Face masks for acne at home for teenagers: how to make, 7 best recipes

The period after 10-12 years becomes a real test for many teenagers; they not only develop their personality, but also experience numerous skin problems on their face associated with a surge of hormones. Face masks for teenagers, which must include a whole range of antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory substances, will help you get rid of pustular rashes, acne, and acne marks.

When should teenagers use face masks?

There are a huge number of pores on our face and body through which air exchange occurs. The body removes sebum through them. If for some reason the secretion of the sebaceous glands thickens, the pores become clogged and can become inflamed.

The nature of the occurrence of rashes or deep subcutaneous pimples is different: from allergic reactions and poor diet to colds. But in teenagers the reason is most often the same.

Regardless of how growing up occurs, both boys and girls increase the content of androgens - male hormones - in the body. They are responsible for the increased secretion of the sebaceous glands.

This happens to everyone at different ages. Some people are concerned about the problem of skin imperfections as early as 12 years old, while others don’t think about acne until they are twenty. In any case, when troubles begin, it is better not to delay proper care and immediately contact a specialist or use proven folk remedies.

How long does it take to get rid of acne

Acne is a disease that occurs in each person with varying intensity and is not always resolved in 1 day. A mild degree of the disease does not require drug treatment; acne gets rid of acne in 6–10 weeks.

If the dermatologist's recommendations have not been followed, then the problem increases. Inflammations can be treated for up to a year, but their consequences last longer. The speed of your recovery will depend on how quickly you start treatment. Hygiene and dietary restrictions are mandatory.

How teen face masks work

It is believed that masks aimed at disinfecting the epidermis, drying out inflammation, cleansing pores, eliminating oily sheen and blackheads work approximately the same and can be used on any skin type.

In reality, everything is not so simple. Both oily and dry skin can suffer from inflammation and be dehydrated. Therefore, eliminating the problem in the way of our grandmothers - by wiping with alcohol lotion - can only aggravate the problems, completely undermining the hydrolipid balance. This, in turn, will lead to more breakouts and a general deterioration in appearance.

Face masks for teenagers at home should cope with a specific task, depending on their skin type.

  • Provide antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • Heal wounds and microcracks;
  • Soothe irritation and relieve redness;
  • Remove oily shine;
  • Eliminate the effects of acne - dark areas after healing;

Important: The fewer components in one face mask for teenagers, the better. This will reduce the risk of allergies or increased inflammation and allow you to immediately identify the most effective ingredient.

Below we will provide recipes for specific formulations that can improve the condition of the epidermis, but first, additional factors for the appearance of acne and blackheads must be eliminated.


  • Poor nutrition - regular overeating, frequent consumption of fast food, including snacks, sweet soda and any treats containing excess sugar and fat;
  • Bad habits;
  • Sedentary lifestyle - insufficient ventilation of the body leads to the accumulation of toxins;
  • Disturbed sleep patterns - rest less than 6 hours a day;
  • Diseases of the digestive and endocrine system;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Improper skin care or its complete absence;
  • Chronic stress - the hormone cortisone stimulates the sebaceous glands.

If none of the above is present, but pimples still bother you, we recommend turning to easy-to-use, but very effective ways to eliminate them.

All unsuccessful? It's time to see a doctor!

It happens that with proper care, diet and lifestyle, acne does not even think of disappearing. This may indicate that the problem lies deeper. In this case, your doctor will help you understand the causes of acne. Only a specialist will find out what causes acne: mites, skin diseases, disruptions in the endocrine system and hormonal levels. Once the cause is identified, effective treatment can begin.

A dermatologist is the first doctor you should contact. He will identify existing skin problems and diseases, select care and treatment procedures.

Gastroenterologist - solves problems in the digestive tract, the presence of which can provoke the occurrence of acne.

Endocrinologist – hormonal imbalance is one of the most common causes of acne in adolescence. The doctor will determine which hormones are elevated and offer a solution.

Gynecologist – it makes sense for girls to visit a gynecologist, since acne can be a consequence of gynecological diseases, such as polycystic ovary syndrome.

Anti-blackhead mask for teenagers

Dark pores or comedones are not dirt at all, as many teenagers think, but sebum that has oxidized under the influence of light and air.

With improper care (for example, attempts to squeeze out) or without it at all, blackheads can develop into inflammation.

We remember that face masks for teenagers against blackheads are applied only to problem areas! Young skin does not need beauty treatments, so we use them strictly as directed to maintain natural protection.

