Striae on the back in adolescents and men: causes, treatment, photos

Adolescence is a rather difficult period for many girls and boys. Unmotivated mood swings and rapid changes in appearance make life much more difficult. In addition to them, stretch marks become one of the most common serious problems among teenagers. They are stripes of red-violet color that form on the skin due to its stretching and the formation of tears in the surface layer. Knowing the reasons for the appearance of defects in adolescents, one can understand how to effectively treat this pathological condition in girls and boys.

Why do stretch marks appear on teenagers' backs?

There may be several factors that provoke the appearance of stretch marks. Some of them do not pose a health hazard, while others may indicate serious problems and pathologies. The main causes of stretch marks on the back in teenage boys:

  1. Genetic predisposition when parents had similar stretch marks.
  2. Rapid physiological development. The teenager is taller than her classmates, and the girl develops stretch marks on her chest due to the rapid growth of her mammary glands.
  3. Hormonal changes due to adolescent puberty.
  4. Sudden weight gain or fluctuations. A teenager quickly loses weight and then gains it back.
  5. Obesity during puberty. The synthesis of glucose from non-carbohydrate foods is accelerated. This leads to the appearance of stretch marks on the back and lower back.
  6. Low muscle mass, as a result of which the proportions of fat and muscle are disturbed. Then teenage stretch marks form on the back.
  7. Impaired immune function. This happens when the body perceives its own cells as foreign and begins to attack them. Because of this, the skin on the back loses its elasticity, and micro-tears in the skin of the back appear.

The most common cause of stretch marks on the back is increased weight, height, and muscle deficiency. All this happens at the age of 13-15 years. Symptoms include a change in voice, the appearance of a mustache, and mood swings.

Why does my back hurt after surgery?

After any operation, pain is normal, so there is no need to panic right away, because deep invasion was performed on the spine and paravertebral tissues. Over time, back pain gradually decreases and usually disappears completely by the end of the rehabilitation period.

But what to do if back pain remains, despite the fact that the wound has healed successfully, the corset is worn in accordance with the instructions received. First of all, you need to notify your doctor about this. There can be many reasons why your back hurts, from natural non-pathological to very serious ones that threaten disability:

  • slowly occurring reparative and regenerative processes in the body due to the individual specifics of the human body;
  • incorrectly performed surgical treatment procedure (trauma with instruments of the spinal cord, neurovascular structures, incorrect resection of one or another anatomical unit, incorrect placement of an implant or graft, etc.);
  • poor-quality rehabilitation (failure to strictly comply with all restrictions and treatment measures, forcing loads, long-term use or premature cancellation of a corset and other orthopedic products, etc.);
  • failure (breakage, crack, loosening, etc.) of the implanted device if stabilizing surgery was used;
  • relapse of the main pathology or development of secondary diseases (stenosis, arthrosis, vertebral instability, etc.).

Only a specialist can find out the nature of the pain syndrome and answer why the back is widening or aching. Many complications, for example, compression and atrophy of nerve structures (the patient says, “the pain radiates to the limb,” “I can’t feel my leg or arm”), are fraught with complete immobility of the upper or lower limbs. Value your own health and don’t delay your visit to the doctor to prevent irreversible changes!

What do stretch marks look like on your back?

Striae look like wavy stripes that appear in areas where the skin is stretched. Microtraumas of the subcutaneous tissue lead to rupture of collagen and elastin. Red or pink stretch marks up to 6 mm wide and up to 1 cm long form on the back.

After some time, they acquire a red-violet hue, and then become white with mother-of-pearl. Striae discolor over the course of several months. The texture of the skin sometimes changes; stretch marks in a teenager can protrude or deepen into the surface.

What are stretch marks?

Stretch marks usually appear as lines or stripes on the skin. Although stretch marks are harmless, they can pose a cosmetic problem for some people, especially teenagers. The appearance and texture of stretch marks differ from the surrounding skin. In the initial stages, stretch marks may appear pink, red, purple, or dark brown. Stretch marks may also be slightly raised and itchy. Over time, stretch marks fade to a light or silver color, creating a slight depression in the skin. Depending on the degree of stretching of the skin, multiple stretch marks may be present, extending in one direction.

