Bubbles on the penis in men: photos, causes, possible diseases and treatment

The skin on the penis is vulnerable to the effects of negative environmental factors. Very often, diseases and pathological reactions appear in the genital area. Some pathologies are very serious and dangerous, while others are only a consequence of minor changes in the functioning of the male body.

If bubbles appear, it is important to clarify the cause of the disease and undergo comprehensive treatment from a doctor, since even minor discomfort prevents every person from leading an active and healthy lifestyle. Many men are interested in why bubbles appear on the penis?

Main reasons

There are a huge number of reasons that can cause bubbles to appear. The main reason for their appearance may be:

  • fungal infection;
  • allergic reaction;
  • inflammatory process of the genital organs;
  • herpes.

Depending on the type of disease, the bubbles on the head of the penis have individual characteristics and external differences. The most common cause of blisters is genital herpes. This disease is transmitted through sexual intercourse. When herpes appears on the skin, small transparent blisters filled with water form. Often several bubbles form in one place. In addition, a man with this diagnosis has:

  • irritated skin in the intimate area;
  • there is aching pain when rubbing;
  • there is severe discomfort after urination;
  • body temperature rises;
  • weakness occurs.

After a week, the watery blisters on the skin of the penis may burst and leave a small red mark. The most common cause of herpes may be problems with the immune system or blood poisoning.

To boost your immunity, it is important to eat right. The diet should contain a large amount of vegetables and fruits. The emphasis should be on white meat (it is advisable to exclude red varieties). Broccoli, parsley and dill not only strengthen the immune system, but also have a positive effect on potency in men. It is important to exclude baked goods and sweet products, as this can only be harmful. It is important not to get too cold or overheat. When taking antibiotics, it is always necessary to include vitamin complexes in the treatment process, since potent drugs significantly reduce immunity.

Causes of blisters on the penis

Blisters on the penis can be a sign of a harmless allergy or a contagious viral disease. If any rashes or neoplasms appear, it is recommended to interrupt sexual activity until diagnosis and complete recovery.


Hives are a reaction to exposure to allergens and irritants. A blistering rash appears on the penis, the skin turns red and swells.


  • Residues of washing powder on underwear or bed linen.
  • Shower gel.
  • Lubrication.
  • Substances that destroy sperm.

In response to exposure to an allergen, the body releases histamine into the blood, which causes small, bright red or colorless blisters to appear. Multiple blisters on the penis may appear immediately, for example, when putting on new panties without first washing them. Sometimes allergies develop gradually.

What is urticaria and why does it form on the penis, says dermatovenerologist Sergey Gennadievich Lenkin

Additional symptoms: itching, swelling, soreness, increased skin temperature. After some time, brown spots appear in place of the blisters.

Urticaria can also develop when exposed to heat or cold, due to mechanical irritation, ultraviolet radiation.

What it looks like:

  • Urticaria on the foreskin and glans - https://prntscr.com/w3s34z.
  • Papular elements on the penis after blisters - https://prntscr.com/w3s3es.
  • Allergic dermatitis in the form of watery blisters on the head of the penis and the skin of the shaft - https://prntscr.com/w3s3nf.
  • Blisters with inguinal allergic dermatitis - https://prntscr.com/w3s480.

Genital herpes

Genital herpes is transmitted sexually. This virus settles in the body forever, periodically relapsing against the background of decreased immunity. Exacerbations are usually caused by stress, alcoholism, hypothermia, and overwork.

With herpes, the appearance of blisters is preceded by itching, lumps under the skin, burning, and the inguinal lymph nodes may become enlarged. After 1-2 days, transparent bubbles filled with liquid appear.

Herpetic small blisters - https://prntscr.com/w3s5c6.

After 2-3 days, the blisters will open, leaving small painful ulcers in their place. Soon they become covered with purulent crusts, which dry out and fall off within 10-14 days.

Ulcers at the site of opened blisters - https://prntscr.com/w3s5rd.


