Non-surgical rhinoplasty with hyaluronic acid

  1. Advantages and disadvantages of non-surgical rhinoplasty
  2. Indications and contraindications
  3. Fillers used for nose correction
  4. Belotero Intense
  5. Juvederm Ultra 3
  6. Juvederm Ultra 4
  7. Neauvia Intense
  8. Teosyal Ultra Deep
  9. Teosyal Ultimate
  10. Restylane Perlane
  11. HyaFilia M
  12. How is the procedure performed?

Reshaping the nose is one of the most popular surgical procedures.
In some cases, it is possible not to resort to surgery, but to correct the contours using injections. The essence of the method is to introduce hyaluronic acid-based gels under the skin. In this way, you can smooth out irregularities and eliminate asymmetry, and increase the volume of your nose in the right places.

Important! For those who need to make their nose smaller, this method is not suitable: this problem can only be solved with the help of plastic surgery. But it is quite possible to remove the curvature, make the nose more even, and hide the hump.

What are the advantages of the procedure

Non-surgical rhinoplasty has a number of advantages over traditional surgery:

  • speed of implementation - no more than 40 minutes;
  • complete painlessness;
  • rejuvenating effect;
  • absence of scars and cicatrices;
  • long-lasting results that can last for a year;
  • affordable price;
  • fast rehabilitation.

Non-surgical rhinoplasty has virtually no side effects and does not require special preparation or sick leave.

What are the benefits of hyaluronic acid fillers?

  • No side effects (allergic, toxic, etc.) to the drug due to its identity with the skin’s own hyaluronic acid;
  • The drug is completely absorbed (from 6 to 15 months).

The drug Radiesse (calcium hydroxyapatite) has proven itself well. Its advantages: longer resorption time (2-3 years), less hydrophilic compared to hyaluronic acid preparations (in areas prone to swelling). The drugs differ in viscosity, hydrophilicity, stability and other parameters.

When to do non-surgical rhinoplasty

Nose contouring is recommended for minor defects that do not require surgical correction:

  • hump;
  • back too narrow;
  • irregular shape of the tip of the nose;
  • snub nose;
  • sharp corners of the bridge of the nose;
  • asymmetry;
  • pits and other defects.

Non-surgical rhinoplasty at the BL cosmetology and dermatology clinic helps correct all these shortcomings, make facial proportions more perfect, and make your appearance beautiful.

Real effect after the procedure

Indeed, after injection of fillers, your nose will change, but the hump that bothers you will not disappear, but will only be masked by the injected gel, which fills the surrounding tissues in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose. This procedure is not suitable for patients with thick nasal skin, as there is a possibility of swelling, which, due to the density of the skin, will concentrate in the tip of the nose.

That is why whether to do such a procedure should be decided only by you, and only after consulting a specialist.

Rehabilitation period

In the first week after contouring, you cannot:

  • go to the solarium, bathhouse or sauna;
  • blow your nose and make sudden head movements;
  • perform facial massage;
  • take a shower under running hot water.

To avoid complications and speed up recovery, a cosmetologist may recommend applying cold compresses to the nasal area. If you are interested in non-surgical rhinoplasty, please schedule a consultation at our clinic. We employ cosmetologists with medical education and extensive experience. They will carry out the correction effectively and absolutely safely for your health and appearance, and will help you become more beautiful and more confident.

Indications and contraindications

Nose contouring is a cosmetic procedure; there are no medical indications for it. Injections help eliminate cosmetic defects:


  • Asymmetry;
  • Humps;
  • Lack of volume;
  • Curvatures.

Contraindications are the same as for other types of contour plastic surgery:

  • Autoimmune and oncological diseases;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases, acute diseases;
  • Rashes, dermatological diseases in the treatment area;
  • Pregnancy, lactation;
  • Tendency to form keloids;
  • Blood clotting disorders.

Important: before the procedure, you should not drink alcohol or drugs that affect blood clotting.

Surgical methods of correction

The possibilities of plastic surgery are wide. Doctors at the GALAXY Beauty Institute select techniques based on the individual characteristics of each patient. The surgeon evaluates:

  • thickness and structural features of the skin;
  • location and shape of cartilage tissue at the tip of the nose;
  • width and volume of wings.

Depending on the results of the assessment, as well as the wishes of the patient, surgeons offer rhinoplasty or rhinoseptoplasty.


The main indication for correction is the patient’s desire to change the shape of the nose due to dissatisfaction with its appearance. But there are also medical reasons for correcting the nose with “potatoes”:

  • pathological proliferation of cartilage and soft tissues;
  • difficulty breathing due to the shape and size of the nose;
  • acquired anomalies resulting from injury or surgery;
  • pathological drying of the mucous membranes due to wide nostrils.

Depending on the initial problem and characteristics of each patient, specialists at the GALAXY Beauty Institute select the optimal procedure.

