Possible causes of acne on the penis in men

Pimples on the penis in men can be of different sizes, have different colors, look like dry growths or have a liquid structure. As a rule, these are inflammatory formations, indicating pathological changes in the body or the presence of a sexually transmitted disease. In order to get rid of the pathology, you should contact a specialist who will conduct the necessary examination, clarify the diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Etiological factors

Small pimples on the head or on the penis itself may appear for the following reasons:

  • fungal or infectious diseases;
  • the presence of various inflammatory processes in the body;
  • diseases affecting the immune system (eczema, psoriasis);
  • cancer;
  • manifestation of symptoms of a sexually transmitted disease;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules, wearing tight underwear.

Often, during puberty, young men experience swelling of the sebaceous glands, which can result in the appearance of pimples on the penis, very reminiscent of pimples. Therefore, if a man is sure that he has not had unprotected sexual intercourse, he should not be alarmed when acne appears. However, you should still consult a urologist.

Red pimples on the penis can occur in a child, a youth, a young or an elderly man. This causes not only psychological, but also physical discomfort. You should not be embarrassed or ignore this problem, so as not to trigger a serious illness.

When should you see a doctor?

If formations of an unknown nature appear on the skin of the penis or on the glans, you should contact the clinic in the following cases:

  • the rash does not cause physical discomfort (burning, pain, itching), but does not disappear on its own within two weeks;
  • pimples on the head of the penis itch, cause pain and swelling;
  • after the appearance of the rash, a high temperature rose;
  • as a result of the appearance of a rash on the head of the penis or on the shaft, the inguinal lymph nodes have enlarged;
  • pimples first appeared on the penis, and then they turned into small sores;
  • upon visual examination of the penis, it was discovered that the pimples were filled with bloody or colorless liquid.

Depending on the type of disease, the rash can vary significantly in color, nature and size of the rash. These are usually red or white pimples that may not cause discomfort or, on the contrary, cause itching, swelling, pain and other symptoms.


Pimples and blackheads on the penis can be localized in absolutely any part of it. Small rashes appear closer to the head, and larger ones are localized closer to the base.

On the head

The likelihood of white and red pimples appearing is the same.

It should be remembered that white rashes most often do not pose a threat to health, but red ones are a sign of some pathology. Growths and genital warts often appear near the head of the penis and the urethra.

White rashes

The main reason for their appearance is non-compliance with personal hygiene requirements. In this case, small white pimples can be located not only on the penis and head, but also over the entire surface of the scrotum.

This rash is the most common among the male half of the population, regardless of age. Sometimes they cause minor itching. When such symptoms appear, in order to prevent the development of the inflammatory process and other unpleasant phenomena, such as burning and itching, it is necessary to monitor the hygiene of the genital organ. If acne does not disappear after two weeks, consult a doctor.

The second reason for the appearance of white rashes is excessive work of the sebaceous glands. As a rule, this occurs due to hormonal imbalances in the body. In this case, white or yellowish tubercles appear, covering the surface of the trunk, and less often, the lower edge of the head. Most often, teenagers are susceptible to these symptoms. These cysts are absolutely harmless and go away on their own as soon as the hormonal levels return to normal.

If, after shaving your hair, white, flesh-colored or red rashes appear in the groin, this is a skin reaction to mechanical hair removal. Often such a rash provokes itching and burning. In this case, no treatment is required. When shaving, it is recommended to use an intimate hygiene gel with a bactericidal composition.

When wearing synthetic or tight underwear, purulent pimples may appear in the groin area. This is the result of an allergic reaction of the body to synthetics. The supply of oxygen to the intimate area is reduced and, in addition to a rash, viral microorganisms can develop here. The problem is aggravated by poor hygiene. To avoid the appearance of such symptoms, doctors advise wearing loose-fitting underwear made from natural fabrics (cotton, bamboo).

In addition, purulent pimples on the head, penis and scrotum may appear due to the presence of infectious sexual diseases in the body - candidiasis, genital herpes, gonorrhea. Such neoplasms bring their owners a lot of unpleasant sensations:

  • burning, itching;
  • discharge from the penis that has an unpleasant odor;
  • pain in the intimate area;
  • redness of the head and penis, swelling;
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse.

