Blisters on a child’s body: photos with explanations of watery blisters, acne on the arms, legs, face

Other causes of rash

In adolescence, the formation of a rash with purulent contents is caused by hormonal changes in the body. For the same reason, newborns develop milia, which disappear over time. Teenage girls sometimes develop watery blisters on the arms, legs, and bikini area due to mechanical hair removal. Other causes of the rash also include:

  • insect bites;
  • long-term use of medications;
  • hypothermia;
  • nervous disorders (neurodermatitis);
  • dysfunction of internal secretion organs;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • diseases of the body's functional systems;
  • metabolic disease.

Many parents confuse water pimples with a disease that has a similar name - dropsy. However, this disease is not classified as a skin pathology. Dropsy is expressed as swelling due to excessive accumulation of fluid that does not leave the body on its own. The cause of the disease is a disruption of the lymphatic system.

Seborrheic dermatitis

Appears in infants soon after birth and lasts up to a year. Yellow scales and peeling are most often located on the scalp and behind the ears, but can also be in other folds - axillary, elbow, inguinal. In everyday life they are called “milk crusts”. Because of its similarities to atopic dermatitis, seborrhea is sometimes considered a manifestation of allergies. The causes of this condition are not fully understood, but the relationship with allergies has not been identified.

Seborrhea goes away without treatment, in most cases in the first year of life. Unlike atopic dermatitis, the rash does not cause itching and does not cause discomfort to the child. If for the sake of aesthetics you want to get rid of seborrheic crusts, before bathing the baby’s head is lubricated with oil and then combed out with a soft comb.

In doubtful cases, when seborrhea is located on the body, it makes sense to consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis.

For what reasons does a rash appear on the elbows?

Any new growth on the skin indicates a malfunction in the body

It is necessary to treat the “guest” with caution and due attention. In order not to bring about a series of not very pleasant complications

Rashes can be localized in any area of ​​the body, but there is a certain list of diseases, the favorite place of occurrence of which is the surface of the elbow:

  1. Atopic dermatitis is a disease of allergic etiology, in most cases it manifests itself after contact with an allergen. The disease has the morphology of small pimples with exudate, with obvious itching.
  2. Granuloma annulare is the result of chronic diseases, which include tuberculosis, rheumatism, and sarcoidosis. Pathology makes itself felt in the form of ring-shaped neoplasms, which will be single or multiple. Single ones can acquire large sizes up to 10 centimeters.
  3. Eczema is a pathological condition accompanied by the formation of many small blisters with liquid exudate inside. The process is accompanied by itching, which causes the tissue to scratch and pimples to burst, which prolongs the disease.
  4. Psoriasis is characterized by the appearance of flaky spots of varying diameters on the outer side of the elbow, which are white at the edges and red in the middle.

Among other things, the causes of rash on the elbows in adults will be hormonal imbalances. Often this is acutely reflected in the female sex, the lack of hygiene procedures or their excessiveness, the use of a number of medications, and stressful situations.

Diseases accompanied by the appearance of watery blisters on the body

Many diseases of a viral or bacterial nature are accompanied by the appearance of a rash in the form of blisters of different shapes and colors. Large water bubbles can form due to improper functioning of an organ. This disease is called dropsy.

In addition, acne in children occurs as a result of insect bites, and they itch (we recommend reading: how and what can you do to relieve itching from mosquito bites in a child?). Some types of diseases are presented in the table.

NameLocalization of the rashCharacteristic symptoms
StreptodermaPink spots appear on the face, arms and legs. After a few days, the spots turn into large, irregularly shaped vesicles. General malaise, poor appetite, weakness.
EnterovirusIn the first days of the disease, a rash in the form of small blisters may appear on the skin.Hyperthermia, migraine, vomiting. Intoxication of the body occurs. The virus negatively affects all internal organs of the child.
HerpesVesicles appear in the nose or lips.Itching and burning appear at the site of the blisters. The condition may be accompanied by hyperthermia.
Shingles (caused by the herpes virus)Blistering rashes appear in one place (on the back, chest or abdomen), then can spread over all skin integuments.The rash is accompanied by pain in the part of the body where it appeared. There may be an increase in regional lymph nodes and an increase in body temperature.
Chickenpox (caused by the herpes simplex virus) (we recommend reading: why are they not vaccinated against smallpox in Russia now?)Vesicles appear on the face, head and trunk. Gradually the whole body becomes covered with blisters. The patient has headache, hyperthermia, and photophobia.
Autoimmune disease (pemphigus) (we recommend reading: how is pemphigus treated in children?)Bubbles form everywhere: in the mouth, on the arms and legs, on the back, and stomach. However, they are of different sizes. The disease is quite rare, but at the same time dangerous (can cause death). In this immune disease, the body fights against its own healthy cells.
ScabiesVesicles are located between the fingers and on the elbows. Then, as the scabies mite advances, they spread throughout the skin. The patient suffers from severe itching, especially at night, when the female forms passages under the skin and lays eggs.
Molluscum contagiosum (we recommend reading: treatment of molluscum contagiosum in children with photos)At the site of infection, small bubbles with a black dot and a small depression are localized. When such a pimple is squeezed, the infection spreads further. As a rule, the disease goes away on its own, but lasts several months. It does not pose a health hazard, except for visible defects on the skin.
DropsyDepending on which organ in the body has failed, dropsy is localized in the peritoneum, on the feet, chest, knee, or groin.The skin swells, swelling occurs, severe thirst, and shortness of breath. Requires differential diagnosis, therefore, when identifying the first signs of dropsy, you need to go to the hospital.