Penile candidiasis is usually characterized by the appearance of red spots with a glossy surface. There are no blisters as such, just small red dots. With extensive damage, the spots grow and small blisters form along the edges. Additional symptoms: itching, burning, gray coating on the head.

Candidiasis of the penis – https://prntscr.com/w3scri.

Candida blisters - https://prntscr.com/w3sd13.


Streptoderma is an inflammation of the skin caused by a streptococcal infection. The pathology often occurs against the background of diaper rash - streptococcus easily penetrates into damaged tissue. A microcrack in the skin of the penis after intense sex is also enough for infection.

With streptoderma, flaccid, transparent water blisters appear on swollen, reddened skin, prone to proliferation - they are called “phlycten”. They reach 2-3 mm in diameter. The contents of the blister quickly become cloudy, it becomes covered with a gray crust and falls off. A pink spot remains in its place. Superficial lesions are called "impetigo". If streptococcus penetrates deeper, ecthyma occurs.


  • Streptococcal impetigo – https://prntscr.com/w3s6on.
  • Streptoderma of the penis at the stage of crust formation - https://prntscr.com/w3s72v.

Folliculitis and boils

With folliculitis and furunculosis, blisters form at the site of the suppurated hair follicle. Boils are more severe inflammation with extensive damage to surrounding tissues. Externally they appear as red blisters with a white head - https://prntscr.com/w3s7px.

These blisters are most often caused by a staphylococcal infection. Less commonly, fungi and protozoa act as pathogens. The head of the penis is not affected because there are no hair follicles on it.

Factors that provoke the appearance of blisters:

  • Poor hygiene.
  • Low immunity.
  • Uncontrolled use of antibiotics and glucocorticosteroids.
  • Increased sweating.

Folliculitis is an infectious lesion of the middle and deep parts of the hair follicle, leading to its purulent inflammation

Every man should know this:

Simple tips for men's intimate hygiene.

Folliculitis in the groin: white blisters on red skin - https://prntscr.com/w3s8zf. Without treatment, folliculitis can develop into furunculosis.

Furuncle: a single large blister, or boil - https://prntscr.com/w3s9h5.

Athlete's inguinal

Athlete's foot is a skin lesion caused by a fungus of the genus Epidermophyton flocculus. Its development can be provoked by excessive sweating, poor hygiene, and wearing synthetic tight underwear. You can become infected in a bathhouse, swimming pool, or through hygiene items.

First, the surface of the skin turns red, then, in the absence of timely treatment, bubbles and blisters, crusts, and cracks appear on it.

Athlete's foot – https://prntscr.com/w3sdiv.

Seborrheic dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis occurs when infected by the Malassezia fungus. These are opportunistic microorganisms that are present on the skin and feed on sebaceous secretions. Abundant reproduction begins with increased secretion of the glands. The first signs: increased desquamation of the skin and itching.

Small red blisters with seborrheic inguinal dermatitis - https://prntscr.com/w3seh9, https://prntscr.com/w3semp, https://prntscr.com/w3setm.


Sometimes neoplasms caused by papillomavirus: condylomas and papillomas are mistaken for blisters.

  • Papillomas – https://prntscr.com/w3svt9.
  • Condyloma under the head of the penis in the area of ​​the coronary sulcus - https://prntscr.com/w3sw0r.


Small blisters on the penis may be a sign of demodex mites. It settles in hair follicles, feeds on sebum and epithelium, causing severe itching. First, the skin turns red, then tubercles, pustules, and acne appear on it.

  • Types of blisters for demodicosis - https://prntscr.com/w3swm5, https://prntscr.com/w3t62b, https://prntscr.com/w3t6dm.
  • Demodicosis on the skin of the penis - https://prntscr.com/w3t6qi.


Atheroma is a wen, an accumulation of sebum due to obstruction of the ducts of the glands. It is a dense, painless white blister, which can fester if an infection occurs.