The cause of a flesh-colored rash may be oncology. In this case, a histological or oncocytological examination of the patient is required.

Watery pimples

Most often, pimples in the intimate area, filled with yellowish or clear liquid, appear with genital herpes at the initial stage of its development.

After some time, the blisters burst, causing the patient pain and itching. If left untreated, symptoms are supplemented by fever and general weakness.

Also, the appearance of bubbles filled with liquid is observed in men who are susceptible to allergic reactions to synthetic underwear, intimate lubricants, or latex from which condoms are made. Allergic balanitis also corresponds to other signs, such as:

  • redness;
  • burning, itching;
  • pain;
  • the appearance of cracks on the penis;
  • swelling.

A single large pimple or blister can appear as a result of injury to the delicate skin of the groin area and penis (rubbing with jeans or underwear, pinched by a trouser zipper).

Preventive measures

In order to never encounter such a problem as acne in the genital area, it is necessary to approach cleanliness issues correctly - even unsuitable hygiene products can provoke an allergic reaction or irritation. Sometimes a rash occurs due to poor-quality lubrication during sexual intercourse, then the product should be replaced with another, hypoallergenic one.

If a pimple has already appeared, it should not be squeezed out or treated with questionable methods; it is advisable to exclude intimate relationships for several days. If the rash remains for a long time and there is a tendency for it to increase, there is no need to waste time - the doctor will help you understand the existing pathology.

Any infectious lesions of the genital area are often associated with a general, weakened state of health, so it doesn’t hurt to think about how to strengthen it with the help of healthy foods and physical activity.

Red pimples

The formation of red pimples on the head of the penis or on the penis itself most often indicates the presence of a disease of a fungal or viral nature. These can be sexually transmitted diseases, which, in the absence of proper treatment, lead to impotence, sexual dysfunction, and infertility. The most common diseases that can result in red pimples appearing on the penis:

  1. Genital herpes. Small red rashes, which eventually turn into watery pimples, accompanied by redness, pain and itching, are the first symptoms of the disease. The infection is transmitted through household or sexual contact. Over time, the resulting pimples burst, turn into ulcers and heal. In the absence of proper treatment, a new rash forms in their place, and the patient may also experience urethritis or cystitis.
  2. Candidiasis (thrush). This disease is caused by fungi of the Candida family. In this case, small red pimples may appear or redness may appear on the skin of the intimate area. In addition, the disease is accompanied by severe itching, burning and white cheesy discharge from the penis. Most often the rash is localized in the head area. The disease may not manifest itself for a long time. Unpleasant symptoms of candidiasis can be triggered by stress, disruption of natural microflora, climate change, disruptions in the immune system, and severe hypothermia.
  3. Syphilis. One of the most dangerous sexually transmitted diseases. In men with syphilis, during the first month after the onset of infection, small red pimples appear on the head, penis and groin. The rashes have hard edges. The pimples then enlarge and develop into sores with a smooth, shiny surface that spread to the feet, palms and back. If left untreated, the disease affects all internal organs and systems of the body.
  4. Gonorrhea. As a rule, the disease is transmitted sexually. The incubation period lasts up to ten days, after which the first symptoms appear. Signs of gonorrhea:
  • small red pimples appear on the head, causing itching, swelling of the penis, and pain when urinating;
  • yellowish discharge appears from the urethra, has an unpleasant odor and is especially noticeable in the morning after waking up;
  • subsequently, pimples on the head of the penis turn into sores.

If left untreated, gonorrhea may become chronic. In this case, infectious processes develop in the body, leading to infertility, damage to the eyes and joints.

