7 problems that can be solved by Botox correction of the lower third of the face

Chin injections

The drugs have a targeted effect. The doctor knows in which areas to inject to immobilize the muscles. Botox is injected into the chin in adulthood. This is due to the late appearance of signs of aging.

The peculiarity of this area is the roughness of the skin. Folds and wrinkles form much later. Due to the destruction of cells with age, a shift in the subcutaneous fat layer is observed. This leads to a displacement of the cheek-zygomatic region.

Changes manifest themselves in different ways. Slight fullness accelerates the appearance of folds. Age-related changes are observed after 35 years. Signs:

  • The expressiveness and clarity of the facial contour is lost.
  • The number of zones near the mouth increases.
  • Jaws form, which indicate an acceleration of the aging process.
  • The cheeks become saggy, the lips droop, and the person looks dissatisfied.

At the age of 40 the problem gets worse. The following are added to the listed characteristics:

  • Double chin.
  • The skin changes structure, becomes loose and bumpy.
  • Clear horizontal folds form in the lip area.

The situation is getting worse every year. The use of Botox allows you to hide these age-related changes for a certain moment.

Indications for use of wrinkle correction

Preparations based on botulinum toxin are used in cosmetology for the following purposes:

  • smoothing facial wrinkles on the bridge of the nose, in the frontal region, folds between the eyebrows;
  • correction of wrinkles in the periorbital area (“crow’s feet around the eyes”);
  • smoothing the facial skin in the perioral zone (corners of the lips) and near the nose;
  • elimination of skin deformations (horizontal and vertical wrinkles) in the décolleté and neck area;
  • increased sweating (hyperhidrosis).

All manipulations using this neurotoxic substance are carried out according to strict indications and are permissible no earlier than 18 years of age. At the age of over 45 years, the possibility of using botulinum therapy in Moscow is decided individually in consultation with a dermatocometologist.

When are injections given?

Chin correction is prescribed in certain cases. Doctors prescribe the procedure for:

  • When a cobblestone chin appears. This defect does not occur in all women. The likelihood of such a change depends on the structure of the face. Expressed at the moment of smiling, the muscles of the chin tense and form strong bumps.
  • A crease under the lower lip. Excessive muscle tension causes this problem. Excessive mobility of the lower lip can be resolved with Botox injections.

Restrictions on the use of the toxin are due to the fact that it only has a certain effect on muscle tissue. This procedure does not lead to mechanical correction; after the cessation of the drug, the functions partially return.


At the initial consultation, the doctor will conduct a preliminary examination and decide on the use of Botox. Therapy has contraindications:

  • Blood diseases.
  • Tumors and malignancies.
  • Allergy to drug components.
  • Viral infections.
  • Injuries in the places where the drug is to be injected.
  • Liver and kidney diseases.
  • Heart pathologies.
  • Hormonal disorders.

After all the tests have been completed, a conclusion is made.

Chin relaxation with Botox

Features of therapy

There are many messages on the Internet that Botox slows down the aging process. Clinics guarantee a longer duration of the achieved effect and talk about starting the rejuvenation process. Most of these messages are aimed at increasing the income of cosmetologists. A shallow analysis points to several facts:

  • Botox is a toxin. Its action is by blocking nerve impulses.
  • Frequent procedures lead to wrinkles. The problem appears after several years. This is due to the fact that neighboring muscles begin to take over the functions of the affected ones. Doctors should not immobilize the entire area, as the patient will no longer feel the face.
  • Incorrect dosage and choice of injection points leads to side effects. No clinic can guarantee that swelling or facial asymmetry will not appear after the procedure. This is due to the individual characteristics of the facial structure.
  • The procedure must be carried out periodically. Each time the effect decreases, as the body gets used to the action of the toxin.
  • There are several drugs to choose from. They have different compositions, which affect the results and price. The clinic should give recommendations and explain the difference.
  • Side effects are eliminated completely or partially by the doctor. For this purpose, additional procedures are carried out. You should not trust injections to poorly established clinics in an effort to save money. Some changes cannot be adjusted in the future.

Additional components that are added to the drug are aimed at reducing the likelihood of side effects. The result largely depends on the experience of the specialist. Some problems may be resolved after the injection, but not all.

Information about what you can do yourself at home does not deserve attention. Incorrect dosage and choice of points will lead to asymmetry and other problems. Also, due to lack of qualifications, people damage tissues and injure themselves during injections.

What is botulinum toxin and how it works?

Botulinum toxin is a neurotoxin

protein nature, on the basis of which medications are produced that allow you to relax muscle tissue. Botulinum toxin blocks the activity of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is an intermediary in the transmission of nerve impulses from a neuron to the cerebral cortex. Due to the lack of a signal, the central nervous system does not respond to irritation, and the muscle remains in a relaxed state, and the areas of skin above them are smoothed out.

Source of botulinum toxin

The bacterium Clostridium botulinum is the causative agent of severe food intoxication - botulism.
This circumstance serves as the basis for questions that arise about the dangers of drugs based on this substance. To which scientists confidently declare: “It is impossible to get poisoned with a toxin injected into a muscle for aesthetic purposes
(in a clinical setting). The dose used is hundreds of times less than that which poses a health threat. In addition, the drug is administered locally, so the effect applies only to a specific muscle.

Currently, considerable experience has been accumulated in the use of Botox for the face in cosmetology practice. Possible Botox injection sites and the dosages of the drug required for muscle relaxation were studied in detail. You don’t have to worry that your facial expressions will be affected after the injections: you will look natural, your facial expression will not be affected.

