Cracked skin on the legs - how to treat it and how to get rid of the problem easily and simply (75 photos and videos)

Cracks in the toes or heels are common. It causes discomfort, discomfort, and sometimes pain while walking.

A photo of cracking skin on the legs indicates the unattractive appearance of this phenomenon. They won't go away on their own. Over time, the problem will only get worse.

Timely treatment and adherence to regular preventive measures to care for the skin of your feet will get rid of the problem.

Where do skin problems come from?

To choose a treatment method and preventive measures, you need to identify the causes of cracking skin on your legs. Why does the skin on my legs crack and peel?

The following points have been identified that provoke the appearance of cracks:

Tight, narrow shoes that do not allow the skin to breathe. This causes sweating of the feet, disruption of blood circulation, and dry calluses appear. In summer, open shoes are often chosen. Pebbles can get caught in it and cause skin damage.

Insufficient water intake. Dry skin on the legs is known to be particularly prone to cracking.

Poor nutrition and weight loss diets lead to a lack of vitamins A and E and iron deficiency in the body. The elasticity of the skin is lost and it becomes dry. As a result, the skin on the toes and heels cracks under the influence of body weight.

Unprofessionally performed pedicure, bruised toes.

Neglect of basic hygiene rules. Feet should be washed not when they get dirty, but every day. If your feet sweat a lot, you should wash them twice a day and dry them, especially between the toes.

Fungal skin infection. Harmful bacteria and microorganisms are present in every body. With abrasions, skin wounds, hypothermia, or waterlogging of the feet, they can contribute to the development of a fungal infection.

You can also become infected from sick people in public baths, swimming pools, and gyms. It is enough to walk barefoot on the floor.

Diseases of the endocrine system. Diabetes mellitus reduces sensitivity and makes wound healing more difficult. Therefore, with such a diagnosis, you need to especially carefully monitor the condition of the skin.

Pharmacy products for deep cracks in the feet

The most common drugs that pharmacists recommend when asked how to remove cracks in the feet:

  1. “Radevit” is a cream or ointment based on emulsion wax, containing glycerin and vitamins A, E, B2. Disinfects, eliminates inflammation, restores. Use 1-2 times a day, applied after treating the foot with an antiseptic.
  2. “Zazhivin” is a gel with herbal ingredients containing tea tree oil, milk thistle, sage extract and vitamin F. This bactericidal and regenerating agent is applied in the evening before bed.
  3. “Hydrobalance” is a product containing glycerin and urea. Helps relieve skin irritation, replenishes moisture and lipid deficiency.
  4. “Bioastin” is a cream containing extracts of medicinal herbs, essential oils of clove and tea tree, flaxseed oil and urea (has antimicrobial and moisturizing effects). Can be used several times a day.
  5. "Lamisil" is an antifungal agent with a broad spectrum of action that kills pathogenic microorganisms and fungi. Apply once a day only to affected areas of the skin.
  6. “Sixtumed” – oil or balm. The product based on herbal ingredients is designed specifically for patients with diabetes. Nourishes the skin, reduces irritation and itching, has a wound healing effect.

Treatment options

After identifying the causes, it is necessary to decide on the treatment for cracking skin on the legs:

  • with the help of medications;
  • folk remedies.

If cracks on your legs appear regularly, you should consult a dermatologist.

Fungal diseases are recommended to be treated with medications that not only relieve symptoms, but also act on the source of the disease. To treat purulent skin lesions, antibiotics and healing ointments are used.

In the absence of such serious diseases, you can turn to traditional medicine.

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Healing cracked skin with folk remedies

There are many proven remedies for solving this problem at home: these are masks, ointments, herbal infusions, and solutions.

Diagnosis and treatment of cracks in the feet

In order for the treatment of cracked feet to be effective, the cause of the pathology must first be established. This requires a medical examination. If the doctor suspects that the cracking is due to infection or an allergic reaction, he will take swabs and do special tests. Based on the results obtained, the doctor clarifies the diagnosis and gives recommendations on how to treat cracks in the feet.

Therapy may include taking medications for the underlying disease that caused the cracks, as well as the use of local agents - all kinds of ointments, pastes, and applications. But there is no need to self-medicate: the unreasonable use of medicinal creams or solutions can worsen the condition if the cause of the pathology is associated with hidden internal factors.

