Compare Baneocin in the form of ointment and powder | What's better

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In the struggle for healthy skin, people are divided into two camps. Some prefer traditional medicine recipes. Others trust pharmaceutical drugs, among which “Baneocin” for acne on the face enjoys stable popularity .

The product is produced by the Austrian pharmaceutical concern Sandoz GmbH in the form of ointment and powder.

It has a minimum of contraindications and has an effective effect on acne, boils, and purulent rashes.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Baneocin is an antimicrobial combination remedy used exclusively for topical (local) use and includes two antibacterial drugs, characterized by their pronounced bactericidal effect .

Neomycin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic bacterial protein synthesis . The activity of this antibacterial agent is manifested against many gram-positive and gram-negative bacterial microorganisms .

Bacitracin belongs to the group of polypeptide antibiotics that inhibit the replication processes of the bacterial cell membrane . The main antibacterial effect of this drug is observed against gram-positive microorganisms representing the genus Staphylococcus and Streptococcus , as well as against some gram-negative bacteria (resistance to bacitracin is very rarely formed).

The synergism (combined action) of these two antibacterial drugs leads to a significant increase in the therapeutic spectrum of action of bacitracin and an increase in its effectiveness against a number of microorganisms , in particular staphylococci .

When using the drug locally, absorption of its active ingredients, as a rule, is not observed (even when applied to damaged skin). However, at the time of therapy, their high concentration is detected in the skin.

This drug is characterized by good tissue tolerance , and therefore its use on large skin areas may cause systemic absorption.

General description of Baneocin

Baneocin is a product for external use, which is available in the form of ointment and powder. The two dosage forms are distinguished by the method of application and the content of excipients in the composition. There are two antibiotics as the main active components - bacitracin and neomycin.

The ointment includes such auxiliary elements as paraffin and lanolin, powder - starch containing up to 2% magnesium oxide. The product is available in tubes of 20 g and jars of 10 g.

The medicine is positioned as a drug with an antibacterial effect for the treatment of weeping and dry wounds of infectious and non-infectious origin.

Antibacterial substances in the composition have a bactericidal effect. They inhibit the synthesis of bacterial membranes and proteins, which leads to their death. The product is effective against streptococci and staphylococci, as well as some gram-negative bacteria.

Thanks to the combination of two antibiotics, a wide spectrum of drug activity is achieved against a number of pathogenic microorganisms. However, the medicine has many contraindications and the risk of side effects. Overdose is also possible.

Indications for use

The use of Baneocin ointment and Baneocin powder is indicated for the purpose of local therapy of infectious and inflammatory skin diseases that were caused by microorganisms sensitive to the active ingredients of the drug, including:

  • of umbilical infection in newborns ;
  • prevention of possible infectious complications after surgical ( dermatological ) manipulations, as additional therapy in the postoperative period after episiotomy , cauterization , tissue excision, treatment of weeping wounds , cracks and sutures ;
  • treatment of local bacterial skin infections trophic ulcerative lesions of the lower extremities, contagious weeping impetigo , infected eczema , bacterial diaper dermatitis , including bacterial complications caused by Varicella zoster and Herpes simplex .

Who is it suitable for?

Baneocin in different forms has some differences in terms of indications. There are conditions for which a specific type of drug will be more effective.

In what cases is Baneocin ointment prescribed:

  1. focal lesions of the skin - carbuncles and boils, including those that occur after surgery;
  2. staphylococcal lesions, purulent wounds, severe folliculitis;
  3. limited bacterial infections, including leg ulcers, infected eczema, dermatosis, contagious impetigo;
  4. prevention of infection after surgery.
  5. Baneocin powder has the following indications for use:
  6. prevention of umbilical infection in children;
  7. prevention of infection after surgery;
  8. bacterial skin infections in limited areas of the skin.

After surgery, the drug is used in combination therapy. The drug is also often prescribed in cosmetic surgery and skin transplantation.


It is prohibited to use any of the dosage forms of the drug when:

  • extensive skin lesions (due to the risk of an ototoxic effect manifested by hearing loss );
  • personal hypersensitivity to neomycin , bacitracin or other aminoglycosides ;
  • severe disorders of renal excretory function (due to renal or heart failure );
  • diagnosed pathologies of the cochleo-vestibular system (if systemic absorption of the active ingredients of the drug is possible);
  • diseases of the visual organs.

Side effects

Baneocin ointment and Baneocin powder, as a rule, do not lead to any negative effects when used topically on small problem areas of the skin and mucous membranes, which is why the ointment and powder of this drug are recommended for use specifically for the treatment of local infectious diseases .