Coffee mask

  • Brew 2 tsp. ground coffee ½ tbsp. boiling water, leave for an hour and a half.
  • Drain and apply an even layer to the steamed face for 10 minutes.
  • Before removing the coffee mask, slightly moisturize the skin and massage it for 1-2 minutes.

Wash off with boiled water, sprinkle your face with tonic and be sure to moisturize with cream.

We carry out the procedure no more than once a week so as not to injure the epidermis.

Teen mask with blue clay

A true means of cleansing and renewing the epidermis, blue clay is diluted to the state of thick sour cream.

For the first time, while the body’s reaction is not yet known, it is better to do this with warm boiled water.

  • Slowly add in 1 tbsp. warm water with a heap of clay powder, mix until completely homogeneous, then apply to the face.
  • If the skin is oily, leave for 15 minutes, if prone to dryness - no more than 10.

For women with a combination type, it is better to use a face mask with clay for blackheads only on the problem T-zone.

Wash with boiled water and apply cream.

If the mask works well, you can try using low-fat milk instead of water. The acids contained in it will lighten acne marks and tighten pores a little, thanks to a gentle exfoliating effect.

Rice mask

Rice is known as an excellent adsorbent and is recommended for oral use for poisoning. It works in much the same way when used externally - it absorbs excess sebum, cleansing the pores.

  • Pour 2 tbsp in the morning. cereals ½ cup boiling water.
  • In the evening, grind the porridge in a blender to obtain a homogeneous thick mass, and apply it to a clean, steamed face before going to bed.

Leave it on for 10-15 minutes, regardless of skin type, and rinse off. Since rice dries out a little, be sure to moisturize your skin.

Oatmeal mask

  • 1 tbsp. pour 1/3 cup of boiling water over a heap of oatmeal and let it swell for 15 minutes.
  • Then apply to the face and leave for 15 minutes.

We wash off and moisturize the skin with fluid or gel.

You can enhance the effect with kefir or egg white:

  • In the first case, pour 1 tbsp. flakes with kefir, leave for an hour and apply a thick layer to the face.
  • In the second, mix them with 1 chicken protein, beaten with a fork. Both components have a drying and exfoliating effect. We use protein with caution, as this component is quite allergenic.

Homemade aloe mask for teenagers

  • Beat fresh aloe leaves in a blender or grate. You should get about 1-2 tbsp. paste and apply to the skin, avoiding the area around the eyes.

Leave for 10 to 15 minutes depending on skin type; The drier it is, the shorter the time for using the mask.

Wash off and care for your face as usual.

What are comedones?

If we turn to the specialized literature, then comedones are understood as blackheads that usually appear on the skin of the face in the T-zone , which is the most greasy area of ​​the skin. Those who believe that the cause of blackheads is the blockage of large pores with dirt or dust are wrong. In reality, they are pores that contain particles of sebum that cannot come out. Sebaceous secretions penetrate this pouch from the inside.

Based on their appearance, two types of comedones can be distinguished: black and white. The first to provide their characteristic color is oxidized melanin. Regardless of color, these dots do not pose any threat to human health, however, not everyone will agree to have them due to the deterioration of their appearance. It should be taken into account that accumulations in the pores of sebum create excellent conditions for the development of bacteria of various types.

If comedones are present on human skin, this leads to the following unpleasant consequences:

  • The skin becomes more irritable and is at increased risk of contracting other types of rashes;
  • Such skin becomes more loose and spotty;
  • The skin demonstrates intolerance to some substances included in modern cosmetic preparations;
  • Certain areas of the skin where blackheads are present become rougher, begin to peel and itch;
  • Makeup applied to such skin does not last very long.

If a teenager discovers that he has such a large number of problems, then this is the only reason he should begin to act. Moreover, the efforts made must be comprehensive . One of the existing treatment methods is homemade masks for blackheads and pimples, which demonstrate high effectiveness when used in combination with preventive measures.

Mask against acne marks

There is nothing worse than dark areas remaining from healed pimples - the inflammation has already passed, but the appearance still leaves much to be desired.

For teenagers facing this problem, we recommend face masks at home using the following recipes.

Apple mask

  • Grate one small apple and squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth or a regular handkerchief.
  • Apply it to the face with a cotton pad or swab for 20-25 minutes. The main thing is not to let the skin dry out - the point of the procedure is to ensure that fruit acids continuously act on the upper layers of the epidermis.

After the specified time, wash off the apple juice and apply gel or cream. Post-acne marks will noticeably lighten.

Yogurt mask

Yogurt works on approximately the same principle of acid peeling - the main thing is that it must be natural, without sweeteners or flavors. Apply a thick layer of it to a clean face and leave for at least 15 minutes.

