Juvederm series fillers: how they differ from each other, how much they cost, what effect you can expect

From this article you will learn:

  • reviews of Juvederm® fillers,
  • application features, before and after photos,
  • biorevitalization Juvederm Hydrate and Volite.

Juvederm® is a line of dermal fillers based on stabilized hyaluronic acid used to correct the depth of wrinkles, nasolabial folds, atrophic scars, as well as to increase the volume of the lips, cheekbones and cheeks. The manufacturer is (USA), known to any cosmetologist for the drug Botox®, which is widely used to correct dynamic wrinkles in the forehead and corners of the eyes.

The Juvederm filler was developed in 2000, and already in 2006 the drug received approval from the FDA (Federal Bureau of Drug Control in the United States) as an effective and safe means for facial contouring. Juvederm® Ultra and Juvederm® Ultra Plus have received FDA approval, which have now been renamed Juvederm Ultra 3 and Juvederm Ultra 4. But in addition to these forms of release, the Juvederm line includes 5 more types of fillers.

Juvederm® Gel (1.0 ml syringes) –

In total, 7 types of fillers are produced under the Juvederm® brand, as well as 2 preparations for the biorevitalization procedure - “Juvederm Hydrate” and “Juvederm Volite” (Juvederm Volite). The options for fillers of this brand listed below will differ from each other in gel density, hyaluronic acid concentration, areas of application, as well as the duration of the effect. In this article, we will tell you the optimal indications for each of these products.

Juvederm® filler release forms

  • Juvederm Ultra 2,
  • Juvederm Ultra 3,
  • Juvederm Ultra 4
  • Juvederm Ultra Smile,
  • Juvederm Volume (Voluma),
  • Juvederm Volift (Volift),
  • Juvederm Volbella (Volbella).

Method for correcting wrinkles with fillers –

Juvederm is injected into the skin using a syringe and a very thin needle. Moreover, the lower the density of the filler, the thinner the needle included. Thicker fillers can only be injected into tissue through slightly larger needles, which can be more painful and slightly more likely to cause bruising. All Juvederm fillers are produced with 0.3% lidocaine anesthetic. When correcting wrinkles, the gel is injected into the base of each wrinkle along its entire length. Thus, the filler seems to push the wrinkle outward (Fig. 4).

Correction of deep wrinkles with filler: scheme

You will see the visible result of the filler injection immediately after the procedure. On average it takes from 15 to 30 minutes. However, the final result of the correction will be visible only after 24 hours. This is because the hyaluronic acid gel in Juvederm fillers is not fully hydrated with water. This means that the gel, after being introduced into the tissue, will absorb some more liquid, which will slightly increase its volume within 24 hours. This point is especially important to consider when increasing lip volume.

Correction of wrinkles and soft tissue volume with Juvederm –

What are the benefits of Juvederm cosmetics?

Juvederm 3 and other products in the line are worth buying and using for yourself because:

  • the product gives quick results.
    The products are long lasting and longer lasting than other hyaluronic acid skin treatments. They are injected directly into the first two layers of the skin, so their effect occurs quickly. After one procedure, sunken areas of the face are brightened and tightened;
  • alternative to silicone and Botox.
    Since many people resort to similar remedies, these products are an effective non-invasive alternative;
  • convenience.
    Sessions last from fifteen to 60 minutes, depending on the product used and areas treated. After the session, most people can return to their normal daily activities, which makes the Juvederm biorevitalization procedure not only unobtrusive, but also convenient;
  • long.
    Many people have been able to appreciate the results, which is why Juvederm Volite has reviews that it lasts up to two years, depending on the area treated;
  • combined with other techniques and procedures.
    The product combines well with other facial skin care methods, and Juvederm does not have negative side effects.

Features of Juvederm® fillers –

As we said above, Juvederm® fillers are produced using stabilized hyaluronic acid (HA), obtained by bacterial fermentation. The stabilization of HA should be understood as its chemical modification, as a result of which individual chains of its molecules are “cross-linked” with each other using chemical bonds (bridges). The properties of different fillers depend most on the number and frequency of such bonds between the chains of HA molecules, and the more of them there are, the denser the filler will be and the longer the duration of its action.