Small atheroma on the penis - https://prntscr.com/w3t77a.

Urologist Sergei Gennadievich Lenkin examines the clinical case of a young man with a dense formation on the penis

Pemphigus (pemphigus)

This is a serious, dangerous disease caused by a malfunction of the immune system. Antibodies attack skin cells, causing progressive damage. The skin becomes loose and infection easily penetrates.

Blisters and erosions with pemphigus - https://prntscr.com/w3t7pe.


The mechanism of development of this skin lesion is still not fully understood. It may appear as fine-grained bubbles or flat blisters. Provoking factors may be hormonal imbalances, decreased immunity, hereditary predisposition, chronic pelvic inflammatory processes.

Psoriasis on the penis – https://prntscr.com/w3t87d, https://prntscr.com/w3t8ez, https://prntscr.com/w3t8lt


A red, firm blister that looks like a crater may be the primary manifestation of syphilis. It's called chancre. This is the site of introduction of the pathogen - Treponema pallidum.

Treponema pallidum under a microscope

  • Chancre on the penis – https://prntscr.com/w3tc2g.
  • Multiple chancre – https://prntscr.com/w3tcc8.

Secondary syphilis is manifested by blisters and rashes, weeping papules. The penis may become blistered, as in the photo https://prntscr.com/w3tcxy.

Learn more about the manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of various forms of syphilis.

Molluscum contagiosum

This is a contagious viral disease that causes dome-shaped blisters with indentations to appear on the skin. The reason is the penetration of the poxvirus. Infection most often occurs through domestic means, less often through sexual contact. At the beginning of the disease, small bubbles appear, as in the photo https://prntscr.com/w3tdyy.

Within 1-3 months they grow and form dense plaques - https://prntscr.com/w3tef8, https://prntscr.com/w3ten4.

Molluscum contagiosum in the groin - https://prntscr.com/w3tevn.

Other reasons

Bubbles with liquid on the skin of the penis can occur against the background of mechanical damage or abrasion. This is an accumulation of lymph that disappears in 1-2 days. Men often notice that the bladder is inflated after sex or intense long-term masturbation or exercise with a pump.

A clear blister may be a cyst or a hemangioma. As an example, here is a question from the site https://www.consmed.ru/dermatovenerolog/view/891825/:

Patient photo – https://prntscr.com/w3tgmf.

There are also regular pimples on the penis. Case from the site https://sprosivracha.com/questions/94139-prysch-na-polovom-organe:

Abscess – https://prntscr.com/w3thil.

Blisters on the penis can appear with lichen planus. Doctor's opinion from the site https://03online.com/news/krasnye_voldyri_na_polovom_chlene/2017-1-3-236392:

An interesting case with small bubbles from the site https://03uro.ru/forum/puzyrki-na-chlene:

Patient photo – https://prntscr.com/w3tiuk.

Diagnosis of diseases

After the patient contacts the doctor, the specialist performs a visual examination of the problem area and prescribes additional tests. It is mandatory to undergo an examination by a venereologist and take a general clinical blood test to check for infection. Using gloves, the urologist examines the man's anus and assesses the general condition of the prostate gland.

As medical practice shows, prostatitis and prostate adenoma are the most common cause of such problems. This is due to decreased immunity. Sometimes men are embarrassed to go to the doctor, as a result this leads to the development of serious inflammatory processes and diseases of the genitourinary system.

An alternative research method can be ultrasound. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the specific clinical picture. Based on the test results, the doctor prescribes treatment. Indicators are assessed:

  • general clinical blood test;
  • bacterial culture of prostate juice;
  • visual inspection;
  • Ultrasound examinations;
  • Analysis of urine.

These studies make it possible to make an accurate diagnosis and select comprehensive and effective treatment.

During therapy, sexual activity is prohibited. This will only cause additional irritation and inflammation of the skin. If the recommendations of the attending physician are not followed, treatment will take longer. Perhaps even in a hospital setting.