Wash off and moisturize the skin.

We use a product with minimal fat content! Otherwise, we will erase acne spots, but get blackheads of comedones.

Anti-greasy masks for teenagers

Potato face mask

Potato starch adsorbs and slightly whitens the skin, so it has long been used as a simple and affordable whitening agent.

  • Grate fresh peeled potatoes, squeeze out the juice a little so that it doesn’t flow, and apply the resulting pulp to your face. You can do this through gauze, or without it.

We wait at least 10 minutes, and then remove the mask from the face. We wash off the residue and moisturize the skin. Even after applying the cream, your face will be pleased with its beautiful matte tone.

Cucumber mask against oily shine

Cucumber is an indispensable assistant in the fight against skin imperfections, be it premature wrinkles, dehydration or oily shine. Its juice nourishes the upper layers of the epidermis, smoothing the skin, and its slight drying effect eliminates oily sheen.

In addition, a cucumber mask is an excellent prevention of blackheads, because by saturating the skin with moisture, it prevents increased sebum secretion and clogging of pores.

  • Preparing the mask is very simple: grate the cucumber or - a method for the laziest - cut it into thin circles.
  • Apply the mass or slices to the face, including the area around the eyes, and leave for 20-25 minutes.

The effect will exceed expectations! The oily shine will disappear, and the face will become smoother and brighter.

Homemade face masks for teenagers against inflammation

Soda mask

A mask made of soda and soap has a pronounced drying and disinfecting effect.

  • Grate a small piece of regular baby soap - it is important that it is hypoallergenic, so we choose the most proven product. You should get about 1 tbsp. shavings.
  • Pour 1 tbsp into it. baking soda, add a little water so that you get a mass of thick viscous consistency and mix.
  • Apply the mixture to your face, leave for no more than 10 minutes and wash.

Then we definitely carry out the procedure of moisturizing the skin with gel or fluid. If this is not done, your face may begin to peel off.

Tea tree oil mask

Since essential oils themselves are potent, they can only be used in combination with other ingredients.

  • Beat 1 chicken protein with a fork, add 1.5-2 tsp to it. starch and stir. The amount of powder may vary depending on the size of the protein. Our task is to achieve a medium-thick consistency of sour cream.
  • Once the mixture becomes completely homogeneous, add 3-4 drops of tea tree essential oil and mix.

Apply the resulting mass to the face and leave for 10 minutes.

Wash off and care for your face as usual.

Since both starch and egg white dry out the skin quite strongly, we do not overuse this procedure and use the mask no more than once a week.

Important : All the masks described above can be used only in the absence of purulent inflammation on the face! Otherwise, irritation and acne problems will worsen.

Useful tips for teenagers before using masks

In addition, in order to regularly use face masks for teenagers at home, you need to remember a number of points, without which our beauty efforts will go down the drain.

  • Apply the mask only to well-cleansed facial skin;
  • To enhance the effect, it is better to do this after taking a bath or shower, but it is better to be careful with steaming. Capricious teenage skin can “resent” due to additional stress and react with redness or inflammation;
  • We wash off the mask only with boiled or filtered, but in no case hard chlorinated tap water;
  • When washing, we avoid strong friction - there is no need to further injure the epidermis;
  • We always apply a soothing fluid or gel after the procedure.

Now that you know, if not everything, then a lot about how to look attractive and forget about skin imperfections, try it! The most important thing is the regular use of the teenage face masks described above at home - without a systematic approach, the result may not be so good. We test every ingredient, listen to your body and find the most effective remedy to eliminate problems.

How to supplement external treatment

Juvenile acne affects 80% of teenagers. They arise due to hormonal changes in the body that affect the functioning of the sebaceous glands. When follicles are clogged with sebum, conditions arise for the proliferation of bacteria that cause purulent inflammation. To cope with the problem, external therapy is supplemented with oral medications:

  • antibiotics (Limecycline, Erythromycin, Josamycin) – destroy pathogenic bacteria in the skin, relieving inflammation;
  • retinoids (Acnecutane, Isotretinoin, Roaccutane) – restore skin regeneration processes, suppress sebum secretion, relieve inflammation and prevent the formation of acne;
  • antiandrogens (Cyproterone, Progestin, Flutamide) - reduce the content of male hormones that provoke acne.

If anti-acne masks and other local remedies are ineffective, hormonal drugs are used. They suppress inflammation, improving the condition of teenage skin. But you should use pharmaceutical products to treat acne only on the recommendation of a dermatologist. Overuse of medications can lead to decreased immunity and even greater skin inflammation.

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