  1. If the cracks are caused by a fungus, antimycotic ointments with terbinafine are used to treat them. As preventive measures, it is recommended to take antifungal medications and observe personal hygiene measures when visiting a pool or sauna.
  2. If excessive dryness of the skin has led to cracking of the feet, and the lesions are shallow, you can use standard soap baths with the addition of tea soda, as well as medicinal ointments based on petroleum jelly (it increases the elasticity of the skin and helps moisturize it), for treatment.
  3. If the cause of cracks in the feet is some common disease, then you need to pay attention to your blood vessels and be sure to consult a doctor.

To eliminate the problem, creams, ointments or gels with antimicrobial, antiseptic or anti-inflammatory effects are used. The skin of your feet must be clean when applying any product. A good effect is achieved by using contrasting and softening foot baths, as well as treatment with nourishing creams.

During the treatment of cracked feet, you must adhere to proper nutrition and drink multivitamins and minerals (mandatory set: vitamins A, B, E, PP, magnesium, zinc). Throughout the course of therapy, it is important to strictly observe foot hygiene (wash them at least twice a day), refrain from going to the bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool, and take a break from sports training. Shoes should be as comfortable as possible, and no synthetic socks - only natural fibers!

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It cannot be said that treating cracked feet is difficult, but the results will not be quick. As a rule, one course takes about a month and requires daily intake of prescribed medications, as well as strict adherence to the doctor’s recommendations.

Treatment of deep fissures and keratoderma, which is of a hereditary nature, is complemented by physiotherapy:

  • applications with peloids (sulfide silt mud);
  • electrophoresis with anti-inflammatory drugs (corticosteroids).


Prepare a glycerin mask from two tablespoons of warm water, a spoonful of flour, a spoonful of honey, and two tablespoons of glycerin.
The mixture is mixed until a thin dough is formed and applied to the area of ​​damaged skin. After 20 minutes, rinse off, wipe your feet and apply any fatty cream. After five procedures, a noticeable result appears.

How to treat cracked heels?

Proper hygiene and hydration will help improve skin condition. Try Scholl Repairing Cream for Cracked Heels . It contains keratin and a 25% urea solution, which stimulate skin cell renewal. The effect will be noticeable within 3 days.

Don't forget about proper nutrition: include foods high in calcium, iron and zinc in your diet. In most cases, this helps improve overall skin health.

Remember that you cannot self-medicate; it is better to consult a specialist.

If your efforts are in vain and cracked heels do not disappear, visit a therapist or dermatologist. A specialist will help determine the real cause of the disease and identify possible health problems.


Used if the cracks are deep and bleed.

For two liters of warm water, take two tablets crushed into powder and dissolve, lower your feet into the bath for 20 minutes. After the procedure, the feet are dried and any healing cream is applied. Take baths daily.


Prepare a solution with the addition of baking soda. Keep your feet in the bath for about half an hour. The feet are wiped and lubricated with moisturizer.

Chamomile, celandine, plantain

The mixture of dry herbs is poured with one liter of hot water and infused. After the solution has cooled, the feet are immersed in the bath for 20 minutes.

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Chereda, oak bark

Herbs have good disinfectant and wound healing properties. They are also infused in hot water and taken in a foot bath. After the baths, the feet are wiped and lubricated with cream.

These methods are also effective for fungal skin diseases. Only after taking the procedures you should use hydrogen peroxide rather than cream.

If you have diabetes, you should not put your feet in hot water.

Getting rid of cracked feet using folk remedies

  • Petrolatum

Traditional medicine often treats skin pathologies with Vaseline, including cracks in the feet. What to do:

  • first steam your feet in hot water with boric acid (diluted at the rate of 1 tbsp per 1 glass of water);
  • lubricate the cracks with Vaseline, stick a band-aid on top, leave overnight;
  • Repeat the procedure until the cracks disappear completely.
  • Olive oil

Rub into cracked feet daily using massage movements. Treatment is carried out immediately after water procedures, at night. The oil is preheated. At the end of the massage, put on cotton socks. The product helps improve blood flow in the legs and promote rapid healing of cracked feet. It is also used for preventive purposes.