What does miliaria look like in newborns?

Miliaria, or the colloquial version of “sweet spot”, is a non-contagious and harmless, but unpleasant skin disease for the baby. It manifests itself in different ways. Depending on the nature of the rash and the depth of skin damage, three types of prickly heat are distinguished:

  • Crystalline - transparent bubbles on the neck, head, shoulders. They burst easily, but do not cause inflammation and do not bother the child. This type of prickly heat goes away in a few days with good care.
  • Miliaria rubra is a small red rash. The skin underneath may also be red and swollen. Miliaria rubra affects the deeper layers, so it can be accompanied by pain and itching. Against this background, an increase in temperature is possible. Most often, this heat rash occurs in the armpits, groin, and neck folds of the baby. The rash can last up to two weeks.
  • Miliaria profunda - dense, flesh-colored bumps. Without treatment, it can cause complications due to the addition of secondary infections, but this type of prickly heat practically does not occur in newborns; it usually occurs in adolescents and adults.

Causes of blistering and healing

Depending on the circumstances of occurrence, water blisters on the legs may be painless or cause discomfort upon palpation. If dirt somehow gets into the blister, the formations are severely scratched, which only adds to the negativity. In itself, the appearance of a blister with liquid on the legs of a child or an adult does not pose a particular danger to health and life, but to cure blisters (an area filled with some kind of gas (usually round in shape), bounded by walls of some kind of liquid

) necessary.

What causes blisters on feet:

  1. Tight or awkward shoes. Sandals, shoes made of hard materials or with protruding elements or straps can rub, causing blisters to form on the foot, heels, and toes. An ordinary blister without blood is carefully sealed. From time to time you can pierce the skin, release the liquid, treat the puncture site (before and after), secure the bandage so that dirt does not get into the wound.
  2. Insect bites. In this variant, bubbles most often form between the toes and hands. The formations cause unbearable itching, so it is better to use a special gel with a cooling and healing effect. The skin should be lubricated at least 2-3 times a day and it is better not to comb. Such liquid blisters on a baby’s leg can become a prerequisite for severe illness. If there have been no bites ( piercing of teeth, squeezing by teeth or jaws
    ), but formations have arisen, you should consult a dermatologist.
  3. Allergies also cause blisters. Healing is traditionally done with antihistamines. But any other reason should be excluded, otherwise the products will not have the desired effect. If there were no bites, and the blisters on the arms and legs are unbearably scratched, redness and inflammation form, the formations unite into a single local focus, immediately consult a doctor! The prerequisite for such a reaction can be both household chemicals and products, medications, pollen, cosmetics - anything.
  4. Fungus of the feet ( the distal (far) section of the limb of plantigrade quadrupeds, is a vault that is in direct contact with the surface of the earth and serves as a support when standing and moving
    ), hands. Blisters on the skin of the legs or arms are caused by a fungal infection. Mycosis also causes unbearable itching, and infection can occur on the beach, in the pool, in the sauna - it is impossible to protect yourself. From time to time, mycosis is a manifestation of weakened immunity. A clear sign distinguishable from an allergy is blisters not only on the soles of the feet, but also on the heels. For a long time, formations may not appear, and the skin only peels off a little and turns red. A little later, liquid bubbles appear, locally or in a chain, located on or between the fingers. The formations quickly burst and stick together, which increases the risk of another skin infection.
  1. Skin diseases cause rashes on the toes; blisters also form on all areas of the skin. In this case, the formations are not scratched, but you should not self-medicate. The symptom may be caused by the dynamic course of a severe pathology and treatment will require the use of potent pharmaceuticals: hormonal products or medications that suppress the immune system.
  2. Sunburn can also cause blisters to develop on your fingers, hands, legs or feet. Intense irradiation leads to a powerful burn, such formations ( a single purposeful process of education and training, as well as the totality of acquired knowledge, skills, values, functions, experience and competencies
    ) itch, hurt and are a sign of a 2nd degree burn. From time to time, the help of a specialist is required, since such sunbathing does not go away without leaving a trace.

From time to time, blisters on the feet may go away on their own, just as they may appear. There is no need to find the reason for this option, just monitor your general health. In particular, liquid blisters on the leg occur if a person has an acquired, infectious disease. Children often develop blisters on their heels, especially if the temperature remains at the borderline for several days. The phenomenon in the form of formations under the skin accompanies severe diabetes, viral hepatitis, or may simply be a consequence of vitamin deficiency.

Photo of vesicular rash

To determine the diagnosis, not only the presence of vesicles is taken into account, but also the accompanying symptoms. These include itching, fever, redness, peeling of the skin and other indicators. However, a preliminary assessment of the disease is possible based on the nature of the rash, shape and location.

Photo with explanations:

Hives. This disease falls into the category of dermatitis, mainly of allergic origin. The skin reacts with rashes to an external irritant (mechanical damage, chemicals). Urticaria is typically characterized by the sudden formation of multiple pale pink blisters, accompanied by severe itching.