  1. Trichophytosis of the perineum. This is a fungal disease caused by dermatophytes, mold-like fungi. It can occur when wearing tight synthetic underwear, failure to comply with the rules of genital hygiene, increased activity of the sweat glands in the intimate area, or as a result of sexual contact with a carrier of the virus. The main signs of the disease are the appearance of large red spots or pimples on the penis, head, scrotum, spreading throughout the entire groin area. The rash is accompanied by severe itching. Also, small blisters with purulent contents may appear at the site of the rash.
  2. Molluscum contagiosum. Symptoms of the disease are small nodules on the skin in the groin area, with depressions in the center. Neoplasms can emerge as a result of sexual intercourse. The mollusk is also transmitted through contact and household contact. As a rule, these rashes are flesh-colored or light pink. After pressing on the pimple, it bursts and a cheesy plug is released. The nodules do not cause discomfort and do not bother the patient. With strong immunity, they can pass on their own. However, if the immune system fails, it is necessary to treat acne to prevent the disease from spreading to other areas of the skin.
  3. Inguinal lice. You can become infected with pubic lice through sexual contact or by using shared intimate hygiene products or shared underwear. As a result of parasite bites, small pimples appear in the groin area, causing itching and irritation of the skin. If pediculosis is not treated, the lymph nodes in the groin area begin to enlarge, and scars appear at the site of the bites.
  4. HPV (human papillomavirus). When infected with a virus, neoplasms – genital warts – may appear on the head, penis or anywhere in the intimate area. In some cases, they may be accompanied by itching. The formations can be single, or they can merge; their shape resembles cauliflower or coral. Papillomas can be contracted through household or sexual contact.
  5. Inflammation of the glans penis (balanitis). It is characterized by the appearance of a nodular red rash on the penis, which then turns into ulcers. If the disease spreads to the foreskin, it is called balanoposthitis. Among men, this disease is quite common; it can occur as a result of skin diseases, inflammatory processes, injuries and viral infections.
  6. Psoriasis. Often the disease spreads to the genitals. As a result, red spots or pimples appear on the skin in the intimate area, accompanied by itching.

How to get rid of acne on the head of the penis? Traditional recipes and preparations

If the rash or individual pimples are white or light in color, not inflamed and less than 2 mm in diameter, and the thought of unprotected sexual intercourse is excluded, then, having discovered them, attention should be paid to careful hygiene. You can refuse sexual contact for a while, change your underwear in a timely manner, and use chamomile decoction for rinsing. There are special pharmaceutical products for these purposes - they should be used, for example, calendula-based ointment, which is applied to sores.

Traditional recipes for getting rid of acne on the penis:

  • Fresh celandine juice, which is added to the water before taking a bath, is good for acne. This is an effective anti-inflammatory agent, but it cannot be used for ulcers, skin lesions, and acute forms of dermatological diseases.
  • Freshly squeezed cranberry juice is used for small pustules. They wipe the affected areas several times a day.
  • Marigold and sage flowers taken in equal proportions are infused in boiling water for half an hour and used for rinsing. Carry out the procedure, preferably 5-6 times a day.
  • Compresses made from the leaves of agave, plantain and Kalanchoe can be used for infectious rashes. This is an effective, bactericidal agent against staphylococcus, streptococcus and other bacteria.
  • A special compress of mashed boiled potatoes, buckwheat honey, fresh yolk and medium-fat cream should be kept on the area with acne for about 15 minutes. After this, simply rinse with water at room temperature. This composition helps to quickly dry out the ulcers and reduce inflammation.
  • An infusion of fresh coltsfoot leaves helps against white comedones. Treatment is carried out up to 4 times a day.
  • Inflamed pimples are also treated with decoctions of birch leaves, yarrow, and catnip. Itching and irritation are soothed by tea tree and lavender esters.

Medications for treating pimples on the genitals:

  • it is possible to remove comedones and papules with the help of pharmaceutical preparations; ordinary iodine tincture is quite effective; you just need to burn the pimple with it for 2-3 minutes;
  • Vishnevsky ointment and ichthyol ointment are suitable for compresses; they are applied in the evening to a clean and dried penis, secured and left until the morning;
  • If you treat the affected areas with peroxide, Spasatel, Levomekol or Zenerit ointment several times every day, you can quickly get rid of the rash.

