Experience of using Vartox cream paste in monotherapy of viral warts

Release form and composition

Verrukacid is produced by the pharmaceutical company Retinoids in the form of a slightly viscous yellow solution with a specific, very pungent odor. It quickly penetrates tumors, exhibiting therapeutic effects within a few minutes. The domestic manufacturer packages it in dark glass bottles with a screw cap, equipped with a device for precise application of the drug. The secondary packaging for Verrukatsid is a cardboard box, inside of which there are instructions for use. The active composition is represented by the following components:

  • phenol;
  • metacresol.

The solution does not contain fatty ingredients; its auxiliary composition is formed only from ethyl alcohol and water, which explains its rapid penetration into tissues. Additional substances ensure the maximum possible absorption of active components into the skin. Ethyl alcohol enhances and prolongs their action, exhibiting its own therapeutic effects - drying, disinfecting, coagulating.


If necessary, the following analogs of the drug can be used to remove papillomas:

  • Solcoderm - used to eliminate papillomas and other types of benign formations. Average cost 600 rubles ;
  • Duofilm - the action of the gel is aimed at removing warts and papillomas. Average cost 160 rubles ;
  • SuperClean - gel for spot application is used to eliminate warts, papillomas and dry calluses. Average cost 60 rubles ;
  • Aldara is a drug that is designed specifically to eliminate infections of the epidermis with papilloma; it effectively eliminates papillomas after several uses. Average cost 1500 rubles ;
  • Papilux is a spot-on gel used to remove warts and papillomas. Does not leave scars or stains. Average price 180 rubles .

Each type of drug for eliminating papillomas has individual components and can cause various side effects. Before use, you must read the instructions in detail.

Operating principle of Verrucacid

The therapeutic properties of Verrucacid are based on the ability of its active substances to coagulate proteins, producing a cauterizing effect. At the initial stage of treatment after applying the solution, intensive destruction of superficially located cells occurs. After subsequent treatments, the neoplasms are damaged and the tissues inside them die. Verrucacid promotes compaction of the upper cytoplasmic layer due to the formation of albuminates. The growths on the skin decrease in size, become thin, fragile and soon fall off.

The mummifying effect of Verrucacid is especially pronounced. Under its influence, cells rapidly lose fluid, which contains various substances. Even after a one-time treatment of the neoplasm, it is clearly noticeable that it has darkened and shrunk.

A mild, gentle effect is uncharacteristic of the drug. It does not remove layer after layer of tissue, stimulating the exfoliation of dead scales. Verrucacid is able to penetrate directly into its cavity, destroying it from the inside. After several days of treatment, the skin condition improves significantly:

  • restoration of skin affected by pathology is accelerated;
  • the severity of pain and itching decreases;
  • inflammatory swelling resolves, lymph and blood circulation accelerates.

The drug, by rapidly reducing the size of the tumor-like growth, ensures the formation of young and healthy cells. Indirectly, it strengthens local immunity, increasing the skin's immunity to pathogens of human papillomavirus infection. The action of Verrucacid is local. Its components do not penetrate into the bloodstream, but are biotransformed directly in the skin.

Advantages of the product

There are a large number of drugs for removing papillomas and other skin defects, however, Verrukacid has the following advantages:

  • The medicine begins to act from the first day of use;
  • Most often, papilloma disappears within a few days;
  • The skin tissue is practically not injured;
  • The product is highly effective;
  • After use, there are no scars left at the site of formation.

When used correctly, the procedure is painless.

Indications for therapy

Verrucacid often becomes the first choice drug for removing exclusively benign tumors from the surface of the skin and its deeper layers. They can quickly spread to healthy areas of the skin, significantly worsening not so much the physical as the psycho-emotional state of health. Especially when you consider that some tumor-like growths have a tendency to bleed and become malignant. The use of Verrucacid helps prevent self-infection during cosmetic and hygiene procedures. Doctors include it in the therapeutic regimens of patients with the following skin tumors:

  • papillomas - benign tumor-like skin formations of viral origin in the form of a papilla on a narrow base;
  • common, plantar, filamentous warts - a disease of viral etiology, characterized by the appearance on the skin of small round protruding growths of various localizations;
  • dry calluses - formations on the skin caused by prolonged friction or increased pressure, which look like seals with thickenings in the middle;
  • genital warts - viral warts, which are soft papillary formations on a stalk that tend to merge over time.

Verrucacid has also proven itself well in the fight against keratomas - age-related benign skin tumors that arise as a result of keratinization of the upper epidermal layers. It is usually used not to reduce single or multiple spots, but to eliminate plaques and nodes. After applying the solution, the top layers begin to peel off intensively, leveling the surface of the skin.

Why do papillomas appear?

The appearance on the human body of formations that are caused by a papilloma viral infection is called a papilloma growth. Very often, many people do not immediately notice the appearance of such a growth, since in most cases this formation may not cause any discomfort.

Most often, the appearance of such formations can occur for the following reasons:

  • Frequent promiscuity and constant change of sexual partners;
  • Abuse of bad habits;
  • Decreased protective functions of the body;
  • Disease of the digestive organs;
  • Lack of proper personal hygiene.

The presence of such a virus can be transmitted to a newborn baby from the mother. Papilloma can manifest as either a small formation or damage to large areas.