Areas of the body where stretch marks are commonly found:

  • stomach
  • buttocks
  • breast
  • back
  • groin

How to get rid of stretch marks on your back at home

It is worth considering the main methods of dealing with scars in adolescents.

Creams, ointments, scrubs

You can buy products against stretch marks on your back at pharmacies or cosmetic stores. They are inexpensive and accessible. The list of drugs is as follows:

  1. Vichy Anti-Stretch Cream contains thermal water, glycerin, bessium oil. Thanks to the components, the firmness and elasticity of the skin increases. Existing stretch marks on the back are smoothed out and are not so noticeable.
  2. Bio-Oil is a familiar oil that helps fight scars, scars and other skin damage. Reviews indicate that the product will relieve a teenager of small and deep stretch marks on the back. The composition of the product is natural.
  3. Bepantol is a nourishing drug that helps get rid of scars. It moisturizes the skin during adolescence. It also softens and makes the skin of the back elastic and smooth.
  4. Clearvin cream is used to maintain the elasticity of the skin. Its effectiveness in the fight against stretch marks and scars has been proven by medical research.
  5. Sanosan is often bought by pregnant women, but it also helps remove stretch marks on the back of teenagers and men. In children, the body changes rapidly, so if stretch marks are not seen in time and treatment is not started, then it will be very difficult to remove them later. The cream has a natural composition, it removes stretch marks from the abdomen, chest, back, and thighs.
  6. Avent is recommended for eliminating stretch marks. It was developed specifically for this purpose. Numerous tests have confirmed its effectiveness.

There are many pharmaceutical and cosmetic products that help fight stretch marks on the back. The main thing is to familiarize yourself with the composition and age restrictions.

Proper nutrition

If stretch marks on the back of a teenager appear due to excess body weight, then it is necessary to follow a diet consisting of healthy foods, vegetables, and fruits. A balanced diet makes it easier to cope with hormonal surges, improve immunity and prevent the formation of stretch marks and acne.

Important! To stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, you need to drink enough water.

The diet includes dishes with vitamins A, E, C. They have a beneficial effect on the epidermis and accelerate cellular renewal. It is recommended to consume products containing zinc and silicon. The elements help increase the resistance of adolescent skin to atrophy.

Proteins are necessary for a growing organism because it is the building material for cells. Experts recommend taking a course of a multivitamin complex with macro and microelements.


There are different techniques for performing massage; they have one thing in common - the direction of the procedure is set towards the heart. The back is massaged with light movements in a clockwise direction.

To massage against stretch marks, use essential oils with vitamin E. After the procedure, apply a moisturizer. The duration of the massage should be 20 minutes per day.


There is a completely safe way to combat stretch marks - seaweed wrap. Scars respond well to treatment with this product. Algae are sold in pharmacies. They are combined with warm water, applied to the stretch marks, insulated and held for half an hour. At the time of the compress, the inner layers of the skin are enriched with vitamins and elements.

Thanks to the procedure, biochemical reactions are accelerated and back tissue is regenerated.

Sports activities

Teenagers who develop stretch marks on their backs must strengthen the muscles of their back, arms, abdomen, and legs. Regular physical activity can remove stretch marks on the back. There is no need to use complex, exhausting exercises that lead to overexertion. In this case, it will only make the problem worse.

It is better to engage in swimming and water games, which result in a massage effect of water on back stretches. It is also recommended to do light morning or evening jogging.

Important! The skin on the back of teenagers who regularly engage in physical activity is more toned and elastic.

Methods for removing scar skin changes

You can improve the aesthetic appearance, make scars less noticeable, and in some cases completely remove scars on the back from acne and stretch marks using various means. It is very important to choose them correctly, taking into account the nature of the scars, skin type, age characteristics and health status. All funds can be divided into the following groups:

  • Medicines and folk remedies,
  • Special cosmetic procedures.