Watery pimples with urticaria

Miliaria is a skin irritation caused by excessive sweating. It is more often observed in infants and forms in skin folds, on the neck, buttocks, and back. In an adult, prickly heat can occur due to excess weight, the application of warm compresses, or an increase in temperature. The rash is localized in the armpits, folds under the breasts, inguinal-scrotal area, and on the hands. Miliaria begins with mild itchy redness of the skin, which develops into small watery blisters.

Miliaria in infants

Chickenpox is a childhood viral disease (it also occurs in adults), the initial stage of which is characterized by the appearance of red spots with a diameter of 2-4 mm. After a few hours, the spots transform into blisters surrounded by a characteristic halo. Chickenpox is accompanied by itching. Subsequently, crusts form in place of the bubbles, which disappear on their own.

Chicken pox

Shingles is a disease that occurs in adults, especially older people. The causative agent is the same virus that causes chickenpox in young people. The specificity of herpes zoster is unilateral rashes with severe pain. The development of the disease begins with an increase in temperature and severe burning in the affected area. Then there is redness of the skin, in place of which, within a day, small watery pimples form. Vesicles can merge with each other.

Herpes zoster in an adult

Eczema is a type of dermatosis, the development of which is promoted by external (mechanical, chemical) and internal (pathologies of the nervous system, liver, kidneys, etc.) factors. There are several clinical varieties of the disease. A characteristic sign of some forms of eczema is redness of the skin followed by the formation of vesicles filled with serous fluid. The disease affects various parts of the body, lasts a long time and has a tendency to recur.

Blistering eczema

Mycoses are fungal infections of the dermis on the legs, arms and other parts of the body. The disease begins with slight peeling, itchy blisters appear, which merge into one large lesion, diaper rash or roughness and cracks form.

Fungus on feet

Herpes simplex is a virus with a typical grouped rash of watery blisters. The most common form of the disease is the labial form. It is also called vesicular lichen and cold sores. Herpes can appear against a background of weakened immunity after infectious diseases, hypothermia, or severe stress.

Herpes on the lips

Scabies is a highly contagious skin disease caused by a microscopic mite called scabies. It manifests itself with symptoms such as a papular rash, which eventually turns into a vesicular rash, as well as severe itching. When scratching, staphylococcal and streptococcal infections may occur with the formation of pustules. The mite makes passages in the skin that are visible to the naked eye, and this is one of the indicative signs of scabies. Although sometimes the disease occurs without scabies.


Sunburn is the result of excessive tanning in adults and children. The skin becomes covered with multiple blisters with serous fluid inside. In addition to the rash, other symptoms may occur, such as dizziness, weakness and nausea.

Sun burns

Dyshidrosis. Since the skin lesions of this disease are similar to eczema, it is called dyshidrotic eczema. The factors leading to the development of dyshidrosis are not fully understood. Previously, it was believed that the disease occurs due to blockage of the ducts of the sweat glands. Now the disease is considered as an allergic companion to food or drug toxicoderma. Dyshidrosis primarily affects the skin of the feet and hands.


This is not a complete list of types of vesicular rash and the causes that cause it. There are other diseases, including such rare autoimmune pathologies as bullous pemphigoid and Dühring's dermatitis herpetiformis.

Watery acne in childhood

Water pimples in children are a common occurrence. These are bubbles filled with liquid. The latter can be serous or purulent. The skin of young children is thinner, so it is very sensitive to various adverse factors. Watery pimples appear in a child for several reasons. The main etiological factors are:

  • allergic reactions;
  • pemphigus;
  • diaper dermatitis;
  • streptococcal impetigo;
  • chicken pox;
  • prickly heat;
  • dyshidrosis;
  • eczema;
  • molluscum contagiosum;
  • herpetic infection.

Pimples on the body may not be the only sign. Along with them, symptoms such as redness of the skin, itching, tearfulness, crusts, peeling of the skin and increased body temperature are often detected.

The cause is chickenpox

Watery pimples in a child are a sign of chickenpox. This is a highly contagious viral disease, manifested by a blistering rash and symptoms of intoxication. The causative agent is herpes virus type 3. This pathology is diagnosed mainly in children of primary school age.

A sick child is dangerous to others, since the virus can spread over a distance of 30 m. If a pregnant woman is sick, then there is a high probability of transmitting the infection to the fetus. Pimples on the face, torso and limbs are the main symptom of chickenpox. Exanthema has the following distinctive features:

  • represented by single elements in the form of papules and vesicles;
  • spreads quickly throughout the body;
  • accompanied by severe itching;
  • occurs 1-3 weeks after infection with the virus;
  • leaves scars when infected.

Acne appears after the prodromal period. The rash lasts for 4-5 days or longer. Red spots appear first. They soon turn into papules and then into vesicles. These are bubbles filled with a clear liquid. When pierced they fall off. If an infection occurs, watery pimples become purulent. Pustules form.

Pimples may appear on a child's head or other areas of the body except the palms and soles. With this disease, the temperature may rise. During the peak period, new rashes appear. Sometimes the lymph nodes become enlarged. After the disappearance of watery pimples, the patient's condition improves.

Acne with pemphigus

Sometimes bubbles are found in infants. The main cause is pemphigus. It develops in newborns. This is an infectious disease caused by staphylococci. This pathology occurs in benign and malignant forms. In the latter case we are talking about Ritter's exfoliative dermatitis.