The life cycle duration of conventional, i.e. unstabilized HA molecules – is only 24 to 48 hours. And so that the filler does not collapse almost immediately after injection, the chains of HA molecules are subjected to such “cross-linking”. Fillers that have fewer bonds between HA chains will have a low density, and their duration of action will be about 5-6 months. These include Juvederm Ultra Smile and Juvederm Ultra 2. Such soft fillers are used to correct superficial shallow wrinkles, as well as increase lip volume.

The more connections there are, the greater the density of the filler and the lower its elasticity. For example, Juvederm Ultra 3 already has a medium density, and the indication for its use is wrinkles and folds of medium depth. The duration of its effect will be from 6 to 9 months. And an even denser filler, Juvederm Ultra 4, is designed to correct the deepest wrinkles, and its effect will last up to 12 months (24stoma.ru).

Wrinkle correction and lip augmentation with Juvederm® –

Voluma: benefits of the drug

Loss of soft tissue volume is the first sign of aging skin. This is followed by sagging of the cheeks, eyelids, and the appearance of deep wrinkles. Using the drug Voluma gives a rare chance to stop time.

  • By injection, a substance is delivered under the skin, the molecules of which take the place of “dried” cells. Not only volume is restored, but also firmness and elasticity.
  • Some patients experience the effect of facial contouring
  • lasts for more than one and a half years.
  • The injection does not cause pain.
  • The drug has a therapeutic effect.

Forms of release of Juvederm® fillers –

All fillers of this brand contain the anesthetic lidocaine 0.3%, but the concentrations of hyaluronic acid in them will be different and vary - from 15 to 24 mg/ml. In addition, depending on the technology of cross-linking HA molecules, fillers of this brand can be divided into 2 types. The first option is the Juvederm® Ultra series, which uses the traditional technology of cross-linking HA chains using cross-links.

The second option is the Juvederm® Vycross series of products, which uses innovative technology of short cross-links between chains of HA molecules. Juvederm fillers such as Volume, Volift and Volbella are made using Vycross® technology.

1) Juvederm® Ultra line of fillers –

  • Juvederm® Ultra Smile - this filler is used primarily only to increase the volume of the lips and correct the contour of the red border of the lips. The gel has a low density, the concentration of hyaluronic acid is 24 mg/ml. The high elasticity of the gel ensures that after the injection you will not feel denser inclusions inside your lips. Needle size – 30G. The effect lasts about 6 months. Available in packs of 2 syringes (0.55 ml each), the cost of 1 pack is about 9,000 rubles.

  • Juvederm® Ultra 2 is designed to be injected into the middle layers of the dermis and can be used to correct superficial fine lines around the eyes and around the mouth, as well as wrinkles between the eyebrows. This filler option is also suitable for correcting the contour of the red border of the lips. To increase lip volume, it should be used only if you plan to make a small amount of correction.

    The needle size marking is 30G. The concentration of hyaluronic acid is 24 mg/ml, the duration of the effect is about 6 months. The package contains 2 syringes of 0.55 ml each, the cost of 1 package is about 9,000 rubles.

  • Juvederm® Ultra 3 – used for the correction of medium and deep wrinkles (optimally medium ones), nasolabial folds. But it can also be used to increase the volume of the cheekbones and cheeks, as well as correct the contour of the red border of the lips. The instructions say that the drug is also suitable for increasing the volume of the lip body, this is indeed true, but we believe that for these purposes it is still optimal to use the very first version of this filler (see above). The needle size marking is 27G.

    The gel has average density and elasticity and can be injected into the middle and deep layers of the dermis. The concentration of hyaluronic acid in it is 24 mg/ml. The duration of the effect is already from 6 to 9 months, which is ensured by its higher density compared to previous filler options. Release form - each package contains 2 syringes with a volume of 1.0 ml. The cost of 1 package is about 11,000 rubles.

  • Juvederm® Ultra 4 – compared to previous filler options, Juvederm Ultra 4 has an even greater gel density. The drug should be injected only into the deep layers of the dermis. Indications for use: correction of deep wrinkles, nasolabial folds, but in principle it can also be successfully used to increase the volume of the cheekbones. Contains 24 mg/ml hyaluronic acid, needle size – 27G. The duration of the effect is 12 months. Release form - the package contains 2 syringes with a volume of 1.0 ml. The cost of 1 package is from 11,500 rubles.