In addition to them, back massage and physical exercises and sports training have a good effect.

Use of drugs

Among ointments, creams and gels for treating scars, the most effective are:

  • Contractubex,
  • Fermenkol,
  • Kelo-cat,
  • Dermatix,
  • Zeraderm-ultra,
  • Their other analogues.

They are applied to clean, dry skin 2-3 times a day; for pronounced and large scars, they are applied as a compress for half an hour. Contraindications are ulcers and unhealed pimples on the skin. In these cases, it is better to use salicylic-zinc ointment; it has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Anti-scar patches based on silicone (Mepiform, Mepiderm, Anti-scar and others) have proven themselves well. They create increased humidity, “warm” the scar, increasing blood flow and recovery processes.

They are applied to individual dense scars, the duration of action is selected individually - from 2 to 12 hours. Do not use in case of skin defects, purulent inflammation, increased fat content.

Treatment of scars with hardware methods

The most effective methods in the treatment of scars are hardware methods of professional cosmetology, the main ones being:

  • Chemical peeling is the peeling of the top layer of skin using solutions of organic acids. The action is designed to restore healthy tissue. Contraindicated for purulent rashes, allergies, too dry skin,
  • LED method – LED therapy. The skin is exposed to pulsed light, causing increased blood flow and vasodilation. This leads to the removal of inflammation, softening and resorption of scars, and skin regeneration. Contraindications include cancer,
  • Laser therapy is the most effective hardware method that gives good results even for keloids. Today, the “gold standard” is its new modification – fractional thermolysis. The laser beam removes many tiny areas of the upper layers of the skin, as if perforating it, after which rapid recovery occurs, replacing scar tissue with healthy skin. The method is not used in pregnant, lactating women, cancer patients,
  • Mesotherapy is an injection method with the introduction of various drugs. Enzymes and steroid hormones are injected into rough scars; into atrophic scars, mixtures of components that stimulate regeneration, hyaluronic acid, collagen,
  • Mechanical peeling – microdermabrasion, removal of the outer layer of the epidermis using tiny solid particles, followed by skin renewal. The method is contraindicated for acne, skin inflammation, and keloid scars.

Use of traditional medicine

Traditional medicine suggests using the following recipes to eliminate scars on the back:

  • Masks made from cosmetic clay (white, blue), it is diluted with water, a few drops of lemon juice or essential oils of rosemary, citrus are added to the mixture, applied to the skin for half an hour once a day,
  • Masks of sea salt with olive oil, make the mixture in the form of a paste, apply for 20 minutes daily,
  • Tomato mask - crushed tomato pulp is mixed with 1 teaspoon of starch, applied to the scars for half an hour 1-2 times a day,
  • Oatmeal-kefir mask - mix oatmeal and kefir in equal parts, apply, lightly rubbing into the skin and leave for half an hour, repeat the procedure 1-2 times a day.

Many other remedies are also used: herbal infusions of parsley, chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, which are used to wipe the skin of the back 2-3 times a day. Essential oils - lavender, tea tree, clove - give a good effect. 2-3 drops mixed with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, applied to the back at night.

Massage to improve blood circulation

Massage procedures are a powerful tool for improving blood circulation in the skin, preventing the formation of rough scars, softening hypertrophic and smoothing atrophic scars. It is best if it is done by a specialist using special equipment.

You can also use portable devices for home vibration massage. During the procedure, you need to apply oils to the skin - cocoa, olive, St. John's wort, avocado, eucalyptus, or with the addition of essential oils. Massage should not be done if there is acne, inflammation, or damage to the integrity of the skin.

Regular exercise

Regular physical exercise - home gymnastics, visiting the gym, swimming pool, sports games, running, walking - is an indispensable condition for intensive metabolism and scar healing.

Muscles contain many receptors; when they contract, impulses are transmitted to the central nervous system , from there comes a “command” to the entire body to intensify its work.