Infection of children occurs during medical procedures or from a mother with pustular diseases. Transmission factors may include the hands of medical personnel. The main sign of the disease is the presence of blisters. They have the following distinctive features:

  • arranged in groups;
  • small;
  • form on reddened skin;
  • contain clear or purulent secretion;
  • most often localized on the abdomen, folds, legs and near the navel;
  • burst over time;
  • sometimes occur on the oral mucosa.

Rashes most often appear in the first week of a child's life.

Diaper dermatitis rash

If a child has pimples in the form of blisters, then the cause may be diaper dermatitis. This condition is otherwise called diaper rash. This is the most common problem in infants. The prevalence of dermatitis in children reaches 50%. This condition is characterized by local inflammation of the skin in response to mechanical, physical or chemical factors.

The main symptoms are:

  • redness;
  • getting wet;
  • rash in the form of pimples;
  • swelling of tissues;
  • cracks;
  • erosion.

The process most often involves the folds between the buttocks, the groin and perineum, and the armpits. Pimples do not form on the head. Small bubbles, 1-2 mm in size, appear on the skin. Pustules are less likely to form. Risk factors are:

  • the baby is being bottle-fed;
  • carrying out antibiotic therapy;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • friction from diapers;
  • wrapping the child in uncomfortable clothes;
  • improper swaddling;
  • overheating of the baby;
  • skin irritation from feces and urine;
  • irrational use of powders and creams;
  • insufficient rinsing of diapers.

The appearance of pimples and redness is caused by prolonged contact of the skin with a moist environment or friction. In severe cases, dermatitis manifests itself as pustular blisters, erosions, cracks, weeping and ulcers. Babies are bothered by itching and burning in the affected area.

Development of prickly heat in children

Red, watery bumps can be a sign of heat rash. This is a condition similar to diaper rash (diaper rash). Its development is based on blockage of the excretory ducts of the sweat glands due to overheating or improper care of the baby. Newborns and infants face a similar problem.

If treatment is not treated in a timely manner, infection occurs, which causes the development of pyoderma. The following can lead to the appearance of prickly heat:

  • rare bathing of the baby;
  • poor wiping of the skin;
  • irregular taking of air baths;
  • tight swaddling;
  • wrapping the child tightly;
  • use of synthetic clothing.

Risk factors include ARVI, diabetes mellitus, prematurity, tonsillitis, measles, chicken pox, excess weight and endocrine disorders. When the baby overheats, the process of heat transfer through evaporation is disrupted. This leads to the accumulation of sweat and clogging of the glands. Miliaria is white, red yellow and crystalline.

The main symptom is blistering rashes. In the crystalline form, they appear on non-inflamed skin. After 2-3 days, the pimples open. Peeling of the skin appears. Miliaria rubra causes itching and burning. The appearance of pustules indicates the development of prickly heat. This condition is called vesiculopustulosis.

Miliaria affects the skin behind the ears, neck, armpits, perineum, groin area and buttocks. Pimples with prickly heat have the following features:

  • diameter 1-2 mm;
  • reddish in color;
  • grouped;
  • contain a transparent secret;
  • prone to fusion;
  • may be accompanied by itching.

When contacting the affected skin, pain occurs. In advanced cases, when an infection occurs, weeping cracks with ulcers form. Possible increase in body temperature.

Pimples due to streptoderma

A rash in the form of watery blisters with a pink tint is a sign of streptoderma. This is a group of pustular diseases caused by streptococci. Pimples often form against the background of streptococcal impetigo. This is a contagious disease characterized by the appearance of conflicts on the skin. This problem is most often encountered by children with thin and delicate skin.

A sick child is contagious to others. Infection occurs through contact. Predisposing factors are:

  • skin damage;
  • decreased immunity;
  • tendency to diathesis;
  • the presence of itchy dermatoses;
  • increased skin sweating;
  • rhinitis;
  • otitis;
  • skin contamination.

Initially, red spots appear on the skin. Soon they turn into conflicts. These are pimples in the form of small blisters with a red base. In the early stages of the disease, the phlyctenas are dense and contain a transparent secretion. After some time, the liquid becomes cloudy and purulent. The bubbles open. Yellow-gray crusts form.

After they disappear, pink-lilac spots appear. The disease lasts about a month. Impetigo affects the skin of the face, limbs and torso. Conflicts appear one by one. They tend to merge and grow peripherally. With timely and correct treatment, scars will not form.

Development of true eczema

The cause of watery acne is true eczema. This is a type of pruritic dermatosis, characterized by the appearance of vesicles and serous papules on the skin. They quickly open, after which erosions form. Children get sick less often than adults. Predisposing factors for the development of the disease are:

  • disturbance of innervation;
  • the presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • stress;
  • overwork;
  • immune disorders;
  • chronic infectious diseases;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • allergic reactions.

Eczema begins with swelling and redness. Soon pimples appear on them in the form of papules and vesicles. The latter contain serous fluid. After the bubbles open, microerosions are formed. Then crusts appear. The elements of the rash are located symmetrically in small foci.

A distinctive feature of true eczema is polymorphism. Pimples of various shapes may be present on the skin. At the same time, itching appears. Along with the rash, sleep disturbances and peeling of the skin may occur. If left untreated, eczema becomes chronic. Weeping bubbles appear periodically. Any part of the body can be involved in the process.

Treatment of rashes with folk remedies

Before starting treatment, you need to find out the exact cause that caused them, otherwise you can worsen the situation or perform useless therapy.


