respiration, and preventing dehydration and flaking;
  • to create a protective barrier for the skin, throughout the day the delicate thin shell is exposed to stress - air conditioning, computer monitor, dry indoor air, wind, sun, cold, endlessly testing its strength, cosmetic liquid allows you to reduce this influence to a minimum;
  • helps solve aesthetic and therapeutic problems, for aging, aging skin it is an excellent helper to replenish the deficiency of moisture and minerals, for problematic inflamed skin it is useful due to its antiseptic properties, accelerating the healing process.

Cosmetic brands-manufacturers

In Europe, the most hot pools are located in France and the Caucasus Mountains, which determines the leading brands in the cosmetics market.

  • Avene . The village of Aven is located within a national park in the historical region of Languedoc. The healing properties of local streams were discovered in 1736 during the miraculous healing of the itching horse of the Marquis of Racozel, who plunged into the spring. A hydrotherapy center has been operating since 2004, and the company also produces a line of cosmetics. The lightly salted mixture is suitable for sensitive skin, relieves irritation after shaving, and is recommended after surgical interventions for the healing of sutures;
  • La Roche- Posay . The Dermatology Laboratory focuses on innovative methods and support of scientists around the world. The products of this brand are rich in selenium, which helps the skin cope with free radicals and, accordingly, slows down the aging process, and also protects against harmful pollution;
  • Vichy . The most diverse composition of the solution from the city of Vichy, which is located near an extinct volcano, fills the surface with strength and resistance to any weather. Due to the variety of elements from the subsoil, the product is not completely absorbed, so you should wipe off the residue with a paper towel;
  • Uriage . The main supplier of isotonic liquid, contains calcium and sulfur, has a gentle effect on irritated skin without drawing out juices from it. The only product of this kind that can be applied without closing your eyes.


A safe, hypoallergenic product, depending on the composition it has various characteristics:

  • isotonic
    – universal liquid suitable for any type, including sensitive ones, with manifestations of rosacea;
  • hypertonic
    – contains an increased amount of salts sufficient to cleanse and tone dry skin;
  • hypotonic
    – minerals are presented in a small proportion, which allows you to restore lipid balance, soothes and restores problematic, oily and irritated dermis.

Home cosmetology

. You can create an alternative to branded concentrates with your own hands. All you have to do is find a suitable bottle with a spray nozzle and prepare a magical liquid to fill it with. There are other forms of application. If you freeze it in ice cubes, you can rub it in the morning and evening along the massage lines. This is a wonderful ready-made cleansing, toning and moisturizing lotion. It will enhance the effect of other components as a base for a mask, scrub or peeling.


Achieving the desired effect, which is guaranteed by the manufacturer of thermal water, is possible only if you follow the sequence of the procedure, using the following algorithm of actions:

  1. From a distance of 10-15 cm, press the spray valve, pointing the outlet towards your face.
  2. Wait 1-2 minutes until the product is absorbed.
  3. Gently blot off any remaining moisture with a dry cloth.

An alternative way to use water is to create a cloud at head level by pressing down on the spray nozzle. All that remains is to enter it.

It is better to apply water to cleansed skin. You can also spray the product after each layer of cosmetics. This promotes better penetration of care substances into the skin.

There are different ways to use thermal water. Depending on the chosen technique, a certain effect can be achieved.

  1. To preserve makeup, a thermal spray is applied on top of the cream. Using your fingertips, lightly press the moisture into the skin.
  2. Additional moisturizing - the product is applied to the face after cleansing, then massaged with gentle movements of the fingers. Next, use your usual care product.
  3. To get the effect of freshness, splash water on your face every time you feel dry.
  4. You can reduce the intensity of the powdery layer, which emphasizes wrinkles, by spraying thermal water on your face. The dull matte look will be replaced by a radiant look.

When pressing the sprayer, hold the valve for 3-5 seconds.