2) Juvederm filler line using Vycross® technology –

  • Juvederm® Volbella is intended for injection into the superficial and middle layers of the dermis using a 30G needle or cannula of the same size. Contains 15 mg/ml hyaluronic acid. The drug is intended for the correction of superficial wrinkles in the forehead and around the mouth, as well as increasing the volume of the lips and correcting their contour. Juvederm Volbella is made using Vycross® technology, the effect lasts about 12 months. The package contains 2 syringes of 1.0 ml each, the cost of 1 package is about 16,000 rubles.

  • Juvederm® Volift is intended for injection into the deep layers of the dermis using 30G needles, or using 25, 27 or 30G cannulas. The main area of ​​application is moderate and deep wrinkles and nasolabial folds; it can be used to correct the volume and contour of the lips. The content of hyaluronic acid is 17.5 mg/ml. Juvederm Volift is made using Vycross® technology, the effect lasts up to 15 months. Release form - the package contains 2 syringes of 1.0 ml each, the cost of 1 package is about 16,000 rubles.

  • Juvederm® Voluma - intended for introduction into the deep layers of the dermis, or periosteum. The drug is administered using 27G needles or cannulas. The concentration of hyaluronic acid is 20 mg/ml. Juvederm Voluma is made using Vycross® technology, the effect lasts up to 18 months. It is used exclusively to add volume to the soft tissues of the face in the area of ​​the cheeks and cheekbones. Release form - the package contains 2 syringes of 1.0 ml each, the cost of 1 package is about 16,000 rubles.

Important: the concentration of hyaluronic acid cannot be a criterion indicating the duration of the effect of the drug. For example, if you compare one of the Restylane® fillers with a HA content of 20 mg/ml to any filler in the Juvederm® Ultra line with a content of 24 mg/ml, you may erroneously conclude that the second brand will have a longer duration of action. This is absolutely not true, because... The duration of action of fillers largely depends on the number and type of bonds between HA chains that are formed during its chemical modification.

Necessary recommendations

Women decide to undergo anti-aging procedures with some apprehension, but always hope for a positive, or even better, stunning result.
In order for the real effect to justify all your aspirations and wishes, you need to remember some precautions. You should definitely take into account the list of contraindications and refuse the procedure during the following periods:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • presence of inflammatory processes in the area of ​​filler injection;
  • emergence of infectious diseases.


  1. An important contraindication is the patient having problems with blood clotting.
  2. Several weeks before the procedure, you must stop taking blood thinning medications that can lead to increased bleeding or bruising.
  3. You need to make sure that you are not allergic to the components of the drug, including lidocaine or mannitol.
  4. After the procedure, the area where the filler was introduced should not be exposed to sunlight or high temperatures.
  5. In the first days, you should try not to strain the muscles on your face. Any touching of the face or massage are also contraindicated.

Following these basic rules will help you get lasting results without any complications.

Biorevitalization Juvederm Hydrate: reviews

The biorevitalization technique allows you to prolong the youth of your skin by introducing medicinal components into it. Unbound hyaluronic acid (native) is most often used as the main component of such products. Allergan Inc. produces 2 drugs that can be used for biorevitalization - these are “Juvederm Hydrate” and “Juvederm Volite”.

Juvederm® Hydrate –

Juvederm Hydrate is a gel based on native (i.e. unbound) hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin. The drug contains hyaluronic acid – 13.5 mg/ml, and mannitol – 9 mg/ml. As we said above, the life cycle of native hyaluronic acid molecules is only 24-48 hours, i.e. It is during this time that the HA content in the skin will return to its original state. Mannitol is an antioxidant that slightly slows down the rate of breakdown of HA chains, making the drug last a little longer.

Indications for use: the need to quickly improve hydration and, to some extent, skin elasticity, for example, after prolonged exposure to the sun, after exposure to adverse meteorological and toxic factors, in smokers. This effect develops due to the fact that the increased concentration of HA leads to the saturation of the dermis with water, and the function of endothelial cells is also activated. Improving the function of these cells stimulates angiogenesis and improves blood supply to the skin.