Along with the main treatment, you can use a decoction of blackberry leaves. To do this, infuse 100 grams of crushed leaves in two liters of hot water. It is then used to wipe the affected areas on the body several times a day. Sea buckthorn oil is also used, a small amount of which should be lubricated on the affected areas.


Herpes is treated with aloe juice or celandine juice applied to a bandage, a piece of cellophane is placed on top and bandaged overnight. Get rid of herpes blisters using essential oils of bergamot (4 drops), tea tree (2 drops) and alcohol (teaspoon). The bubbles are lubricated with the prepared solution twice a day.

For pemphigus

This disease is treated with hormonal drugs. Folk remedies are used in addition to the main therapy. Aloe leaf juice is used for compresses, as well as nettle leaf juice. To do this, squeeze out the juice, soak a gauze bandage or bandage and apply it to the affected area; such procedures can be done 3 times a day.

A mixture of equal proportions of garlic, onion, honey, salt and pepper, placed in the oven for 15 minutes, draws out pus and promotes wound healing. Apply this mixture to skin lesions 2-3 times a day.


As first aid for hives caused by eating any food, you need to use products that cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, this can be a laxative in the form of tablets, suppositories or 50 grams of vegetable oil. The oil coats the intestines and promotes the movement of its contents. Nettle decoction helps with hives.

For 5 liters of water, take 200 grams of crushed raw materials (fresh or dry), boil the water and add nettles, after 5 minutes of boiling, turn off the heat and leave for half an hour. After straining, 2 liters are added to the bath during bathing in the morning and evening for 3-7 days, until the symptoms disappear.

Juice and infusion of celery root helps with hives. It is necessary to squeeze the juice from the root of the plant grated on a fine grater, then eat the resulting pulp 4 times a day, a tablespoon, and apply the pulp to the affected areas.

Chicken pox

Chamomile is poured with boiling water, the calculation is approximately 100 grams of chamomile per 1 liter of water. This decoction is added to a bath of water where the patient should bathe in the morning and evening. Calendula, lemon balm and chamomile are mixed in equal proportions; one tablespoon is poured into 200 grams of boiling water and taken after infusion within 15 minutes. The infusion should be taken three times a day warm. Read interphase of mitosis on our website.

How to treat heat rash in newborns

The best treatment is prevention. To prevent heat rash from occurring, try to maintain the temperature in the apartment no higher than 22 degrees, regularly ventilate the baby’s room, and dress him according to the weather in loose clothing made from natural fabrics. At home in the heat, do not put on diapers for your baby, or at least change them promptly (once every 3 hours, regardless of how full they are). When changing, be sure to wash your baby and leave him to wallow without a diaper for 10-15 minutes so that the skin dries and ventilates. Do not apply greasy creams or cosmetic oils to your child’s skin in hot weather.

It is important!

If prickly heat has already appeared, then all of the above measures will also be relevant.
The task of parents is to keep the skin clean, provide air access to it, and prevent overheating. Usually this is enough for prickly heat to go away on its own in 3-7 days. If the rashes do not decrease or even become stronger, then pharmaceuticals will be required for treatment. But they can only be prescribed by a doctor after examining the child. Depending on the nature of the rash, the pediatrician will recommend antiseptics, products with dexpanthenol, zinc oxide or glucocorticosteroids.

On arms and legs

Blisters on the hands can be the result of a banal violation of hygiene rules and requirements. If a child rarely washes his hands, then pathogenic organisms can enter microcracks, which cause slight local inflammation. Usually the situation can be easily corrected by establishing regular hygiene procedures and teaching the child how to wash their hands correctly.

If the blisters are filled with liquid, visually they are similar to those that appear if a child burns his hands with nettles, then we are talking about hives - a local manifestation of an allergic reaction. It can be for both food and medicines. If the urticaria is localized only on the hands, then, most likely, the child had contact with something allergenic through touch (found detergent in the bathroom, reached into the cleaning powder with his hands, etc.).

In this situation, hands should be washed thoroughly and the child should be given an antiallergic drug, for example Suprastin. And, of course, you need to find the source of the allergy and stop the child’s further attempts to put his hands where he shouldn’t. If hives affect not only the hands, but also other parts of the body, it is imperative to show the child to the doctor. Blisters on arms and legs, elbows and shoulders can be signs of insect bites. Fenistil will help relieve itching and discomfort.

Infantile hemangioma

Hemangioma is a benign tumor of endothelial cells (endothelium is the inner lining of blood vessels). It may be congenital or appear at 1-2 weeks of life. Superficial hemangiomas are bright red and protrude above the surface of the skin. Deep - blue-purple, sometimes warm to the touch. The element size ranges from a few millimeters to an entire anatomical area (hand, buttock, etc.). In the first 5-6 months, the hemangioma may increase in size and become brighter, then the growth ends and spontaneous regression begins.

Up to 90% of hemangiomas can resolve without treatment.

In this regard, surgical treatment is no longer used routinely. The child is observed by a pediatrician and a surgeon; if hemangiomas are located on the face and neck, in the genital area and near large vessels, conservative treatment is prescribed. The operation is indicated only if it is ineffective.

Types of blisters and their descriptions with photos

Rashes on the body in the form of tubercles filled with liquid are called blisters or vesicles. As a rule, these are small cavity formations that are filled with lymph. The contents of the vesicles are transparent, mixed with pus or blood.

