Face building: everyone is obsessed with facial gymnastics. Is it really that useful?

How to learn face building and become an instructor or coach

In search of a way to regain the former beauty and freshness of their skin, women are ready to do a lot. There are thousands of fans of fejbuilding, who prove the real positive results of the exercises. There are no scientific studies that refute this.

Despite all the contradictions, interest in this technique is growing and it is gaining popularity. Now anyone has the opportunity to become a face-building trainer and teach in this area. In order to obtain an instructor certificate, you must take training courses from qualified specialists. Typically, training lasts from 2 to 4 weeks. This makes it possible to acquire not only new professional skills, but also to see first-hand the effectiveness of the program.

Anastasia Burdyug is learning Facebook building from Carol Maggio

Popular face-building complexes from famous trainers

Facebuilding from the famous Carole Maggio “Aerobics for the skin and muscles of the face” is an effective strength exercise for a facelift.

Online training with Evgenia Baglyk is convenient and effective. There is an opportunity to learn professional skills using her system.

Classes with Anastasia Burdyug, the most popular face-building trainer in Russia.

Daily skin care

Daily care is required at any age, and is the same for everyone, but the composition of the products used is already different.

Basic order of facial hygiene (sequence is required):

  1. Cleansing (makeup removal) – foam or micellar water.
  2. Tonic - moisturizing.
  3. Serum – additional vitamins and extracts.
  4. Cream for the eye area.
  5. Day/night cream.

If you plan to do light peeling at home, this procedure should be carried out after applying tonic. Follow the time instructions, longer is not always better. After the peeling procedure, be sure to use sunscreen to prevent unnecessary pigmentation. And most importantly, do not steam your face before peeling!

How to care for facial skin after 40 will help you find out the advice of professionals on choosing a cosmetic product. To begin with, we should dwell in more detail on the composition of cosmetics for those aged 40+.

Recommended composition:

  1. Plant stem cells will have an antioxidant effect and increase collagen synthesis.
  2. Peptides – these include half of all hormones and most enzymes, so an additional source of such substances is required.
  3. Matrixyl peptides will tighten and tighten sagging skin around the eyes.
  4. Argireline peptides will block the formation of wrinkles.
  5. Retinoids are substances derived from natural vitamin A. They provide control of cell growth and differentiation of mature tissues, and help suppress the secretion of the sebaceous glands. Actively used for acne and photoaging of the skin.
  6. Hyaluronic acid helps retain moisture and protect intercellular substances from dehydration, slowing down the aging process.
  7. Allantoin is snail mucus or an extract from the comfrey plant. Affects the renewal of the epidermis, neutralizes harmful substances.
  8. Shea butter has a combination of complex compounds that eliminates inflammation, removes age spots, toxins and helps fight dry skin.

Recommendations from cosmetologists for daily skin care will help keep a woman fresh and youthful for a longer time. You just need to carefully study the composition and select the necessary product.

Reason 2. Facial gymnastics has no evidence of effectiveness

In short, today Facebook building has no evidence base.
Studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of this rejuvenation technique, but they have drawbacks. It is impossible to confirm with them whether there is any real benefit from exercise. Evidence-based medicine is simple and logical and is often depicted as a pyramid. At the base of the pyramid are clinical cases and personal experience of doctors. That is, if someone somewhere advised a patient to do yoga for the face, and a month later he returned to the appointment rejuvenated, this is not yet a reason to recognize the exercises as a panacea for wrinkles. Private stories about “it helped me” are unconvincing.

In the world of science, a clinical case is the weakest evidence in the pyramid.

At the top of the pyramid are systematic reviews and meta-analyses. That is, all available studies are carefully examined, evaluated and statistics are formed from them. Weak studies are eliminated, leaving the strongest ones. They are used to judge whether a method is good or requires improvement.

So far, there is only one study on the effectiveness of face-building: for 20 weeks, patients aged 40 to 65 years trained their facial muscles daily. The technique was previously shown to them by a face fitness specialist. At the beginning of the study and at the end, subjects were asked how they rated facial firmness in different areas. The result showed that patients noticed improvements, especially on the cheekbones. But such a study cannot be considered convincing. Only 27 people took part in it. The sample is too small, and the assessment of effectiveness is subjective.

Therefore, scientists are in no hurry to recommend that patients do Facebook building at home. Perhaps it's a waste of time. If you really want to remove wrinkles on your face, it is better to consult a dermatologist.

Why do “jowls” form?

Over time, the skin loses the properties characteristic of a young body.
Aging is accompanied by a loss of elasticity, which leads to a number of age-related changes: wrinkles, sagging skin, vascular and age spots. The changes affect not only the skin, but also the fat deposits located underneath it. Subcutaneous fat in the cheekbone area significantly atrophies, and in the cheek and chin area, on the contrary, it becomes larger. These processes lead to tissue displacement in the lower parts of the face and sagging skin. At the same time, nasolabial folds become pronounced and jowls appear - overhanging soft tissue on the sides of the jaw.

Facial muscle lift at home

It is possible to correct the oval of the face and even tighten the skin a little at home. To do this, in the early stages, you can use regular cucumber juice, which you need to freeze, and then wipe your skin with a cube of such ice in the morning. For these purposes, you can use infusions of herbs (wormwood, chamomile, dandelion leaves, etc.).

The temperature contrast technique (alternating use of cold and hot compresses) and gymnastics for tightening facial muscles are effective.

Modern cosmetics contain substances that can slightly correct the shape of the face. So, on the shelves you can see various creams with collagen, protein and amino acids. In addition, they add a large number of plant extracts and oils of plant origin, as well as the well-known vitamins E, A, C. Some compositions include beeswax, hop estrogens, and blue clay.

With the help of alginate masks and serums, you can achieve a quick, but not long-term, muscle tightening effect, since they have a similar composition, but a higher concentration.

Exercises for the facial muscles to tighten the oval at home are widespread. To achieve better results, it is recommended to combine them with massage (you can use a special simulator).

The simplest exercise for tightening the muscles of the face and neck: try to slowly pronounce all the vowels of our alphabet, but only by opening your mouth wide and tensing your muscles a little. Or hold a pencil between your lips and write the alphabet and numbers in the air.

Read material on the topic: Myofascial facial massage - a modern method of rejuvenation without surgery

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