Parisian lip augmentation technique: features of lip shape




As you age, your skin's elasticity decreases and the appearance of your lips changes. The skin around the mouth becomes less elastic, resulting in wrinkles. One of the consequences of aging is the blurring of the lip contour. The decrease in elasticity is also reflected in the corners of the mouth, which gives a dull appearance to the facial expression. In addition, sometimes it is necessary to correct some congenital defects in the shape and volume of the lips.


Labiaplasty is usually performed under light anesthesia and takes about an hour, but the duration of the operation also depends on the extent of the surgery. Typically, the patient can go home the same day after a few hours of rest.

Minor corrections can be performed under local anesthesia, such as injection treatments for wrinkles. In case of age-related problems associated, for example, with lengthening of the upper lip, an incision is made in the nasal part. When correcting drooping corners of the lips, lifting is performed through angular incisions in the corners of the mouth and above them.

Increasing lip volume can be achieved in several ways. One of the methods is the so-called VY-plasty. On the inside, the V-shaped mucous membrane of the lips is sutured into a Y-shape, due to which the mucous membrane moves forward. At the same time, a fat injection is administered. Fat is extracted from any part of the body and, using a special purification technology, is injected into the lips.

Another way to increase lip volume is the introduction of non-endogenous substances, such as hyaluronic acid. When using this method, the effect disappears after about six months. There are many manufacturers of artificial injectable drugs that provide a permanent effect. However, their use is practiced in limited quantities.

Is it possible to do non-surgical bullhorn?

To enlarge the upper lip without surgery, it is enough to do lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid. However, lip correction with fillers is not always suitable for a number of reasons.

Firstly, to maintain lip size, fillers need to be pinned about twice a year.

Secondly, with initially thin lips, fillers cannot significantly affect their size.

Thirdly, what we talked about from the very beginning, the root of age-related changes in appearance most often lies not in the lips themselves, but in the increased distance between the upper lip and the nose. It is this problem that non-surgical correction cannot solve.

Postoperative period

In the first few days after surgery, you may experience swelling, numbness, tightness, and pain. The swelling is temporary and gradually goes away over the first few weeks after surgery. To speed up the subsidence of swelling, we recommend contacting one of our dermatologists.

In five to seven days you will be scheduled for your first follow-up examination. But you can contact us earlier if you wish.

Approximately three weeks after surgery, physical activity in the gym is allowed. The healing process for each patient is individual. Listen to your body's signals, follow them! However, it is recommended to avoid direct sunlight on the externally visible incisions used in labiaplasty for six months.

Why is it worth having cheiloplasty at the Pirogov Clinic?

  • The Pirogov Clinic was recognized as the best plastic surgery clinic
    according to the national rating of private clinics in St. Petersburg by the medical portal “Doctor Peter” and the city portal “” in 2022;
  • qualified plastic surgeons with extensive experience in aesthetic surgeries;
  • the opportunity to undergo all preoperative examinations in the clinic within one day;
  • own laboratory;
  • modern operating rooms with advanced medical equipment;
  • attentive and responsible medical staff: a team of anesthesiologists-resuscitators, assistants and nurses harmoniously and quickly resolves any issues around the clock;
  • comfortable hospital;
  • quick return to normal life: as a rule, patients are discharged the very next day after the intervention;
  • the ability to perform several operations simultaneously, which means you get the best result in one intervention;
  • a recovery course in the cosmetology department, which will help shorten rehabilitation;
  • interest-free installment payment for any operations, credit;
  • online consultations with plastic surgeons.

Make an appointment

Surgical removal of biopolymer gel from lips

Not so long ago, lip augmentation using so-called permanent non-absorbable fillers, for example, biopolymer gel to give shape and volume, was very popular. This method was considered inexpensive, safe and guaranteed to provide lifelong results. Over time, in some cases, migration of the drug and inflammatory reactions at the injection site were observed, so today, more often there is a need to remove the injected polymer gel.