If the disease is infectious, drugs that are active against specific pathogens are used:

  • for folliculitis, when the cause is inflammation of the hair follicle, antibiotics and antifungal drugs are used in the form of external creams and gels;
  • genital warts caused by the papilloma virus require the use of immunomodulators, such as Condilox, Aldara, sometimes cryodestruction and laser treatment are used;
  • herpes is treated with Acyclovir or Zovirax (ointments, tablets);
  • when the cause is an allergy, a special diet is prescribed, antihistamines are prescribed - Clarotodine, external agents Gioksizon, Fenistil.

All these drugs must be approved by a doctor, taking into account the patient’s condition and the degree of damage.

Treatment methods

If a pimple pops up or a rash appears in any part of the intimate area, you cannot treat the rash on your own. The only correct solution is to contact a urologist, dermatologist or venereologist (depending on the type of problem). The doctor will conduct the necessary examination, find out the etiology of the disease, prescribe treatment and explain to the patient what to do next.

Please note that self-medication can lead to very serious problems - infertility, impotence, disruption of internal organs. Therefore, you should contact the clinic in a timely manner, even if there are few acne and they do not cause physical discomfort.

Depending on why white, watery, red pimples appeared on the head of the penis, on the penis or on the scrotum, different treatments are prescribed:

  1. For infectious diseases, antiviral or antifungal drugs are prescribed for oral and external use (balanitis, papillomavirus, molluscum contagiosum, genital herpes).
  2. Diseases of a fungal nature (candidiasis, trichophytosis of the perineum), as a rule, are treated with antifungal injections, tablets and external therapy - gels, creams, ointments.
  3. Rashes caused by poor personal hygiene, wearing tight and synthetic underwear, increased activity of the sweat glands, and hormonal surges do not require treatment. To eliminate the rash, you need to be more careful about personal hygiene.
  4. Allergies that result in acne popping up in the intimate area are treated with antihistamines.

In addition, as prescribed by a doctor, acne is treated with disinfectants and antiseptics. For diseases such as HPV, molluscum contagiosum, and psoriasis, patients are additionally prescribed immunostimulating drugs with general and local effects. Rashes of a viral nature (papillomas, condylomas, molluscs) that do not respond to drug therapy are removed. There are several removal methods:

  • surgical excision – used to remove large tumors;
  • cryotherapy - freezing a pimple with liquid nitrogen;
  • laser exposure is a painless and most effective method today that prevents relapses and can be used to remove viral rashes in children;
  • radiotherapy – removal of tumors with a thin radioelectrode.

The greatest danger is posed by rashes that appear as a result of cancer. They require careful examination and complex treatment, including chemotherapy.


To prevent the appearance of rashes in the groin area, experts recommend:

  • maintain personal hygiene, wear loose-fitting underwear made from natural materials, do not use other people’s underwear and hygiene products;
  • lead an orderly sex life, use condoms during sexual contacts;
  • Avoid hypothermia and overheating of the intimate area.

In most cases, acne on the penis is only an external manifestation of an illness that has developed in the body. It is important to understand that only an experienced doctor, after conducting an examination and making a diagnosis, knows how to treat the disease. Therefore, self-medication using folk remedies or alternative medicine is strictly forbidden. This can lead to serious consequences for the body as a whole.


Patients with inflammatory diseases are examined by a urologist-andrologist. If signs of STIs and dermatological pathologies are detected, patients are referred to a dermatovenerologist. Determining the nature of the disease is based on complaints, objective examination data and laboratory tests:

  • Questioning, inspection.
    During the conversation, the moment of symptom onset, the presence of other manifestations, and the dynamics of their development over time are clarified. In inflammation, identifying the causative factor plays a significant role. During examination, the doctor identifies swelling, hyperemia, erosion, rashes and other changes, assesses their localization and prevalence.
  • Lab tests.
    Microscopy is performed to confirm inflammation. To clarify the nature of the pathogen, PCR and inoculation on nutrient media are performed. If scabies is suspected, a scraping examination is performed. For dermatitis, a general blood test is prescribed to confirm eosinophilia, the concentration of immunoglobulins is determined, and allergy tests are performed.

If there are indications, consultations with doctors of various profiles are prescribed to identify provoking pathologies. Patients can be referred to an endocrinologist, therapist, phthisiatrician, and other specialists.

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