The shape of the blister is most often a circle, but it can also be different. The color of the pimples can vary from pinkish to bright red. Vesicles are also white with a grayish tint. Some have an insect bite mark. Due to the release of histamine by the dermis, severe itching is felt at the site of the blister.

When you press on the bubble, you can feel the density and texture of the formation, and pain occurs. Blisters in a child can be small in size (2-5 mm) and large (1-10 cm), with frequently located formations merging with each other. Types of watery pimples with explanations can be seen in the photo.

Why and why

A rash is a symptom of a disease or condition that can be caused by:

  • allergens;
  • parasites;
  • infections (bacteria, viruses);
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.

Prickly heat

It does not require treatment, since it is not a disease in its essence. Miliaria occurs due to overheating of the body when sweat does not fully evaporate from the skin. In infants, this rash occurs in hot weather or if they are dressed too warmly.

In adults, prickly heat can occur with high fever and excess weight. Miliaria is characterized by small reddish itchy blisters that the child can scratch until crusts appear.

! If individual blisters become red, inflamed, and redness appears around them, this indicates a bacterial infection.

Allergic manifestations

The body can react with the appearance of various types of pimples upon contact with plants, household chemicals, cosmetics, animal hair, fabrics, low-quality toys, or when consuming any foods, drinks, or medications.

Allergies can be chronic or acute. In the first case, the rashes are characterized by seasonality—in summer there is complete or partial remission, in winter there are relapses. In the second case, the reaction occurs suddenly and is not associated with any periodicity. However, the acute course can be dangerous - there is a risk of developing Quincke's edema.

Infectious diseases

The rashes are accompanied by:

  • measles;
  • scarlet fever;
  • chicken pox;
  • Infectious mononucleosis;
  • herpes;
  • ringworm and others.

The rash with such diagnoses is sometimes localized not only on the skin, but also on the mucous membranes - the oral cavity, pharynx. Some diseases (measles, scarlet fever) are dangerous because they can provoke complications (in adults the consequences can be more severe than in children), so any skin reaction with fever is a reason for urgent medical attention.

Ringworm is caused by viruses and fungi. There are several types of the disease; it is more common in children. You can become infected with it by not following the rules of personal hygiene, using other people's things in children's groups, or contact with street cats and dogs.

Parasitic diseases

You can get scabies through contact with someone who is sick or using contaminated objects. Scabies is dangerous because with constant scratching of itchy areas (especially in children), there is a high risk of infection in the skin and the development of pustular lesions.

Therefore, if a child has a rash on the arms and legs, between the fingers, in the elbow or knee folds, you should immediately contact a dermatologist.

Demodecosis manifests itself when a person’s immunity is weakened, because the mite that causes the disease lives constantly on the body. In children, the parasite can be activated after an infectious disease. The skin on the face is primarily affected - around the eyes, mouth, nose. The bumps turn red, peel, and itch very much.

Atopic dermatitis

This is a chronic inflammatory skin disease. It occurs in 15% of children, of whom two thirds experience the first symptoms before one year of age, sometimes even in infancy. The rash appears on the face, torso, and extensor surfaces of the arms and legs. There may be redness, peeling, crusts, and when scratching, infection and the presence of pustules may occur. Elements of the rash itch and bother the child.

Only 30% of children have atopic dermatitis associated with food allergies. Therefore, a nursing mother does not always need a diet.

The cause of atopic dermatitis is increased skin permeability. For treatment, first of all, creams that restore barrier function are used. They are called emollients. There are quite a few brands that produce such products. The choice is based on personal preference. From a medical point of view, there is no advantage to any particular drug.

If you suspect atopic dermatitis, you need to see a doctor to clarify the diagnosis and receive recommendations for treatment. You can contact your pediatrician or dermatologist. If the diagnosis is confirmed, keep in mind: treatment will be long. It includes skin care and constant use of emollients; in more severe cases, hormonal ointments may be needed; for food allergies, a diet. It is important to understand that with strict implementation of the recommendations, stable long-term remission can be achieved.

Why might a child develop blisters on his body?

Healthy and clean skin of a baby indicates the normal functioning of his body. What does it mean if blisters suddenly form on the baby’s back, tummy, bottom or leg? Possible causes of watery blisters on children's skin:

  • allergic reaction (can occur when skin comes into contact with synthetic clothing, household chemicals, dust, frost, pets, food);
  • viral disease (varicella, molluscum contagiosum, herpes zoster, streptoderma, pemphigus);
  • infectious disease (vesiculopustulosis);
  • diaper dermatitis, diaper rash (develops with insufficient baby hygiene);
  • sunburn (prolonged exposure to the sun can cause blisters with liquid to appear on the baby’s skin).