With prolonged use, allergic manifestations , including dry skin , redness , skin rash / itching . Mostly these phenomena occur similar to contact eczema , in half of the cases they are provoked by cross- allergy to other aminoglycosides and are observed quite rarely.

of systemic negative effects is allowed , in most cases noted in the treatment of extensive skin lesions, when there is a high possibility of absorption of the active ingredients of the drug and the occurrence of its nephrotoxic and ototoxic neuromuscular conduction disorders .

Side effects

"Baneocin" is practically invisible on the skin and does not leave an oily film or unpleasant sensations when used.

If you apply it to rashes or affected areas pointwise , the drug will enter the blood in minimal quantities and will not affect the functioning of the kidneys, heart muscle, or nervous system.

In rare cases, in case of overdose, irritation, itching, and dry skin are observed in the treated areas. The use of the drug in case of individual intolerance may result in eczema.

If problems arise, you should stop using the product and immediately consult a dermatologist .

Instructions for use of Baneocin (Method and dosage)

Baneocin powder, instructions for use

The drug in powder form is indicated for use 2-4 times a day with a thin layer of it on the affected skin areas.

In the case of treating burns that occupy more than 20% of the patient’s body surface, the powder can be used only once every 24 hours, especially if the patient has reduced renal function (due to the possible absorption of active ingredients into the systemic circulation).

When used topically, the maximum daily dosage of neomycin can be 1 gram, which corresponds to the use of 200 grams of powder per week. A repeated therapeutic course requires reducing the weekly maximum dosage by half (up to 100 grams).

Baneocin ointment, instructions for use

The drug in the form of an ointment is allowed for use 2-3 times a day, for which Baneocin ointment is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin. You can practice applying ointment under the bandage .

It is possible to use the ointment in the postoperative period as an additional therapeutic agent. Application of the drug directly to bandages is preferable in the case of local treatment of infected wounds and cavities (including surgical scars healed by secondary intention and bacterial infections of the external auditory canal without damage to the eardrum ).

Research and effectiveness

The journal Acta Biomedica Scientifica published an article “Experience of using the drug Baneocin in the treatment of infected wounds, burns and trophic ulcers.” The author O.A. Buslaev, head of the surgical department, observed 50 patients with purulent-inflammatory skin infections who used Baneocin 2-3 times a day.

Based on the study, the author claims that the effectiveness of treatment with Baneocin is higher than standard therapy. The product was recommended for implementation in everyday practice due to its unique composition, the possibility of use at different stages of the disease and a convenient release form in two versions.


If systemic absorption of the active ingredients of the drug is possible, parallel use of aminoglycosides or cephalosporins increases the risk of nephrotoxic phenomena .

The combined administration of Baneocin with Furosemide or Ethacrynic acid increases the possibility of nephrotoxic and ototoxic reactions.

With observed systemic absorption, the combined use of Baneocin with muscle relaxants , anesthetics and opioid analgesics can lead to the development of neuromuscular blockade .

cases of incompatibility of neomycin and bacitracin with other medications.

special instructions

In the case of using dosages of Baneocin that significantly exceed the recommended ones, due to the possible absorption of its active ingredients, it is necessary to pay attention to negative symptoms that may indicate ototoxic or nephrotoxic reactions.

Due to the increased risk of toxic effects in patients with observed / kidney pathologies, urine and blood together with audiometric studies , both before the start of therapy and during treatment .

If during therapy the possibility of absorption of the active ingredients of the drug is allowed (in case of extensive skin damage), then there is a need to control the possible formation of symptoms of neuromuscular blockade , especially in patients with myasthenia , other neuromuscular pathologies , as well as acidosis . If neuromuscular blockade it is recommended to prescribe neostigmine calcium supplements .

Long-term use of Baneocin requires monitoring for a possible excessive increase in the number of resistant microorganisms , sometimes with the need to prescribe appropriate therapy.

Long-term use of Baneocin for the treatment of children with liver / kidney , as well as the use of the drug to treat large areas of skin, must be previously agreed with a doctor.

If superinfection or allergic manifestations , Baneocin therapy should be discontinued.

Systematic approach to the treatment of pimples and acne

Does Baneocin really help with acne? People who have used it under the supervision of a dermatologist have no doubt about this issue. However, in the fight for healthy skin, an integrated approach is important .

The diet should be adjusted : remove fast food, smoked foods, soda, sweets, introduce fermented milk products, cereals, vegetables and fruits into the diet.

Correct drinking regimen (at least 1.5 liters of water per day) will allow you to remove toxins

At the same time, it is advisable to drink a vitamin-mineral complex, get rid of bad habits, and focus on sports.

Sleep mode plays an important role , which is the key to health. All this, together with regular cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing the skin and using Baneocin for acne, will lead to success.