Administration technique - the drug is administered using a series of microinjections - to the depth where the epidermis passes into the superficial layer of the dermis. The needle insertion points are located at a distance of 3 mm from each other, the volume of the injected solution for each injection is 0.01 ml. Traditionally, doctors recommend 3-4 procedures (with a break of 3-4 weeks between them). The cost of 1 syringe of Juvederm hydrate for biorevitalization is the price of 4,000 rubles per 1.0 ml. The cost of the procedure in the clinic will be at least 10,000 rubles.

You must understand that Juvederm Hydrate for skin biorevitalization is not able to influence the collagen content of the skin, and therefore it is not a remedy for wrinkles. However, saturating the dermis with water can lead to an increase in skin thickness, which still causes a slight smoothing effect of wrinkles. The effect of increasing skin elasticity also occurs due to the increase in water content in the dermis, and the improvement in the appearance of the skin mainly occurs due to improved blood supply to the skin.

→ Official instructions for Juvederm Hydrate

Juvederm® Volite –

Juvederm Volite gel has been available since 2022. It differs from Juvederm Hydrate in that it is made with cross-linked non-animal hyaluronic acid. Thanks to this, it has a combined effect - it can be used both as a filler to fill superficial wrinkles, and as a means to increase skin hydration and elasticity. In the latter case, it is administered through a series of microinjections once every 9 months, but it should be noted that native unbound HA has a significantly stronger moisturizing effect than bound HA. The only advantage is that the drug does not require a course of treatment consisting of several injections.

The content of hyaluronic acid in it is 12.0 mg/ml, and it also contains 0.3% of the anesthetic lidocaine. Needle size 32G. The gel is injected into the middle layers of the dermis. The drug has been approved for administration to the face and neck, but in principle can be used in the décolleté and arms. There are currently no independent clinical studies on the effectiveness of the drug. However, a study conducted by the manufacturer involving 131 people showed that improvement in skin condition was observed after 1, 4 and 6 months. We consider this drug to be a purely marketing product and not suitable for biorevitalization procedures.

Reading the results published by the company, it is absolutely not clear whether the drug was used as a filler or as a biorevitalizant, what exactly was meant by improvement (whether it was smoothing out wrinkles, increasing elasticity or improving the appearance of the skin). But most importantly, the published information lacks objective criteria for its effectiveness. For example, comparison of hyaluronic acid content in skin samples taken before injections and 1, 3 and 6 months after injections could be considered objective criteria. The cost of Juvederm Volite is from 13,000 rubles per package (2 syringes of 1.0 ml each are included). The cost of the procedure in the clinic will be no less than 13,000 rubles per 1.0 ml.

→ Official instructions for Juvederm Volite

Juvederm Hydrate and Juvederm Volite injections: video

When you watch the first video, pay attention to the depth of the needle. According to the rules of Juvéderm Hydrate, it should be injected to a depth at which the epidermis passes into the upper layers of the dermis. It can be seen that in those places where the doctor inserts the syringe too deeply, vascular injury occurs. In this case, the risk of hemorrhage is higher and the healing time increases. After injection of Juvederm Hydrate, small papules will be visible on the skin for 3-4 days.

Complications after biorevitalization procedures are quite rare, and one of the most unpleasant is associated with the individual reaction of the skin to skin damage as a result of injections. You can easily find reviews on the Internet of patients who have barely noticeable bumps on the skin at the injection sites. Any injury in the skin activates a healing mechanism; in some patients this occurs with elements of fibrosis. Therefore, in patients in whom even minor skin damage has occurred with the formation of scars, it is better not to use this procedure.

Reviews about the biorevitalization procedure –

Reviews for Juvederm Hydrate biorevitalization will depend on the level of your expectations. If your goal is to quickly improve the appearance of your skin and make it more radiant (improve color, even out the texture a little), or you want to slow down skin aging, then you will certainly be satisfied. If you need express lifting or reducing the depth of wrinkles, then these drugs are not suitable for this.