How to treat watery acne in a child

If a mother notices pimples on her child’s body, it is important to consult a doctor to identify the causes of this phenomenon. Water pimples can indicate a number of problems, ranging from allergies to serious organ dysfunction, so an accurate diagnosis may require a whole range of diagnostics

Diagnostic tests

The doctor may prescribe tests and studies after an external examination of the patient to identify the main cause of the skin rash:

  1. General analysis: blood, urine. They allow you to understand whether viruses or bacterial infections are present in the child’s body. This study will also describe the severity of functional impairment that occurred in a young patient;
  2. Biochemistry of blood. Will allow you to characterize the work of internal organs, identify dysfunction of the liver, gall bladder and kidneys;
  3. Inoculation of the liquid separated from the vesicle. It will help to identify the main cause of the disease that caused skin rashes;
  4. Allergy tests. The study is carried out if there is the slightest suspicion of an allergic reaction on the part of the child’s body to the influence of any factor. Similar tests are carried out when contacting a pediatric immunologist;
  5. Visual inspection of the skin. Carried out by a pediatric dermatologist to identify specific signs of a wide variety of dermatological pathologies that manifest themselves with watery pimples on the skin of children;
  6. Dermatoscopy. A pediatric dermatologist performs this procedure using a special device to carefully analyze all layers of the skin. Dermatoscopy is carried out for the purpose of differential diagnosis of many pathologies of a dermatological nature.

In complex clinical situations, a qualified doctor will refer you for consultation to specialized specialists if the cause of the problem is a certain chronic disease of one or more internal organs. Certain pathologies that can be transmitted through contact with other people need to be treated by an infectious disease specialist.

Treatment options

Treatment of skin rashes in children and adolescents should be selected individually, taking into account the causes of the rash identified during diagnostic tests. A qualified doctor will select medications and indicate a regimen for taking them.

The main methods of drug therapy are:

  1. Antiviral medications. Prescribed for herpetic lesions of the skin. For example, Acyclovir or Panavir;
  2. Antihistamines. Accepted in the presence of allergies, taking into account the degree of its severity. These can be: external ointments, tablets, capsules, drops for oral administration. In this case, Suprastin or Tavegil are used;
  3. Hormones. Drugs in this group are represented by oral tablets and ointments. For example, Elokom or Advantan;
  4. Itching and burning will be eliminated by Panavir gel or Bonafton ointment. The healing of blisters and the restoration of the regenerative properties of the skin in chickenpox are facilitated by the following drugs: Calamine, Tsindol, zinc ointment. Sulfur ointment, benzyl benzonate, etc. will eliminate scabies mites.

Examination and treatment tactics

Not everyone knows what to do if they have watery acne. To make a diagnosis you will need:

  • general clinical tests;
  • blood chemistry;
  • sowing of discharge;
  • collection of anamnesis of the disease;
  • allergy tests;
  • skin examination;
  • dermatoscopy.

If neonatal pemphigus is detected, antibiotics are prescribed. The drugs of choice are Oxacillin-Akos and Amoxiclav. The use of cephalosporins is possible. Sick children are given albumin, retinol and B vitamins. The skin is treated with boric or salicylic alcohol.

Large bubbles are hidden. After this, aniline dyes and antibacterial ointments are used. Ultraviolet irradiation and baths with potassium permanganate have a good effect. If the blisters are caused by true eczema, then antihistamines (Cetirizine, Chloropyramine, Loratadine, Suprastin) are prescribed.

In severe cases, systemic corticosteroids are used. If blisters become infected, antibiotics are indicated. Physiotherapy (PUVA, magnetic therapy, ozone therapy) is widely used in the treatment of true eczema. If acne appears against the background of diaper dermatitis, then it is necessary to organize proper care for the baby.

Do not use wet antibacterial wipes. It is recommended to bathe your baby daily and wipe his skin dry. Diapers and diapers should be changed more often. Parents should learn to wash their baby after each urination and bowel movement. The affected skin is treated with Furacilin solution. Healing ointments are used. For suppuration, antibiotics are indicated. Thus, pimples with liquid inside are possible with a variety of skin diseases.

How to treat watery pimples on a child’s body

It is important to understand that it is almost impossible to independently determine the true cause of the rash. To provide effective treatment, the problem must first be diagnosed.

For this reason, you should consult a doctor.


First of all, the doctor identifies the real cause of the rash, and only then prescribes a specific drug treatment.

During the treatment the following can be used:

  • products that effectively fight various viruses (Aceclovir ointment or Panavir is prescribed against herpes);
  • if the blisters that arise are the result of an allergic reaction of the body, then antihistamines may be prescribed. Also in this case, it is necessary to carry out not only internal treatment, but also external treatment, using ointments (most often the doctor prescribes Tavegil, Suprastin, Dezal);
  • hormonal drugs for oral administration and in the form of ointments (Advantan, Elokom);
  • to relieve the effect of burning and itching, you can use Panavir (gel);
  • it is also necessary to ensure rapid healing of the blisters using zinc ointment or salicylic alcohol;
  • if you need to get rid of scabies mites, it is best to use sulfur ointment.

In some cases, the surface of the bubbles can be moistened with a weak solution of brilliant green or potassium permanganate to remove pathogenic bacteria from the surface of the skin.

However, before the doctor arrives, it is not advisable to use brilliant green to treat areas of the skin affected by pimples. This will make it difficult to make a correct diagnosis based on visual examination.

Nutrition correction

During the period of breastfeeding, mother and child are one. In most cases, all intestinal disorders and emerging skin pathologies are associated with low-quality breast milk.

For several days you need to adhere to a certain diet, which includes eating healthy foods:

  • buckwheat porridge;
  • leaf salads;
  • lean meats;
  • fish;
  • green apples.

Remove allergen

Naturally, the type of allergen can only be identified after a visit to the doctor and a series of laboratory tests. But before that, the first thing you should do is change the baby’s clothes, remove all things made of synthetics, and replace the bedding.

