Why does the skin on the fingers near the nails crack? Home treatment methods and prevention

The nail apparatus is an important part of the fingers. Nails protect the upper phalanges from damage and help do delicate work with your hands. Perform a supporting function. Also, a fashionable, neat manicure decorates a woman and emphasizes the beauty of her hands. But there is another meaning. Often nails inform about the health of the body, reflect certain disorders, the consequences of bad habits and lifestyle. If they suddenly change color, shape, delaminate or crack, this is an alarm bell.

Cracks in the nails or the skin around the nails are especially unpleasant. They look ugly, hurt, and provoke infection. Let's figure out why the nails on the fingers or toes crack? The reasons are varied: from the physiological manifestations of aging to internal pathologies.

Main Factors

Common causes of split toenails or fingernails are:

  • age-related changes;
  • external mechanical or chemical influences;
  • infections;
  • internal illnesses.

Typically, weakened nail plates that are prone to splitting suffer. And also thumbnails. Why does the nail on the big toe or hand crack? It's a matter of physiological purpose. On the hand, it counters the rest, making it easy to grasp and manipulate objects. But at the same time, due to this feature, the thumb is more susceptible to damage and injury leading to cracks.

A similar situation occurs on the feet. The big toe and forefoot bear the brunt of the load when walking. In addition, the first toe is longer than the others, is in closer contact with the shoe, and is injured if it does not fit properly.


When an injury occurs, cracks form immediately or some time after. Excessive sudden load leads to cracking and breaking of the plate. Long nails are most vulnerable to accidental injury.

The appearance of cracks provokes:

  • injury;
  • pinching;
  • eversion or bending;
  • cuts.

After an injury, it is important to monitor the growth of the plate, since as it grows, the cracks can deepen.


Age-related changes affect not only the skin, but also the nails. As they age, their structure changes, they become fragile, thin or, conversely, thickened. They are easily damaged and break even from minor impacts. More often, such reasons why nails crack are found on the hands or feet of women over 60 years of age. In addition to cracks, the nails of older people become flaky, peel, become deformed, and become covered with grooves.

Contact with water and household chemicals

Work associated with frequent contact with water is a risk factor for cracks in nails. These are ordinary household chores, work in the pool, in the kitchen, in a cleaning company.

Contact without protective gloves with household chemicals for washing, cleaning, washing dishes is very drying and destroys the nail plate. Provokes brittleness and cracking.

The aggressive components in the composition are absorbed into the surface of the plate, softening the stratum corneum. Household chemicals containing chlorine and alkali are especially harmful.

Fungal infection

Fungal infection (onychomycosis) is a common cause of cracked toenails in men. Men's feet sweat much more, and the warm, humid environment in shoes creates excellent conditions for the growth of fungus.

Onychomycosis can be both a cause and a consequence of the formation of cracks. If the integrity of the plate is compromised, the pathogen penetrates more easily into the nail bed.

For onychomycosis plate:

  • turns yellow, becomes discolored;
  • crumbles, thickens;
  • has an unpleasant odor;
  • peels off from the nail bed.

Cracks due to fungus form already at an advanced stage if the fight against the infection is not started in time.

Nutrient deficiency

Vitamins and minerals are needed to grow strong nails. Their deficiency leads to disorders, including the formation of cracks. Iron and B vitamins are most important for nails.

Iron is part of hemoglobin and is involved in the delivery of oxygen to all organs and tissues, including the nail apparatus. With a lack of iron, iron deficiency anemia develops, and cracks in the nails are included in the list of its symptoms. In addition, there is shortness of breath, fatigue, and pale skin.

B vitamins, biotin B7 and pantothenic acid B5, are responsible for the strength and growth of nails. They participate in the synthesis of keratin, normalize metabolic processes in the tissues of the nail apparatus, and improve the nutrition of the matrix and bed.


Cracked nails cause some internal disorders. For example, psoriasis, thyroid pathologies.

Psoriasis affects not only the skin, but also the nails. This manifests itself in the form of multiple pinpoint depressions, changes in the color of the plate, detachment, delamination, and redness of the nail bed.

Decreased production of thyroid hormones leads to dry, brittle, cracking nails. But this is not the only symptom.

A person with hypothyroidism has:

  • swelling;
  • dry skin;
  • muscle pain;
  • increased fatigue;
  • tendency to depression;
  • increase in body weight.

In case of internal pathologies, you need to consult a specialized doctor and treat the underlying disease, since changes in nails are only a consequence.