The most popular and recommended drugs for use in Moscow with botulinum toxin: Botox
, Dysport , Relatox, Xeomin, Lantox
. Medicines have some differences in their effects. Only a cosmetologist can determine the most optimal option for a particular case.


Self-administration of Botox is not permitted. Its use is indicated only in medical and cosmetology clinics, where proper transportation and storage are guaranteed. We provide Botox injections for the face in Moscow, at prices 30% lower than our competitors. Positive reviews from hundreds of clients confirm this.

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Stages of the procedure

After a preliminary consultation and conclusion, the doctor sets a date for administering the drug. For two days you need to follow a diet and other recommendations. At the clinic, the doctor cleans the skin, marks it with a marker, and, if necessary, applies local anesthesia.

The injection is carried out with a cosmetic syringe with a thin needle. Small bumps form at the injection sites. Within a few hours they disappear. After this, the patient is under observation for about 2 hours. A cold compress is applied to the injection site to reduce swelling.

In the next two weeks, you must follow your doctor's recommendations. The effect becomes noticeable within a few days and lasts for more than six months. If side effects occur, you should consult your doctor again. Treatment with traditional methods cannot.

How the process works

First of all, the cosmetologist must examine the patient, determine the condition of the skin, evaluate muscle activity, and listen to the patient’s wishes. A qualified and experienced specialist will be able to model the expected result in advance.

This cosmetic procedure is carried out only in a specialized clinic, subject to all safety and sterility rules.

Botox is injected into the muscles of the lower third of the face and neck. This is done in several stages:

1. The face is completely treated with an antiseptic solution (chlorhexidine solution).

2. A marker marks the places where the drug must be injected.

3. At the request of the patient, for more comfortable well-being, the injection sites are anesthetized with a special drug.

4. Botox is injected with a very thin and short needle into the previously marked points.

5. The injection sites are again treated with an antiseptic solution.

6. Next, the patient undergoes a course of familiarization with the recommendations

The procedure takes 15–20 minutes.

Correction of the lower third of the face involves injections into the masseter, mentalis, orbicularis oris muscles, as well as into the subcutaneous neck muscle, which is responsible for drooping corners of the mouth.

The most noticeable effect of changing facial contours is seen when affecting the masticatory muscle. It is quite voluminous, so 3-4 injections are required to achieve the planned result. To avoid the risk of the drug getting into the salivary gland duct and to correctly calculate the depth of the injections, the doctor marks this area taking into account individual anatomical landmarks.

Botox injected into the masticatory muscle does not completely block its action; the ability to chew food is preserved. To avoid unpleasant consequences and overcorrection, the procedure is carried out in two stages with an interval of three weeks.

After Botox is administered, the skin on the cheekbones is noticeably tightened, the contour line becomes clearer, and the oval is more beautiful.

Reviews for Botox in the chin


I've heard a lot of good and bad things about using Botox. I seriously thought about correcting my appearance after 30. When visiting the clinic, the doctor suggested doing a chin correction. The procedure seems simple, but it still needs to be carried out by specialists.


The friends decided to go to a cosmetology clinic for rejuvenation. I looked at the results and decided that I needed to undergo this procedure too. There were strong folds in the chin area, and after the procedure they stretched. The effect lasted for several months.


The younger sister was getting married. In general, there are a lot of photographs with younger girls in the background. I went to the clinic based on recommendations. The effect appeared after a few days. I couldn’t immediately believe that this was possible, but the result became even better after a week. The photos turned out quite good.


Botox is poison. I was immediately warned about this at the clinic. During the procedures, a local anesthetic was used, but the pain was quite severe. I was pleased with the result. The effect disappeared after 5 months. I went for the repeat procedure without fear.


Over time, the chin began to lose its outline. Then folds began to appear. I decided to go to a clinic with trusted cosmetologists. They immediately explained to me that the effect would not last forever. After 6 months you will have to repeat it again to maintain the achieved result.


I spent a long time looking for various information on how to correct my appearance. I rejected surgical methods immediately. What remains is Botox, which is not associated with mechanical effects. Injections are made with a thin needle, at this point the injection point disappears. The result appeared after a few days.


Folds and wrinkles began to appear in my chin area after I turned 35. Before that I used different cosmetics, but over time the effect became less. Botox injections were performed at a clinic recommended by a friend. The procedure is a little painful, but the result appeared on the second day.


I didn’t think that I would have to carry out such a procedure. But over the years I began to look at my photographs and notice changes. They became very strong, I had to see a cosmetologist. The procedure took about two days. After this there was a slight swelling, but it went away. The result lasted about 4 months, I was very pleased.

Advantages and effects of Botox injections for wrinkle correction

  1. Professionally performed injections and the correct dosage of botulinum toxin smooth out wrinkles on the face. It does not harm health and is safe.
  2. The procedure is performed in a beauty salon and does not require hospitalization.
  3. Does not cause muscle atrophy, motor activity of facial muscles is completely restored no later than after 1 year.
  4. Botox injections enhance the effect of most injection and hardware rejuvenation programs.
  5. The procedure is easy to perform and does not take much time (10 - 20 minutes).
  6. Short rehabilitation period (2 days).
  7. Possibility of repeated manipulation after the end of the effect of the substance.

The effect of botulinum toxin injection in Moscow occurs 2 to 6 days after the injection. The maximum result is observed after 14 - 21 days and lasts up to 6 - 9 months. Each subsequent administration of Botox prolongs the effect.

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