Playing sports is especially important during adolescence, when increased bone growth and hormonal changes occur. Getting enough physical activity will help prevent stretch marks from appearing.

Salon procedures to get rid of stretch marks on the back

Stretch marks that formed more than a year ago on the back are almost impossible to remove. But you can make them less noticeable, but you will need the help of specialists. Salon procedures include:

  1. Microdermbrasion. It is a chemical peeling using aluminum oxide. The dermis is polished, the color is evened out, and stretch marks on the back become less noticeable. To obtain the desired effect, 10 procedures are necessary.
  2. Laser resurfacing removes the surface layer of skin, causing stretch marks to become smaller. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. The result will become noticeable after a month.
  3. Deep peeling, in which acids are used to burn the upper layer of the dermis. Unnecessary coverings disappear, stretch marks become invisible.

Each procedure has contraindications, especially for children. You can’t thoughtlessly take a teenager to the salon. You should first consult a doctor.

Back problems: where is the best treatment?

The Federal Center for Neurosurgery, located in Novosibirsk, performs high-tech interventions on the spine. In terms of the profile of spinal surgery, the clinic occupies an honorable place within the Russian Federation. Surgeons operate on adults and children, and after the operation, reviews confirm what we have said, good rehabilitation care is provided under the patronage of exercise therapy methodologists.

If you are planning to travel outside Russian or Ukrainian territory, we advise you to undergo spinal surgery in the Czech Republic; it is rightfully called the “queen” of orthopedics and traumatology all over the world. In addition, in this country, with an exemplary system of orthopedic and rehabilitation medicine, the most affordable prices are noted: 2 times less than in Germany, 2.5-3 times than in Israel.

Is it possible to get rid of white stretch marks on the back?

White scars are called obsolete. It is impossible to remove them at home. You will need specialist help. What will be offered to a teenager in the salon:

  • wrapping the back with seaweed, when the stretch marks are not too visible and there are few of them;
  • spirulina wrap is an effective way;
  • peeling with AHA acids.

The last option refers to chemical treatment, but from this category it is the most gentle. Peeling will not cause pain. The action is that the dead layer of the dermis is removed along with stretch marks.

The active substances of the drug trigger the process of skin cell restoration, resulting in the appearance of new tissue.

If the above methods do not help, you can use laser resurfacing or mechanical peeling. But for this you need to wait until the teenager turns 18 years old.

Important! Parents should adjust their children’s diet, monitor their nutrition, and eliminate junk food.


In order to prevent overload and ruptures, you need to take care of your body in a timely manner: start with diet and cosmetics.


A balanced diet will provide the body with a sufficient dose of vitamins and minerals. Drink plenty of water . Remember: eating “fast food” aggravates the cause of stretch marks on the back – metabolism is disrupted in teenagers. Why? “Non-living” food (highly processed, lacking the organic power of fruits and vegetables) is not capable of enriching the body.

Familiarize yourself with nutrition sources for skin tears:

  • zinc. Animal protein (beef, pork, lamb contain more zinc than fish; dark poultry meat has more zinc than light poultry). Also include nuts, whole grains, legumes and yeast. Multivitamin and mineral supplements, like zinc gluconate, zinc sulfate, zinc acetate;
  • silicon. The mineral is found in plant foods (dried fruits, grains, brown rice, green beans, nuts, bananas, root vegetables), whole grain bread, seafood and mineral water;
  • vitamin A. High concentrations are found in liver and fish oil; other sources: milk and eggs; green leafy, orange and yellow vegetables; tomatoes, fruits and vegetable oil; carrots, broccoli, melon;
  • Vitamin E. Bet on the following: sunflower seeds, spinach, vegetable oil, peanuts, shrimp, hazelnuts, asparagus, broccoli, fruits, greens, almonds.