Most often, papilloma has the appearance of a wart, from light pink to brown.

How to use Verrukacid correctly

Verrucacid will perform at its best if you follow the instructions for use during its use. The doctor determines the duration of the therapeutic course, taking into account the reasons for the appearance of tumor-like growths, the severity and nature of the accompanying symptoms. Before carrying out the treatment procedure, the healthy skin around the growth is protected with an adhesive plaster, since when the solution gets on it, a severe burning sensation occurs as a result of a chemical burn. The drug is applied pointwise to the formation at the following time intervals:

  • treatment of small papillomas and filamentous warts is carried out once, large growths - three or four times a day;
  • on warts localized on the feet and hands, the solution is applied seven to ten times a day;
  • skin with keratoma or dry callus is treated three or four times a day.

The drug is reapplied after the first layer has dried, which usually takes several minutes. In case of large-scale skin lesions that require repeated reuse of Verrucacid, it is advisable to protect it with ointments with keratolytic properties, for example, zinc oxide or salicylic acid. Having applied it before the procedure, the product is removed with a sterile napkin after the last use and the solution has dried.

Kerolytic ointments are also used during the treatment process for layer-by-layer removal of dead areas of growth. They are applied in a thick layer, covered with cellophane, and then fixed with a bandage or adhesive tape. After a few hours, the treated area is steamed for a quarter of an hour in water to which soap and soda are added, and dried well.

At the final stage of the procedure, the stratum corneum is carefully removed with scissors. The exception is genital warts. To remove them, you must go to a hospital. Removing dead condyloma on your own can cause the spread of a viral infection.

The procedures are performed no more than five times with weekly breaks. If treatment with Verrucacid is ineffective, surgical or physiotherapeutic techniques are used.

Preparatory procedures

Before you start using the drug Verrukacid, you must complete the following preparatory procedures:

  • Thoroughly clean the area where the papilloma or other type of skin formation is located with warm water, dry with a terry towel;
  • The papilloma needs to be softened a little; for this, a small amount of salicylic ointment is used, which is applied to the papilloma. A polyethylene film is placed on top and the whole thing is fixed with a gauze bandage;
  • The bandage is left for 30 minutes, after which it is washed off with hot water and baking soda, while the skin is steamed.

Such preparatory procedures help to achieve the necessary results much faster and eliminate papilloma.

List of restrictions

Verrucacid is not prescribed by doctors to patients with hypersensitivity to its active substances or ethyl alcohol. The solution is prohibited for therapy in early childhood (up to seven years). The manufacturer has not conducted studies aimed at identifying the teratogenic and mutagenic effects of the drug. But since its active substances are metabolized in the skin, its use is permitted both during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Treatment is carried out after assessing the benefits of the drug for the woman and the potential risks for the child.

Verrucacid is not intended for application to large areas of the skin. If neoplasms are localized in an area of ​​more than 20 cm², then it is necessary to choose other drugs. It is prohibited to use it to remove moles, as well as tumor-like growths located on any mucous membranes and in the lip area.

Verrukacid also has relative contraindications. Doctors try not to prescribe it to patients with formations located in skin folds. Treatment of tumors in the groin, anorectal area, and interdigital areas is not recommended. Sweating is quite pronounced in these areas, which increases the likelihood of the solution getting into healthy areas of the skin and causing a chemical burn.


  • Not for children under 7 years old.
  • You cannot treat skin over an area of ​​more than 20 square centimeters.
  • Do not lubricate mucous membranes and lips.
  • Treatment on the face is not recommended (it is advisable that only a doctor do this).
  • Moles and nevi should not be lubricated to prevent their growth and development into cancer.

Pregnant and lactating women

Pregnant women - absolutely not allowed; Breastfeeding people - not allowed on the chest or on the arms. Other parts of the body are fine.

Side effects

When the solution gets on healthy skin, a severe burning sensation immediately occurs, to eliminate which it is necessary to immediately wash off the Verrucacid. To do this, soak a cotton swab in any liquid that contains ethyl alcohol and wipe the skin well. Then rinse it under cold running water. If discomfort no longer appears, then a moisturizing or nourishing cream is rubbed into the skin.

In case of a chemical burn (pain, redness, swelling), you should consult a doctor, as there is a high probability of subsequent tissue infection with the development of an inflammatory process. He will prescribe external medications that quickly restore the skin - Bepanten, Panthenol, Sulfargin, Argosulfan.

When removing a growth from an area close to the eyes, short-term swelling and redness of the eyelids is possible. They are provoked by phenol vapors, which irritate sensitive, delicate skin. Treatment in such cases is not required - the side effects of Verrucacid soon disappear on their own. But it is advisable to consult a doctor due to the similarity of such symptoms with the clinical manifestations of allergies. The use of systemic or external antihistamines will help eliminate the latter.

How to buy Verrukacid in the online pharmacy Aptstore

In our online pharmacy, you can use a variety of filters to search for Verrucacid and other products with mummifying effects. For example, like this:

  • select Verrukacid by moving the alphabet pointer to the letter “B” (Verrukacid);
  • If you previously bought Verrukacid from us, find it in the “Favorites” section in your personal account and put it back into the “Cart”.

And the fastest method is to enter the name of the drug in the Smart line. An image of the Verrukacid packaging, price and instructions for using the solution will immediately open.

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