What to do if the skin around your nails is dry: home remedies and methods

What remedies will help you avoid cases where the skin around your nails dries out:

  • A damp towel. Definitely warm. You can wet your fingers with it, relieving unpleasant symptoms. If the problem of dryness is not global, the softened cuticle skin can be cut off with nail scissors.
  • Honey. Can relieve inflammation and relieve itching. You should apply masks to your hands for 20 minutes, completely exposing the “problem areas” with honey.
  • Aloe. This plant has the natural property of relieving inflammation and softening the skin, as well as fighting infections. Good to use on affected areas or completely all over.
  • Bleaching. Oddly enough, a weak bleach solution can have a very positive effect on your hands if there is fungus in them or the nail plates.
  • Olive oil. Qualitatively eliminates dryness and gives a pleasant feeling to the skin.
  • Nail and skin care. An important component of your health, so try to always keep them clean and beautiful.

Why do my child's nails crack?

Mothers sometimes notice cracks on the legs or arms of small children. Before you panic, consider whether there was an injury. Because of the child’s curiosity and desire to explore the world, this is the most common reason. Maybe the baby hit himself or pinched his finger? Children's nails are soft, thin, easily bend, flake, and crack if the nail is not bent properly. For example, cracks in the big toe are often caused by shoes that are too small. Proper nail trimming helps prevent split nails in children. Keep them short, cut them in a straight line on your legs, and in a small semicircle on your arms.

Another reason for cracked nails in a child is a vitamin deficiency caused by an unbalanced diet, problems with digestion or absorption of nutrients.

The skin around the nails dries, the cuticles on the hands and feet become rough - how to get rid of it: tips

The main thing you should do if your skin around your nails is dry is to try to solve the problem by changing your lifestyle and instilling good habits:

  • Wash dishes with gloves
  • After water procedures, apply creams and oils to your hands
  • In winter, be sure to wear warm gloves and socks (do not let your hands freeze)
  • Buy a special humidifier for your home, or place containers of water throughout the house
  • Do not use cheap cosmetics, give preference to natural or pharmacy ones
  • Make hand oil at home (olive, flaxseed, pumpkin – it doesn’t matter)

Manicure and cracked nails

Even a regular manicure or pedicure done by an inexperienced technician can result in cracking nails. What can we say about complex techniques, such as applying gel polish to nails? Why do extended nails or shellac crack? In fact, there are several reasons. The master can make mistakes both when applying and when removing artificial turf.

Sometimes women experience that gel nails crack in the middle or at the edges. Why? And why do natural nails crack under gel polish?

This is due to the following factors:

  • rigid coating with minimal flexibility;
  • the gel layer is too thick,
  • improper distribution of material on the plate;
  • long nails.

Ordinary decorative varnish has a negative effect on the condition of your nails if you use liquids based on acetone or toluene to remove it. They contain aggressive chemicals that penetrate the top layer of the nail, weakening the plate, making it brittle and brittle.

What to do if the skin around your nails is dry: reviews

Dry skin around nails: reviews

Daria: “I have a stupid habit of cutting the skin with my fingernail and picking out a piece of dried skin. As a result, the “dry” case ends with wounds that heal for a long time and painfully. I will listen to the advice of the article and regularly anoint my hands with oil!”

Tatyana: “A very good remedy is aloe concentrate. It helps not only heal wounds, but also soften the skin. You can buy it ready-made or simply tear off an aloe leaf from a living plant. Remember that aloe can only be stored in the refrigerator! Plus, the cool liquid is very pleasant to the skin!”

Valeria: “After I started going to the master for a manicure, I noticed that the skin grows around the nail much more intensely and faster than it was before. The master said that this is quite natural, because the cuticle essentially protects the nail, and therefore clearly fulfills its purpose! To prevent this from causing you discomfort, simply lubricate your skin regularly with cuticle oil!”

Types of cracks

Nail cracking can occur in the middle, along the edges, along or across. There are multiple and single cracks. Assessing their location, length and depth helps determine the reason why nails are cracking. For example, a plate on the hands with a split along its length speaks of psoriasis and blood diseases. Fungal infection causes splitting of the plate along the legs.

Why do nails crack across the middle? As a rule, this is what the consequences of an injury look like due to the inversion of a long nail, improper extension, or excessive filing of the surface of the stratum corneum of the plate.