But you shouldn’t believe cosmetologists who, in a rush to sell you a procedure, will advertise it as a remedy for wrinkles, or that it will help increase the collagen content of the skin. Mono-preparations of hyaluronic acid (not containing peptides, DNA-RNA complexes or DMAE) are not able to stimulate fibroblast function and collagen synthesis. You can read about this in the article on biorevitalization at the link below. But they stimulate blood circulation in the skin well, and also saturate the dermis with moisture, which increases its volume and improves skin elasticity.

To summarize, Juvederm Hydrate, containing only 13 mg/ml hyaluronic acid (equivalent to 1.3%) - in our opinion, is only suitable for patients about 25 years old for single procedures to prevent photoaging and age-related aging, or if you have been over-tanning for a long time. sun, or in winter, skin is dry from central heating. For patients 26-35 years old, we believe that higher concentrations of GC would be more appropriate - already about 1.8-2.0%.

In patients aged 35+, who usually already need express skin lifting and reduction in the depth of wrinkles, Juvederm Hydrate will not help with anything other than slightly improving skin color. But even in this case, it must be used in a course of 3-4 procedures. For patients 35+, for skin lifting and wrinkle reduction, components such as DMAE or DNA-RNA complexes are necessary. Read more about biorevitalization procedures using such drugs at the link below.

→ Biorevitalization and types of aging

Important: preparations with hyaluronic acid are suitable for biorevitalization procedures only in patients with finely wrinkled type of facial skin aging. If you start using HA for deformation/edema type of skin aging, you will only worsen the swelling and deformation of the face. Therefore, in patients with deformational type of aging, lymphatic drainage vascular injection of the face always comes first, together with biorevitalizants based on DNA-RNA complexes, DMAE, and only at the end of a course of treatment of 4-5 procedures can they add small concentrations of GC to the composition of the administered drugs (and then no more than 0.3-0.5%).

Using the link above, you can also read independent clinical studies that show that injections of mono-preparations of hyaluronic acid (or with additional vitamins) do not lead to an increase in collagen content. These data were obtained by analyzing histological skin samples taken before and several months after the injections. The only thing that was discovered was that a slight increase in collagen content occurs only at the points where the needle injures the skin during injection. Those. this is not due to hyaluronic acid, but to the healing mechanisms of damaged skin. By the way, this is precisely the principle used by laser skin rejuvenation techniques.

→ Skin rejuvenation with Fraxel lasers

Juvederm: price for 1.0 ml

For Juvederm injections, the price is calculated based on the amount of gel required. The prices below are based on 1.0 ml of gel –

  • Juvederm® Ultra 2 – from RUB 12,000.
  • Juvederm® Ultra 3 – from RUB 13,000.
  • Juvederm® Ultra 4 – from RUB 13,500.
  • Juvederm® Voluma – from RUB 14,500.
  • Juvederm® Volbella – from RUB 14,500.
  • Juvederm® Volift – from RUB 14,500.
  • Juvederm® Hydrate – from RUB 9,000.
  • Juvederm® Volite – from 13,000 rubles.

Safety and Precautions –

The use of Juvederm for cosmetic purposes is approved by the FDA (the most prestigious US medical organization for monitoring the quality of medications). This drug has a very high safety profile, but it should not be used in patients who are severely allergic to anything. Also, you should not inject the gel into the soft tissues of the face, which currently have an active inflammatory process. Juvederm should only be administered to a patient by a doctor, and in no case by nursing staff.

The most common side effects are: hematomas, redness, pain, hardness of the soft tissues of the face at the site of gel injection, swelling, bumps, itching of the skin. Most side effects do not last long and are not severe, disappearing within a maximum of 7 days. However, there are also complications such as granulomas that arise in soft tissues as a reaction of the body to a foreign body. This is a serious complication that requires injections of an enzyme that breaks down the filler, as well as the use of corticosteroid tablets. We hope that our article was useful to you!



, 2. Personal experience with fillers, 3. National Library of Medicine (USA), 4. https://www.juvederm.com/, 5. “Cosmetic dermatology” (L. Bauman), 6. “Injection methods in cosmetology” (B. Asher), 7. “Anatomy & volumizing injections” (Nabila Azib, Philippe Berros, Frederic Braccini, Olivier Claude).

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