The basis

To prepare it, you can use ordinary mineral water or herbal decoction. The second one is preferable to use due to its properties to refresh and restore the epidermis. Depending on the type, you should pay attention to the following gifts of nature:

  • for dry flowers, preference should be given to linden, jasmine, rose, hop, chamomile, violet, fennel and dill flowers; they contain large amounts of carotene, vitamin C, mineral elements and essential oils;
  • for normal dermis, choose chamomile, lemon balm, string, yarrow, calendula, hawthorn and rose hips;
  • for problematic, oily, with enlarged pores in the T-zone, birch, coltsfoot, wormwood, chicory, St. John's wort, marigold, horsetail are suitable;
  • for sensitive ones - licorice, ginseng, parsley, nettle, hazel (hazelnut) leaves.

If you really don’t have enough time to look for the right mixture, you can use regular green tea, known for its antioxidant and sorbent properties.
It's quite easy to prepare, st. spoon of dry or fresh raw materials, pour 350 ml of water (in the end, after all the manipulations, about 300 will remain), put on low heat. After boiling for another ten minutes after boiling, you can set aside. After cooling and straining, combine with other components of thermal water.

How does mineral water affect facial skin?

Mineral water

is able to restore elasticity to the skin and eliminate specific tightness of the epidermis, and its components (calcium, magnesium, potassium and fluorine) relieve inflammation and allergic manifestations, promote collagen production, and give the
a smooth and well-groomed appearance.

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These include more active components - essential oils and vitamins. For 300 ml of the finished base you will need up to five drops of aromatic product:

  • dry skin responds well to esters of lavender, chamomile, ylang-ylang, sandalwood and geranium; in winter, you can add a few drops of retinol and tocopherol;
  • for oily skin, products with antiseptic and bactericidal properties are suitable - oils of bergamot, orange, ginger, grapefruit, lemon, tea tree, cedar; if there is a lack of nutrition, which usually occurs in the off-season period, add up to eight drops of vegetable oil of pomegranate seeds or wheat germ;
  • for the lucky owners of a normal type, geranium, rosemary, patchouli, rosewood, and neroli esters are suitable;
  • for sensitive dermis, choose calamus, basil, anise, fennel and sweet orange, also add six/seven drops of pantothenic acid, vitamin B5 perfectly soothes irritated skin.

What it is?

Yes, it's just water!

But still not quite ordinary: it is bottled in special sources, whose advantage lies in the fact that many microelements necessary for the skin are dissolved in this healthy water.

There are many wonderful springs that provide water of varying quality.

But mineral water is too heavy for the epidermis ; it contains too many sodium salts, iron and other metals that the skin does not need.

And thermal springs seem to be specially created to refresh the skin: their composition is impeccable in this regard!

How to prepare and apply?

It is very simple and quick to add a few drops of ether and possible selected liquid vitamins into the base. You should not use a whisk or mixer to achieve a homogeneous structure. The liquid will need to be shaken vigorously before each use/spray. It is recommended to use 3-4 times a day, not more often.

You need to spray at a distance of ten/twenty centimeters from the face, while drawing a circle or figure eight. You can also create a thermal cloud and then simply walk into it. After two/three minutes, it is easy to blot away the unabsorbed moisture with a napkin or cosmetic sponge.

For long-lasting makeup, the effect of delicate baby skin or life-giving freshness on a hot day, there should be a treasured bottle in your purse. A few natural ingredients and a life-giving, aromatic liquid are ready for use.

Why do you need to use thermal water?

Why is it needed?

Minerals contained in
water can saturate the skin with oxygen and improve its metabolic processes, which means even out the tone and give radiance.
waters rich in selenium are good antioxidants, while zinc and sulfur waters are ideal for oily problem skin.

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The price may vary depending on the manufacturer and the place where the product was purchased. It is almost impossible to answer this question unambiguously. After all, a lot depends on the purpose for which thermal water is purchased and in what form.

If this is a cosmetic product in the form of a spray intended to moisturize the skin and eliminate unpleasant irritation, then the price will fluctuate around 80 hryvnia. When it comes to cream and lotion, the price category is slightly higher and amounts to approximately 100 hryvnia. Shampoo is more affordable; it will cost its owner 50-70 hryvnia.

It is worth noting that the above figures are averages. Because there are very cheap options for thermal water, the cost of which does not exceed 50 hryvnia. There are also expensive cosmetics, the price category of which exceeds 200 hryvnia.

Much depends on the place where the product is purchased. So, in a specialized store it costs much less than in a pharmacy. Naturally, properties also affect the cost.

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