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Analogues of Baneocin ointment and powder are represented by medicinal products used for topical use (ointments, aerosols, creams, solutions):

  • Bactroban;
  • Altargo;
  • Gentamicin;
  • Chitosan-Ghent;
  • Levomycetin;
  • Tyrosur;
  • Sintomycin;
  • Fusiderm;
  • Neomycin;
  • Supirocin;
  • Fusicutane.

Baneocin for children

The use of the drug Baneocin is allowed for the treatment of children only after prior consultation with a pediatrician. Most often, I prescribe this powder and ointment for children for acne ( boils , carbuncles ), paronychia , hidradenitis , burns , and even for the treatment of chickenpox (chickenpox).

Reviews about Baneocin

Reviews of Baneocin ointment, as well as reviews of the powder of this remedy, are overwhelmingly positive. The use of this drug, both for the treatment of adult patients and for the treatment of children, really leads to rapid and high-quality healing of infected wound skin surfaces and almost never causes the development of any side effects.

Also, favorable reviews of Baneocin are left by young mothers who use the powder of this remedy to prevent possible umbilical infection in their newborn babies.

Baneocin receives a somewhat less positive assessment when used for acne and in the case of treating large affected skin areas, but in any case, the effectiveness of the drug remains high.

Description of the drug "Baneocin"

The drug "Baneocin" is based on the antibiotics bacitracin and neomycin . Their combined action helps get rid of pathogens (staphylococci, streptococci, actinomycete fungi, gram-negative bacteria) that provoke inflammatory processes in the skin.

"Baneocin" quickly eliminates inflammation in areas of any size if they are caused by microorganisms sensitive to the antibiotics in its composition.

Additional components of the drug ( lanolin and soft paraffin ) ensure its comfortable application.

"Baneocin" is intended for external use; it is produced in two forms :

  • powder (yellowish thick mass) in 10-gram plastic jars with a dispenser;
  • homogeneous yellowish ointment with a pronounced odor, packaged in 20-gram aluminum tubes.

Baneocin powder or ointment for acne is applied to damaged skin. Once in the skin, the antibiotics bacitracin and neomycin fight bacteria at the local level and gradually overcome skin imperfections.

The drug also has a drying effect , and after just a few uses you can notice a positive result. The product copes especially well with inflammatory acne.

When used according to the instructions, the drug enters the blood in minimal doses and is quickly eliminated from the body .

There is no need to worry about addiction, since bacteria are not able to form resistant strains to its components.

The maximum concentration of the active substance is observed at the site of application, which allows you to restore an even tone to the skin and get rid of rashes without affecting healthy areas.

"Baneocin" in the treatment of skin pathologies

"Baneocin" is prescribed for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to the antibiotics neomycin and bacitracin.

It is safe, effective, has a minimum of contraindications, and therefore is often used in the treatment of pustules and acne in the face, chest, and back.

"Baneocin" is actively used in the treatment:

  • boils;
  • abscesses;
  • purulent acne;
  • carbuncles;
  • streptoderma;
  • purulent infections (folliculitis, pyoderma).


"Baneocin" acne powder and ointment are safe for patients of any age.

However, they have a number of contraindications , which are taken into account before starting the treatment course. Contraindications include:

  • a large area of ​​pustular lesions (absorption of a large amount of medication into the blood can provoke hearing loss)
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding (components can penetrate the placenta and mother’s milk);
  • diseases of the kidneys, blood vessels, heart, excretory system;
  • disorders of the neuromuscular system, eye pathologies;
  • allergy to antibiotics, intolerance to aminoglycosides.

In case of contraindications, the doctor will help you find analogues . There are no drugs that contain active ingredients like Baneocin.

However, there are medications with a similar therapeutic effect: Neomycin, Gentamicin, Bonderm ointments, Fuzidin gel, Fusiderm cream and others.

Baneocin price, where to buy

The ointment and powder of the drug are approximately in the same price category. The price of Baneocin ointment is about 350-400 rubles, the price of Baneocin powder ranges from 360-420 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Baneocin powder for external use.
    approx. 10g Pharmazoitische Fabrik Montavit GmbH RUB 454 order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Baneocin (por. 10g) Montavit Fabrik

    422 rub. order

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  • Baneocin 10 g powder Pharmaceuticals Factory Montavit GesmbH/Sandoz GmbH, Austria/Austria
    103 UAH.order
  • Baneocin 20 g ointment Merck KgaA & Co. Werk Spittal/Sandoz GmbH-TechOps, Austria/Austria

    104 UAH order


  • Baneocin ointment Baneocin ointment 20g tube Austria, Sandoz

    109 UAH order

  • Baneocin Baneocin powder for external use 10g No. 1 Austria, Sandoz

    119 UAH order

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