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  • Beeswax

This folk remedy for getting rid of cracks is used in combination with paraffin and salicylic acid, all components are mixed in equal parts. The resulting mass is applied with a cotton swab to the damaged areas of the foot, it should harden. After that, three more layers are applied in the same way and the leg is wrapped in a bandage. Leave it on for a day, then remove it and make a soap and soda bath for your feet. Steamed feet are carefully treated with pumice.

  • Baths with soap and soda solution

To prepare, you need to take 2 liters of hot water, dissolve 1 tbsp in it. l. soda and ½ tsp. mineral soap (it contains natural oils and sea salt). Steam your feet in the solution (at least 10 minutes), and then carefully treat them with a special grater. Next, a medicinal fatty cream containing aloe or glycerin is applied to the feet. At least ten procedures are required to achieve the effect.

  • Apple and onion compress

A raw onion and a juicy apple are grated on a fine grater. The resulting mass is distributed over the surface of dense fabric, applied to the foot in those areas where there are cracks, and fixed with a bandage. If the cracks are shallow and not old, the same can be done using a fresh tomato.

  • Mask based on laundry soap

An old proven remedy for cracked feet is laundry soap 72%. They need to rub their feet at night and wear cotton socks. In the morning, feet should be washed well with water.

Preventive measures

If the skin on your legs is already cracking and peeling, there is no point in taking preventive measures.

To avoid discomfort and pain, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • always wear high-quality and comfortable shoes for the season;
  • drink plenty of water to avoid dry skin;
  • regularly clean your feet of hardened skin with special products;
  • apply cosmetic moisturizers and emollients and change them periodically;
  • daily include in the menu foods that contain vitamins and minerals in sufficient quantities;
  • in swimming pools or other similar public places, wear individual shoes and use a special anti-fungal spray or lemon juice to treat the skin of the feet;
  • do not use other people’s products and personal hygiene items;
  • Massage your feet and toes regularly to improve blood circulation, which helps wound healing.

Discomfort when walking, associated with itching and burning of cracked skin, constantly causes restless thoughts in a person.

If you take timely measures in the early stages, you can easily get rid of small cracks and damage. Relief occurs within a few days.

More serious injuries need to be treated in a complex manner, the effect can be achieved in a few weeks.

But the most important thing is systematic adherence to preventive measures and personal hygiene rules. This is the only way to maintain the attractive appearance of the skin on your feet and toes.

Preventing the appearance of cracks and peeling on the feet

In order to prevent the occurrence of cracks, it is necessary:

  • choose shoes carefully, avoid uncomfortable models, use special orthopedic insoles if you have flat feet;
  • properly care for your feet, using moisturizing and softening creams, balms, oils, etc.;
  • bring your weight back to normal;
  • monitor blood sugar levels (to recognize the risk of diabetes in time);
  • do not develop fungal diseases of the feet, seek medical help in a timely manner;
  • be sure to include in your diet foods rich in polyunsaturated omega fatty acids and vitamins (beta-carotene, tocopherol, ascorbic acid and pantothenic acid, biotin, ergocalciferol are especially beneficial for skin health).

Dry skin on the feet and cracks are a reason for special care: you should wash your feet with warm, not hot water, take a bath or shower, preferably no more than ten minutes, and use only mild, fragrance-free detergents.

People suffering from diabetes need to examine their feet every day, because they may simply not notice cracks due to reduced sensitivity of the limbs due to the disease.

These measures will help you avoid troubles such as cracked feet. Which doctor should I contact if they do appear? To a specialist who is monitoring chronic diseases, or directly to a podologist. He will give all the necessary recommendations for treatment and prevention. It is better to deal with cracks in the feet as soon as they appear - this will facilitate the treatment process and shorten its duration. It is more difficult to cope with old cracks, since the pathological process is aggravated by various infections.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary specialist, but by one of the best in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13

, and you will see for yourself!

Photo of cracking skin on legs

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I’ve always had smooth feet, even the pedicurist only painted my nails, and then I worked on my feet for 12 hours and that’s it, goodbye smooth feet, so for myself I think the recipe is a gentle regimen and good shoes, naturally.

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Cream for Cracks Before and After Twins Tek contains allantoin extract from urea, regenerates and heals. Prevents the appearance of corns and softens calluses. Cracks, if any, heal quickly.

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