Today it is possible to remove polymer gel in one procedure. But this is only part of the task facing a plastic surgeon. After removing the non-absorbable gel, it is necessary to restore the shape of the lips.

This raises certain difficulties. Polymer gel is a foreign substance for the body. It is not able to dissolve on its own and therefore, over time, connective tissue begins to form around the sites of its injection, changing the shape of the lips and preventing microsurgical removal of the gel.

Removal of the polymer gel is performed through an incision made on the inside of the lip. This choice of incision site is due to minimal damage to muscles and blood vessels. In addition, it prevents the appearance of an unsightly scar on the lip. The polymer gel is then removed through this incision. The use of this technique in the area above the upper lip allows you to get rid of the so-called “duck mouth” effect.

Next, the shape of the lips is restored. Usually, this requires removing excess mucous membrane that hangs like “curtains” in the area of ​​the upper lip. In addition, the shape of the lower lip is also corrected - it is given a natural proportion: 1.5 times larger than the upper lip. At the end of the operation, a special internal suture is applied, which becomes invisible after healing. The rehabilitation period after removal of the polymer gel takes approximately 10-14 days, and the scarring process ends completely in one to two months. After the procedure, if the patient wishes, it is possible to correct the shape and contour of the lips again. In this case, it is better to use preparations based on hyaluronic acid, which has the ability to gradually dissolve without leaving any traces behind.


Contraindications to cheiloplasty are:

  • the presence of systemic diseases in an uncompensated state;
  • shortened upper lip;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • tendency to form scar tissue;
  • strongly raised tip of the nose;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • individual allergic reaction to drugs used during surgery;
  • worsened chronic diseases;
  • any inflammatory processes.

The procedures are performed according to international protocols by a plastic ophthalmic surgeon with more than 20 years of experience - Elena Vladimirovna Chugai. Photos before and after cheiloplasty can be viewed on our website in the appropriate section.

Basic services and plastic surgeries

Nose surgery (rhinoplasty)

Changing the contours, features and volume of the nose or its individual parts. With the help of rhinoplasty, you can reduce or narrow the nose, remove the hump, change the shape of the nostrils, and correct the shape of the back and tip of the nose.

Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty)

Plastic surgery of the upper and lower eyelids, aimed at eliminating age-related changes in the soft tissues of the upper and lower eyelids, as well as changing the shape, size and racial characteristics of the eye.

Breast augmentation (mammoplasty)

Breast augmentation with the use of implants - endoprosthetics.

Breast reduction and lift

Reduction mammoplasty - reduction mammoplasty. Breast lift - mastopexy.

Ear plastic surgery (otoplasty)

Aesthetic plastic surgery aimed at eliminating protruding ears, protruding ears and other defects.

Plastic surgery of the face, neck and chin (facelift)

Plastic surgery of the face, neck and chin, including chin reduction or augmentation. Facial contouring, including lip augmentation, cheekbones, chin, and wrinkle smoothing.

Lip surgery (cheiloplasty)

Increasing lip volume, removing wrinkles around the mouth, eliminating the effect of blurring the lip contour. In addition, sometimes it is necessary to correct some acquired defects in the shape and volume of the lips, for example, to surgically remove biopolymer gel from the lips.

Plastic surgery of the legs (cruroplasty)

Cruroplasty is an operation to correct the shape of the legs. One of the popular services is calf muscle augmentation surgery with a silicone implant.

Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty)

Surgical removal of excess skin and fatty tissue, strengthening of the stretched muscles of the anterior abdominal wall and midline of the abdomen, shaping the waist.

Intimate plastic surgery (labiaplasty)

Labiaplasty is an aesthetic plastic surgery aimed at changing the shape and size of the labia minora and majora. Labiaplasty is part of aesthetic intimate surgery, which also includes operations on the clitoris and vagina.

Removal of fat deposits (liposuction)

Surgical removal of local fat deposits on any part of the body. With the help of liposuction, the contours of the human body are corrected.