  • Plastic wings. Thick skin and a large volume of cartilage tissue in this area, even with a flat, narrow back, make the nose disproportionately wide and massive, as a result of which it looks shortened. During the operation, the surgeon cuts off excess tissue, and after healing, facial features soften.
  • Nostril surgery. Wide, enlarged nostrils not only distort the face, making it unattractive, but also complicate the work of the mucous membranes. Constant drying out of the internal mucous membranes leads to bleeding, thinning of tissues, and frequent infections. The surgeon narrows the nostrils, adjusting the width and volume, and makes the nose more harmonious.
  • Plastic surgery of the tip of the nose. A fleshy, hooked tip visually ages you, while a wide or square tip makes your face look heavier. A lot depends on the thickness of the skin: if it is thin, the cartilage that forms the tip and nostrils is clearly visible. Thick skin reliably hides the internal structure, but makes the tip massive and dense. During the operation, the surgeon can change the position of the nasal septum, remove excess cartilage tissue, lift and reduce the tip, and adjust the angle between it and the upper lip.
  • Augmentation rhinoplasty. This procedure involves working with a flattened or curved bridge of the nose with a wide tip. During plastic surgery, the doctor compensates for the lack of volume using a special frame made from the patient’s own cartilage material. Over time, it grows into the tissue and becomes a natural part of the bridge of the nose. Augmentation rhinoplasty is one of the most difficult surgical options. The GALAXY Beauty Institute has all the necessary equipment to perform this extremely difficult procedure. Surgeons always use patented proprietary techniques to obtain ideal results.

All types of interventions are performed in a closed manner, since this method has many advantages compared to the older open method of rhinoplasty:

  • closed access does not require an incision in the columella, the area of ​​skin between the nostrils, so this operation is the least traumatic;
  • all incisions are made inside the nasal cavity, so after healing there are no scars left on the skin; as a result, it is impossible to guess that a person had plastic surgery;
  • during such an operation, the skin remains in its place all the time, which allows you to monitor in detail changes in the shape of the nose;
  • After closed rhinoplasty, rehabilitation is much faster and easier, and the risk of complications is reduced.

The operation is performed using endoscopic equipment, which allows the surgeon to control his every action.

Our main task is not just to fulfill the patient’s wishes, but to correct defects so that the nose becomes harmonious and neat. It is not enough to change the nose with a “potato”; you need to choose a shape that is ideal for the face of a particular person. Therefore, surgeons at the GALAXY Beauty Institute always approach the problem comprehensively, carefully planning the course of the operation and thinking through the desired end result together with the patient.


This is a correction method that allows you to simultaneously work with the nasal septum and the shape of the nose. It is performed if, in addition to aesthetic problems, nasal breathing disturbance due to a deviated septum is added.

Similar to rhinoplasty, rhinoseptoplasty at the GALAXY Beauty Institute is performed using closed access without a columella incision.

What rhinoseptoplasty can do:

  • adjust the volume of the wings;
  • reduce and narrow the nostrils;
  • straighten the partition;
  • remove deformed fragments;
  • normalize nasal breathing.

Working together on the septum and shape, plastic surgeons at the GALAXY Beauty Institute completely eliminate both aesthetic and medical problems. The nose becomes neat, photogenic, nasal breathing is normalized, and the face as a whole becomes harmonious.

Non-surgical correction methods

Many patients are afraid of surgery and want minimal intervention. Although such methods do exist and even work, they can only cope with minor violations. In the vast majority of cases, non-surgical correction methods only visually mask flaws, but do not eliminate them.

Contour plastic

This is a correction method based on the introduction of special drugs – fillers – into problem areas. Playing the role of fillers, such products can soften some flaws and make them less noticeable, replenish the missing volume of tissue, and remove slight asymmetry.

However, in relation to the nose “potato”, a similar method is unlikely to work. Since a wide nasal tip and excessive tissue volume require reduction, not enlargement, introducing additional substance into the problem area will only worsen the situation.

Lipolytic injections

Such products work great in resolving scars, but they must be used with great caution to remove soft tissues of the nose. Incorrect calculation of dosage or errors during administration can lead to unexpected results for everyone.

Drugs are not able to rid the patient of a potato nose; only surgery can completely remove the defect. Lipolitics can:

  • reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat;
  • remove excess intercellular fluid;
  • reduce swelling;
  • increase tissue regeneration;
  • reduce skin porosity.

The tip of the nose after a course of injections becomes narrower and less fleshy. However, the measure is temporary, the result will sooner or later disappear, and the procedure will have to be repeated.

Beauty injections or botulinum toxin correction

The method, which has gained enormous popularity in the field of rejuvenation, in some cases can also help with nose correction. Especially if changes in shape are caused by age-related processes.

During the procedure, special preparations based on botulinum toxin are injected into the problem area, which can slightly raise the tip and narrow the nostrils. Unfortunately, the effect is short-term - up to 8 months, and then the procedure must be repeated.

Massage and gymnastics

In modern language, a set of exercises for correcting facial defects is called face building. Many options have been developed to reduce or lengthen the nose, eliminate hump, narrow the tip, and straighten the septum. However, this practice does not bring noticeable results even after daily exercise for a long time. The nose does not shrink with potatoes; the only positive effect of such exercises is stimulation of blood circulation.


Visually masking aesthetic flaws using decorative cosmetics is the fastest and most affordable option for nose correction using potatoes. Unfortunately, even high-quality and expensive makeup will not correct age-related changes, the consequences of injuries and breathing problems. It can only temporarily reduce the volume and slightly simulate the shape.

Whether to spend time and money on dubious methods or not is up to everyone to decide for themselves. The main thing is not to forget that the only truly effective and durable way to fix your nose with potatoes is surgery. Time-tested and original methods of rhinoplasty and rhinoseptoplasty will help make your face more aesthetically pleasing and attractive, get rid of snoring and difficulty breathing, and also eliminate psychological discomfort associated with dissatisfaction with your own appearance. Well, if surgery is contraindicated, cosmetologists from the GALAXY Beauty Institute will come to the rescue.

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