Bio Oil with purcellin oil - a cosmetic product against stretch marks on the skin


Collagen creams and oils that moisturize the skin and improve its elasticity. Let's look at what works in this direction:

  • bio-oil with purcellin oil is an effective weapon against stretch marks (vitamin A, E, calendula, lavender, rosemary, chamomile), there is no excuse not to try the active product;
  • Silderm is developed and scientifically proven against skin breaks;
  • trilastin complements elasticity, contains 15 natural oils, extracts, is well absorbed;
  • Aleva cream with menthol and lavender, based on shea butter, olives and soy protein, tones the skin.

Tips" work well at the initial stage, observe improvements within a month, repeat the procedures before taking a bath:

  • sugar as a natural exfoliant for the skin: add a few drops of almond oil and lemon juice to a tablespoon of sugar, mix, apply to stretch marks, rub in for five minutes, take a shower;
  • potato juice is rich in minerals and vitamins, restores skin cells: rub a slice of potato into the grooves for 2-3 minutes, use a medium tuber at a time;
  • aloe juice is a healing homeopathic remedy, a known skin soothing (juice + 5 capsules of vitamin A + 10 capsules of vitamin E) rub in circular movements;
  • olive oil nourishes the skin, heals, improves blood flow: warm up, rub in;
  • rubbing with lemon and cucumber juice (in equal proportions);
  • alfalfa powder + chamomile oil: make a paste, massage 3 times a day, the skin will be cleansed, enriched with proteins and vitamins E, K;

Aloe juice is widely known for its healing properties. This miraculous plant can also be used for stretch marks.

  • egg white compress: beat a mixture of two eggs, apply with a brush to the affected area, dry, rinse, soak in olive oil, apply daily for 2 weeks;
  • Fresh apricot paste is applied to stretch marks for 20 minutes, repeat for a month.

Say goodbye to the problem - the results of natural interventions are promising.

As can be seen from the article, stretch marks on the back in adolescents are removable, the causes have been revealed, and it’s time to apply the recommendations.

Prevention of stretch marks on the back in adolescents

Sometimes it is easier to prevent the appearance of stripes than to treat them. The main preventive measures are the following:

  1. Swimming, taking a contrast shower. The procedures are useful not only as a preventive measure, but also for removing existing stretch marks.
  2. Refusal of salt and sweet foods.
  3. Make a proper balanced menu, supply the body with the necessary minerals and vitamins.
  4. Massage treatments, back scrubbing. This must be done regularly.
  5. Avoid overeating and excessive physical activity.
  6. A light massage using cosmetic oils should be done on the teenager’s back.

It is important to drink plenty of water. You need to drink at least 2 liters per day. It is important to replenish fluid deficiency during physical training.

Preventive measures

Preventing the formation of problematic scars on the back is much easier and more accessible than treating them, which, moreover, does not always give the expected effect and takes a lot of time, patience, and often money.

Prevention includes general health measures:

  • Rest and physical activity,
  • Complete nutrition
  • Compliance with skin care rules - hygiene measures, timely treatment of emerging rashes, acne, visiting a dermatologist.

If the cause of the scars is cuts, burns, operations, you need to start treatment as early as possible to prevent severe scarring , regularly visit the doctor and follow all his instructions.

Precautionary measures

Before using cosmetics or signing up for salon treatments, you must consult a doctor, read the instructions and test the product on the skin in advance. As for hardware methods, it is better not to use them until the age of 18, since there are a number of contraindications:

  • neoplasms;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • infection in an acute stage;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • heart pathologies;
  • diabetes;
  • psychical deviations.

If stretch marks on the back are accompanied by increased pressure and excessive hairiness, you should consult a doctor to rule out disorders or pathologies in the young body.

Which doctor should I contact?

Treatment for stretch marks should begin with a visit to a dermatologist. Additionally, you will have to contact a gynecologist for women and an andrologist for men. A prerequisite for therapy is to determine the hormonal status, since if there is an imbalance in this area, any treatment will not bring the expected result.

Surgical removal of stretch marks is carried out at a medical institution. The beauty salon performs only minimally invasive procedures - the introduction of mesotherapy products, dermabrasion, peelings.

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