Impact zones

Hyaluronic fillers can transform the following areas of the procedure:

forehead and eyebrow area

The upper part of the face is most often subject to deep wrinkles, which are formed due to active facial expressions and frequent tension of the forehead. Injections smooth out deep wrinkles and creases, filling them with a gel-like composition.

lips, corners of lips

Hyaluronic fillers give lips extra volume and moisturize them. Also, with the help of fillers, it is possible to correct lip asymmetry, raise the corners of the mouth, as a result, the face looks more youthful.

cheek and cheek area

Fillers replenish volume, restore clarity to the face and emphasize the cheekbone line. Injections into the cheekbones not only make them clearer and more expressive, but also tighten the skin on the cheeks and along the jawline, as if lifting the skin of the face upward.

eye area

The skin of this area is thinner, so it is susceptible to facial wrinkles and age-related changes earlier than other areas of the face. Fillers smooth out wrinkles in the corners of the eyes and nasolacrimal grooves.


Today, fillers are an excellent alternative to plastic surgery. They are able to relieve the patient of a hump on the bridge of the nose, as well as make the wings of the nose symmetrical.

folds in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle

This area of ​​the face is the main sign of age, making the face look tired and mature. Fillers smooth the skin from the inside out, giving the face a more youthful appearance.


Using fillers, volume is added to the chin and horizontal creases are removed. It is also possible to remove the hole if it is an aesthetic drawback for the patient.

Jolie angles or youth angles

(scientific name: mandibular angles)

With the help of fillers, it is possible to correct the angles of the lower jaw. A clear line of the lower jaw with pronounced angles visually makes the appearance more sophisticated, feminine and emphasizes youth.

Depending on the area, fillers of different densities are selected - high, medium or low. Therefore, the introduction of fillers must be carried out by a professional specialist. You should not trust your face to untested cosmetologists who do not have sufficient experience, qualifications and knowledge.

How does the procedure work?

Before carrying out the filler injection procedure, a detailed consultation with a doctor and diagnostics are required - identifying the characteristics of the skin, the patient’s needs, and eliminating contraindications.

The duration of the procedure is from 15 minutes to an hour, on average 30 minutes.

Stages of the procedure:

· cleansing the facial skin, marking and placing points in the areas of filler injection

The doctor shows the patient a syringe with the drug - its integrity, dosage and expiration date.

· pain relief

An anesthetic is applied to the skin of the face - a drug that can cause a decrease in sensitivity. In addition, some filler compositions include analgesic components, making the injection procedure virtually painless.

injection of fillers

The drug is injected using a very thin needle to a certain depth, which depends on the composition, the desired result and the severity of the skin defect. The technique of administration also varies and is determined by a cosmetologist.

· facial massage for even distribution of filler

The final effect appears after two weeks.

Indications for use

Fillers should be used in cases where:

  • mimic and age wrinkles appeared;
  • the skin has ceased to be firm and elastic and has become flabby;
  • it is necessary to correct the consequences of dermatological problems;
  • it is necessary to increase the volume of the lips, correct their shape, and raise the corners of the lips.

Prices for injections into the corners of the lips in Moscow vary from 8,000 to 26,000 rubles. In St. Petersburg, the cost of this operation is, in principle, similar to Moscow prices.

The most popular brands based on hyaluronic acid

  1. Princess is one of the most popular fillers. There are two varieties available - with lidocaine in the composition, or without lidocaine. The kit with the drug also includes a disposable injection syringe + needles for the contour procedure. Produced in Austria.
  2. Juvederm is an American filler produced in the form of a syringe containing an injectable gel.
    There are 12 varieties of Juvederm available, 5 of which contain lidocaine. It is characterized as a product that is always evenly distributed under the skin.
  3. Surgiderm is a filler from France. Available in six types. It is characterized by a delicate structure, special plasticity, precise filling of all the smallest wrinkles and improvement of skin color.
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