Children's clothing should be washed with laundry soap or hypoallergenic washing powder. If the rash on the body is caused by allergic reactions, then most likely it will disappear soon.

How to distinguish heat rash from allergies in a newborn

Seeing any rash on the skin of a newborn, a nursing mother first of all begins to worry whether she has eaten something forbidden, which has led to an allergy in the baby. In a panic, she may refuse all possible allergens, including foods necessary for the body, and this, together with stress, can have a bad effect on lactation. If the baby is bottle-fed, then he doesn’t need an unreasonable change of formula due to suspected allergies. Therefore, before making any decisions, any skin symptoms should be shown to a doctor to clarify the diagnosis.

Before visiting a doctor, take a look at what the rash looks like and where it is located, this will help determine the nature of its origin.

Prickly heatAllergy
Dependence on the time of year, temperature, room humidityEatNo
Where do rashes form?Folds, skin under hair, back of neck and back under clothing, armpits, groin - all poorly ventilated areasFace (often cheeks), front surface of the chest and abdomen, arms, legs.
Nature of the rashIsolated small clear or red bubblesThe rash may initially appear as separate elements in the form of small blisters and papules, often on a red background of the skin; the rash may merge into spots
Skin under rashesUsually unchanged or slightly red and swollenDry, often red, prone to flaking or weeping areas with crusting, often itching
Additional symptoms (runny nose, cough, watery eyes)NoCan be


  1. Miliaria in newborns looks like small red or transparent bubbles with liquid, located in places of friction and contact of the skin with clothing.
  2. Miliaria occurs due to blockage of the sweat glands, the functioning of which in an infant is not yet perfect, in hot, humid conditions.
  3. Heat rash should be treated with hygiene procedures and the selection of loose clothing made from natural fabrics. Creams and ointments cannot be used without a doctor's prescription.
  4. Miliaria can be distinguished from allergies by the nature of the rash: the blisters are small, do not merge, and the skin underneath is not inflamed. Appears in hot weather and rarely bothers the child.

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Preventing rashes

There are simple rules that will help avoid skin infections. What you should do is:

Exercise caution when in contact with sick people (for example, avoid shaking hands). Use personal hygiene products. Take sunbathing in doses. Ultraviolet light is good for the skin: it dries the epidermis and kills pathogenic microbes. Regularly care for your body skin by cleansing it with scrubs

If a ready-made cosmetic product is not available, you can use improvised means - sea salt, ground coffee. Vegetable oils, honey, and sour cream are suitable as bases. By cleansing the body, the scrub rids the skin of pathogenic microorganisms.

Of course, these recommendations will not provide complete protection, because the cause of the rash may be pathologies of internal organs or hormonal imbalance. Nevertheless, such preventive measures will significantly reduce the risk of disease and prevent the development of watery acne.

The influence of hormonal imbalances in the body on rashes

Skin diseases include:

  • chicken pox;
  • scabies;
  • measles;
  • herpes virus and some others.

Measles symptoms

Usually, the appearance of pimples is the first symptom of such phenomena.

Dermatological diseases are caused by a decrease in the body's defenses; immunity also decreases under stress, then the skin can react with similar rashes.

Hormonal imbalance often occurs during adolescence, pregnancy, problems with the thyroid gland, and diabetes.

Prickly heat

Types of heat rash

Miliaria can be either a hereditary condition or acquired with age. This condition occurs due to disruption of the functioning of organs related to the endocrine system due to obesity. Causes of prickly heat not related to diseases:

  • constant wearing of synthetic clothing;
  • acclimatization in a dry, hot climate;
  • tight, non-ventilated shoes.

Watery pimples in this case resemble bubbles filled with water, they are very small and close to each other, they hurt and do not itch. They are usually located on the face, neck, crooks of the arms and legs.


A disease that predominantly occurs in people with hyperhidrosis (increased and constant sweating of the palms and feet). It is characterized by the appearance of small itchy watery blisters in these areas of the skin.

Dyshidrosis on the palms

An infection that can cause formations on the skin includes, for example, mycotic skin lesions. A fungal infection of the foot can cause watery blisters to appear on the foot.


The skin disease, which is accompanied by characteristic watery formations, mainly affects people over 40 years of age. There are several forms and degrees of the disease. The most common cause is genetic predisposition.

Manifestation of pemphigus

The disease is divided into non-acantholytic, that is, it is less dangerous to health than the acantholytic form of pemphigus, which can lead to serious complications. Bullous pemphigus is a non-acantholytic form. Bubbles with liquid that appear on the skin disappear on their own without leaving a trace.

Possible reasons

The main reason for the appearance of a blister or several similar formations is a point effect on the skin, damage to the papillary layer of the dermis. This is possible due to insect bites or contact with toxic substances of both natural and artificial origin. Quite often, the appearance of such formations on the skin is a sign of an allergic reaction.

Spots with blisters that appear as a result of a burn after intense tanning cannot be considered blisters. Attempts to classify them into this category of entities are a common misconception. All this is true, from the point of view of terminological medical dictionaries. In fact, parents classify any formations as blisters, not only empty, but also filled with watery contents, pus, and blood. And they seek advice specifically about “blisters” in the broad sense of the word, that is, in the layman’s sense.

The location of the skin lesions can tell a lot about the reasons. Let's take a closer look at the most common situations.

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