Treatment with medications

Healing ointments and vitamins (for example, Aevit) will help cope with the problem. If the skin near the nail cracks due to any disease, then it is necessary to treat it. Otherwise, the cracks will torment you again and again.

Creams, ointments, balms

In order to get rid of a crack near the nail, you can use healing external agents. Here are some good ones:

  • Ointment Radevit. Contains vitamins A, E, D.
  • Balm Rescuer. Contains natural ingredients. Cleanses and restores the skin.
  • Balm Guardian . A natural remedy that has a disinfecting and healing effect.
  • Cream or ointment D-Panthenol. Has a regenerating, anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Bepanten cream or ointment. Normalizes cellular metabolism, heals damaged skin.
  • Balm Ambulance . The composition includes olive and sea buckthorn oils, as well as vitamins A and E.

Be sure to read:
Why longitudinal convex stripes appear on nails

To intensively moisturize the skin, you can use hand creams with urea. Follow the link to find the TOP 10 products.

Glue BF-6

Using medical glue BF-6, you can sort of seal the wound. It is applied to clean and dry skin along the entire length of the wound (a couple of drops is enough). Wait a few minutes for the glue to dry. The edges of the crack are well fixed, and its bottom gradually heals.

After 5-7 days the glue can be removed. During this time, do not use any other healing agents.

After removing the glue, it is advisable to conduct a course of baths, as well as choose proper care for the skin of your hands.

Why does the skin of my fingers crack?

Cracks often form near the fingernails of people whose skin is constantly exposed to negative factors. This manifests itself to a greater extent on the hands. Why does the skin under my fingernails crack?

In many ways, the reasons are the same as for nails:

  • constant contact with water;
  • working with household chemicals without protective gloves;
  • lack of vitamins (A, E), omega 3, leading to dryness;
  • lack of proper care;
  • chapping, increased sensitivity to temperature changes;
  • skin diseases: eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis.

Why does the skin of the fingers near the nail still crack? The cause may be a fungal infection. It manifests itself in the form of redness, itching, peeling of the skin, but in advanced cases it leads to cracks and ulcers.

The cuticle and skin around the nails are very dry: methods of treatment, moisturizing

Dry and rough skin around the plates should be treated based on the causes of the problem and the doctor’s diagnosis.

General recommendations for action if the skin around the nails is dry:

  • Don't soar your fingers
  • Try to keep your fingers in a hot environment (bath, shower, sink) as little as possible.
  • Drink enough water per day
  • Humidify the room you are in
  • Do not injure dry skin even more (biting off hangnails, etc.)
  • Moisturize your hands more often with creams, lotions, oils
  • Take a multivitamin

Dry skin - aesthetic discomfort

Nutrition and drinking regime

Nutrition should be balanced (balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates) and include vitamins and microelements beneficial for the skin. Among them are:

  • seafood (fatty fish, oysters, shellfish) - rich in Omega-3, moisturize and nourish the skin, promote the healing of cracks;
  • citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruit, lemons), bell peppers - contain vitamin C, which is necessary to maintain healthy skin;
  • green and red vegetables (carrots, tomatoes, herbs, bell peppers) - contain vitamin A, which has an antioxidant effect and fights dryness, peeling, and cracks. This vitamin is also found in pork and beef liver, cod, salmon, butter and milk;
  • nuts are rich in vitamin E, which rejuvenates, eliminates flaking and cracks, and prevents dry skin;
  • onion - includes mineral salts, proteins and fats that are beneficial for the epidermis, organic acids, vitamins B, E, essential oils.

Drinking regime is very important. You should drink enough water per day. For an adult, the norm is approximately 1.5-2 liters.

Traditional recipes for cracks

To combat the problem of cracks around the nails, you can use the following folk remedies:

  • Shilajit-based ointment. Dissolve 2 tablets in a small amount of water. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin, rinse after drying.
  • Egg ointment. Mix 2 tsp. cottage cheese, yolk, half tbsp. sunflower oil. Apply to the affected area, after drying, rinse with warm water.
  • Bath with tea tree oil. Add 10 drops of oil to a glass of warm water. Pour the water into a small container. Keep your hands in the water for about ten minutes.
  • Bath with oils and sea salt. Add a few drops of oil to the salt solution (2 tablespoons per 1 liter) (you can take olive, almond, peach). After the procedure, dry your hands with a paper towel.
  • Oil bath. Add a few drops of lemon juice and 2 capsules of aevit to half a glass of olive oil. Soak your hands in the mixture for about 10-15 minutes.
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