Doctors' opinion

The best and most reliable remedy for a disease can only be prescribed by a doctor. The specialist determines the nature of the rash and prescribes appropriate treatment.

Often the cause of the appearance of bubbles on the penis is an allergic reaction to household chemicals and personal hygiene products. If pimples or blisters are distributed throughout the skin of the genitals, then this is most likely a reaction to an allergen.

Factors contributing to the appearance of bubbles

The appearance of blisters on the penis does not always indicate that pathological changes are occurring in the body. There are a number of factors under the influence of which this unpleasant phenomenon in the form of tumors on the penis can appear in a healthy person. Eg:

  1. Using a new intimate area care product. You should choose your products carefully, since the composition of the soap or gel plays a particularly important role. The skin in the intimate area is too delicate and vulnerable to any influences.
  2. Using condoms or lubricants. Often these products cause an allergic reaction. The lubricant contains concentrated fragrances that are harmful to human health. For this reason, small blisters often appear on the penis.

  3. Unprotected sex with a new partner is often the main cause of blisters. In this case, it is important to promptly seek help from a urologist and take a blood test to check for infection.
  4. Failure to comply with basic hygiene rules can cause blisters on the skin of the penis, as the sebaceous glands begin to function poorly.

If watery blisters appear on the penis, it is important to consult a doctor promptly, since the male body is especially vulnerable to various infections. The prostate gland is one of the most vulnerable organs. When harmful microorganisms enter the body, prostatitis often occurs. The disease is dangerous because it can develop and develop into complex forms.

Drug treatment

If watery blisters appear on the penis, it is important not to self-medicate, as this may be a sign of a serious illness. It is important to consult a urologist and undergo a complete medical examination.

The results of laboratory and instrumental research methods will allow you to make an accurate diagnosis, on the basis of which the doctor will prescribe complex therapy.

If papilloma virus is detected, it is necessary to take an antiviral and immunomodulatory agent. If a fungus is detected, then it is necessary to take antifungal medications. For genital herpes - immunomodulatory and antiviral agents. For syphilis - antibiotics.

In order to choose the right individual treatment, it is important to take into account the physiological characteristics of the patient. The duration of treatment and dosage are determined strictly by the attending physician. The instructions indicate only an approximate dosage, which will not always be effective in a particular case.

Preventive actions

In order to reduce the likelihood of blisters appearing on the penis, a man should wash himself regularly. A representative of a strong force must refuse casual sexual relations. After unprotected sexual intercourse, it is recommended to treat the penis with solutions with antiseptic and antimicrobial properties (Miramistin or Chlorhexidine). You should not smear the penis with iodine or brilliant green: this can lead to a decrease in the sensitivity of the glans.

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Traditional treatment

Doctors are skeptical about traditional methods of treatment, since all herbs are not harmless plants. If used incorrectly, they can greatly harm your overall health.

According to some men, a decoction of yarrow and oak bark will help fight a fungal infection. It is applied to the affected area in the form of a lotion several times a day. Cooked porridge of garlic and white radish helps eliminate bubbles on the penis. Such porridge has a detrimental effect on harmful microorganisms. It is also useful to treat problem areas with a decoction made from birch leaves.

What to do if there are bubbles on your penis

Treatment options for blisters depend on the cause of their appearance. For the treatment of allergic urticaria, antihistamines are prescribed: Loratadine, Claritin, Suprastin. For local treatment of the head and foreskin, antiallergic ointments with an antimicrobial effect are used. For severe forms of urticaria, corticosteroid drugs are prescribed.

Claritin has a quick and long-lasting antiallergic effect. Price from 220 rubles

The herpes treatment regimen includes:

  • Topical antiviral agents: Panavir gel, Acyclovir.
  • Antiherpes tablets: Famvir, Acyclovir.
  • Immunomodulators: Panavir.

For streptoderma, antibiotics are prescribed. Treatment regimen:

  1. "Flemoklav Solutab" 250 + 62.5 mg three times a day for a week.
  2. Probiotics: “Normobakt” for 2-3 weeks.
  3. Local treatment of blisters: “Fukortsin” or “Neotanin spray” 3-4 times a day until the crusts dry.

For furunculosis, ointments with antibiotics, application of ichthyol ointment, and a course of antibiotics are prescribed. In severe cases, the furuncle blister is opened and the cavity is cleaned.

Antifungal ointments and tablets are used to treat candidiasis blisters. The most effective remedy is fluconazole-based drugs.

Fluconazole-based drugs

Papillomas and condylomas are removed either chemically or surgically. The radio wave method is considered optimal. Atheromas are also removed surgically. It is necessary to remove the capsule, otherwise the blister will soon appear again.

Metronidazole is traditionally used to treat demodicosis: 250 g three times a day for 3 weeks. Metrogyl or Kleon ointments are applied externally.

Pemphigus therapy includes topical application of corticosteroid ointments, vitamin E, and antibiotics.

Psoriasis is incurable. Therapy is aimed at eliminating symptoms. For this purpose, immunomodulators, preparations with vitamin D to improve cellular metabolism, ointments with glucocorticosteroids, and salt baths are prescribed.

Blisters caused by inguinal athlete's foot are first treated with lotions with chlorhexidine, boric acid, and fucorcin treatment. In case of severe inflammation, the affected area is lubricated with Mycozolon or Triderm. After stopping the acute phase, antifungal ointments are used: Clotrimazole, Lamisil.

Triderm combines anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, antiallergic effects. Price from 650 rubles

Blisters with molluscum contagiosum, with normal functioning of the immune system, disappear on their own after 1-2 years. To avoid infecting your partner, they can be removed by a doctor by scraping, squeezing, cryotherapy, laser, or electrocoagulation. You cannot crush such blisters yourself, since the curdled mass contains a huge amount of the pathogen.

Seborrheic dermatitis is most often chronic. To treat exacerbations, corticosteroid ointments and UV irradiation are used.

Folk remedies

Blisters on the penis can be treated with folk remedies only after diagnosis and with the permission of a doctor. Otherwise, you can provoke an exacerbation.

For dermatitis, doctors recommend sitz baths with infusions of chamomile, sage, oak bark, and yarrow as an antiseptic treatment between ointment applications. Pour a tablespoon of raw material into a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes and pour into a bowl of warm water. In some cases, to accelerate skin regeneration, treatments with aloe juice, propolis-based ointments, and mud applications are allowed.

To strengthen the immune system, you can take tinctures of echinacea, ginseng, and eleutherococcus. An effective immunomodulator is an infusion of dead bees.

A simple recipe for making vodka-based bee dead tincture

Preventive measures

The appearance of blisters on the penis causes severe discomfort and interferes with leading a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. Treatment is a complex and time-consuming process. Therefore, it is best to prevent the occurrence of such a rash. To do this you need:

  1. Observe basic rules of personal hygiene.
  2. Use only high-quality and proven intimate area care products.
  3. Wear high-quality underwear made from natural fabrics.
  4. Avoid casual sex.
  5. Regularly undergo a complete medical examination by a doctor.

If you take into account all these recommendations from experts, then such problems will not appear.

What is molluscum contagiosum?

A blister on the penis can be confused with molluscum contagiosum. This disease often occurs in representatives of the stronger sex. But if a man has molluscum contagiosum, there is no itching or pain. Molluscum contagiosum is a small pimple filled with a cloudy fluid. To eliminate it, various modern techniques are used: laser, cryodestruction. In addition, doctors often prescribe various medications for internal use to a man who has molluscum contagiosum on his body. The tumor should be removed, as there is a high probability of infecting the partner. If there are several rashes on a man’s body, they can be eliminated with a laser.

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